
Hier werden Nachrichten über den Salafismus veröffentlicht.
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Diese Seite richtet sich nicht gegen Muslime und den Islam.
Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren.
Es ist wichtig über Fanatiker aufzuklären, um den Frieden und die Freiheit zu sichern.
Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben,
egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.

::: DOKUS :::
(Achtung: Youtube ist überschwemmt mit Videos, die salafistischen/islamistischen Einfluss besitzen.
Deshalb: Schaut euch die Accounts genau an!)

[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

::: DOKUS ENDE :::

Montag, 25. November 2013

Your 2 hourly digest for Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee

Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee
Hier werden Nachrichten über den radikalen Salafismus veröffentlicht. Was sind Salafisten? (Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr) Diese Seite richtet sich nicht gegen Muslime und den Islam.Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren. Es ist wichtig über Fanatiker aufzuklären, um den Frieden und die Freiheit zu sichern. Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben, egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion. 
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Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 23 Themen
Nov 25th 2013, 08:28, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 08:26AM  

    ‎ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    ‎ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    هام :
    مقتنيات عناصر من حزب ايران بعد قتلهم من قبل المجاهدين في الغوطة لشرقية ....
    Nov 25th 2013, 07:37
    ‫هام :
    مقتنيات عناصر من حزب ايران بعد قتلهم من قبل المجاهدين في الغوطة لشرقية .

    بعد أن استطاع المجاهدون من تحرير العديد من البلدات في الغوطة الشرقية و قاموا بقتل العديد من مرتزقة حزب ايران و الحرس الثوري الإيراني و عناصر من حزب ايران.


    م ش‬
    ‫هام / مقتنيات عناصر من حزب الله بعد قتلهم من قبل المجا...‬
    ‫هام / مقتنيات عناصر من حزب الله بعد قتلهم من قبل المجاهدين في الغوطة الشرقية . صورت بتاريخ 24-11-2013 بعد أن استطاع المجاهدون من تحرير العديد من البلدات في ا...‬
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 08:21AM  

    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    Knietief in der Kloake.....
    In Gaza-Stadt steht seit drei Wochen das einzige Kl...
    Nov 25th 2013, 08:21
    Knietief in der Kloake.....
    In Gaza-Stadt steht seit drei Wochen das einzige Klärwerk still. Es fehlen Strom und Diesel, um es zu betreiben. Für die Menschen ist das ein unerträglicher Zustand. Dabei wäre der Import von Diesel sogar möglich. Doch die Regierung weigert sich.

    ( M.L )
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 08:21AM  

    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    Knietief in der Kloake.....
    In Gaza-Stadt steht seit drei Wochen das einzige Kl...
    Nov 25th 2013, 08:21
    Knietief in der Kloake.....
    In Gaza-Stadt steht seit drei Wochen das einzige Klärwerk still. Es fehlen Strom und Diesel, um es zu betreiben. Für die Menschen ist das ein unerträglicher Zustand. Dabei wäre der Import von Diesel sogar möglich. Doch die Regierung weigert sich.

    ( M.L )
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 08:21AM  

    Einladung zum Paradies Facebook-Pinnwand
    Einladung zum Paradies Facebook-Pinnwand
    Täglich werden wir auf die Probe gestellt -
    und trotz guter Absichten stehen wi...
    Nov 25th 2013, 07:41
    Täglich werden wir auf die Probe gestellt -
    und trotz guter Absichten stehen wir manchen Prüfungen scheinbar hilflos gegenüber.
    Oh Allah, gib uns das Wissen, das uns nutzt, und gib uns den Nutzen durch dieses Wissen; mehre unser Wissen und erinnere uns an das, was wir vergessen haben. Amin
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 08:20AM  

    Eye On Palestines Facebook-Pinnwand
    Eye On Palestines Facebook-Pinnwand
    #Palestine: A #European human rights report reveals hundreds of European mercena...
    Nov 25th 2013, 07:22
    #Palestine: A #European human rights report reveals hundreds of European mercenaries who "volunteered" for service in Occupation army, the special forces took part in the killing of Palestinian civilians, especially in the #Gaza Strip.
    تقرير حقوقي أوروبي يكشف عن وجود مئات المرتزقة الأوروبيين الذين "يتطوعون" للخدمة العسكرية في صفوف جيش الاحتلال الإسرائيلي، ضمن قوات خاصة شاركت في قتل المدنيين الفلسطينيين لا سيما في قطاع غزة.
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 06:20PM  

    bushido - Social Mention
    "und das Mannsweib Bahar musste gehen, ich behalte nur die besten Acts" NUN SCHIEßT BAHAR GEGEN Farid Bang & Summer Cem PS: Findet ihr dass die rappen kann?
    Nov 20th 2013, 18:17
    "und das Mannsweib Bahar musste gehen, ich behalte nur die besten Acts"- das rappte der Rapper Bushido vor einiger Zeit. Nun veröffentlicht die Rapperin einen Track in dem sie sich vor allem bei Summer Cem revanchiert…
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 11:04PM  

    jihad - Social Mention
    What the Mehsud Strike Means for Fighting Global Terrorism
    Nov 20th 2013, 09:54
    Heritage Foundation - Found 1 hour ago... the two sides would discuss since Mehsud made clear that one of the TTP's main goals is to wage jihad against the "infidel" system of... Afghan Officials in Pakistan To Meet Taliban - Time Afghan officials in Pakistan to meet with Taliban's former deputy ... - Afghan High Peace Council in Pakistan to meet Taliban - Afghans in Pakistan for Taliban peace talks - Al Jazeera Explore All Islamic Republic News Agency
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 12:02PM  

    jihad - Social Mention
    Article principal: l'Imamat de FutaToro Sous la bannière unificatrice de l'Islam, les Peuls musulmans se sont révoltés contre les Peuls non-musulmans de la Denianke-Uni en 1776 sous la direction de Sileymaani Baal. La révolution islamique qui suit a créé le nouveau royaume du Fouta Toro, sous un gouvernement appelé Almamate (un terme dérivé de l'emprunt Pulaar de l'arabe al-imam). Avant la colonisation officielle de cet état a été affaibli par les incursions françaises et de l'effort par El Hadj Umar grand pour porter son jihad vers l'est (voir également Empire Toucouleur, ci-dessous).
    Nov 20th 2013, 12:00
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Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen
Nov 25th 2013, 08:20, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 08:19AM  

    Way to Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Way to Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    ★Guten Morgen liebe Geschwister,
    das Team von Way to Allâh wünscht euch eine Woc...
    Nov 25th 2013, 08:02
    ★Guten Morgen liebe Geschwister,
    das Team von Way to Allâh wünscht euch eine Woche voller freude und segen in Schâ´Allâh ★

    (¯`*•.¸¸♥ 20. MuHarram 1435 ♥¸¸.•*´¯)
    Möge Allâh uns unseren heutigen Tag.

    ☆★¸¤*¨¨*¤.¸ Denkt an die aufrichtige Absicht vor den guten Taten zu fassen. ¸¤*¨¨*¤.¸☆★
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 08:16AM  

    LIONS of Tawhiids Facebook-Pinnwand
    LIONS of Tawhiids Facebook-Pinnwand
    new episode out now
    Nov 25th 2013, 07:37
    new episode out now
    The Light Revelations Pt. 8 (Destruction Of The Ottoman Caliphate) HD
    The Light Revelations Is The 3rd & Final Season Of The Light Series. It Aims To Document & Educate About The Islamic Awakening, The Imminent Return To Khilaf...
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 08:16AM  

    LIONS of Tawhiids Facebook-Pinnwand
    LIONS of Tawhiids Facebook-Pinnwand
    In retrospect: Ibn Saud and the division of Iraq, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia
    Nov 25th 2013, 07:59
    In retrospect: Ibn Saud and the division of Iraq, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia

    Journalist Glenn Frankel describes how British High Commissioner Sir Percy Cox settled boundaries between Iraq, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia at a 1922 conference in Baghdad:

    "The meeting had gone on for five grueling days with no compromise in sight. So one night in late November 1922, Cox, Britain's representative in Baghdad, summoned to his tent Sheik Abdul-Aziz ibn Saud, soon to become ruler of Saudi Arabia, to explain the facts of life as the British carved up the remnants of the defeated Ottoman empire."

    "It was astonishing to see [ibn Saud] being reprimanded like a naughty schoolboy by His Majesty's High Commissioner and being told sharply that he, Sir Percy Cox, would himself decide the type and general line of the frontier," recalled Harold Dickson, the British military attaché to the region, in his memoirs.

    "This ended the impasse. Ibn Saud almost broke down and pathetically remarked that Sir Percy was his father and mother who made him and raised him from nothing to the position he held and that he would surrender half his kingdom, nay the whole, if Sir Percy ordered."

    Within two days, the deal was done. The modern borders of Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait were established by British Imperial fiat at what became known as the Uqair Conference.

    Taken from the "Lines in the Sand", Alan Geyer, p. 35
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 08:12AM  

    New Subscription Videos for taylinlove21
    Videoantwort auf DESO DOGG TOT IM JIHAD , Syrien 11/2013
    Nov 25th 2013, 07:33
    Videoantwort auf DESO DOGG TOT IM JIHAD , Syrien 11/2013
    Musa Almani du bist doch vor 2 Jahren vom Islam ausgetreten und hast wieder angefangen zu kiffen was sagst du da junge hast deine Frau und 2 Kinder sitzenlassen und hast dir ne Party alte gesucht und jetzt bist du vorzeige Muslim geworden oder was Laber kein Schrott junge deine Leute in Youtube kennen dich nicht da geht dein Film aber nicht bei uns das letzte mal als du mich in Face abgeschrieben hast hast du mich wegen Verleumdungen nicht mein salam erwidert hast dir eine Meinung über mich gefällt ohne mich angehört zu haben deswegen Dreh kein Film und rede nicht schlecht über Brüder die deine Islam Bücher Sammlung gekauft haben weil du damit nichts mehr zu tuen haben wolltest und der Bruder hat es von dir gekauft um es dir später wenn du mal klar in der Birne bist zurück zu geben und jetzt ist er ein junki hast wohl vergessen vor 1 jähr warst du Musik am aufnehmen jetzt bist du Ober Muslim kranker Typ 

    More in
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 08:10AM  

    khalifa - Social Mention
    LIL WAYNE OR KHALIFA ^^ !?! #Ryy
    Nov 25th 2013, 08:09
    YOUR RARE PRESENCE WILL BE HIGHLY APPRECIATED in our Century Spire Event on November 29 and 30, Friday and Saturday in Armani Hotel Dubai Burj Khalifa 1 Mohammed Bin Rashid Blvd Downtown (Board Room, Lobby Area). Registration starts at 2:00 PM and presentation proper will start at 2:30 PM. All activity will end by 5:00 PM. To give details about our latest project kindly check our attachments below. Also, here is the link of Century Spire website: You may also view our current AVP of Century Spire, here is the link for that: DESIGNER DEVELOPER INSPIRATION AMENITIES CENTURY SPIRE UNITS KINDLY ADVISE US OF YOUR PREFERENTIAL DATE: FRIDAY, 29th NOVEMBER, 2PM to 5PM or SATURDAY, 30th NOVEMBER, 2PM to 5PM RSVP ________________________________________________________ DURING THE EVENT LOOK FOR: BOJIE FABRO AVP / Project Director Century Properties Group, Inc. Mobile No.: +971-569672988 Roaming No.: +63917-8478255
    Nov 25th 2013, 08:09
    Salah Hasaballah Ahmed Fathy Rizk Hosny Abd El Razik Sara Alaa Ahlăm Almăsry Dr.Michel Fahmy Dr-Nabil ElAttar DrKamal Younes Doaa Khalifa Dr-Amr Eldemardash Dr-Shaaban Ayman Daniel Dr-Aly El-sayyad Dr-Ali Shushan Doha Abdelhamid
    Nov 25th 2013, 08:09
    أن تأتى متأخراً خير من ألا تأتى أبداً. بعد تباطؤ يصل إلى حد التواطؤ أفاقت حكومة الببلاوى واستفاقت، وقررت مراجعة قرارات العفو الرئاسية التى أصدرها الرئيس المعزول للمجرمين من الأهل والعشيرة، المراجعة القضائية لأسماء الإرهابيين والقتلة، إن صح العزم عليها، تنقصها مراجعة حتمية لكل قرارات العفو التى أصدره...
    Iran nuke deal fuels anger, jitters in Mideast
    Nov 25th 2013, 08:09
    JERUSALEM – Israel's prime minister harshly condemned the international community's n ...
    As Dubai aggressively pursues world Expo, fears arise over inflating real estate bubble
    Nov 25th 2013, 08:09
    DUBAI, United Arab Emirates - Climb Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa's highest peak, and you might spot an unusual banner: A flag placed by six climbers emblazoned with the logo of Dubai's bid to host a World's fair in 2020. In Dubai, the logo is also plastered on police cars, convenience store bags,
    Wiz Khalifa - The Race
    Nov 25th 2013, 08:08
    Rolling Papers
    MAA KI AZMAT; "Jab madina main ISLAM aam ho chuka, to NABi (SAW) ne farmaya: "AGAR AAJ MERI MAA ZINDA HOTI, MAIN NAMAZ-E-ISHAA MAIN KHARA HOTA, OR MERI MAA HUJRAY SAY MUJHE AWAZ DETI, O'Muhammad (SAW).! TO KHUDA KI KASAM, MAIN FARZ NAMAZ CHOR KAR DORRTA HUA JATA, OR MAA K QADMON MAIN GIR JATA... ... MAA" ki ek DUA zindagi bana degi Khud royegi magar tume hansa degi Kahi bhool ke bhi na "MAA" ko rulana ek choti si ghalti poora Arsh hilla degi {respect} ..your.. ..Mother.. Maa kho kar dobara nahi milti #Khalifa
    Nov 25th 2013, 08:08
    Museveni 19th richest president List of heads of government and state by net worth Owns businesses in Sweden, Iceland, and 7 hotels in Bahamas This is a list of heads of state and government by the net worth of their liquid assets. This list does not include property and other material goods. 1. Hassanal Bolkiah -Sultan of Brunei - $28 billion 2. Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom and Commonwealth Realms, - total assets $21 billion 3. Abdullah of Saudi Arabia - King of Saudi Arabia - $21 billion 4. Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahayan, President of the United Arab Emirates - $19 billion 5. Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Prime Minister and Vice President of the United Arab Emirates, ruler of Dubai - $14 billion 6. Henri, Grand Duke of Luxembourg - $5 billion 7. Beatrix, Queen of the Netherlands - $4.7 billion[1] 8. Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, Chairman of the Expediency Discernment Council of Iran, and his family - $4.1 billion 9. Hans-Adam II, Prince of Liechtenstein - $4 billion 10. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Prime Minister of Turkey - $2 billion 11. Albert II, Prince of Monaco - $1 billion 12. Fidel Castro, President of Cuba - $900 million (disputed [1][2] Forbes estimate based on Cuba's GDP [3]) 13. Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, President of Equatorial Guinea - $600 million 14. Harald V, King of Norway - $240 million 15. Mswati III, King of Swaziland - $50 million 16. Ferenc Gyurcsány, Prime Minister of Hungary - $16 million [4] 17. Călin Popescu-Tăriceanu, Prime Minister of Romania - $15 million 18. George W. Bush, President of the United States - $15 million 19.#Yoweri Museveni, President of Uganda - $11 million 20. Margrethe II, Queen of Denmark - $10 million 21. Carl XVI Gustaf, King of Sweden - $9 million 22. Jacques Chirac, President of the French Republic - $9 million 23. Helen Clark, Prime Minister of New Zealand - $5 million 24. Hosni Mubarak, President of Egypt - $5 million 25. Tony Blair, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom - $3 million 26. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, President of the Philippines - $1.3 million
    Nov 25th 2013, 08:06
    My latest FREE MIX is now available for FREE DOWNLOAD! Get it here: Tracklist: Skream ft Sam Frank - Rollercoaster (Dub Edit) Ninetoes - Finder Julio Bashmore - Peppermint Storm Queen - Look Right Through (Mk Dub III) Storm Queen - Look Right Through (GotSome Animal Style VIP Remix) Doctor Dru vs WildChild - Don't Renegade Master (Mike Dem & Derek Reiver M.UP) Sub Focus - Endorphins (Ft. Alex Clare) (Dismantle Remix) AlunaGeorge - You Know You Like It (Tchami Remix) Donkie Punch - One Day (Original Mix) Drake - Hold On, We're Going Home (Kastle Remix) Aloe Blacc - I Need A Dollar (Zinc Remix) Dr Dre & Snoop Dog - The Next Episode (Delavita Bootleg) R Kelly vs Waze & Odyssey - Bump N Grind (Waze & Odyssey Remix) Avicii Vs Robin S - Show Me Lovels (Chris McCannical Bootleg) Daft Punk X Swedish House Mafia - One More Time (Laidback Luke X Jenil Bootleg) Cosmic Funk vs. Edwin Starr - War (Cosmic Funk Bootleg) Avicii ft. Aloe Blacc - Wake Me Up (Extended Mix) The White Stripes - Seven Nation Army (Tommy Trash Bootleg) 2 Chainz ft. Wiz Khalifa - We Own It (Dj Pasha Lee & Dj Vitaco Remix) OneRepublic - Counting Stars (Politik Remix) Eminem & Rihanna - Monster (CLX Remix) Rihanna - Pour It Up (The Cataracs & Borgeous Remix) Ellie Goulding - Burn (Tiesto Remix) Fugees - Killing Me Softly (DJ Lil Roy House Big Room Surprise Banger) Showtek Feat. We Are Loud! & Sonny Wilson - Booyah Steve Angello Vs Faithless Vs Yolanda B Cool - Put Your Hands Up for Knass Bob Marley - Outta Space (Remix) Blur - Song 2 (Extended Floorfiller) Wheatus - Teenage Dirtbag (Lexx & Mill Electrock Remix) Sultan, Ned Shepard, Fedde Le Grand - No Good (Extended Mix) Nari, Milani & Otto Knows - Million Atoms To Apologize (Euan Cross Reboot) Avicii X Knife Party X Icona Pop X Hardwell X Martin Garrix - Silhouettes LRAD I Love Jumper Animals 2 Unlimited - Get Ready (Steve Aoki Extended) Muzzaik, Dave Martin vs. Florence + The Machine vs. Mark Knight vs. Knife Party - You've Got To Go LRAD (Element 45 Mashup) Major Lazer - Watch Out For This (Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike Remix) Fatboy Slim & Riva Starr Feat Beardyman - Eat Sleep Rave Repeat (Calvin Harris Remix) Rage Against The Machine - Killing In The Name (Mashd N Kutcher Remix)
    Nov 25th 2013, 08:05
    Mershed Perterter (Mashed Potato) is an inspired mashup mix recorded live using Serato, Pioneer CDJ 2000s / Nexus & Mixer. Totally random and e...
    20th November
    Nov 25th 2013, 08:04
    GS: Nice view of the Burj Khalifa and the Dubai Fountain from Asado restaurant.
    TOP 40 COUNTDOWN (24 - 30 November 2013) Weekly #40 ARTIST / SINGLE / ALBUM / LABEL Now Last 1 2 Maejor Ali feat. Justin Bieber & Juicy J (Single / Island Def Jam) – Lolly 2 5 Christina Aguilera (Alb. The Hunger Games: Catching Fire – OMPS / RCA) – We Remain 3 6 Avril Lavigne feat. Chad Kroeger (Alb. Avril Lavigne / Epic) – Let Me Go 4 9 Calvin Harris & Alesso feat. Hurts (Single / Sony Music) – Under Control 5 10 Lady Gaga feat. R. Kelly (Alb. Artpop / Interscope) – Do What U Want 6 16 Katy Perry (Alb. Prism / Capitol) – Unconditionally 7 17 McFly (Single / Island) – Love is on the Radio 8 20 Jessie J (Alb. Alive / Republic) – Thunder 9 19 Ariana Grande feat. Big Sean (Alb. Yours Truly / Republic) – Right There 10 18 The Wanted (Alb. Word of Mouth / Island) – Show Me Love (America) 11 1 Justin Timberlake (Alb. The 20/20 Experience 2 of 2 / RCA) – TKO 12 3 Justin Bieber (Single / Island) – Heartbreaker 13 4 Pink (Alb. The Truth About Love / RCA) – Walk of Shame 14 7 Demi Lovato (Alb. OST. Frozen / Disney) – Let It Go 15 8 Pitbull feat. Kesha (Single / RCA) – Timber 16 21 One Direction (Alb. Midnight Memories / Columbia) – Story of My Life 17 23 Taylor Swift (Alb. OST. One Chance / Big Machine) – Sweeter Than Fiction 18 24 Ellie Goulding (Alb. OST. About Time / Decca) – How Long Will I Love You? 19 25 Geri Halliwell (Single / Sony Music) – Half of Me 20 22 Tyga ft Justin Bieber (Alb. The Gold Album / Universal-Island Records) – Wait for a Minute 21 31 Eminem feat. Rihanna (Alb. The Marshall Mathers LP 2 / Interscope) – The Monster 22 34 Fifth Harmony (EP. Better Together / Epic) – Better Together 23 35 Bastille (Alb. Bad Blood / Virgin) – Things We Lost In Fire 24 32 Dev feat. Sage the Gemini (EP. Bittersweet July / Island) – Kiss It 25 33 Dido (Alb. Greatest Hits / RCA) – NYC 26 11 Mike Will Made It feat. Miley Cyrus, Wiz Khalifa & Juicy J (Single / Interscope) – 23 27 12 Agnez Mo feat. Timbaland & T.I. (Single / Agnez Mo) – Coke Bottle 28 13 Enrique Iglesias (Single / Republic) – Heart Attack 29 14 John Mayer feat. Katy Perry (Alb. Paradise Valley / Columbia) – Who You Love 30 15 Lorde (Alb. Pure Heroine / Universal Music) – Team 31 37 A Great Big World ft Christina Aguilera (Alb. Is There Anybody Out There? / Epic) – Say Something 32 40 Tae Yang (Alb. Rise / YG Entertainment) – Ringa Linga 33 39 Austin Mahone (Alb. Junior Year / Republic) – Banga! Banga! 34 36 Britney Spears (Alb. Britney Jean / RCA) – Perfume 35 38 Ed Sheeran (Alb. OST. The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug / Decca Records) – I See Fire 36 NEW Mariah Carey (Alb. The Art of Letting Go / Island) – The Art of Letting Go 37 NEW Lily Allen (Single / Parlophone) – Hard Out Here 38 NEW Avicii (Alb. True / Universal) – Hey Brother 39 NEW ft Miley C, Wiz K & French Montana (Alb willpower / Interscope) – Feeling My Self 40 NEW Yuna (Alb. Nocturnal / Universal Music) – Falling
    Nov 25th 2013, 08:03
    A man who treats women like a princess is proof that he was born and raised in the arms of a queen.
    Nov 25th 2013, 08:01
    Wiz Khalifa-Young Wild And Free #play
    Nov 25th 2013, 08:00
    Dubai world Expo bid inflates real estate bubble;_ylt=AwrSyCTyBZNSlwsAe.z_wgt.
    Nov 25th 2013, 08:00
    DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — Climb Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa's highest peak, and you might spot an unusual banner: A flag placed by six climbers emblazoned with the logo of Dubai's bid to host a World's fair in 2020.
    Dubai burj khalifa cel mai mare turn din lume
    Nov 25th 2013, 07:59
    Wiz Khalifa - Taylor Gang # Og From The West Coast.
    Nov 25th 2013, 07:58
    Fact u Wiz khalifa uhleka kab'hlungu shame
    Nov 25th 2013, 07:58
    Nov 25th 2013, 07:57
    There's a reason why your heart is located on your left, because its not always Right. Wiz Khalifa
    Nov 25th 2013, 07:57
    Wiz Khalifa and Rick Ross standing next to each other looks like the number 10
    Nov 25th 2013, 07:56
    NEW COLLECTIONS!! Lily Allen (Single / Parlophone) – Hard Out Here Welcome back, miss Lily Allen. Setelah vakum cukup lama, dia menghadirkan kembali single paling barunya yang berjudul Hard Out There. Ditulis oleh Allen bersama Greg Kurstin, Hard Out There akan kembali mengingatkan kenapa Allen merupakan salah satu penyanyi pop terbaik saat ini. Witty lyric, laidback tune, cozy synthpop yang dikemas dalam barisan melodi cathcy. Allen dikabarkan juga tengah mengerjakan album ketiganya. Single dirilis pada tanggal 17 November. Mariah Carey (Alb. The Art of Letting Go / Island) – The Art of Letting Go The Art of Letting Go merupakan single kedua Mariah Carey dari album terbarunya yang berjudul sama. Senang sekali mendengarkan Carey kembali ke akar RnB-nya yang lebih organis, tanpa gimmick-gimmick yang "meriah". Polesan gospel di dalamnya semakin mempertebal kesan itu. The Art of Letting Go murni menampilkan kekuatan vokal Carey dan lagu yang menggugah. Single dirilis pada tanggal 11 November. Leona Lewis (Alb. Christmas, with Love / RCA) – One More Sleep Leona Lewis akan merilis album keempatnya. Namun, ini merupakan album istimewa karena merupakan sebuah album natal, Chritmas, with Love. Dan One More Sleep merupakan single pertama dari album yang banyak berisi lagu-lagu populer yang dinyanyi ulang tersebut. One More Sleep merupakan sebuah pop-soul yang ceria dan merupakan salah satu lagu orisinil untuk album itu. Single dirilis pada tanggal 5 November. Avicii (Alb. True / Universal) – Hey Brother Hey Brother merupakan single ketiga Avicii untuk album debutnya, True. Single ini masih mengikuti trend folk-influenced song yang tengah berkembang saat ini dan juga menyusul single pertama album ini, Wake Me Up. Kehadiran anggota band pengusung bluegrass, Alison Krauss and Union Station, Dan Tyminski, sebagai pengisi vokal. Hey Brother masih menunjukkan kemampuan Avicii dalam meramu progressive house yang berbalut folk yang sedap didengar. Single dirilis pada tanggal 28 Oktober. feat. Miley Cyrus, Wiz Khalifa & French Montana (Alb. #willpower / Interscope) – Feeling My Self merencanakan untuk merilis ulang album #willpower dengan menambahkan beberapa lagu baru termasuk Feeling My Self ini yang diset


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 08:09AM  

    Im a Muslim & Im Prouds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Im a Muslim & Im Prouds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Reported by `Imran bin Hussain (RA): I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace be up...
    Nov 25th 2013, 08:00
    Reported by `Imran bin Hussain (RA): I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) saying, "Between time of the creation of Adam and the Resurrection Day, there is nothing greater than the mischief of Dajjal (the Antichrist).'' [Muslim]
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 projekt lies - Social Mention: Liebe Community! Unbedingt zu Ende lesen! Wir möchten hiermit einerseits zu vielen Anfragen Stellung beziehen und brauchen auch eure Hilfe, denn nur gemeinsam sind wir stark! Für Demonstrationen ist es momentan noch zu früh. Wir sind seit kurzem mit der Bundesschülervertretung (und Bundesschulsprecherin Angi Groß, die sich gestern in der ZIB24 im ORF für uns eingesetzt hat) in Kontakt und wollen dem BMUKK und dem BiFie vorerst noch im Dialog unsere Forderungen präsentieren. Das wird die nächsten Tage passieren und es wurden uns schon Gesprächstermine zugesichert. Dazu werden wir ein Ultimatum stellen, bis zu dem Datum die Umsetzung unserer Forderungen zugesichert sein muss. Passiert bis zu dem Ultimatum nichts – dann wollen wir weitere Schritte einleiten. Demonstrationen sind dabei sicher eine Möglichkeit – nur muss das gut, sogar sehr gut, organisiert werden. Die Bundesschülervertretung und unsere Facebook-Seite verfügen über ein österreichweites Netzwerk, den Kontakt zu Medien und auch das Know-How von Demonstration (damals 2009 gegen die Streichung der schulautonomen Tage). Daher raten wir ab, jetzt Schnellschüsse zu ziehen. Probieren wir es die nächsten Tage über den offiziellen Weg. Wenn das nichts hilft, müssen wir uns eh was anderes überlegen. Jetzt brauchen wir eure Hilfe. 1.) Postet auf diesen Beitrag die Dinge, die euch stören und geändert werden müssen. 2. Wir brauchen Ergebnisse von (Mathe-Englisch)-Schularbeiten. Schickt uns Infos über das Ergebnis (wie viel Schüler, Anzahl 1er, 2er…, 5er) und welche Klasse und Schule. Gerne könnt ihr das auch per Privatnachricht machen, damit das anonym bleibt. Wir sind genauso aufgebracht wie jeder einzelne von euch! Nur wir müssen das ganze überlegt angehen. Deswegen liket und teilt diesen Beitrag, damit möglichst viele von diesem Vorhaben erfahren. Gemeinsam kommen wir zu unserem Ziel!
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 10:44PM  

    projekt lies - Social Mention
    Liebe Community! Unbedingt zu Ende lesen! Wir möchten hiermit einerseits zu vielen Anfragen Stellung beziehen und brauchen auch eure Hilfe, denn nur gemeinsam sind wir stark! Für Demonstrationen ist es momentan noch zu früh. Wir sind seit kurzem mit der Bundesschülervertretung (und Bundesschulsprecherin Angi Groß, die sich gestern in der ZIB24 im ORF für uns eingesetzt hat) in Kontakt und wollen dem BMUKK und dem BiFie vorerst noch im Dialog unsere Forderungen präsentieren. Das wird die nächsten Tage passieren und es wurden uns schon Gesprächstermine zugesichert. Dazu werden wir ein Ultimatum stellen, bis zu dem Datum die Umsetzung unserer Forderungen zugesichert sein muss. Passiert bis zu dem Ultimatum nichts – dann wollen wir weitere Schritte einleiten. Demonstrationen sind dabei sicher eine Möglichkeit – nur muss das gut, sogar sehr gut, organisiert werden. Die Bundesschülervertretung und unsere Facebook-Seite verfügen über ein österreichweites Netzwerk, den Kontakt zu Medien und auch das Know-How von Demonstration (damals 2009 gegen die Streichung der schulautonomen Tage). Daher raten wir ab, jetzt Schnellschüsse zu ziehen. Probieren wir es die nächsten Tage über den offiziellen Weg. Wenn das nichts hilft, müssen wir uns eh was anderes überlegen. Jetzt brauchen wir eure Hilfe. 1.) Postet auf diesen Beitrag die Dinge, die euch stören und geändert werden müssen. 2. Wir brauchen Ergebnisse von (Mathe-Englisch)-Schularbeiten. Schickt uns Infos über das Ergebnis (wie viel Schüler, Anzahl 1er, 2er…, 5er) und welche Klasse und Schule. Gerne könnt ihr das auch per Privatnachricht machen, damit das anonym bleibt. Wir sind genauso aufgebracht wie jeder einzelne von euch! Nur wir müssen das ganze überlegt angehen. Deswegen liket und teilt diesen Beitrag, damit möglichst viele von diesem Vorhaben erfahren. Gemeinsam kommen wir zu unserem Ziel!
    Nov 20th 2013, 20:08
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Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen
Nov 25th 2013, 08:09, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 08:09AM  

    Lies Siegburgs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Lies Siegburgs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Frohe Botschaft
    Meine liebe Geschwister
    Im Islam Al Salam u aleikum
    Mit der Bes...
    Nov 25th 2013, 07:34
    Frohe Botschaft

    Meine liebe Geschwister
    Im Islam Al Salam u aleikum
    Mit der Bestellung von Heute
    über 50.000 Exemplare, die inscha Allah nächste Woche produziert,haben
    wir die erste 1 Million Quran
    Übersetzung erreicht.

    Am 12.12.2013 erhalten wir auch die erste Lieferung der
    russische,bosnische,französische und Spanische Übersetzungen inscha Allah

    Diese Exemplare in 4 europäische Sprachen werden kostenlos an allen Lies! Infostände in den Ländern (Deutschland,Österreich,Schweiz,Spanien,Ukraine,Tunesien,Marroko,Egypten,Türkei und Bosnien ) verteilt werden

    Möge Allah uns Ikhlas und Geduld geben
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 08:07AM  

    kufar - Social Mention
    Sajda kroun to kufar hai, sajda na kroun to kufar Aaya hai ye muqaam , tumhein daikhne k baad
    Nov 25th 2013, 07:52
    Hari kiamat "Dan mereka berkata padamu (Muhammad) bilakah datangnya hari kiamat?? Jika kamu org Yg benar?? Maka jawablah, Sesungguhnya aku hanyalah penyampai amaran, hanya Allah swt Yg mengetahui bila dtgnya hari tersebut, Dan bila dekatnya hari tersebut, wajah mereka Yg kufar bertukar hitam dan kesedihan, dan dikatakan kepada mereka, "inilah hari Yg kamu nnti kan!!"
    Nov 25th 2013, 07:48
    Full lecture in 1080p: ►►► Facebook : ►►► Twitter : ►►► Google ...
    Nov 25th 2013, 07:40
    مین شاہراہ فیصل پر با لمقابل ائر پورٹ شیعہ کی صحابہ کرام رضی اللہ عنہم پر تبرائی وال چاکنگ (نعوذباللہ)
    الدنيا هو الجنة الكفار و هذا الدنيا هو السجن المؤمنين السجن المسلمين Al dunya huwa aljannahtul kufar wa hadhaa aldunya huwal siyjin almu'mineen al siyjinul muslimeen.. So dunya na nyaba so surga nu mga kafr endo nyaba dunya na namba so bilangguwan no mga mu'mineen no mga muslimeen Ngen antu ka nadtalu a SURGA nu mga kafr so dunya? Kagina so kafr siya kanu dunya na daludaya silan pinggulan bilan tanan e kalinian nilan kanu ginawa nilan dala haram salkanilan ka tanan din pinggulan dala katawan nilan a haram sa langun kanu kadudunyay dala gelek nilan ko allah tembu nadtalu sa surga nilab so dunya ka nyanilan bu pagetungin na tempo siya sa dunya kadudunyay bu e lekanilan pangangayadan silan.. Ngen menem antu ka naupaman sa mana bilangguan nu mga muslim so dunya dkina NARAKA ah ka dala malabit e dunya a naraka nu mga muslim ka nyabu nalabit na siyjin ngen e siyjin?bilangguwan ngentu ka bilangguwan nu muslim e naupaman ko dunya?kagina so tidtu tidtu a muslim na dala kakwa a kyug nin ngentu languna inisapal kanu muslim langun na haram kanu muslim dala makabpalyugat kanu muslim e maya endo manan ka dusa a masla siksa a malipedes e mauma nin ko mauli a gay kauma nu yawmul qiyyamah so muslim na adin salkanin so gelek pan ko kapatay adin pan salkanin e makapamikir kanu kapatay ko qiyamah so muslim na dkina pamon pindayudaya ko kadudunyay dkina nin pamon tanan pamikirin so kadudunyay ka adin panon salkanin so gelek ko allah taallah.. Bali nya e o tidtu tidtu ka a daka malangkom kanu mga kafr entu pamagilay ilay ka kun e ginawa nengka endaw ka samana nakalusod? Oh kalangan nengka ko ginawa nengka e dala ka atawka dili ka papilusod ko surga nu mga kafr na bai datu babo kaka tuwa ina ama bapa soled pagali pagetung ka sa masasaw ngen e masasaw a pagetungen?nya masasaw na so kaumbal ko ginawa kadtawbat ka saben sabenal nin na so allahu a malimo a mangampon kanu ulipen nin dli tanu.kasigulo saguna namag namisendaw ngen a gay ngen a oras ka matay tanu panun din e manggula tanu? Upaman nu kafr endu so muslim a salih So muslim a salih ka minatay sekanin guna din sekanin matay.ka guna din kaliguwi so minatay a salih na namasad limigu na pinutos sa maputi nyalun kinapasad klna sinapwat nu madakil ka pidsambayang din so minatay.guna din pananggita nu madakil so muslim a salih na nya madtalo nu minatay na Qaddimooni Qaddimooni Qaddimooni Ngen entuba nyanin antu pidtalun na (upaman dala problema salaki anggit ako nu lusa lebeng ya ayyuhan naas)dli malido e ginawa nin sabap kanu sekanin a salih Sa guna din.ibetad lu kanu ubay nu kuboor nin na panawagin ni lebengan din sa saki su walay nengka a sa didalem ba lupa saki so walay nengka a dala tagapda nengka saki so walay nengka a midtagapda sa papan saki so walay.nengka a dalem nin so mga uled saki so walay nengka a lupa. Guna so mawa din so mga tao a lebeng kanu salih a tao na nakauma din so MALAIKATAYN duwakataw a malaikat mana si munkar endu si nakir sa pipyanan nilan so minatay ka bangunin nilan sa enggan nilan sa INTIHAN exam pangingidsan nilan so salih na o salih na maya e kasumpat nin kanu idsa nu munkar wa nakir MAN RABBUK? mama a salih semumpat RABBI ALLAH MIN HADHA RAJUL HUWA YASF ILAYKOM? sumpat nu salih HUWA RASULULLAH MAN IMAMOK? sumpat nu salih IMAAMUL QUR'AN KHAYFA TAARIF HADHAA QUR'AN HUWAL IMAMOK? simumpat so salih LAA ANNA QARA'TU WA FAHAMTU WA AMALTAHO MA YAKUL nakapas so salih napya ginawa nin ka nakapas kanu exam nabukatan so surga salkanin guba nin mauma so kapya pya na surga sa dala idsan nin na adin nakauma a mama salkanin a salih bun nyanin pidtalu HADHAA KHALAQ HASANAT YA AYYUHAL RAJUL MAN YA'MAL AMAL ALLAH IFTAHU BAAB UL JANNAH so kafr a minatay guna din matay so kafr (atawka so dala paginugot) Guna din pangingidsay nu malaikatayn na MAN RABBUK? Sumpat nin LAA LAA LAA ADRIY binitayn menem nu malaikat so tao a dkina salih Indsan menem saluman MIN HADHA RAJUL HUWA YASF ILAYKOM? sumpatin (huuh huuh huuh laa laa laa adriy) Nabitayn menem a putaw a sangat so kaslanin so kafr Inidsan saluman MAN IMAMOK? Sumpatin laa laa laa adriy Dala makapas so kafr binitayn ka binitay sa putaw a masla a sangat so kasla a malo mabebenaning pan ka pakaunot sa apoy binitay nu malaikatayn taman sa nakalesek ka nakalesek taman din sa nakadidalem ko lupa sa pidsalupitan nu lupa taman sa bitayn ka bitayn bun taman sa pidtukan na uled a sangat so kasla nin a uled ka tegen endu so malaikat namab so kinasupak nengka kinapandalbut endu langun din dala nengka palityayan..taman din sa nakauma din sa pigkalaw kalaw a apoy a apoy sa naraka (so allah taallah a sangat a malimo kanu ulipen nin a sangat a mangampon ko ulipen nin a mangini sa ampon endu tawbat salkanin a allah so allah na maulad a gay ininggay nin para ko kambago tanu paidu bu a benal e panginin salkitanu a sangat a ditanu pamon magaga na para bun salkitanu tanan endu knu kakalimo nin salkitanu.. Ya allah Ya allah Ya allah Ampon kami nengka kanu mga dusa nami kanu mga lukes ko ali ko kaka ko babo ko bapa ko pakat ko langkom din so tanan tanan sa dunya a mga muslimaynnn ya allah itangka kami nengka kanu siksa a malipedes ipapalayun nengka salkami su simba salka sa o dili nami manggula atawka taman sa dli kami nakasimba sa umab waqtu a wagib nengka salkami ba dli kami mamakadigka ikabuneg nami ya allah di kanggula ko wagib nengka salkami ya allah ampin kami nengka endu palalayun ka kano pamusungan nami so gelek salka palalayun ka salkami so simba salka endu so langun langun din a nakabpalyugat salkami a mga ulipen nengka ASTAGHFIRULLAH3* WALLAHU A'LAMEEN.
    Nov 25th 2013, 07:11
    Laa Phir Ik Baar Wahi, Baada-o-Jaam Ay Saaqi ... Beautiful Kalam of Iqbal Sahib sung By Shabnum Majeed
    Nov 25th 2013, 07:09
    All these dead Shia kufar on my news feed is making me so happy :) May Allah give Victory to the Mujahideen AMEEN
    Nov 25th 2013, 07:06
    Shia kufar militia prisoners! ALLAHUAKBAR.
    Nov 25th 2013, 07:04
    Kami bawakan bahagian terakhir dari antara 10 Logika dasar penangkal Syiah yang dapat kita gunakan untuk mematahkan pemikiran-pemikiran kaum Syiah. Insya Allah tulisan ini boleh dimanfaatkan untuk secara praktis melindungi diri, keluarga, dan Ummat Islam dari propaganda-propaganda Syiah. Amin Allahumma amin. Jika ada benarnya, hal itu semata merupakan karunia Allah Azza Wa Jalla. Kalau ada kesalahan, khilaf, dan kekurangan, itu dari diri saya sendiri. LOGIKA 9: "Syiah dan Politik" Tanyakan ke orang Syiah: "Dalam pandangan Anda, mana yang lebih utama, agama atau politik?" Tentu dia akan berkata: "Agama yang lebih penting. Politik hanya bagian dari agama." Lalu tanyakan lagi: "Bagaimana kalau politik akhirnya mendominasi ajaran agama?" Mungkin dia akan menjawab: "Ya tidak bisa. Agama harus mendominasi politik, bukan politik mendominasi agama." Lalu katakan ke orang Syiah itu: "Kalau perkataan Anda benar, mengapa dalam ajaran Syiah tidak pernah sedikit pun melepaskan diri dari masalah hak Kekhalifahan Ali, tragedi yang menimpa Husein di Karbala, dan kebencian mutlak kepada Muawiyyah dan anak-cucunya? Mengapa hal-hal itu sangat mendominasi akal orang Syiah, melebihi pentingnya urusan akidah, ibadah, fiqih, muamalah, akhlak, tazkiyatun nafs, ilmu, dll. yang merupakan pokok-pokok ajaran agama? Mengapa ajaran Syiah menjadikan masalah dendam politik sebagai menu utama akidah mereka melebihi keyakinan kepada Sifat-Sifat Allah?" Faktanya, ajaran Syiah merupakan contoh telanjang ketika agama dicampur aduk oleh pemikiran-pemikiran politik. Bahkan substansi politiknya terfokus pada sikap kebencian mutlak kepada pihak-pihak tertentu yang dianggap merampas hak-hak imam Syiah. Dalam hal ini akidah Syiah mirip sekali dengan konsep Holocaust yang dikembangkan Zionis internasional, dalam rangka memusuhi Nazi sampai ke akar-akarnya. (Bukan berarti pro Nazi, tetapi disana ada sisi-sisi kesamaan pemikiran). LOGIKA 10. "Syiah dan Sunni" Tanyakan ke orang Syiah: "Mengapa kaum Syiah sangat memusuhi kaum Sunni? Mengapa kebencian kaum Syiah kepada Sunni, melebihi kebencian mereka kepada orang kafir (non Muslim)?" Dia tentu akan menjawab: "Tidak, tidak. Kami bersaudara dengan orang Sunni. Kami mencintai mereka dalam rangka Ukhuwwah Islamiyyah. Kita semua bersaudara, karena kita sama-sama mengerjakan Shalat menghadap Kiblat di Makkah. Kita ini sama-sama Ahlul Qiblat." Kemudian katakan ke dia: "Kalau Syiah benar-benar mau ukhuwwah, mau bersaudara, mau bersatu dengan Sunni; mengapa mereka menyerang tokoh-tokoh panutan Ahlus Sunnah, seperti Khalifah Abu Bakar, Khalifah Umar, Khalifah Utsman, isteri-isteri Nabi (khususnya Aisyah dan Hafshah), Abu Hurairah, Zubair, Thalhah, dan lain-lain? Mencela, memaki, menghina, atau mengutuk tokoh-tokoh itu sama saja dengan memusuhi kaum Sunni. Tidak pernah ada ukhuwwah atau perdamaian antara Sunni dan Syiah, sebelum Syiah berhenti menista para Shahabat Nabi, selaku panutan kaum Sunni." Wallahua'lam Dipetik dari lelaman web berikut: Fakta yang perlu disebut, banyak terjadi pembunuhan, pengusiran, dan kezhaliman terhadap kaum Sunni di Iran, Irak, Suriah, Yaman, Libanon, Pakistan, Afghanistan, dll. Hal itu menjadi bukti besar bahwa Syiah sangat memusuhi kaum Sunni. Hingga anak-anak Muslim asal Palestina yang mengungsi di Irak, mereka pun tidak luput dibunuhi kaum Syiah. Hal ini pula yang membuat Syaikh Qaradhawi berubah pikiran tentang Syiah. Jika semula beliau bersikap lunak, akhirnya mengakui bahwa perbedaan antara Sunni dan Syiah sangat sulit disatukan. Dalam lintasan sejarah kita mendapati bukti lain, bahwa kaum Syiah tidak pernah terlibat perang melawan negara-negara kufar. Justru mereka sering bekerjasama dengan negara kufar dalam rangka menghadapi kaum Muslimin. Hancurnya Kekhalifahan Abbasiyyah di Baghdad, sikap permusuhan Dinasti Shafawid di Mesir, era Perang Salib di masa Shalahuddin Al Ayyubi, serta Khilafah Turki Utsmani, di atas semua itu terekam fakta-fakta pengkhianatan Syiah terhadap kaum Muslimin. Begitu juga, jatuhnya Afghanistan dan Iraq ke tangan tentara Sekutu di era modern, tidak lepas dari jasa-jasa para anasir Syiah dari Iran.
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:32
    Saba parveen ki taraf se Allah ka paigham. Salam us shakhas par jo hidayat ki pairvi kare. TUM PAR JIHAD FARAZ KIA GAYA HAI HALANKI WOH TUMHEIN NA PASAND HAI, SURAH BAQRA AYAT 216 Allah pak ka ehsan hai ki us ne sirf Musalmano ke liy jihad faraz kia hai , Salat w Salam us zate girami par jise tamam duniyavi Deen par islam ko ghalib karne ke liy Dalil w Furqan Burhan Quraan ke sath sath Talwar de kar bheja hai , Rabb hamara wahdahu la sharik ,hai. Kuchh log ye kahte hain ki maujuda zamane mein jihad durusat nahi hai, In hazrat ne jihad ke khilaf aisi aisi shartein ejad farmai hain jo jihad na karne ke khilaf ho hi nahi sakti , Ishara un ulmay kiram ka ye hai ki Kuffar ke khilaf hath na uthao , Haqeeqat to ye hai ki kuffar yahud w Nasara musalmano se lad kar utna nuksan nahi pahucha sakte jitna islam ka nam lene wale Kuchh Ulmay kiram w Fuzlay kiram ke paida karda shokuk w shubhat pahucha rahe hain, Please topic se out koi comment na kia jay
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:29
    Sb log mil kr faari k liye dua kro faari ko mot aa jay. Bht jee lea ha ab mazeed nhi jee skti. Ap sb ko ALLAH KA WAASTA DETI HUN. FAARI KI AB ZAT KA ZARRA B IS KHAAK E CHAMAN MEN NA BAQI RAHE. AAMMEEEEEEEN
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:49
    Inna llillahi wa inna Illaihi Rajiun. Very sad. Makes me wonder what they will ban next? Maybe even muslims entering their country.
    Nov 25th 2013, 04:51
    LUANDA – According to several Angolain newspapers, Angola has become the first country in the world to ban Islam and Muslims, taking first measures by destroying mosques in the country."The proces...
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 08:03AM  

    bushido - Social Mention
    When disaster strikes
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:29
    When Typhoon Haiyan tore through the Philippines, battering the archipelago with wind speeds nearing 200 miles per hour, the devastating storm surge left an apocalyptic wasteland in its [&#8230;]
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 08:03AM  

    bushido - Social Mention
    "Japan is really interesting" Foreigners are impressed by Japanese history and culture Foreigners' Reaction
    Nov 25th 2013, 07:00
    The video is created by Spanish channel, introducing the world's history and culture.   This introduces Japanese geography, history and culture in 6 minutes.    It's short as a documentary, [&#8230;]
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 08:03AM  

    bushido - Social Mention
    Ihm macht der Diss nix aus und Beef interessiert ihn nicht. Junge- ganz Deutschland schreit RIP du Vogel. Alle Rapper - auch wenn sie Bushido nicht feiern- teilen es und bestätigen dass du kein Rückrad hast. Viel Spaß beim Musik machen im Admiral oder auf en Ballermann. Shemale 4 Life
    Nov 25th 2013, 07:47
    UND WEITER GEHT'S! Nachdem in den letzten Tagen bereits so einige Statements & Tweets online kamen, gab es jetzt für Kay One wieder Tweets seiner ehemaligen Wegbegleiter…
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Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen
Nov 25th 2013, 08:00, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 08:00AM  

    99 Names of Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    99 Names of Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Nov 25th 2013, 07:30
    Ya Allah, berikanlah kami rizki yg luas, yg halal lagi baik, tanpa memberatkan kami. jika rizki kami ada dilangit maka turunkanlah. Jika ada dibumi maka keluarkanlah. Jika jauh maka dekatkanlah. Jika dekat maka mudahkanlah. Jika sedikit maka banyakanlah. Jika banyak maka berkahilah agar kami dapat menolong anak yatim, orang2 miskin &amp; orang2 yg kesusahan. Ya Allah, Kabulkanlah doa kami.
    happiness rumah amalia
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 07:59AM  

    I.S.L.A.M = I Sincerely Love Allah & Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand
    I.S.L.A.M = I Sincerely Love Allah & Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand
    Hari ni Gaji kan?
    Bagaimana mencukupkan GAJI?
    1.Bila hari terima gaji, jan...
    Nov 25th 2013, 07:04
    Hari ni Gaji kan?

    Bagaimana mencukupkan GAJI?

    1.Bila hari terima gaji, jangan dilupa ibu dan ayah. Perkara pertama buat, transfer utk mereka dahulu. Banyak atau sedikit, itu tidak penting. Walau mereka berdua mungkin sudah berpendapatan, tetapi berikan kepada mereka sebagai hadiah. Percayalah, duit gaji kita akan cukup!

    2.Jangan dilupa "Tabung Haji", memotong melalui potongan gaji lebih baik. Anda tahu, bila kita sudah mendaftar haji, ia bermakna "Nawaitu" itu telah ada!

    3.Sebagai seorang ayah, ingat kembali urusan anak. Aqiqahkan mereka dahulu, sebelum anda membeli TV LED baru, sebelum menukar sport rim baru!

    4.Sebagai seorang isteri yang bekerja, bantulah suami! Tidak salah jika isteri berkata "Duit I, Duit I, Duit suami, Duit I! Tapi, redha itu lebih penting. Suami pula jangan ambik kesempatan atas kebaikan isteri!

    5.Sebagai isteri yang tidak bekerja, redha dengan apa yang ada. Jangan merungut! Tiada suami yang mahukan kekurangan dalam keluarga.

    6.Lihat ahli keluarga yang terdekat, siapa yang perlu dibantu? Orang susah, anak yatim? Rizki kita akan sentiasa cukup jika mendahulukan orang yang dekat!

    7.Jangan kedekut tetapi jangan pula terlalu boros! Memberi makan merupakan sadaqah yang sangat mudah. Sekali sekala, apa salahnya belanja kawan2. Belanja ustaz pun ok..

    Moga ada manfaat!

    ..:: Via Ustaz Mohd Nassru Abdul Latif
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 07:59AM  

    al-ansar - Social Mention
 army in Benghazi clashes with Ansar al-Sharia At least three people have been killed in clashes between the Libyan army and an Islamist militia in the restive eastern city of Benghazi, reports say.
    Nov 25th 2013, 07:57
    At least two people have been killed in clashes between the Libyan army and an Islamist militia in the restive eastern city of Benghazi, reports say.
    3 soldiers killed in Benghazi: Three Libyan soldiers were killed and more than a dozen people injured in heavy clashes between the Libyan army and members of Ansar al Sharia, Libyan state TV said. #NativeAmerican #Rez
    Nov 25th 2013, 07:50
    Three Libyan soldiers were killed and more than a dozen people injured in heavy clashes between the Libyan army and members of Ansar al Sharia, Libyan state TV said.
    Pemimpin Liwa at-Tauhid meninggal, namun setelah itu 6 Brigade terbesar di Alepo pun bergabung merapatkan barisan. Diantaranya, Liwa at-Tauhid, Ahrar asy-Syam, Army of Islam, Suquor as-Syam, Liwa al-Haq dan Batalion Ansar asy-Syam. Berita gembira juga bahwa serangan mujahidin di Damaskus berhasil menewaskan 4 Jenderal Rezim Assad. Semoga kemenangan segera diraih.
    Nov 25th 2013, 07:50
    3 soldiers killed in Benghazi: Three Libyan soldiers were killed and more than a dozen people injured in heavy clashes between the Libyan army and members of Ansar al Sharia, Libyan state TV said. #Christian #News
    Nov 25th 2013, 07:50
    Three Libyan soldiers were killed and more than a dozen people injured in heavy clashes between the Libyan army and members of Ansar al Sharia, Libyan state TV said.
    Breaking news: Clashes break out in #Benghazi between Western trained "national army" & Ansar al Sharia LY.casualties from army side
    Nov 25th 2013, 07:43
    There are three parties, the party of Allah, the party of shaytan and the hypocrites. Those of shaytan mostly always hate and harm each other, their slogan is "survival of the fittest". Their primary aim is the perishable goods of the life of this world. They are even too evil that they extend their harm to the party of Allah. These set of people disregarded the Creator's Laws and formulated theres to suit their whims and desires. They cause mischief and corruption in the land and are striving day and night to frustrate the other party. May Allah's Wrath descend upon them. Allah said: "But those who strive against Our Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) to frustrate them, those, for them will be a severe painful torment." (Q34:5) "Shaitan (Satan) has overtaken them. So he has made them forget the remembrance of Allah. They are the party of Shaitan (Satan). Verily, it is the party of Shaitan (Satan) that will be the losers!" (Q58:19) As for the party of Allah, they love each other, wish well for each other, are united and their primary aim is the life of the hereafter. They use whatever they legally earn in this life to seek the hereafter and patiently bear whatever harm the party of shaytan inflicts on them and put their trust in their Lord. Their joy lies in pleasing their Lord. They are the rightly guided and the successful ones. They adhere strictly to the Creator's Laws and are striving day and night to make His Words superior. They love and fear Him and always hope for His Mercy. ".........For such He has written Faith in their hearts, and strengthened them with Ruh (proofs, light and true guidance) from Himself. And We will admit them to Gardens (Paradise) under which rivers flow, to dwell therein (forever). Allah is pleased with them, and they with Him. They are the Party of Allah. Verily, it is the Party of Allah that will be the successful." (Q58:22) Mind you, for us to be among the people of the party of Allah, we have to enter islam completely, fully submissive to the Commands of Allah and ignore whatever people will say or think about you. May Allah in His infinite Mercy count us among His party. Amin. Unfortunately, some among those who claim to be of the party of Allah - either due to weak faith or knowingly so as to cause fitnah among the people of this party - are imitating the party of shaytan, following and preferring their Laws, loving them, making friends with them, praising them etc. and looking down and criticising their own people, calling them extremists etc. These are the hypocrites. "And when it is said to them (hypocrites): "Believe as the people (followers of Muhammad Peace be upon him, Al-Ansar and Al-Muhajirun) have believed," they say: "Shall we believe as the fools have believed?" Verily, they are the fools, but they know not." [Q2:13] Beware, lest you become a hypocrite while you perceive not. May Allah keep us safe and sound.
    Nov 25th 2013, 07:43
    #BREAKING: 3 members of #Libya's special forces killed, 10 wounded in clashes with Ansar al-Sharia'a in #Benghazi - State-owned News Agency
    Nov 25th 2013, 07:38
    Special Forces headed to face Ansar Al Sharia.
    Nov 25th 2013, 07:36
    فيديو لرتل من الصاعقة متوّجه للتصدي للمتطرفين , والناس يدعون لهم ..
    Takziah kpd keluarga gemulah Tok Ghulu Pok Na yg tlh kembali ke rahmatullah jam 11 pg tadi. Difahamkan jenazah akan dikebumikan lepas Ansar nanti. Al Fatihah.
    Nov 25th 2013, 07:33
    Options for this story Imran decent family consisting of Imran 's father of Mary, woman of Imran mother Mary, Mary , and Jesus, peace be upon him ; Fmran grandfather Jesus to his mother , and a woman Imran grandmother to his mother , and was Imran His prayers the children of Israel in his time , and his wife was a woman Imran woman is valid as well, and they do not give birth , she called God to bless her son, and vowed to make it empty shell of worship and service of Jerusalem , God responded to her prayers , but God willing, to give birth to a female is Mary , and make God guaranteed and nurtured to Zakaria peace be upon him , the husband of her aunt , but God forbid that the quotes it beneficial knowledge , and a good work . Mary was an example of worship and piety , and bestowed upon God by the bounty and grace , which drew the attention of others , was Zakaria peace be upon him whenever he entered her mihrab found then blessed with a baby , Fasalha Where did you get this , would be answered : ( She is from God, that God is alive and he wants without the expense ) . All this was but a prelude to the great miracle ; where Jesus was born of these women Pure , without having a father like the rest of creation, and listened to the beginning of the story as reported by the Koran , he says: Taking the angels said O Mary, God has chosen and purified and Astefak the women of the world (42 ) ( Al-Imran ) I understand these simple words of Mary that God chooses , and purifies and makes his choice and on top of women's presence .. This presence , the presence of which was not created yet .. Is the greatest girl in the world and after the resurrection of the dead and the creation of the afterlife .. She returned the angels speak : O Mary , obedient to the Lord and Asadjada and bow with those who bow (43 ) ( Al-Imran ) The birth of Jesus : It was issued after the Annunciation increase of humility , and Sjodha and Rkuaha God .. And filled the heart of Mary, a sudden sense that something great is about to fall .. And tells God says in the Holy Quran and the story of the birth of Jesus and says: I remember in the book of Mary as Antbzt of her family a place oriental (16) have taken without them veil so we sent them our spirit represent them as individuals (17) said , I seek refuge Barahman you 're a devout (18) said, I am only a messenger of thy Lord of preparedness you boy Zakia (19) she said because I did not have my boy Amessny humans did not prostitute (20) he also said RBC is cushy and make it a Sign of the people and the mercy of us and he is a done (21 ) ( Mary ) Gabriel came - peace be upon him - to Mary in the apse , a human form of great beauty . Fajavc Mary said : ( I seek refuge Barahman you 're a devout ) wanted to take refuge in God .. And asked him whether he is a good man knows God and fear Him . His answer came to reassure that he is afraid of God and fear Him : ( I am only a messenger said Lord preparedness for you boy Zakia ) Atmint Mary 's strange , but soon I remembered what he said ( to you boy Zakia AHP ) of the Virgin Mary was amazed that .. Not untouched by humans .. Did not get married, did a sermon , how to give birth without marriage ! ! She said to the Messenger of the Lord : ( How can I have my boy did not Amessne humans did not prostitute ) Spirit said the Secretary : ( RBC is also said to make it easy and verse for the people and the mercy of us and it was a done thing ) His mind the words of Mary spirit of the Secretary .. Did not her that this is God ..? If implemented and everything is God .. Then any surprise that give birth without the untouched humans ..? I've created God Almighty Adam without a father or a mother, there is not male and female, before the creation of Adam . And created Eve from Adam, they have created from a male without female .. And creates her son without a father .. Creates female against male .. The habit that creates rights of male and female .. Habit to have a father and a mother .. But the miracle is when God wants to fall .. Returned Jibreel speaks: (God Ibcrk word in its name of Christ Jesus, the son of Mary, good in this world and the Hereafter and associates (45) and speak to people in the cradle and the Kahala and righteous ) Increased astonishment of Mary .. Before that bear his name known in the stomach .. And know that it will be valid when the people of God, and when , and know that it will cost people a child is a great .. Before moving to the mouth of Mary with another question .. Inflatable Jibreel in the pocket of Mary - is a pocket slit dress, which will be in the chest - she became pregnant immediately . The days passed .. Her pregnancy was different from women carrying .. Did not get sick and do not feel the weight of felt that something is not increased by the rose stomach habit of women .. Was carried by the good grace . The ninth month .. In the scientists who say that ta quick comment stating .. In the sense that Mary did not bear Jesus nine months , but generated directly miracle .. Mary went out one day to a remote location .. They feel that something is falling today .. But they do not know the truth about this thing .. Leaders feet to a place filled with the trees .. Sieving , a place not meant for a later .. Place does not know the other .. People did not know that Mary pregnant .. And she will give birth .. Mehrab it was closed , and people know that they do not worship them approaching a .. Mary sat resting under a palm tree trunk ; Palm were not complete, but only the trunk , to show the miracles of God Almighty to Mary at the birth of Jesus Vitmin her heart .. And began to think of itself .. They feel pain .. The pain kept growing and coming close in stages .. And Mary began to give birth .. Vojaeha labor to the trunk said I wish I was before this , and you're in limbo (23 ) ( Mary ) The pain Birth holds the Immaculate Virgin for the same pain again and did not expect it after the fall .. How do people receive this child ..? What they say about ..? They know they are a virgin .. How the Virgin gives birth ..? Do people believe that they generated without that humans untouched ..? I imagined glances doubt .. The words of curiosity .. And comments of the people .. And her heart was filled with sadness .. She was born at the same moment as much as he has to carry in his heart the sorrows of mankind .. No sooner had Mary finished Tmanaha death and oblivion , even Nadha child who was born : Vadaha underneath not grieve may make the Lord come into contact with a secret (24) and shake the trunk of the palm tree you fresh ripe dates upon (25) I feel very much and drink and villages in kind either liters of humans one Vcoli I have vowed to Rehman Suma will not speak to today medially (26 ) ( Mary ) Mary looked to Christ .. I heard him ask her to desist from her grief .. And asked to shake the trunk to drop them off some appetite .. Vltakl , and drink , and are filled with peace and joy and do not think of something .. If anyone saw of human beings Feltql them that she vowed to fast unto Rehman spoke today will not be a human being .. And let him rest .. Barely touch the trunk until it hydrated loss scrumptious .. I ate and drank , and drew the child in her clothes .. Was thinking of the Virgin Mary 's all about one center .. Issa is , she wondered between them and the same : How the Jews received by ..? What do they say it .. ? Do you believe one of the priests of the Jews living on fraud and deceit and theft ..? Do you believe someone is away from God, that God is the livelihood of this child ? The appointment Khalutea end , and we must go back to her people .. What say people ? The face of the people : Time was when she returned pm Mary .. The market was great , which is located on the way to the mosque is filled with people who poured out of buying and selling , and sat chatting . No sooner had Mary mediates the market until people realized it was carrying a child, and left untouched to her chest and walk in Jalal and slow .. A curious wondered : Is not this the Virgin Mary ..? This child , who carries on her chest ..? Someone said : is her child .. See any story will come out with us ..? The priests of the Jews ask her .. This son of Mary ? Why do not you respond ? Your son is definitely .. Born and how it comes to you a virgin ? O sister of Aaron , your father was ill and your mother was a prostitute (28 ) ( Mary ) Word aimed Mary prostitution .. Thus directly without hearing or investigation or prove .. Throw prostitution *** Ot her out of the house as a good mother , not a prostitute .. How are becoming as well ? Accusations began to fall by a head held high .. Her eyes flashed with pride and motherhood .. And radiates from her face brimming with confidence Nur .. When he increased the questions, and narrowed the case , and confined area, declined article , intensified assigned to a glorious and indicated .. She hands of Jesus .. And surprised people .. They understood that they talk about fasting and requests them to ask him how he came .. He asked the priests and Jewish leaders directing the question to how the child was born a few days ago .. Do you speak for the child in Vavch ..? ! They said to Mary : ( How spake unto the boy was in the cradle ) . Issa said : He said I am Abdullah has given me the Book and made me a prophet (30) and made me blessed wheresoever I and advised me prayer and almsgiving so long as I live (31) and land my mother did not make me mighty naughty (32) and peace on the day I was born and the day I die and the day I live (33 ) ( Mary ) Barely Isa end of his speech was even the faces of the priests and rabbis Mmottagah and pale .. They were witnessing a miracle located directly in front of them ..


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 07:58AM  

    Kuffr - Social Mention
    Auraton ko azaab 11 Gunah Gaar Auretein RAB k Azaab sy Nahi Bach Saktien. 1.Be Parda. 2.Taiz Zuban Wali. 3.har waqt mout mangny wali. 4.deen ka mazaq urany wali. 5.chughal khor. 6.ehsan jatany wali. 7.shohar ki nafarman. 8.gheebat karnay wali. 9.baal khol kar chalny wali. 10.bila zarorat ghar sy nikalny wali. 11. Had se zayada bolne wali. Sab larkiyon ko send karo aur larkon ko bhi ta ke wo apni maa behan,beti,aur bivi ko bacha saken Malik-e- kainat k azab sy..... * NABI (S.A.W)Ne Farmaya: Jab Tum Kuch Bhul JaoTo Mujh Pe Darood behjo. INSHA ALLAH Yaad Aa JaeGa.Ye Bahut Kimti Hadees Hai Sab Ko Batao apne dil me mat rakhna. Ek tohfa aap k liye 1. Sur-E-Fatiha: ALLAH K Aazab Se Bachata Hai 2. Sur-E-Yaasin: Qayamat K Din Pyas Se 3. Sur-E-Waqia: Fikar, Faaqa Se 4. Sur-E-Mulak: Azab-E-Qabar Se 5. Sur-E-Kausar; Dushmano Ki Dushmani Se 6. Sur-E-Kaafirun:Maut K Waqt Kuffr Se 7. Sur-E-Ikhlaas: Munafiqat Se 8. Sur-E-Falak: Haadso Se 9. Sur-E-Naas: Waswaso Se, Bachata Hai. Ye Bahot Qimti TOHFA Hai Dusro Ko B Ye TOHFA Dijye Q Ki ALLAH TOHFA Dene Walo Ko PASAND Farmata Hai. Qabristaan Ke Baahar Likha Tha: . "Manzil To Teri Yahi Thi, Bas Zindgi Guzar Gayi Aate Aate, Kya Mila Tujhe Is Duniya Se, Apno Ne Hi Dafna Diya Tujhe Jaate Jaate." . "Aaj Amal hai, Hisaab nahi. Kal Hisaab hoga, Amal nahi..!" . .."THINK ABOUT IT".. DON'T FORGET TO SHARE
    Nov 25th 2013, 07:25
    Auraton ko azaab 11 Gunah Gaar Auretein RAB k Azaab sy Nahi Bach Saktien. 1.Be Parda. 2.Taiz Zuban Wali. 3.har waqt mout mangny wali. 4.deen ka mazaq urany wali. 5.chughal khor. 6.ehsan jatany wali. 7.shohar ki nafarman. 8.gheebat karnay wali. 9.baal khol kar chalny wali. 10.bila zarorat ghar sy nikalny wali. 11. Had se zayada bolne wali. Sab ko send karo ta ke wo apni maa behan,beti,aur bivi ko bacha saken Malik-e- kainat k azab sy.....* NABI (Sallallah hu alley wa sallam )Ne Farmaya: Jab Tum Kuch Bhul JaoTo Mujh Pe Darood behjo. INSHA ALLAH Yaad Aa JaeGa.Ye Bahut Kimti Hadees Hai Sab Ko Batao apne dil me mat rakhna. Ek tohfa aap k liye 1. Sur-E-Fatiha: ALLAH K Aazab Se Bachata Hai 2. Sur-E-Yaasin: Qayamat K Din Pyas Se 3. Sur-E-Waqia: Fikar, Faaqa Se 4. Sur-E-Mulak: Azab-E-Qabar Se 5. Sur-E-Kausar; Dushmano Ki Dushmani Se 6. Sur-E-Kaafirun: Maut K Waqt Kuffr Se 7. Sur-E-Ikhlaas: Munafiqat Se 8. Sur-E-Falak: Haadso Se 9. Sur-E-Naas: Waswaso Se, Bachata Hai. Ye Bahot Qimti TOHFA Hai Dusro Ko B Ye TOHFA Dijye Q Ki ALLAH TOHFA Dene Walo Ko PASAND Farmata Hai. Qabristaan Ke Baahar Likha Tha: . "Manzil To Teri Yahi Thi, Bas Zindgi Guzar Gayi Aate Aate, Kya Mila Tujhe Is Duniya Se, Apno Ne Hi Dafna Diya Tujhe Jaate Jaate." . "Aaj Amal hai, Hisaab nahi. Kal Hisaab hoga, Amal nahi..!" . .."THINK ABOUT IT".. DON'T FORGET TO SHARE
    Nov 25th 2013, 07:22
    Musalmano nay khod ko firkon min taqseem kr dia, or har firka dosray firkay ko mushrik kaafir samajta hai, or ik dosray p kuffr k fatway b detay rehtay hain,,,,, ye to bhala ho hamaray ghair muslim dushmano ka jo ham sab ko sirf or sirf musalman samajhtay hai. Wo is tafarkay min ni parhtay k kon shia or kon sunni.. Wo ham sab ko musalman samajh kr ham say dushmani kartay hain.
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:15
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 07:58AM  

    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Allah Akbar! How can someone be so blinded with hate and evilness?? It's not nor...
    Nov 25th 2013, 07:53
    Allah Akbar! How can someone be so blinded with hate and evilness?? It's not normal!! May Allah punish you gravely Bill O'Reilly!!!
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 07:57AM  

    Abu Bilal - Social Mention
    The Quraysh torture the Muslims The Messenger of Allah continued to call people to Allah and the Quraysh despaired of both him and Abu Talib. Their anger descended on those of their fellow tribesmen who had become Muslims and were defenceless. Every clan targeted those who had become Muslims. They began to imprison them and torture them with beatings, hunger and thirst, even leaving them exposed on the sun-baked ground of Makkah when the heat was most intense. Bilal, an Abyssinian, who had become a Muslim, was taken out on to the plain of Makkah by his master Umayyah ibn Khalaf and left flat on his back in the midday heat. His master ordered that a huge stone be placed on his chest and declared, 'By Allah, this stone will not be removed until you die or reject Muhammad and worship al-Lat and al-Uzza.' While he was suffering, Bilal would only say, 'God is One! God is One!' Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (may Allah be pleased with him) passed by when he was lying there. He gave Umayyah a black slave who was stronger and sturdier in exchange for Bilal and he set Bilal free. The Banu Makhzum took out Ammar ibn Yasir and his mother and father, who were all Muslims, into the midday heat. They tortured them by leaving them exposed to the midday sun of Makkah. The Messenger of Allah passed by them and said reassuringly, 'Fortitude, family of Yasir! You have the promise of Paradise.' They endured their persecution until Ammar's mother was killed because she refused to reject Islam. Mus'ab ibn Umayr was a handsome young man of Makkah whose mother was very wealthy and dressed him well. He heard that the Messenger of Allah was preaching in the house of Arqam ibn Abi'l-Arqam. After hearing about Islam, he became a Muslim. He concealed his religious beliefs because he feared the reaction of his mother and his family and he kept secret his visits to the Messenger of Allah. However, Uthman ibn Talhah saw him praying and reported it to Mus'ab's family. He was seized and imprisoned. He was denied freedom until he was able to leave for Abyssinia in the first hijrah. When he returned with the other Muslim refugees, he was a changed man. His mother refrained from censuring him, once she saw his piety and destitution. Some of the Muslims were under the protection of the Quraysh noblemen who were idol-worshippers. Uthman ibn Maz'un was protected by al-Walid ibn al-Mughirah until he felt ashamed of what he was accepting. He dismissed al-Walid's offer of patronage, saying that he wanted the protection of none but Allah. A heated conversation between him and one of the idol-worshippers ended up with Uthman getting a black eye. Al-Walid ibn al-Mughirah, who was nearby, saw what had happened. He exclaimed, 'By Allah, nephew, your eye would not have suffered like that if you had been well-protected. 'No, by Allah,' Uthman said, 'my good eye needs to suffer the same as happened to its fellow for the sake of Allah. I am under a protection which is stronger and more powerful than any you could give me, O Abu Abd Shams!' The Quraysh attack the Messenger of Allah The Quraysh were unable to divert these young Muslims from their religion and the Messenger of Allah remained defiant. The Quraysh became so irritated by their helplessness that the more foolish among them started to attack the Messenger of Allah. They even accused him of sorcery, divining and madness. They left no stone unturned in their efforts to harm him. One day when the Quraysh nobles had met in the Hijr, the Messenger of Allah appeared and passed by them doing tawaf of the Ka'bah. They called out disparagingly to him three times. He stopped and spoke to them, 'Company of Quraysh, are you listening? By the One who has my soul in His hand, I have brought you slaughter. Shocked by these words, the people fell silent. Realising that they had been rude, they began to speak to him more pleasantly. The next day the Messenger of Allah appeared again but quickly they surrounded him and attacked him all together. One of them took hold of his cloak. Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) stood up weeping and cried, 'Would you kill a man just for saying: My Lord is Allah?' When Abu Bakr returned later that day however, they attacked him and tore out some of his hair and dragged him along by his beard. On another occasion when the Messenger of Allah went out everyone he met, both free men and slaves, ignored him or tried to hurt him. He returned home and wrapped himself up warmly because he was so distressed by what had happened to him. Allah revealed to him, 'O you enshrouded, rise up and warn!' (74: 1) The Quraysh attack Abu Bakr One day Abu Bakr boldly invited the idol-worshippers to turn towards Allah and His Messenger. Furious, they fell upon him, beating him and trampling on him. Utbah ibn Rabi'ah beat him on the face with a pair of sandals until his face was so swollen that his cheeks could not be distinguished from his nose. The Banu Taym carried the unconscious Abu Bakr home. They were certain that he was going to die. In the late afternoon he woke up and asked, 'How is the Messenger of Allah?' His relations rebuked him as he had shown concern for the man on whose account he had been beaten up. They left him alone with his mother Umm Khayr who had not as yet become a Muslim. Then Umm Jamil, who had become a Muslim, approached him and he asked her about the Messenger of Allah. She reported, 'He is well and safe.' 'By Allah,' he said, 'I will not taste food or drink until I see the Messenger of Allah!' When it was dark and everything had calmed down, Umm Jamil and Umm Khayr took him to the Messenger of Allah who showed great tenderness towards him. He made supplication for Abu Bakr's mother and called her to Allah. She became a Muslim too. The Quraysh are confused The Quraysh were confused about the Messenger of Allah. They did not know how to cope with the problem of visitors from afar listening to him in Makkah. They asked the advice of al-Walid ibn al-Mughirah, an old man of some experience. It was at the time of the pilgrimage. Al-Walid said, 'Men of the Quraysh! It is the time of the festival and the delegations of the Arabs will be coming to you. They have already heard about this companion of yours. Therefore agree on one opinion about him and do not disagree so that you contradict and refute each other.' They had a long discussion with much give and take but Al-Walid was not pleased with their conclusion and criticised it. They came back to him to ask, 'What then do you say, Abu Abd Shams?' 'The nearest thing to the truth is your saying that he it a magician who has brought a kind of magic that separates; man from his father, a man from his brother, a man from his wife, and a man from his tribe.' The gathering then broke up and the Quraysh began to sit by the paths used by the people coming to the festival They warned everyone who passed to keep clear of the Messenger of Allah and gave their reasons. The Quraysh step up their hostilities The Quraysh treated the Messenger of Allah harshly ignoring the fact that he was a relative and deserved their respect. One day while the Prophet was prostrating in the mosque surrounded by some of the Quraysh, 'Uqbah ibn Abi Mu'ayt threw the innards of a slaughtered animal on the Prophet's back but he did not even lift his head. His daughter Fatimah came and removed them, cursing those who had committed the evil deed and the Prophet cursed them as well. Another time, while the Prophet was praying in the Hijr of the Ka'bah, 'Uqbah ibn Abi Mu'ayt tried to throttle him with his own clothes. Abu Bakr grabbed 'Uqbah' shoulder and pulled him from the Prophet, saying, 'Would you kill a man just for saying, "My Lord is Allah"?' Hamzah ibn Abdul-Muttalib accepts Islam One day Abu Jahl passed by the Messenger of Allah at Safa hurling insults and cursing him, but when the Messenger of Allah ignored him, he left him alone. Soon afterwards Hamzah ibn Abdul-Muttalib arrived on the scene, returning from the hunt, carrying his bow. He was the strongest of the Quraysh and the most courageous. A slavewoman of Abdullah ibn Jud'an told him what had happened to the Messenger of Allah. Hamzah was filled with rage. He entered the mosque and saw Abu Jahl sitting with his friends. He went towards him until he was standing over him, raised his bow and hit him with it, giving him a nasty head wound. Then he said, 'Do you insult him when I follow his religion? I say what he says.' Abu Jahl was silent and Hamzah became a Muslim. That was a great blow to the Quraysh because Hamzah was widely respected and his courage was legendary: Utbah and the Messenger of Allah When the Quraysh saw that the Companions of the Messenger of Allah were increasing in number, Utbah ibn Rabi'ah suggested that he go to the Messenger of Allah and try to patch up their differences. If the Quraysh made some concessions, he might agree to leave off his mission. Utbah was given permission to negotiate on their behalf. He went to the Messenger of Allah and sat down beside him. 'Nephew,' he said, 'you know your standing among us, but you have brought a matter of grave concern to your people. You have divided their community, made fun of their customs, criticised their gods and their religion and declared some of their ancestors to be unbelievers. Now, listen to me. I will make some proposals for you to examine and perhaps you will accept some of them.' The Messenger of Allah said, 'Speak, Abul-Walid. I am listening.' 'Nephew, 'Utbah continued, 'if you want money by this business, we will collect some of our property and make you the wealthiest among us. If you want honour, we will make you our chief so that every decision is yours. If you want a kingdom, we will make you our king. If you are possessed by a ghost of a jinn that you cannot drive away from yourself, we will find skilful doctors to help you. We will spend our wealth on it till you are cured.' When Utbah had finished, the Messenger of Allah asked, 'Have you finished, Abul-Walid' 'Yes.' 'Then listen to me.' 'I will,' said Utbah. Then the Messenger of Allah recited some verses from Surah Fussilat. Utbah listened intently, putting his hands behind his back and leaning on them. When the Messenger of Allah reached the place mentioning prostration, he prostrated and then said, 'You have heard what you have heard, Abul-Walid. It is now up to you.' Utbah returned to his companions who commented, 'Abul-Walid has come back with a different expression on his face to the one he went with.' When he sat down beside them, they asked him what had happened. 'By Allah!' he said, 'I have heard words the like of which I have never heard before. By Allah, it is neither poetry nor magic nor soothe-saying. O men of Quraysh! Obey me! Leave this man alone with what he has. Be considerate towards him and don't interfere.' 'By Allah,' they said, 'He has bewitched you with his tongue, Abul-Walid!' 'This is my opinion about him,' he replied. 'You do as you see fit.' This are what Muslims of the part faced, So my dear brothers and sisters don't let all recent occurance get to you rather its meant to make you more firm.... Allahu musta'an (May allah help us)
    Nov 25th 2013, 07:52
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    Nov 25th 2013, 07:40
    değer verdim insanlar Ahmet Abu Shehadeh Bilal Gümüş Rıdvan Duran hemde eniyi knkalarım :) ♥
    Nov 25th 2013, 07:39
    Kisah Bilal : Aku tidak Akan Mengumandangkan Azan Lagi (Yang ngaku Umat Nabi Muhammad jangan lupa jempolnya ya sob) Pada waktu dhuha di hari Senin 12 Rabi'ul Awal 11 H (hari wafatnya Rasulullah shalallahu alaihi wasallam) masuklah putri beliau Fathimah radhiyallahu anha ke dalam kamar Rasulullah shalallahu alaihi wasallam, lalu dia menangis saat masuk kamar Rasulullah Shalallahu 'Alaihi Wassalam. Dia menangis karena biasanya setiap kali dia masuk menemui Rasullullah Shalallahu 'Alaihi Wassalam, beliau berdiri dan menciumnya di antara kedua matanya, akan tetapi sekarang beliau tidak mampu berdiri untuknya. Maka Rasulullah Shalallahu 'Alaihi Wassalam bersabda kepadanya: "Mendekatlah kemari wahai Fathimah." Beliaupun membisikkan sesuatu di telinganya, maka dia pun menangis. Kemudian beliau bersabda lagi untuk kedua kalinya:" Mendekatlah kemari wahai Fathimah." Beliaupun membisikkan sesuatu sekali lagi, maka diapun tertawa. Maka setelah kematian Rasulullah Shalallahu 'Alaihi Wassalam, mereka bertanya kepada Fathimah : "Apa yg telah dibisikkan oleh Rasulullah Shalallahu 'Alaihi Wassalam kepadamu sehingga engkau menangis, dan apa pula yang beliau bisikkan hingga engkau tertawa?" Fathimah berkata: "Pertama kalinya beliau berkata kepadaku: "Wahai Fathimah, aku akan meninggal malam ini." Maka akupun menangis. Maka saat beliau mendapati tangisanku beliau kembali berkata kepadaku:" Engkau wahai Fathimah, adalah keluargaku yg pertama kali akan bertemu denganku." Maka akupun tertawa. Rasulullah Shalallahu 'Alaihi Wassalam memanggil Hasan dan Husain, beliau mencium keduanya dan berwasiat kebaikan kepada keduanya. Lalu Nabi Shalallahu 'Alaihi Wassalam memanggil semua istrinya, menasehati dan mengingatkan mereka. Beliau berwasiat kepada seluruh manusia yang hadir agar menjaga shalat. Beliau mengulang-ulang wasiat itu. Lalu rasa sakitpun terasa semakin berat, maka beliau bersabda:" Keluarkanlah siapa saja dari rumahku." Beliau bersabda:" Mendekatlah kepadaku wahai 'Aisyah!" Beliaupun tidur di dada istri beliau 'Aisyah radhiyallahu anha. 'Aisyah berkata:" Beliau mengangkat tangan beliau seraya bersabda:" Bahkan Ar-Rafiqul A'la bahkan Ar-Rafiqul A'la." Maka diketahuilah bahwa disela-sela ucapan beliau, beliau disuruh memilih diantara kehidupan dunia atau Ar-Rafiqul A'la. Masuklah malaikat Jibril alaihis salam menemui Nabi Shalallahu 'Alaihi Wassalam seraya berkata:" Malaikat maut ada di pintu, meminta izin untuk menemuimu, dan dia tidak pernah meminta izin kepada seorangpun sebelummu." Maka beliau berkata kepadanya:" Izinkan untuknya wahai Jibril." Masuklah malaikat Maut seraya berkata:" Assalamu'alaika wahai Rasulullah. Allah telah mengutusku untuk memberikan pilihan kepadamu antara tetap tinggal di dunia atau bertemu dengan Allah di Akhirat." Maka Nabi Shalallahu 'Alaihi Wassalam bersabda:" Bahkan aku memilih Ar-Rafiqul A'la (Teman yang tertinggi), bahkan aku memilih Ar-Rafiqul A'la, bersama-sama dengan orang-orang yang dianugerahi nikmat oleh Allah yaitu :para nabi, para shiddiqiin, orang-orang yg mati syahid dan orang-orang saleh. Dan mereka itulah rafiq (teman) yang sebaik-baiknya." 'Aisyah menuturkan bahwa sebelum Rasulullah Shalallahu 'Alaihi Wassalam wafat, ketika beliau bersandar pada dadanya, dan dia mendengarkan beliau secara seksama, beliau berdo'a: "Ya Allah, ampunilah aku, rahmatilah aku dan susulkan aku pada ar-rafiq al-a'la. Ya Allah (aku minta) ar-rafiq al-a'la, Ya Allah (aku minta) ar-rafiq al-a'la." Berdirilah malaikat Maut disisi kepala Nabi Shalallahu 'Alaihi Wassalam- sebagaimana dia berdiri di sisi kepala salah seorang diantara kita- dan berkata:" Wahai roh yang bagus, roh Muhammad ibn Abdillah, keluarlah menuju keridhaan Allah, dan menuju Rabb yang ridha dan tidak murka." Sayyidah 'Aisyah berkata:"Maka jatuhlah tangan Nabi Shalallahu 'Alaihi Wassalam, dan kepala beliau menjadi


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 07:53AM  

    ummah - Social Mention
    MUSLIM UMMAH IMMEDIATELY NEEDS AN ISLAMIC SHIRK / DUALLITY / non-muslim FREE RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATION TO LOOK AFTER THE RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES AND SECURITY OF THE MUSLIM WORLD . Muslim community was developed under the direct leadership of prophet Muhammad sallalahu Alaihi wa sallam and the prohet sallalahu Alaihi wa sallam was under the command of the seen and unseen universe creator Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala. Divine guidance Al-Quran for the welfare of the whole human being of the world was sent to him sallalahu Alaihi wa sallam through respected Angel Gebrael ALAIHI WA SALLAM as a blessings for the human being . By the grace of Allah subhanahu wa Taala Prophet Muhammad sallallahu Alaihi wa sallam established a peaceful Islami Administration at Madina Manwara after working on spreading , propagating the religious activities in 23 years as an appointed last and Final greatest Messenger of all the Messengers sent before by Allah subhanahu Wa Ta aala . It is stated in the Divine guidance Al-Quran that Previous Prophets (peace be upon them) were sent locally and for a particular area but Muhammad sallalahu Alaihi wa sallam was sent for the whole world as a last and final prophet sallallahu Alaihi wa sallam till the ends of earth and after him process of sending prophets to the earth to guide the human being towards Allah subhana hu wa Taala was closed because the lessons with proper guidance sent in the undistorted Divine book Al-quran along with practical guidance shown by the prophet sallalahu Alaihi wa sallam which is now recorded as as Al-Hadeth, was sufficient to guide the human being living on earth till the end of this temporary world. And his sallallahu Alaihi wa sallam trained followers would be quite able to continue the follow up of the divine activities received from Allah subhanahu wa Taala and they were also able to guide the the human being till the ends of the earth. Hence no further prophets are not required to send for the guidance of the human being . Process of sending Messenger and prophets were permanently closed as Islam was declared as a religion by the creator of the seen and unseen Allah Subhanahu wa Taala as a full code of Human worldly life. Muslim Ummaha is a Religious leader dependent Nation. Present muslim world is divided in religious matter. Original Reference established system and its set up of our prophet sallalahu alaihi wa sallam under the direction of Allah subhanahu wa Taala is no more being followed by the present divided muslim world. So it is essential to find out the original setup of Deen which was established by our prophet sallallahu Alaihi wa sallam for the reference of the present Muslim ummah. We the muslim ummah must sit together to find out one and only one reference forgetting noises added or subtracted in our Deen on the bases of Al-Quran and Al-Hadeth. But it is a matter of great regret that there is no world muslim Religious organization nor a world Religious Leader to look after the Religious activities of the Muslim world. Islam demands Religious organization and a Religious Leader but no muslim country is coming forward to constitute a muslim religious organization and a Muslim Leader, inviting the Head of the muslim countries of the world . There is a muslim organization OIC but they are not coming to nominate a muslim religious Leader to look after the religious matter of the muslim world. That Islam is a complete code of life. It has worship sector, Education and cultural sector, social and economic sector, Judiciary Law and order sectors ,Political and State administrative sectors etc . Muslim world is busy with some of the worship sectors such as Salah, Hazz Fasting but these are also not found compulsory in the muslim country. Religious education i.e study of Al-Quran and Al-Hadith, Arabic language learning are not found compulsory along with the existing man made subjects for the muslim students specially in the muslim states. As a result Muslim students are found well educated in man made worldly subjects and quite ignorant in Deene subjects. In the cultural sectors anti Islamic cinema industry are being developed day by day and as a result muslims are forgetting their own religious culture . In Law and order sectors Anti Islamic man made law is used in the court . In economic sectors interest based economy is being followed . We the muslim community was warned not to follow some of the Rules and regulations of the Deen and to leave some. Islam is a complete code of human life it requires education but it is observed in the muslim countries that islamic education along with worldly man made education is not introduced in the muslim countries . So it is the time to think deeply to save the muslim world, establishing a Religious organization inviting the OIC member countries to look after the religious activity and the security of the muslim countries . A complete SHIRK /DUALITY free deen along with Deene environment in the muslim country to be established in the muslim world and to satisfy Allah subhanahu wa Taala otherwise existence of the muslim world will be in danger as we already observed in Iraq, Afgnistan, Syria and drawn attack in Pakistan and Yamen. All my Muslim friends are requested to post my deene story to the Leaders of the muslim countries through face book, print Medea and electronoic media so that Deene intellectuals to come forward to save the muslim world from the anti islamic activities and culture and also engage themselves to root out SHIRK / DUALITY from the muslim's worldly life and to establish a Muslim religious organization . I believe we the spreader of this post may have reward at the time of Final Judgment-Day. Allahu Akbar N02)
    Nov 25th 2013, 07:53
    Like this page! Support the Ummah.
    Nov 25th 2013, 07:52
    Prophet (PBUH) said:" Youth is the hope of the Nation(UMMAH)." " If you want the pleasure and enjoyment of life, give life to your life through belief, and adorn it with religious duties, and preserve it by abstaining from sins." ~Ustad Bediuzzaman~
    Dear Allah. Today we strongly ask for your Protection and Blessings! Provide for our health, families and finances. Please forgive our sins and the sins of the entire Ummah. Grant us Your mercy and a place in your beautiful Jannah. Join us to say Amin!
    Nov 25th 2013, 07:50
    Bilakah lagi...kita semua satu hati... Bilakah lagi,Islamkan dijulang tinggi.... Bangunlah wahai ummah!Kita semua mesti bersatu hati ntuk menghadapi dunia akhir zaman!!!
    Nov 25th 2013, 07:48
    Nov 25th 2013, 07:48
    Khutbah Jum`ah    اِنَّ الْحَمْدَ لِلَّهِ نَحْمَدُهُ وَنَسْتَعِيْنُهُ وَنَسْتَغْفِرُهُ, وَنَعُوْذُ بِاللهِ مِنْ   شُرُوْرِ اَنْفُسِنَا وَمِن سَيّئَاتِ أَعْمَالِنَا مَنْ يَهْدِهِ اللهُِ فَلاَ مُضِلَّ لَهُ, وَمَنْ يُضْلِلْ فَلاَ هَادِىَ لَهُ, وَأَشْهَدُ اَنْ لاَاِلَهَ اِلاَّ اللهُ وَحْدَهُ لاَشَرِيْكَ لَهُ, وَأَشْهَدُ اَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا عَبْدُهُ وَرَسُوْلُهُ. يـَاأَيُّهاَ الَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا اتَّقُوا اللهَ حَقَّ تُقَاتِهِ وَلاَ تَمُوتُنَّ إِلاَّ وَأَنتُم مُّسْلِمُونَ {102} يَاأَيُّهَا النَّاسُ اتَّقُوا رَبَّكُمُ الَّذِي خَلَقَكُم مِّنْ نَفْسٍ وَاحِدَةٍ وَخَلَقَ مِنْهَا زَوْجَهَا وَبَثَّ مِنْهُمَا رِجَالاً كَثِيرًا وَنِسَآءً وَاتَّقُوا اللهَ الَّذِي تَسَآءَلُونَ بِهِ وَاْلأَرْحَامَ إِنَّ اللهَ كَانَ عَلَيْكُمْ رَقِيبًا {1} يَاأَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا اتَّقُوا اللهَ وَقُولُوا قَوْلاً سَدِيدًا {70} يُصْلِحْ لَكُمْ أَعْمَالَكُمْ وَيَغْفِرْ لَكُمْ ذُنُوبَكُمْ وَمَن يُطِعِ اللهَ   Segala puji bagi Allah, tempat kami satu-satunya memuji, memohon pertolongan dan ampunan kepada-Nya saja. Tempat kami berlindung kepada-Nya dari kejahatan dan keburukan diri kami. Beruntunglah barangsiapa memperoleh petunjuk Allah, karena tidak seorang pun dapat menyesatkannya. Dan merugilah barangsiapa disesatkan Allah, karena tidak seorang pun dapat menunjukinya. Saya bersaksi bahwa tidak ada Ilah Yang diibadahi kecuali Allah Yang Esa, tiada sekutu bagi-Nya, dan saya bersaksi pula bahwa Nabi Muhammad itu adalah hamba serta Rasul-Nya.  'Hai orang-orang yang beriman bertaqwalah kamu kepada Allah dan katakanlah perkataan yang benar, niscaya Allah memperbaiki bagimu amal-amalmu dan mengampuni bagimu dosa- dosamu. Dan barangsiapa mentaati Allah dan Rasul-Nya, maka sesungguhnya ia telah mendapat keberuntungan yang besar." (Al- Ahzab 70-71). Allah I  telah menurunkan peraturan dan ketetapan- Nya melalui RasulNya sebagai pedoman dan tuntunan bagi ummat manusia daIam semua perilaku.  sehari-hari, agar manusia dapat menempuh jalan yang lurus,terhindar dari kesesatan. Firman Allah I :   "Dan sesungguhnya engkau (Muhammad) benar-benar memberi petunjuk kepada jalan yang lurus".  (QS. Asy-Syura: 52).    Jalan lurus yang dimaksud dalam ayat diatas adalah petunjuk dan tuntunan ajaran lslam yang dibawa oleh Nabi Muhammad saw. yang dapat menuntun umat manusia menuju jalan keba- hagiaan di dunia dan di akhirat. Tuntunan ajaran Islam inilah yang harus kita jadikan sebagai pedoman hidup dalam kegiatan sehari-hari. Disamping itu Allah I memerintahkan pula agar tuntunan ajaran Islam ini disampaikan kepada anak cucu dan kerabat kita. Firman Allah I : "Dan berilah peringatan kepada kerabat-kerabatmu yang terdekat".  (QS. Asy-Syu'ara: 214).   Ayat tersebut diatas dengan tegas merupakan perintah dari Allah I agar memberi peringatan dengan tuntunan agama kepada anak cucu, keluarga dan kerabat terdekat. Hadirin sidang jum'ah yang berbahagia adalah sudah menjadi kenyataan yang pahit, bahwa pada saat sekarang ini telah banyak  timbul gejala-gejala keme-rosotan akhlak pada sebagian generasi muda, mereka bergaul dengan bebas tanpa batas, perbuatan mereka telah jauh menyimpang dari tuntunan agama. Kenyataan seperti ini timbul karena mereka tidak mengenal peraturan dan ketentuan Allah I , hal ini karena kurangnya bimbingan dan didikan yang diterimanya sehingga sikap dan tindakan serta tingkah laku perbuatan mereka menjadi tidak terarah.  Apabila keadaan demikian terus berlanjut maka tidak mustahil generasi mendatang akan lebih buruk keadaannya daripada sekarang, lebih lemah mentalnya dan lebih rusak moralnya. Banyak dikalangan orang tua yang tidak menyadari bahwa model pendidikan yang selama ini diterapkan ternyata berakhir dengan petaka bagi sang anak, keluarga dan masyarakatnya. Sistem pendidikan yang selama ini dirapkan hanya menjerumuskan sang anak ke alam  pragmatis materialis. Sang anak menjadi manusia yang semakin menjauhi lslam yang semestinya dipeluk erat. يَاأَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا قُوا أَنفُسَكُمْ وَأَهْلِيكُمْ نَارًا وَقُودُهَا النَّاسُ وَالْحِجَارَةُ عَلَيْهَا مَلآئِكَةٌ غِلاَظٌ شِدَادُُ لاَّيَعْصُونَ اللهَ مَآأَمَرَهُمْ وَيَفْعَلُونَ مَايُؤْمَرُونَ {6} Hai orang-orang yang beriman, peliharalah dirimu dan keluargamu dari api neraka yang bahan bakarnya adalah manusia dan batu; penjaganya malaikat-malaikat yang kasar, yang keras, yang tidak mendurhakai Allah terhadap apa ang diperintahkan-Nya kepada mereka dan selalu mengerjakan apa yang diperintahkan. (QS. 66:6)   Ali bin Abi Thalib t mengartikan: Quu anfusakum wa ahlii kum naaraa adalah "didiklah mereka dan berilah pelajaran yang cukup untuk menghadapi hari esok mereka."   Ibn Abbas r.a. mengartikannya, "laksanakan amal, taat kepada Allah dan meninggalkan maksiat serta suruhlah anakmu selalu berzikir kepada Allah, niscara Allah akan menyelamatkan kamu dari neraka." Ulama lain berkata; "Kewajiban setiap muslim harus mengajari keluarganya, anak istrinya dan semua kerabatnya apa yang telah  diwajibkan oleh Allah dan yang dilarang oleh Allah I   Islam telah mempunyai konsepnya sendiri, dipimpin langsung oleh Nabi Muhammad r , nabi yang diutus untuk mendidik serta membimbing para bapak, para ibu dan para anak agar terjamin kebahagiaan hidupnya di dunia maupun di akherat". Kemudian, sepeningal beliau, jejaknya diteruskan oleh tokoh-tokoh salaful  ummah,  begitulah seterusnya hingga Islam akan tetap abadi dan utuh sampai hari ini dan sampai hari khiamat,   وَالَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا وَاتَّبَعَتْهُمْ ذُرِّيَّتُهُم بِإِيمَانٍ أَلْحَقْنَا بِهِمْ ذُرِّيَّتَهُمْ وَمَآأَلَتْنَاهُم مِّنْ عَمَلِهِم مِّن شَىْءٍ كُلُّ امْرِئٍ بِمَا كَسَبَ رَهِينٌ {21} وَأَمْدَدْنَاهُمْ بِفَاكِهَةٍ وَلَحْمٍ مِّمَّا يَشْتَهُونَ {22} يَتَنَازَعُونَ فِيهَا كَأْسًا لاَّلَغْوٌ فِيهَا وَلاَتَأْثِيمٌ {23}* وَيَطُوفُ عَلَيْهِمْ غِلْمَانٌ لَّهُمْ كَأَنَّهُمْ لُؤْلُؤٌ مَّكْنُونٍ {24} وَأَقْبَلَ بَعْضُهُمْ عَلَى بَعْضٍ يَتَسَآءَلُونَ {25} قَالُوا إِنَّا كُنَّا فِي أَهْلِنَا مُشْفِقِينَ {26} فَمَنَّ اللهُ عَلَيْنَا وَوَقَانَا عَذَابَ السَّمُومِ {27} إِنَّا كُنَّا مِن قَبْلُ نَدْعُوهُ إِنّهُ هُوَ الْبَرُّ الرَّحِيمُ {28}     Dan orang-orang yang beriman, dan yang anak cucu mereka mengikuti mereka dalam keimanan, Kami hubungkan anak cucu mereka dengan mereka, dan Kami tiada mengurangi sedikitpun dari pahala amal mereka.Tiap-tiap manusia terikat dengan apayang dikerjakannya. (QS. 52:21) Dan Kami beri mereka tambahan dengan buah-buahan dan daging dari segala jenis yang mereka ingini. (QS. 52:22) Di dalam surga mereka saling memperebutkan piala (gelas) yang isinya tidak (menimbulkan) kata-kata yang tidak berfaedah dan tiada pula perbuatan dosa. (QS. 52:23) Dan berkeliling di sekitar mereka anak-anak muda untuk (melayani) mereka, seakan-akan mereka itu seperti mutiara yang tersimpan. (QS. 52:24) Dan sebahagian mereka menghadap kepada sebahagian yang lain saling tanya-menanya. (QS. 52:25) Mereka berkata:"Sesungguhnya kami dahulu, sewaktu berada di tengah-tengah keluarga kami merasa takut (akan diazab)". (QS. 52:26) Maka Allah memberikan karunia kepada kami dan memelihara kami dari azab neraka. (QS. 52:27) Sesungguhnya kami dahulu menyembah-Nya.Sesungguhnya Dia-lah yang melimpahkan kebaikan lagi Maha Penyayang. (QS. 52:28)
    Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) has said, "There will come a time when people of my Ummah will declare Zina, silk, wine and music to be Halaal (permissible). Allah will destroy such people overnight and those who are not destroyed will be turned into monkeys and swines till the


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 22 09:09PM  

    Wissen für Muslimische Jugends Facebook-Pinnwand
    Wissen für Muslimische Jugends Facebook-Pinnwand
    Assalamu Alajkum
    An diejenigen die nur an Eid (Bajram) beten gehen. Wenn ihr mei...
    Nov 22nd 2013, 20:53
    Assalamu Alajkum
    An diejenigen die nur an Eid (Bajram) beten gehen. Wenn ihr meint das Eid-Gebet wichtiger ist als die anderen 5 Pflichtgebete dann liegt ihr komplett falsch !! Die 5 Pflichtgebete sind wichtiger als die Eid gebete!! Man betet nicht 2 mal im jahr sondern 5 mal täglich. Diese 5 Pflichtgebete werden euch am jüngsten tag viel nutzen bringen und nicht die Eid gebete.
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 allahuakbar - Social Mention: kenapalah manusia cetek pemikiran dan sanggup pandang pada dirinya sahaja tanpa memikir keadaan sekeliling, mementing diri, cemburu buta,sanggup memfitnah aq yg dalam jalan yg mudah disalah erti,ya allah, tabahkan aku, sesungguhnya aku kini menghampiri kekesalan dan rasa ditipu,diperguna kiri dan kanan, kini aq menghampiri, dendam, marah, kekesalan dan kebencian, tunjukkanlah aq jalan yg lurus dan pandukanlah aku pada jalan yg dirahmati,diredhai dan diampunimu agar aku dan kesemua disampingku mendapat husnul khotimah, hanya padamu aq berserah dan memohon ya robb, andai disini sahaja jalanku, aq mohon apa yg terbaik yg telah kau rancangkan, andai kesulitan ini adalah dugaan, kau tabahkanlah daku dan bimbinglah aku untuk memperoleh kemenangan, dan permudahkanlah urusanku, sesungguhnya aku hambamu yg hina memohon padamu, aku redha andai sudah tiba ajalku, aku harap agar ada penerus yg membawa perjuanganku, allahuakbar, salam subuh, salam perjuangan ^_^
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 11:00PM  

    allahuakbar - Social Mention
    kenapalah manusia cetek pemikiran dan sanggup pandang pada dirinya sahaja tanpa memikir keadaan sekeliling, mementing diri, cemburu buta,sanggup memfitnah aq yg dalam jalan yg mudah disalah erti,ya allah, tabahkan aku, sesungguhnya aku kini menghampiri kekesalan dan rasa ditipu,diperguna kiri dan kanan, kini aq menghampiri, dendam, marah, kekesalan dan kebencian, tunjukkanlah aq jalan yg lurus dan pandukanlah aku pada jalan yg dirahmati,diredhai dan diampunimu agar aku dan kesemua disampingku mendapat husnul khotimah, hanya padamu aq berserah dan memohon ya robb, andai disini sahaja jalanku, aq mohon apa yg terbaik yg telah kau rancangkan, andai kesulitan ini adalah dugaan, kau tabahkanlah daku dan bimbinglah aku untuk memperoleh kemenangan, dan permudahkanlah urusanku, sesungguhnya aku hambamu yg hina memohon padamu, aku redha andai sudah tiba ajalku, aku harap agar ada penerus yg membawa perjuanganku, allahuakbar, salam subuh, salam perjuangan ^_^
    Nov 20th 2013, 22:47
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 10:17AM  

    Pierre Vogel und seine Welt
    Früher Bandido, heute Salafist - alles beim Alten bei Ibrahim Al Almani
    Nov 21st 2013, 10:17
    Und wieder wird auf Dawa-News gewarnt, ist die Ummah ja in Gefahr und weniger Jugendliche wandern vielleicht in Zukunft zu den Fundamentalisten und Extremisten, weswegen dagegen etwas unternommen werden muss, hat der Weg ja gerade zu sein, auch wenn er noch so kriegerisch und spaltend ist.
    Nun will ich mich diesmal aber gar nicht auf das Thema Münster einlassen, habe ich dazu ja in den vergangenen Tagen schon genug gesagt und die salafistischen Brotkrumensammler hatten deswegen schon zuviel Aufmerksamkeit, jedoch gibts da dann doch noch einen Punkt, den ich behandelt sehen möchte, stellt sich ja die Frage, wer da genau warnt und wie glaubhaft diese einzuschätzen sind. Als Beispiel soll Ibrahim Al Almani, der "Manager" (<-...immer noch gut) des Vogel Peters dienen, welcher sich zum glühenden Verteidiger von Sitte und Anstand hochgeschwungen hat, ist er ja eine wahres Vorbild.....vor allem, wenn Sie sich das folgende Video ab Minute 8 ansehen und - ganz wichtig - anhören:

    (Falls das Video verschwindet, bitte Nachricht an mich)
    Ein Ex-Bandido, der von der Wahrheit und von der Liebe spricht - das hat was und zwar ein fürchterliches Gschmäckle, welches wahrlich zum Himmel stinkt. Ok, viel verändern musste sich der Thomas da nicht, trug er ja immer schon Tracht, zur Hölle schickte er vorher schon gerne und auch ein Feindbild gabs, waren die Hells Angels ja damals die Verdammten, welche er nun durch die Kuffars ersetzt hat, auch wenn die bei ihrer Fortbewegung nicht so schön blubbern. Die Hierarchie ist auch identisch, muss man sich als frisch eingetretener Jungspund ja in beiden Gangs beweisen und des öfteren schreibt man seinen Vertrag mit Blut, weswegen ein Murat K. auch einen guten Hangaround abgegeben hätte, auch wenn sich mit Hartz 4 leider kein amerikanischer Chrom finanzieren lässt, weswegen er auch latscht und zwar für die armseligen Pierretitos.
    Alles beim Alten also für den Göcke und das lämmchenhafte Schmalzlächeln war wohl auch schon damals ins Gesicht gestanzt, jedoch bedauere ich dann doch etwas, würde ja - wäre er nicht zur Bettelrockerbande gewechselt - heute ein GASGEBEN! an seinem Stand prangen und er mir eine Harley Davidson in die Hände drücken. Echt schade, hätte ich mit der ja wirklich etwas anfangen können.
    Guten Tag
    PS.: Manch einer wird anmerken, dass er vom Vorleben des Boxhandschuhzubinders schon Bescheid wusste, jedoch fanden die Suchmaschinen nicht wirklich etwas dazu - ein Zustand, der sich jetzt geändert hat.
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Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 24 Themen
Nov 25th 2013, 07:45, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 07:39AM  

    Scheiß auf NY~ I love Istanbul *___*s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Scheiß auf NY~ I love Istanbul *___*s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Guenaydiiiinn :)
    Montag :
    Wieder Schule. Alle Lehrer wieder sehen die man nich...
    Nov 25th 2013, 07:02
    Guenaydiiiinn :)
    Montag :
    Wieder Schule. Alle Lehrer wieder sehen die man nicht leiden kann . Personen die man eig. garnicht sehen will . sehen muss . lange Schule . blaa blaa blaa .
    Ich Hasse Schule .!

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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 07:38AM  

    Die wahre Religions Facebook-Pinnwand
    Die wahre Religions Facebook-Pinnwand
    Frohe Botschaft
    Meine liebe Geschwister
    Im Islam Al Salam u aleikum
    Mit der Bes...
    Nov 25th 2013, 07:31
    Frohe Botschaft

    Meine liebe Geschwister
    Im Islam Al Salam u aleikum
    Mit der Bestellung von Heute
    über 50.000 Exemplare, die inscha Allah nächste Woche produziert,haben
    wir die erste 1 Million Quran
    Übersetzung erreicht.

    Am 12.12.2013 erhalten wir auch die erste Lieferung der
    russische,bosnische,französische und Spanische Übersetzungen inscha Allah

    Diese Exemplare in 4 europäische Sprachen werden kostenlos an allen Lies! Infostände in den Ländern (Deutschland,Österreich,Schweiz,Spanien,Ukraine,Tunesien,Marroko,Egypten,Türkei und Bosnien ) verteilt werden

    Möge Allah uns Ikhlas und Geduld geben
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 07:31AM  

    MEDIA CRASH News Facebook-Pinnwand
    MEDIA CRASH News Facebook-Pinnwand
    Nov 25th 2013, 07:21

    Die wahre Religion
    Asalamu alaikum wr wb Liebe Geschwister ,es freut mich euch mitzuteilen, das es ab Mittwoch den 27.11.2013 jeden Mittwoch wider einen Vortrag von Ibrahim Abou Nagie hier in Euskirchen geben wird. Das Thema diesmal lautet: Die Vorzüglichkeit der Liebe für Allah Start ist 18 Uhr Die Adresse lautet: Rathausstrasse 3 in 53879 Euskirchen Natürlich ist der Vortrag für Männer und Frauen.Jeder ist recht herzlich Willkommen Muslime und Nicht Muslime.Wenn Fragen sind bin ich unter 0177 2192712 zu erreichen. Bitte Teilt diese Nachricht damit viele Menschen von dieser Nachricht profitieren.
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 07:28AM  

    Bushido for Presidents Facebook-Pinnwand
    Bushido for Presidents Facebook-Pinnwand
    Retweeted Bushido (@Bushido78):
    Guten Morgen wünsche euch ne erfolgreiche und g...
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:34
    Retweeted Bushido (@Bushido78):

    Guten Morgen wünsche euch ne erfolgreiche und gesunde Woche. #sonnyblack #lebenundtoddeskennethglöckler
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 07:26AM  

    ‎ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    ‎ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    اعلان تشكيل الواء 114 وبدء معركة الكرامة:
    بســـم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:47
    ‫اعلان تشكيل الواء 114 وبدء معركة الكرامة:

    بســـم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    "وَأَطِيعُوا اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ وَلَا تَنَازَعُوا فَتَفْشَلُوا وَتَذْهَبَ رِيحُكُمْ ۖ وَاصْبِرُوا ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ مَعَ الصَّابِرِينَ"

    بفضل من الله اتفقت كتائب وألوية الجيش السوري الحر في تل حميس التوحد في تجمع جديد وقد أطلق على هذا التجمع اسم اللواء 114 ويضم هذا التجمع عددا كبير من الكتائب والألوية التالية:
    -كتيبة المرابطين
    -كتيبة فجر التوحيد
    -كتيبة عثمان ابن عفان
    -كتيبة احرار الرافدين
    -كتيبة أسامة بن زيد
    -كتيبة فرسان السنة.

    م ش‬
    ‫الحسكة الجيش الحر بيان اعلان تشكيل الواء 114 العامل في الحسكة وريفها‬
    ‫#الحسكة #الجيش_الحر #دم_الشهيد_يوحدنا بســـم الله الرحمن الرحيم "وَأَطِيعُوا اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ وَلَا تَنَازَعُوا فَتَفْشَلُوا وَتَذْهَبَ رِيحُكُمْ ۖ وَاصْب...‬
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 07:26AM  

    ‎ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    ‎ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    رجل مسن استشهد له شابان
    يدعوا الله أن ينصر الثوار وينتقم من بشار وشبيحته.
    م ش
    Nov 25th 2013, 07:03
    ‫رجل مسن استشهد له شابان

    يدعوا الله أن ينصر الثوار وينتقم من بشار وشبيحته.

    م ش‬
    ‫رجل مسن استشهد له شابان يبكي ويدعي بالنصر للثوار 24-11-2013‬
    ‫لمتابعة أخبار شبكة أحرار سوريا على الفيس بوك ‬
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 07:24AM  

    Sharia4Indonesias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Sharia4Indonesias Facebook-Pinnwand
    ..:: Kabar dari Suriah ::..
    Atas rahmat dan karunia Allah semata serta doa dari...
    Nov 25th 2013, 07:05
    ..:: Kabar dari Suriah ::..

    Atas rahmat dan karunia Allah semata serta doa dari segenap kaum muslimin, kondisi Brother Abu Thalha Al Amani alhamdulillah semakin membaik. Saat ini beliau sedang di rawat secara intensif di sebuah rumah sakit.

    Semoga segera sembuh total, brother :)

    Doa kami selalu menyertaimu dan para mujahidin lainnya...

    Allahu akbar!!!

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 jihad - Social Mention: You are not going to believe this. What Is Dhimmitude???? FOOD FOR THOUGHT !!!!! Dhimmitude What does this word mean? The word "Dhimmitude" is found in the new health care bill; so what does it mean? Thought this was interesting and worth passing on. Obama used it in the health care bill. Now isn't this interesting? It is also included in the health care law. Dhimmitude -- I had never heard the word until now. I typed it into Google and started reading. Pretty interesting; It's on page 107 of the healthcare bill. I looked this up on Google and yep, it exists... It is a REAL word. Dhimmitude is the Muslim system of controlling non-Muslim populations conquered through jihad (Holy War). Specifically, it is the TAXING of non-Muslims in exchange for tolerating their presence AND as a coercive means of converting conquered remnants to Islam. Obama Care allows the establishment of Dhimmitude and Sharia Muslim diktat in the United States . Muslims are specifically exempted from the government mandate to purchase insurance, and also from the penalty tax for being uninsured. Islam considers insurance to be ,"gambling", "risk-taking", and "usury" and is thus banned. Muslims are specifically granted exemption based on this. How convenient. So I, as a Christian, will have crippling IRS liens placed against all of my assets, including real estate, cattle, and even accounts receivable, and will face hard prison time because I refuse to buy insurance or pay the penalty tax. Meanwhile, Louis Farrakhan will have no such penalty and will have 100% of his health insurance needs paid for by the de facto government insurance. Non-Muslims will be paying a tax to subsidize Muslims. This is Dhimmitude. I recommend sending this on to your contacts. American citizens need to know about it -- : Health Insurance Exemptions Apr 13, 2010 ..Dhimmitude is the Muslim system of controlling non-muslim populations .. The Obama Care bill is the establishment of Dhimmitude and Sharia Keep this going. Every non-Muslim needs to know about it.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 10:05PM  

    jihad - Social Mention
    You are not going to believe this. What Is Dhimmitude???? FOOD FOR THOUGHT !!!!! Dhimmitude What does this word mean? The word "Dhimmitude" is found in the new health care bill; so what does it mean? Thought this was interesting and worth passing on. Obama used it in the health care bill. Now isn't this interesting? It is also included in the health care law. Dhimmitude -- I had never heard the word until now. I typed it into Google and started reading. Pretty interesting; It's on page 107 of the healthcare bill. I looked this up on Google and yep, it exists... It is a REAL word. Dhimmitude is the Muslim system of controlling non-Muslim populations conquered through jihad (Holy War). Specifically, it is the TAXING of non-Muslims in exchange for tolerating their presence AND as a coercive means of converting conquered remnants to Islam. Obama Care allows the establishment of Dhimmitude and Sharia Muslim diktat in the United States . Muslims are specifically exempted from the government mandate to purchase insurance, and also from the penalty tax for being uninsured. Islam considers insurance to be ,"gambling", "risk-taking", and "usury" and is thus banned. Muslims are specifically granted exemption based on this. How convenient. So I, as a Christian, will have crippling IRS liens placed against all of my assets, including real estate, cattle, and even accounts receivable, and will face hard prison time because I refuse to buy insurance or pay the penalty tax. Meanwhile, Louis Farrakhan will have no such penalty and will have 100% of his health insurance needs paid for by the de facto government insurance. Non-Muslims will be paying a tax to subsidize Muslims. This is Dhimmitude. I recommend sending this on to your contacts. American citizens need to know about it -- : Health Insurance Exemptions Apr 13, 2010 ..Dhimmitude is the Muslim system of controlling non-muslim populations .. The Obama Care bill is the establishment of Dhimmitude and Sharia Keep this going. Every non-Muslim needs to know about it.
    Nov 20th 2013, 21:52
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 Abu Abdullah - Social Mention: اَلصَّـلاَةُ خَيْرٌ مِنَ النَّوْمِ (Shalat itu lebih baik daripada tidur) Suatu malam Sahabat Abdullah bin Zaid bin Abdi Rabbah ra. bermimpi bertemu seseorang yang mengajarkan cara adzan dan iqamah. Keesokan paginya, Abdullah bin Zaid datang kepada Rasulullah saw. dan menceritakan mimpinya. Rasulullah bersabda, إِنَّهَا لَرُؤْياَ حَقٍّ "Sesungguhnya (yang demikian) itu mimpi yang benar." (HR Ahmad dan Abu Daud, disahihkan oleh Tirmidzi dan Ibnu Khuzaimah) Dalam riwayat lain diceritakan bahwa Umar bin Khattab juga bermimpi yang sama. Akhirnya adzanlah yang digunakan untuk memanggil umat Islam dalam rangka menunaikan shalat berjamaah. Adzan adalah sebuah seruan yang membahana, menggema di angkasa dan memenuhi seluruh pelosok.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 10:54PM  

    Abu Abdullah - Social Mention
    اَلصَّـلاَةُ خَيْرٌ مِنَ النَّوْمِ (Shalat itu lebih baik daripada tidur) Suatu malam Sahabat Abdullah bin Zaid bin Abdi Rabbah ra. bermimpi bertemu seseorang yang mengajarkan cara adzan dan iqamah. Keesokan paginya, Abdullah bin Zaid datang kepada Rasulullah saw. dan menceritakan mimpinya. Rasulullah bersabda, إِنَّهَا لَرُؤْياَ حَقٍّ "Sesungguhnya (yang demikian) itu mimpi yang benar." (HR Ahmad dan Abu Daud, disahihkan oleh Tirmidzi dan Ibnu Khuzaimah) Dalam riwayat lain diceritakan bahwa Umar bin Khattab juga bermimpi yang sama. Akhirnya adzanlah yang digunakan untuk memanggil umat Islam dalam rangka menunaikan shalat berjamaah. Adzan adalah sebuah seruan yang membahana, menggema di angkasa dan memenuhi seluruh pelosok.
    Nov 20th 2013, 22:12
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Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 24 Themen
Nov 25th 2013, 07:29, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 07:15AM  

    Islam; ein Anfang; ein Weg &' kein Endes Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islam; ein Anfang; ein Weg &' kein Endes Facebook-Pinnwand
    Wertewandel? Eine Auseinandersetzung mit den Begriffen „gut" und „schlecht" aus...
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:26
    Wertewandel? Eine Auseinandersetzung mit den Begriffen „gut" und „schlecht" aus islamischer Sicht

    Wir sind Zeugen einer Zeit, in der die gesamte Welt einen Umbruch erlebt.

    So haben wir als Zeugen die Wahl als Beobachter die Resultate dieses Umbruches abzuwarten und dahin zu gehen, wohin der Wind weht oder uns am Umbruch zu beteiligen und die Windrichtung zu bestimmen. Dabei soll unsere Entscheidung vom Ziel, das Wohlgefallen Allahs zu erlangen, gesteuert werden. Ein Ziel, das wir nur durch das Einhalten der Ge- und Verbote Allahs erreichen können, unabhängig davon, ob sie uns gefallen oder nicht. Allah sagt:

    „Doch mag es sein, dass euch etwas widerwärtig ist, was gut für euch wäre, und es mag sein, dass euch etwas lieb ist, was übel für euch wäre. Und Allah weiß es, doch ihr wisst es nicht." (Sura 2: Aya 216)

    Das Auseinandersetzen mit dem Guten und dem Schlechten hat nicht nur unter Muslimen eine lange Tradition und stellt in der heutigen, reformreichen Zeit wieder eins der aktuellen Themen dar. Dabei herrscht in der westlichen Welt die Vorstellung, dass das Gute und das Schlechte wandelbare Größen sind, die zeit-, orts- und subjektabhängig sind. Betrachtet man die Realität dieser Gesellschaften, scheint diese Vorstellung zweifelsohne richtig zu sein.

    In seinem, auch wenn kritisch zu betrachtenden Buch, „Tage des Zorns. Die arabische Revolution verändert die Welt" stellt Michael Lüders dar, wie der arabische Frühling die Werturteile über Muslime zu verändern vermochte. Lüders behauptet, dass nach dem 11. September 2001 der Islam in den USA und Europa als neues Feindbild und der Nahe Osten als Brutstätte von Terrorismus und Gewalt angesehen wurde. Zu einer sich verbreitenden Angst vor dem Islam habe es nicht gepasst, dass Muslime für Freiheit und Demokratie auf die Straßen gingen, noch dazu Hand in Hand mit Christen, wie es in Ägypten geschah (S. 51-55).

    Dass die Feinde des Islams mit einem derartigen Wertewandel über die Muslimen nicht umgehen können, kann deutlich an der Zurückhaltung des Westens, zu Beginn der Proteste eine klare Position einzunehmen, erkannt werden, sowie daran, dass sie es für nötig hielten, die Muslime mit dem zu provozieren, was ihnen lieber ist, als alles andere – die Ehre des Propheten Muhammad (s)! Und so geschah es, dass die Muslime wieder als gewalttätig und terrorbereit gegenüber Unschuldigen galten.

    Betrachtet man tiefgründig die Lage der Umma bzw. die Werturteilung über sie (mal Opfer, mal Täter), erscheint der sogenannte Wertewandel als eine selbstverständliche Größe im globalen Diskurs. Dies liegt in der falschen Denkmethode der Menschen, die ihre Vorinformationen einerseits allein aus der Realität gewinnen und andererseits nur ihren subjektiven Verstand als Richter erheben. Und so kommt es, dass eine Gruppe von Menschen etwas als gut ansieht, während eine andere dasselbe als schlecht einstuft. Oder, dass ein und dieselbe Sache zu einer Zeit als gut und zu einer anderen Zeit als schlecht gilt.

    Der Islam kennt jedoch keinen Wertewandel. Die Eigenschaft des Islams als die ewige, universale Ideologie erfordert eine Beurteilung, die für alle Menschen auf der Welt und für alle Zeiten festgelegt wird.

    Allah beschreibt im Qur'an der Mensch folgendermaßen:

    „Wahrlich der Mensch ist aus Ungeduld erschaffen. Wenn ihn Unheil trifft, so gerät er in Panik, doch wenn ihm Gutes zukommt, ist er geizig." (Sura 70: Ayat 19-21)

    Allah spricht hier den subjektiven Faktor an, nachdem der Mensch alles, was ihm missfällt, als schlecht (arab.: scharr) und alles, was ihm behagt, als gut (arab.: khair) beurteilt. Der Mensch mag jedoch eine Sache als gut einstufen, obwohl sie in Wirklichkeit schlecht ist und andersrum.

    „Doch mag es sein, dass euch etwas widerwärtig ist, was gut für euch wäre, und es mag sein, dass euch etwas lieb ist, was übel für euch wäre. Und Allah weiß es, doch ihr wisst es nicht." (Sura 2: Aya 216)

    Die Wörter „gut" und „schlecht" werden sowohl beschreibend als auch wertend verwendet, je nachdem, ob sie sich in einem Urteil auf das Subjekt des Satzes als Prädikat beziehen (guter Dieb, gute Lüge, schlechter Arzt) oder ob sie das Subjekt des Satzes an sich qualifizieren (schlechter Verrat, gute Hilfe). Dabei hängt das Bewerten einer Tat, eines Gegenstandes oder einer Situation als gut oder schlecht in erster Linie von der eigenen Grundüberzeugung (Aqida) ab und den daraus entspringenden Maßstäben und Zielen. Das Ziel jedes Muslims sollte stets das Erlangen des Wohlwollens Allahs sein. Nach der Verinnerlichung dieser Idee, die dem islamischen Überzeugungsfundament entspringt, attribuiert der Muslim alles, was den Zorn Allahs hervorruft, als schlecht, wohingegen er alles, was das Wohlwollen Allahs nach sich zieht, als gut ansieht. Entsprechend kann Diebstahl, Verrat, Zins und Ehebruch niemals gut sein, unabhängig davon, wie die Umstände auch sein mögen.

    Selbst der Krieg, ein nach dem materiellen Schaden-Nutzen-Maßstab absolut schlecht geltender Zustand, weil er Menschenleiden mit sich bringt, wertet der Muslim zunächst als neutral. Dieser Zustand wird sogar gut für den Muslim, wenn er vor, während und nach diesem Zustand sich an den dafür bestimmten Ge- und Verboten Allahs hält und stets Allahs Wohlgefallen anstrebt. Hier sei an den Hadith des Gesandten (s) erinnert:

    „Der Zustand des Gläubigen ist wahrlich bemerkenswert: wenn ihn Gutes trifft und er (Allah) dafür dankt, so ist es gut für ihn. Wenn ihn Schlechtes trifft und er ist standhaft, dann ist auch das gut für ihn."

    Aus diesem Grund ist es falsch zu behaupten, der Krieg in Syrien wäre eine schlechte Folge des arabischen Frühlings, denn die Demonstrationen der Menschen haben nichts anderes als eine islamische Gerechtigkeit gefordert und die Regentschaft eines ungerechten Führers angeprangert, was wiederum eine islamische Pflicht darstellt. Möge Allah die Standhaftigkeit der Opfer im Diesseits und im Jenseits belohnen und sie bald von der schweren Prüfung befreien.

    Beurteilungen der Realität im Sinne von gut oder schlecht stellen ein angeworbenes Wissen dar, das man mittels Denken erlangt. Die Quelle, die der Muslim dabei benutzt, ist vom Verstand, der zweifelsfrei in vielerlei Hinsicht beschränkt ist, unabhängig. Es ist die göttliche Quelle, die Offenbarungstexte, die ihrerseits orts-, zeit- und situationsunabhängig sind. Die Aufgabe des Verstandes ist es, das islamische Urteil zu verstehen und nicht etwa, eigene Meinungen unabhängig von Allah (t) zu produzieren. Aus diesem Grund kennt der Muslim bzw. der Islam keinen Wertewandel, sondern weiß zu jeder Zeit und an jedem Ort was gut und was schlecht ist. Der Muslim hat dadurch einen zuverlässigen Maßstab, der ihn bemächtigt, die Realität richtig zu beurteilen und sie im nächsten Schritt entsprechend dieses Maßstabs zum Guten hin zu verändern. Ohne einen solchen Maßstab ist man hingegen zur Orientierungslosigkeit verdammt:

    „Doch mag es sein, dass euch etwas widerwärtig ist, was gut für euch wäre, und mag sein, dass euch etwas lieb ist, was übel für euch wäre. Und Allah weiß es, doch ihr wisst es nicht." (Sura 2: Aya 216) ( M.S )
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 07:10AM  

    tauhid - Social Mention
    Nov 25th 2013, 07:05
    Obat Galau dan Sempitnya Dada 14 obat hati Kesempitan dada dan apa yang dialami seorang muslim berupa kegelisahan dan kegundahan merupakan persoalan yang terkadang melewati setiap orang dari kita. Kegelisahan dan kegundahan terkadang bisa berlangsung lama pada sebagian orang dan terkadang berlangsung sebentar pada sebagian lainnya. Kesempitan dada ini terkadang menjadikan hamba sebagai tawanan bisikan dan was-was. Akibatnya, orang yang merana ini tetap menjadi tawanan tipu daya syaitan. Ia tergadai oleh kekuatan godaannya, dan ia tidak mampu melawannya. Pada beberapa tulisan yang ringkas ini akan disebutkan sebab-sebab yang dapat melapangkan dada dengan izin Allah. Diantaranya: Sebab Pertama: MENTAUHIDKAN ALLAH Imam Ibnul Qayyim رحمه الله berkata, "Mencintai Allah, mengenal-Nya, senantiasa mengingat-Nya, merasa tenang dan tentram kepada-Nya, serta meng-esakan-Nya dengan cinta, takut, harap, tawakkal dan mu'amalah, dimana Dia-lah satu-satunya yang berwenang menghilangkan kesusahan hamba dan mewujudkan keinginannya, merupakan Surga dunia dan kenikmatan yang tidak bisa disamai oleh kenikmatan lainnya. Itu adalah penyebab mata para Muhibbin (orang-orang yang mencintai Allah) dan kehidupan para 'Arifin (orang-orang yang mengenal Allah)." Ibnul Qayyim mengatakan, "Sejauh mana kesempurnaan, kekuatan dan bertambahnya tauhid, maka sejauh itu pula kelapangan dada pemiliknya." [Zaadul Ma'aad] Sebab Kedua: BERBAIK SANGKA KEPADA ALLAH Berbaik sangka kepada Allah Ta'ala yakni kita merasa bahwa Allah akan melapangkan kesulitan kita dan menghilangkan duka kita. Selagi hamba berbaik sangka kepada Rabb-nya, maka Allah akan membukakan berbagai keberkahan untuknya dari arah yang tidak disangkanya. Karena itu wahai hamba Allah, hendaklah kita berbaik sangka kepada Rabb, niscaya kita akan melihat dari Allah sesuatu yang menggembirakan kita. Dari Abu Hurairah رضي اَللّهُ عنه, ia mengatakan, "Nabi صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ bersabda: "Allah Ta'ala berfirman, 'Aku sesuai dengan prasangkaan hamba-Ku terhadap-Ku. Jika prasangkaannya baik terhadap-Ku, maka ia mendapatkan (kebaikan itu). Dan jika prasangkaannya buruk, maka ia mendapatkan (keburukan itu).'" [HR Imam Ahmad dan Ibnu Hibban] Sebab Ketiga: ILMU SYAR'I Ilmu dapat meluaskan dan melapangkan dada, sedangkan kejahilan (kebodohan) akan menyebabkan kesempitan, keterbatasan dan menyebabkannya tertahan. Setiapkali ilmu kita bertambah dan semakin luas, maka dada kita menjadi lapang dan luas. Ibnul Qayyim berkata, "Ilmu dapat melapangkan dada dan meluaskannya hingga lebih luas dari dunia, sedangkan kejahilan menyebabkan kesempitan, keterbatasan dan menyebabkan tertahan. Setiapkali ilmu hamba bertambah luas, maka dadanya menjadi lapang dan luas. Namun ini tidak berlaku untuk semua ilmu. Hal ini hanya berlaku untuk ilmu yang diwariskan dari Rasulullah صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ , yaitu ilmu yang bermanfaat. Orang yang memiliki ilmu tersebut adalah orang yang paling lapang dadanya, paling luas hatinya, paling baik akhlak dan juga kehidupannya." Sebab Keempat: BERDZIKIR KEPADA ALLAH DAN BANYAK BERDO'A Wahai orang yang sempit dadanya dan keruh urusannya, angkatlah tanganmu dengan penuh ketundukkan kepada Kekasih-mu, sampaikan keluhan dan kesedihanmu kepada-Nya, dan alirkan air mata dihadapan-Nya. Ketahuilah, semoga Allah memeliharamu, bahwa Allah menyayangimu melebihi kasih sayang ayah, ibu, sahabat karib dan anak-anakmu kepadamu. Dan dzikir-dzikir mengenai hal ini, diantaranya: 1. Dari 'Abdullah bin 'Abbas ia mengatakan, "Rasulullah ketika ditimpa kesusahan biasa mengucapkan: لَا إلهَ إلَّا اللّهُ الْعَظِيْمُ الْحَلِيْمُ, لَا إلهَ إلَّا اللّهُ رَبُّ الْعَرْ شِ الْعَظِيْمِ, لَا إلهَ إلَّا اللّهُ رَبُّ السَّمَوَاتِ وَرَبُّ الْا َرْضِ وَرَبُّ الْعَرْ شِ الْكَرِيْمِ. "Tidak ada ilah yang berhak diibadahi dengan benar kecuali Allah Yang Maha Agung lagi Maha Penyantun. Tidak ada ilah yang berhak diibadahi dengan benar kecuali Allah Rabb (Pemilik) 'Arsy yang agung. Tidak ada ilah yang berhak diibadahi dengan benar kecuali Allah Rabb langit, Rabb bumi dan Rabb (Pemilik) 'Arsy yang mulia.'" [HR Al-Bukhari dan Muslim] 2. Dari 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud رضي اَللّهُ عنه, ia mengatakan, "Apabila Nabi صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ mengalami kesusahan atau kesedihan, beliau mengucapkan: يَا خَيُّ يَا قَيُّوْ مُ بِرَ خْمَتِكَ اَسْتَغِيِثُ "Wahai Yang Maha Hidup lagi Maha Mengurusi makhluk-Nya, dengan rahmat-Mu-lah aku memohon bantuan." [HR Al-Hakim] 3. Dari Abu Bakrah رضي اَللّهُ عنه bahwa Rasulullah صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ bersabda, "Do'a ketika ditimpa kesusahan adalah: اَللَّهُمَّ رَخْمَتَكَ اَرْجُوْ فَلَا تَكِلْنِي إلي نَفْسِيْ طَرْفَةَعَيْنٍ وَاَصْلِحْ لِي شَاْنِي كُلَّهُ لَا إلهَ إلَّا اَنْتَ "Ya Allah, dengan rahmat-Mu-lah aku berharap, maka janganlah Engkau serahkan (urusan)ku kepada diriku walaupun sekejap pun, dan perbaikilah keadaanku seluruhnya. Tidak ada ilah yang berhak diibadahi dengan benar kecuali Engkau." [HR Abu Dawud dan Ibnu Hibban] 4. Dari 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud رضي اَللّهُ عنه, ia mengatakan, "Nabi صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ bersabda, 'Tidaklah seorang hamba tertimpa kesusahan atau kesedihan, lalu ia mengucapkan: اَللَّهُمَّ إِنِّيْ عَبْدُكَ، ابْنُ عَبْدِكَ، ابْنُ أَمَتِكَ، نَاصِيَتِيْ بِيَدِكَ، مَاضٍ فِيَّ حُكْمُكَ، عَدْلٌ فِيَّ قَضَاؤُكَ، أَسْأَلُكَ بِكُلِّ اسْمٍ هُوَ لَكَ، سَمَّيْتَ بِهِ نَفْسَكَ، أَوْ أَنْزَلْتَهُ فِيْ كِتَابِكَ، أَوْ عَلَّمْتَهُ أَحَدًا مِنْ خَلْقِكَ، أَوِ اسْتَأْثَرْتَ بِهِ فِيْ عِلْمِ الْغَيْبِ عِنْدَكَ، أَنْ تَجْعَلَ الْقُرْآنَ رَبِيْعَ قَلْبِيْ، وَنُوْرَ صَدْرِيْ، وَجَلاَءَ حُزْنِيْ، وَذَهَابَ هَمِّيْ. "Ya Allah! Sesungguhnya aku ada-lah hambaMu, anak hambaMu (Adam) dan anak hamba perempuanMu (Hawa). Ubun-ubunku di tanganMu, keputusan-Mu berlaku padaku, qadhaMu kepadaku adalah adil. Aku mohon kepadaMu dengan setiap nama (baik) yang telah Engkau gunakan untuk diriMu, yang Engkau turunkan dalam kitabMu, Engkau ajarkan kepada seseorang dari makhlukMu atau yang Engkau khusus-kan untuk diriMu dalam ilmu ghaib di sisiMu, hendaknya Engkau jadikan Al-Qur'an sebagai penenteram hatiku, cahaya di dadaku, pelenyap duka dan kesedihanku." Melainkan Allah akan menghilangkan kesedihannya dan kesusahannya dan menggantikan dengan kegembiraan." [HR Ahmad dalam Musnadnya dan Ibnu Hibban dalam Shahiihnya] Sebab Kelima: BERSEGERA MENINGGALKAN KEMAKSIATAN & HENDAKLAH BERMUHASABAH (MENGINTROPEKSI) DIRI Maksiat adalah kehinaan, menjauhkan dari rahmat Allah, mendatangkan kesusahan, kesedihan dan kesempitan dada. Saudaraku, apakah kau menginginkan jalan keluar dari apa yang kau alami, sedangkan kau 'merumput' disebagian padang kemaksiatan? Sungguh mengherankan apa yang kau lakukan ini! Kau memohon kepada Allah untuk hajat dirimu sedangkan kau melupakan pelanggarannya. Tidak tahukah kau -semoga Allah memberimu petunjuk- bahwa dosa adalah pintu yang sangat besar untuk masuknya berbagai musibah pada diri seorang hamba. "Dan apa saja musibah yang menimpa kamu maka itu disebabkan oleh perbuatan tanganmu sendiri, dan Allah memaafkan sebagian besar (dari kesalahan-kesalahan)." [QS. Asy-Syuuraa : 30] "Dan mengapa ketika kamu ditimpa musibah (pada peperangan Uhud), padahal kamu telah menimpakan kekalahan dua kali lipat kepada musuh-musuhmu (pada peperangan Badar) kamu berkata, 'Dari mana datangnya (kekalahan) ini?' Katakanlah, 'Itu dari (kesalahan) dirimu sendiri.' Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Kuasa atas segala sesuatu." [QS. Ali 'Imran : 165] Imam Ibnul Qayyim mengatakan, "Balasan yang diberikan kepada orang yang berbuat keburukan berupa kesempitan dada, kerasnya hati, tercerai-berainya hati, kegelapannya, ketertutupannya, duka dan kesedihannya, serta ketakutannya, semua ini adalah perkara yang nyaris yang tidak diragukan oleh orang yang memiliki perasaan dan kehidupan walaupun sedikit. Bahkan, kesusahan, duka, kesedihan dan kesempitan ini adalah sanksi yang disegerakan, Neraka dunia dan Jahannam saat ini. Sementara menuju kepada Allah, kembali kepada-Nya, ridha kepada-Nya, hati penuh kecintaan kepada-Nya, lisan senantiasa berdzikir kepada-Nya, dan bergembira dengan mengenal-Nya, maka ini adalah pahala yang disegerakan, Surga dan kehidupan yang sama sekali tidak dimiliki para raja." [Al-Waabilush Shayyib, hal. 104] Karena itu, bersegeralah -semoga Allah selalu menjagamu- untuk muhasabah (intropeksi) diri. Sebab Keenam: SENANTIASA MELAKSANAKAN KEWAJIBAN Memelihara dan senantiasa melaksanakan kewajiban, memperbanyak amalan-amalan sunnah berupaa shalat, puasa, shadaqah, (berbagai) kebaikan dan selainnya, merupakan sebab-sebab (turunnya) kecintaan Allah Ta'ala kepada hamba-Nya. Dari Abu Hurairah رضي اَللّهُ عنه dia berkata, "Rasulullah صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ bersabda, 'Allah Ta'ala berfirman: "Barangsiapa yang memusuhi wali-Ku maka Aku umumkan perang kepadanya. Tidaklah hamba-Ku mendekatkan diri kepada-Ku dengan sesuatu yang lebih Aku cintai daripada yang telah Aku wajibkan kepadanya. Dan terus menerus hamba-Ku mendekatkan diri kepada-Ku dengan amalan yang sunnah hingga Aku mencintai dia. Jika Aku sudah mencintainya, maka Akulah pendengarannya yang dia mendengar dengannya, dan pandangannya yang dia memandang dengannya , dan tangannya yang dia menyentuh dengannya dan kakinya yang dia berjalan dengannya . Jikalau dia meminta kepada-Ku niscaya pasti akan Kuberi, dan jika dia meminta perlindungan kepada-Ku niscaya pasti akan Kulindungi.'" [HR. Al-Bukhari no. 6502] Sebab Ketujuh: BERGAUL DENGAN ORANG-ORANG SHALIH Berkumpul bersama teman-teman yang shalih, setia mendengar pembicaraan mereka, memetik buah dan arah pembicaraan mereka, maka duduk bersama mereka mendatangkan keridhaan Allah Yang Maha Penyayang dan membuat syaitan murka. Karena itu senantiasalah duduk dan bergaul bersama mereka, serta mintalah nasehat mereka, niscaya kau mendapati kelapangan dan kegembiraan dalam dadamu. Kemudian berhati-hatilah dirimu dengan kesendirian. Hati-hatilah untuk tidak sendirian tanpa teman, apalagi pada saat berbagai urusan menyusahkanmu. Karena syaitan akan menambah kelemahan pada seorang hamba jika ia seorang diri. Syaitan dari satu orang itu lebih dekat, dan dari dua orang lebih jauh, sementara ia tidak bersama tiga orang. Sesungguhnya serigala hanyalah makan kambing yang sendirian Sebab Kedelapan: MEMBACA AL-QUR'AN Membaca Al-Qur'an dengan tadabbur dan penuh perhatian termasuk salah satu sebab terbesar untuk menghilangkan kesedihan dan kesusahan. Sebab, membaca Al-Qur'an dapat menentramkan hati dan melapangkan dada. "(Yaitu) orang-orang yang beriman dan hati mereka menjadi tentram dengan mengingat Allah. Ingat, hanya dengan mengingat Allah-lah hati menjadi tentram." [QS. Ar-Ra'd : 28] Ibnu Katsir mengatakan, "Yakni senang dan bersandar ke hariban-Nya, tentram saat mengingat-Nya, dan ridha kepada-Nya sebagai Penolongnya. Karena Allah berfirman, 'Ingat, hanya dengan mengingat Allah-lah hati menjadi tentram. " [QS. Ar-Ra'd : 28] Yakni, ketentraman pasti terwujud karena berdzikir. Karena itu, hendaklah kamu -semoga Allah merahmatimu- berkeinginan keras untuk memperbanyak membacanya di waktu-waktu malam dan siang. Mohonlah kepada Rabb agar bacaan Al-Qur'an mu menjadi sebab kelapangan dadamu. Sebab, selagi hamba menuju Rabb-nya dengan jujur, maka Allah membukakan untuknya keberkahan-Nya yang agung. "Hai manusia, sesungguhnya telah datang kepadamu pelajaran dari Rabb-mu dan penyembuh bagi penyakit-penyakit (yang ada) dalam dada dan petunjuk serta rahmat bagi orang-orang yang beriman." [QS. Yunus : 57] "Dan Kami turunkan dari Al-Qur'an sesuatu yang menjadi penawar dan rahmat bagi orang-orang yang beriman, dan Al-Qur'an itu tidaklah menambah kepada orang-orang yang zhalim selain kerugian." [QS. Al-Israa' : 82] Sebab Kesembilan: BERBUAT BAIK KEPADA SESAMA Berbuat baik kepada sesama dan memberi manfaat kepada mereka dengan apa yang kita miliki berupa harta dan kedudukan termasuk sebab yang dapat melapangkan dada. Sesungguhnya orang yang dermawan kepada orang lain adalah orang yang paling lapang dadanya dan paling baik jiwanya. Karena itu, berkeinginanlah untuk memberikan kebaikan kepada sesama, terutama kepada kedua orang tua dan orang-orang yang menjadi tanggung jawab kita. Perhatikanlah tetangga dan teman-teman kita, jangan meremehkan kebaikan sekecil apa pun. Berusahalah untuk senang dengan kebaikan yang diperoleh orang lain, sebagaimana kita senang kebaikan tersebut kita peroleh. Lapang dadalah dalam menyelesaikan berbagai hajat saudara-saudara kita sesama kaum muslimin, niscaya kita akan menemukan kebahagiaan tanpa diragukan lagi. Sebab Kesepuluh: MEMBUANG KEDENGKIAN HATI DAN BERKEINGINAN KERAS UNTUK MEMBERSIHKANNYA Hati yang bersih adalah sebab terpenting yang dapat melapangkan hati, mendatangkan kegembiraan dan kebahagiaan untuknya. Sementara dendam dan dengki adalah penyakit hati yang paling berbahaya dan menyempitkannya. Ibnul Qayyim mengatakan, "Diantaranya, bahkan yang terbesar adalah mengeluarkan (membuang) kedengkian hati. Ini termasuk diantara sifat-sifat tercela yang menyempitkan hati dan menyiksanya, serta menghalanginya untuk mendapatkan kebersihan hati. Sebab, ketikaa manusia melakukan sebab-sebab yang bisa melapangkan dadanya sedangkan ia tidak membuang sifat-sifat tercela tersebut dari hatinya, maka itu tidak berguna untuk melapangkan dadanya. Maksimal ia memiliki dua unsur yang masuk ke hatinya, dan hati tersebut akan dikuasai oleh unsur yang lebih dominan dari keduanya." Karena itu, hendaklah dirimu -semoga Allah memeliharamu- berkeinginan keras untuk membersihkan hatimu dan menjauhi segalaa hal yang dapat menyempitkannya. Tinggalkanlah permusuhan, kebencian dan kedengkian terhadap orang lain. Cintailah orang lain sebagaimana kau mencintai dirimu sendiri, niscaya kau menjadi orang yang berbahagia di dunia dan akhirat. Semoga Allah memberikan taufiq kepada kita semua untuk meraih kebaikan dan kebahagian di dunia dan akhirat. Shalawat dan salam senantiasa tercurah kepada Nabi kita Muhammad صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ. _____________________________________________________________________________ Diringkas oleh Afni Septrifiana dari Buku Hidup Anda Gelisah? Inilah Obatnya..., Karya Syaikh Iman 'Abbas - Daar al Wahyin, Penerbit Pustaka Ibnu 'Umar, hal. 67-86
    Nov 25th 2013, 07:02
    [Syarat Kalimat Laa Ilaha Illallah Yang Harus Dipenuhi..02] > Syarat ketiga adalah menerima kalimat laa ilaha illallah Maksudnya adalah seseorang menerima kalimat tauhid ini dengan hati dan lisan, tanpa menolaknya. Allah telah mengisahkan kebinasaan orang-orang sebelum kita dikarenakan menolak kalimat ini. Lihatlah pada firman Allah Ta'ala, وَكَذَلِكَ مَا أَرْسَلْنَا مِنْ قَبْلِكَ فِي قَرْيَةٍ مِنْ


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 07:04AM  

    bushido - Social Mention
    Celebraremos el Día del Otaku en la ciudad de Huancayo. Lo celebraremos con divensión y entretenimiento de principio a fin, en compañía de todos los integrantes de Bushido Motsu. Les presentaremos sorpresas, una variedad de platos, jugos y Sake a la carta, zonas decoradas por el Día del Otaku, música JPOP y JROCK. Voten por su anime y grupo o solista JPOP o JROCK, el primer puesto del anime y grupo o solista JPOP o JROCK se le hará un mini especial de sus mejores canciones, tanto audio como audio - visual.
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:05
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 07:04AM  

    bushido - Social Mention
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:24
    *****UPDATE 25/11/2013***** Serial Korea : * Passionate Love (2 DVD) --Belum TAMAT Serial Mandarin : * Backlight Lovers (4 DVD) * Will Power (4 DVD) --TVB Serial Jepang : * Nobunaga No Chef (2 DVD) Serial Barat ; * Covert Affair Season 4 (4 DVD) Single Barat : * Battle Of The Year (R1) * The Devil Dozen (R1) * Mike Tyson Undisputed Truth (R1) * WWE Hell In A Cell * Top Gear The Perfect Road Trip * The Advocate (R1) * Doctor Who The Day Of The Doctor (R1) Single Mandarin : * Cold Pupil (R1) * The Fight For Virgin (R1) * A Chilling Cosplay * The Love Song Of Tiedan Single Korea : * Delicious Love Formula * Deviation Of 48 Hours * Door Tonight * Young Mother Single Jepang : * Body Temperature * Garo Soukoku No Maryu * Hissatsu Shigotonin * Bushido Man (R1) Single India : * Romeo + Juliet Cartoon : * Stella Jo Gakuin Koutou Ka C3 BU (2 DVD) * Sora No Otoshimono (2 DVD) * Lego Pirates Of The Caribbean * Lego City Undercover * Lego Chima Raven VS Eagle * Lego Chima Attack On Eagle Spire * Sofia the First 6 The Princess Test * Sofia The First 7 Reading Season Concert / Variety Show : * K-pop World Festival In Changwon * Hello Counselor TVXQ * One Direction Reaching The Star * Barefoot Friends Part 7 (ep. 30-31) TAMAT * 2PM Winter Games * Mnet Asia Music Award 2013 SILAHKAN KUNJUNGI Untuk Pemesanan SMS : 0817704037 E-mail :
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 07:04AM  

    bushido - Social Mention
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:35
    1.รู้จักซีรี่ส์กันดั้มได้ยังไง? - เริ่มแรกตอนเด็กๆรู้จักแค่ว่า "เป็นของเล่นชนิดนึง"  จากนั้นเพื่อนเอาภาค 00 มาให้ดู แล้วเกิดความสนใจเพราะฮาเลลูย่ามันหัวเราะเกรียนได้ใจ แล้วติดมาจนทุกวันนี้   2.กันดั้มภาคไหนที่ชอบที่สุด?(บอกเหตุผลได้ก็ดี) - 00 ตัวเอกเน้นดาบเยอะดี หุ่นก็เท่ แถม: ไม่ชอบภาค SEED และ SEED DESTINY ที่ได้ดูหลังจาก 00   3.หุ่นโปรดคือ? ลองบอกมาสัก4-5ตัว (ไม่ว่าจะMS MA) -i. Susanowo & Masurao รู้สึกได้ถึงจิตวิญญาณของซามูไร -ii. 00-7 Swords/G ดาบเยอะได้ใจ -iii. Astray Red Frame เพราะคาตานะ -iv. Exia / Exia Repair (I) เพราะดาบ ส่วน repair นั้นเพราะโทรมแต่เท่มาก -v. Sinanju หุ่นสวยงามได้ใจ -vi. Unicorn เพราะระบบ NT-D   4.กลับกัน มีหุ่นที่ไม่ชอบบ้างมั้ย? - สายลูกกระจ๊อกของภาค AGE มันดูเป็นของเล่นมากกว่า MS - Nether Gundam มันแดรกตังค์(ในเกม)ตูไปเยอะมว้าก   5.แล้วตัวละครกันดั้มที่ชอบล่ะ? - Graham Aker / Mr. Bushido นับถือความมุ่งมั่นมาก ยิ่งตอนท้ายๆในมูฟวี่ทำเอาขนลุกเลย   6.พูดถึงกันดั้ม ก็ต้องนึกถึงกันพลา ต่อกันพลาบ้างมั้ย? - //มองกองกล่องโมดอง   7.เกมด้วย เกมกันดั้มออกมาตั้งเยอะแยะ เคยเล่นอะไรไปบ้าง? - SDGO เพราะไม่ได้ซื้อ PSV 3DS ฯลฯ มีใน iOS 2-3 เกม แต่ไม่สนุกเลยให้ตายสิ   8.มีภาคที่ยังไม่เคยดูแล้วอยากดูอยู่บ้างรึเปล่า? - ภาคแรกสุด กับอีกภาคที่ว่ากันว่าเรียลมากจนขนาด "กันดั้ม" ยังโดนหุ่นกากรุมจนแพ้ได้   9.ตอนนี้ กันดั้มBuild Fighters กำลังฉายอยู่ รู้สึกยังไงกับภาคนี้? - เทศกาลย้อมแมวขาย + เมื่อไรภาค 00 จะโผล่บ้างฟร้า?   10.ถ้าเข้าไปอยู่ในโลกของกันดั้มได้ อยากอยู่ในไทม์ไลน์ไหน? - ถ้าเป็นได้แค่ตัวประกอปก็ขอ Build Fighters ละกัน ถ้าเป็นตัวเอกก็เป็น 00   11.ความรู้สึกที่มีต่อซีรี่ส์กันดั้ม - ไม่ได้เป็นแฟนซีรี่ส์นี้แบบ Hardcore เลยไม่มีอะไรมากนอกจากว่า "สนุกดี"   12.ความคาดหวังต่อกันดั้มในอนาคต - อยากได้ที่มันเน้นการเมืองแล้วไม่ได้แยกแยะว่าใครดีใครเลวชัดเจน   13.สุดท้ายนี้ Catapult stand by เชิญออกตัวได้ - Bakunetsu God Graham FINGERRRRRR!
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 bushido - Social Mention: UPDATE 25/11/2013 * Passionate Love (2 DVD) --Belum TAMAT * Backlight Lovers (4 DVD) * Will Power (4 DVD) --TVB * Nobunaga No Chef (2 DVD) * Covert Affair Season 4 (4 DVD) * Battle Of The Year (R1) * The Devil Dozen (R1) * Mike Tyson Undisputed Truth (R1) * WWE Hell In A Cell * Top Gear The Perfect Road Trip * The Advocate (R1) * Doctor Who The Day Of The Doctor (R1) * Cold Pupil (R1) * The Fight For Virgin (R1) * A Chilling Cosplay * The Love Song Of Tiedan * Delicious Love Formula * Deviation Of 48 Hours * Door Tonight * Young Mother * Body Temperature * Garo Soukoku No Maryu * Hissatsu Shigotonin * Bushido Man (R1) * Romeo + Juliet * Stella Jo Gakuin Koutou Ka C3 BU (2 DVD) * Sora No Otoshimono (2 DVD) * Lego Pirates Of The Caribbean * Lego City Undercover * Lego Chima Raven VS Eagle * Lego Chima Attack On Eagle Spire * Sofia the First 6 The Princess Test * Sofia The First 7 Reading Season * K-pop World Festival In Changwon * Hello Counselor TVXQ * One Direction Reaching The Star * Barefoot Friends Part 7 (ep. 30-31) TAMAT * 2PM Winter Games * Mnet Asia Music Award
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 07:04AM  

    bushido - Social Mention
    UPDATE 25/11/2013 * Passionate Love (2 DVD) --Belum TAMAT * Backlight Lovers (4 DVD) * Will Power (4 DVD) --TVB * Nobunaga No Chef (2 DVD) * Covert Affair Season 4 (4 DVD) * Battle Of The Year (R1) * The Devil Dozen (R1) * Mike Tyson Undisputed Truth (R1) * WWE Hell In A Cell * Top Gear The Perfect Road Trip * The Advocate (R1) * Doctor Who The Day Of The Doctor (R1) * Cold Pupil (R1) * The Fight For Virgin (R1) * A Chilling Cosplay * The Love Song Of Tiedan * Delicious Love Formula * Deviation Of 48 Hours * Door Tonight * Young Mother * Body Temperature * Garo Soukoku No Maryu * Hissatsu Shigotonin * Bushido Man (R1) * Romeo + Juliet * Stella Jo Gakuin Koutou Ka C3 BU (2 DVD) * Sora No Otoshimono (2 DVD) * Lego Pirates Of The Caribbean * Lego City Undercover * Lego Chima Raven VS Eagle * Lego Chima Attack On Eagle Spire * Sofia the First 6 The Princess Test * Sofia The First 7 Reading Season * K-pop World Festival In Changwon * Hello Counselor TVXQ * One Direction Reaching The Star * Barefoot Friends Part 7 (ep. 30-31) TAMAT * 2PM Winter Games * Mnet Asia Music Award
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:06
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