
Hier werden Nachrichten über den Salafismus veröffentlicht.
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Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren.
Es ist wichtig über Fanatiker aufzuklären, um den Frieden und die Freiheit zu sichern.
Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben,
egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.

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(Achtung: Youtube ist überschwemmt mit Videos, die salafistischen/islamistischen Einfluss besitzen.
Deshalb: Schaut euch die Accounts genau an!)

[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

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Freitag, 6. Dezember 2013

Your 8 hourly digest for Salafismus in Facebook ; Salafisten Islam Koran Moschee

Salafismus in Facebook ; Salafisten Islam Koran Moschee
Hier werden Nachrichten über den radikalen Salafismus veröffentlicht. Was sind Salafisten? (Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr) Diese Seite richtet sich nicht gegen Muslime und den Islam.Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren. Es ist wichtig über Fanatiker aufzuklären, um den Frieden und die Freiheit zu sichern. Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben, egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion. 
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Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 21 Themen
Dec 6th 2013, 10:50, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 10:46AM  

    Islam - Der Schlüssel zum Paradies Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islam - Der Schlüssel zum Paradies Facebook-Pinnwand
    Vorsicht vor negativen Gedanken und falschen Anschuldigungen!
    Mak'hool Al Shami...
    Dec 6th 2013, 10:36
    Vorsicht vor negativen Gedanken und falschen Anschuldigungen!

    Mak'hool Al Shami radiAllahu anhu, einer der ersten Tabi'in, sagte:

    "Ich sah einen Mann der beim beten und er weinte jedesmal wenn er sich niederkniete oder sich niederwarf, weshalb ich ihn der Augendienerei beschuldigte; aus diesem Grund wurde mir das Weinen für 1 Jahr verwehrt."

    [Hilat Al-Awliya]
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 09:33AM  

    Wake Up Ya Ahlul Sunnahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Wake Up Ya Ahlul Sunnahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Dec 6th 2013, 08:55


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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 09:33AM  

    Wake Up Ya Ahlul Sunnahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Wake Up Ya Ahlul Sunnahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Can we really ignore whats happening in Syria , like seriously can we ? subhanal...
    Dec 6th 2013, 09:10
    Can we really ignore whats happening in Syria , like seriously can we ? subhanallah where babies children are not only being tortured killed to death but starved subhanallah our sisters tortured raped , my lord its a HOLOCAUST, GENOCIDE MASSACRE ALL PUT IN ONE, THE LEAST WE CAN DO IS SHOW WE CARE , MAKE DUA FOR THEM SHED AWARENESS ON THEIR PLIGHT, DONATE TO CHARITIES THAT WOULD HELP THE SITUATION ,, WE ALL CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE SUBHANALLAH ,
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Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 22 Themen
Dec 6th 2013, 10:38, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 10:35AM  

    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    The garments industry in Bangladesh is well known around the world, and has achi...
    Dec 6th 2013, 10:21
    The garments industry in Bangladesh is well known around the world, and has achieved notoriety due to the Rana Plaza collapse, and the exploitation and poor working conditions of the workers.

    But what is not known is how the garments industry came to Bangladesh in the 1970's, a period when millions in the country were dying from a combination of war and famine. The future looked exceedingly bleak.

    Abdul Majid Chowdhury and Noorul Quader were Bangladeshi businessmen who wanted to help their country. "We asked ourselves, 'What the hell do we want?' " Chowdhury recalls. The answer he and his friends arrived at: "We need employment. We need dollars."

    At the time, Bangladesh had no modern economy to speak of. The country's main export was jute, a fiber used to make burlap sacks. So Chowdhury looked to textiles, an industry that had been a first step out of rural poverty for dozens of countries, stretching all the way back to the Industrial Revolution in England.

    Chowdhury and a few of his colleagues went to South Korea and toured a clothing factory full of women working at sewing machines, and he knew instantly that women in Bangladesh could do the work. He managed to get a 45-minute meeting with the head of Daewoo, the giant company that owned the factory, and talked to the guy for 10 hours, until 2 in the morning. The meeting worked. Daewoo agreed to invest in a clothing factory in Bangladesh.

    In 1980, Kim Eun Hee flew to Bangladesh to help set up the country's first export-oriented garment factory, Desh Garments.

    Today, there are more than 4,000 garment factories in Bangladesh. One way or another, most of them trace their lineage to Chowdhury and the 128 Bangladeshis who traveled to Korea 30 years ago.

    If individuals can be creative as Abdul Majid Choudury and care about the economy of their country by researching and setting up industries, why can't the government do much more with the resources they have at their disposal.

    The answer is, in Bangladesh people do not enter secular politics to improve the nation, but rather to fill their bank accounts, and those of their relatives with as much money as possible before they are replaced by other corrupt politicians.

    The Secular politics of Bangladesh is like a criminal enterprise, with faces changing every election, but the poverty remains for the common man. The time has come to work for an alternative system, which provides justice, economic progress and accountability, this can only be found in the Islamic system.
    Nixon And Kimchi: How The Garment Industry Came To Bangladesh
    The story of an obscure but hugely influential trade deal — and a struggle over Korean food.
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 10:29AM  

    Al-Ansar.des Facebook-Pinnwand
    Al-Ansar.des Facebook-Pinnwand
    Kennt ihr die Freude im Herzen, wenn man was Gutes tut??
    Abu Huraira (r) überli...
    Dec 6th 2013, 10:28
    Kennt ihr die Freude im Herzen, wenn man was Gutes tut??

    Abu Huraira (r) überliefert, dass der Prophet (s) sagte: "Kein Tagesanbruch vergeht, ohne dass zwei Engel herabsteigen, und der eine ruft: "Oh Allah, vergelte dem Spendenden (seiner Spende) entsprechend!" Und der andere ruft: "Oh Allah! Füge dem Geizigen (den entsprechenden) Schaden zu!" (Al-Bukhari und Muslim)

    [Riyad us-Salihin Nr. 295]

    Ausgeben des Liebsten und Besten

    Qur'an: Allah, der Erhabene, spricht:
    "Niemals werdet ihr Frömmigkeit erlangen, ehe ihr nicht von dem spendet, was ihr liebt..." (3:92)

    "Oh die ihr glaubt, spendet von den guten Dingen, die ihr erworben habt, und von dem, was Wir für euch aus der Erde hervorgebracht haben, und sucht nicht das Schlechte davon aus, um es zu Spenden, wo ihr es doch selbst nicht nehmen würdet, es sei denn ihr würdet ein Auge dabei zudrücken. Und wisst, dass Allah Sich selbst genügend ist, des Lobes würdig." (2:267)

    Anas (r) berichtet, dass Abu Talha (r) der reichste unter den Ansar in Medina war, was Landbesitz und Dattelgärten angeht. Seinen Garten Bairahq`, der direkt gegenüber der Moschee des Propheten (s) lag, mochte er am liebsten von all seinen Besitzungen. Der Prophet (s) pflegte seinen Garten zu besuchen und dessen süßes Wasser zu trinken. Als der Qur'anvers "Niemals werdet ihr Frömmigkeit erlangen, ehe ihr nicht von dem spendet, was ihr liebt." (Sure 3:92) offenbart wurde, ging Abu Talha (r) zum Gesandten Allahs (s) und sagte: "Oh Gesandter Allahs! Allah hat dir diesen Qur'anvers herabgesandt: "Niemals werdet ihr Frömmigkeit erlangen, ehe ihr nicht von dem spendet, was ihr liebt", und der Besitz, den ich am meisten liebe, ist Bairahq`. Daher biete ich ihn als Sadaqa für Allah, den Erhabenen, an und erhoffe nur Gutes und Belohnung von Ihm. Du magst darüber verfügen, wie Allah dich leitet." Der Prophet (s) sagte: "Nun, dies ist ein sehr ertragreicher Besitz, dies ist ein sehr ertragreicher Besitz. Ich habe gehört, was du gesagt hast, und ich meine, du solltest ihn unter deinen Verwandten aufteilen." Abu Talha (r) sagte: "Ich werde es tun, oh Gesandter Allahs!" Und er teilte jenen gewaltigen Palmenhain (Bairahq`) unter seinen Verwandten und den Nachkommen seines Onkels väterlicherseits auf. (Al-Bukhari und Muslim)

    [Riyad us-Salihin Nr. 297]
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 10:28AM  

    Scheiß auf NY~ I love Istanbul *___*s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Scheiß auf NY~ I love Istanbul *___*s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Alter jeder nennt mich HAMSTER BACKE -.-*

    Dec 6th 2013, 10:23
    Alter jeder nennt mich HAMSTER BACKE -.-*







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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 10:28AM  

    Scheiß auf NY~ I love Istanbul *___*s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Scheiß auf NY~ I love Istanbul *___*s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Alter wir haben verstanden Schnee Schnee allahim. Ja ob die keine Schnee gesehen...
    Dec 6th 2013, 10:08
    Alter wir haben verstanden Schnee Schnee allahim. Ja ob die keine Schnee gesehen haben meine ganze Seite So Schnee Schnee -.- :@

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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 10:26AM  

    Islamic Research Foundation / Dr.Zakir Naik / IRFs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islamic Research Foundation / Dr.Zakir Naik / IRFs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Kaaba is the Qibla i.e. the direction Muslims face during their prayers. It is i...
    Dec 6th 2013, 09:29
    Kaaba is the Qibla i.e. the direction Muslims face during their prayers. It is important to note that though Muslims face the Kaaba during prayers, they do not worship the Kaaba. Muslims worship and bow to none but Allah.
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 10:24AM  

    ‎ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    ‎ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    | قتلى و جرحى في صفوف قوات النظام جراء تفجير عدة ألفام بحاجز عند قرية #الحمام جن...
    Dec 6th 2013, 09:37
    ‫| قتلى و جرحى في صفوف قوات النظام جراء تفجير عدة ألفام بحاجز عند قرية #الحمام جنوب مدينة #خناصر في #ريف_حلب‬
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 10:24AM  

    ‎ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    ‎ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    اللهم يا أرحم الراحمين ويا ربّ المستضعفين، إليك نشكو ضعف قوّتنا وقلة حيلتنا وهوا...
    Dec 6th 2013, 10:18
    ‫اللهم يا أرحم الراحمين ويا ربّ المستضعفين، إليك نشكو ضعف قوّتنا وقلة حيلتنا وهوانَنا على الناس. اللهم لا تَكِلْنا إلى عدو خصيم ولا إلى قريب لئيم.
    اللهم إنّا في ثورتنا ماضون وعلى البلاء صابرون، غيرَ أنّ عافيتك هي أوسع لنا. نعوذ بنور وجهك الذي أشرقت له الظلمات وصلح عليه أمر الدنيا والآخرة أن تنزل بنا غضبك أو تحل علينا سخطك، لك العُتبى حتى ترضى ولا حول ولا قوة إلا بك، توكلنا عليك يا أيها الجبار القهار، يا رب العرش العظيم.
    اللهم نصرك الذي وعدت‬
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 10:23AM  

    Weg zum Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Weg zum Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Surah Al-Kahf
    Im Namen Allahs, des Allerbarmers, des Barmherzigen!
    Alles Lob g...
    Dec 6th 2013, 09:40
    Surah Al-Kahf
    Im Namen Allahs, des Allerbarmers, des Barmherzigen!
    Alles Lob gebührt Allah, Der zu Seinem Diener das Buch herabsandte und nichts Krummes darein legte. (1) (Es ist) frei von Widersprüchen, damit es Seine strenge Strafe androhe und den Gläubigen, die gute Werke tun, die frohe Botschaft bringe, auf daß ihnen ein schöner Lohn zuteil werde, (2) worin (im Paradies) sie auf ewig weilen werden, (3) "(und) damit es jene warne, die da sagen: ""Allah hat Sich einen Sohn genommen."" (4) "Sie haben keinerlei Kenntnis davon, noch hatten dies ihre Väter. Ungeheuerlich ist das Wort, das aus ihrem Munde kommt. Sie sprechen nichts als Lüge. (5)

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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 10:09AM  

    Taghut - Social Mention
    ...wieso hat Rasulallah sas. die Munafiqun aus Medina nicht Takfir gemacht? Müsste man jetzt Estafirullah den Rasul as. takfir machen? LA HAWLA WA LA!
    Dec 6th 2013, 09:24
    Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, لَا إِكْرَاهَ فِي الدِّينِ "Tiada paksaan dalam agama" Banyak yang ambil kesempatan dengan ayat ni. Memang benar ayat ini wujud di dalam Al-Quran [ Al-Baqarah 2: 256 ] , Tapi sedarkah kita apa ayat sebelumnya ? Sebelum Allah bagi pilihan ini, Dia telah menjelaskan mengenaiNya di dalam ayat ke 255 atau lebih dikenali dengan Ayat Kursi. Dalam ayat yang pendek ini sebenarnya terkumpul sifat utama bagi Allah iaitu ketuhanan, keesaan, hidup, ilmu, memiliki kerajaan, kekuasaan dan kehendak. Sesudah menegaskan mengenai keesaan-Nya, disusuli pula dengan menyebut dua sifat-Nya yang lain, iaitu hidup dan terus menerus mengurus makhluk-Nya. Dengan demikian, manusia akan merasa aman dalam hidup serta tenang perasaannya kerana meyakini bahawa dia di dalam tangan Tuhan yang hidup, yang terus menerus mengurus serta mengawal jaga keadaan hamba-Nya. Berikut merupakan terjemahan Ayat Kursi : "Allah, tiada Tuhan (yang berhak disembah) melainkan Dia Yang Hidup kekal lagi terus menerus mengurus (makhluk-Nya); tidak mengantuk dan tidak tidur. Keupayaan-Nya apa yang di langit dan di bumi. Tiada yang dapat memberi syafaat di sisi Allah tanpa izin-Nya. Allah mengetahui apa yang di hadapan dan di belakang mereka dan mereka tidak mengetahui apa pun daripada ilmu Allah melainkan apa yang dikehendaki-Nya. Kursi Allah meliputi langit dan bumi. Dan Allah tidak merasa berat memelihara kedua-duanya dan Allah Maha Tinggi lagi Maha Besar" [ Al Baqarah 2 : 255 ] Dan ayat seterusnya , "Tidak ada paksa dalam agama (Islam), kerana sesungguhnya telah nyata kebenaran (Islam) dari kesesatan (kufur). Oleh itu, sesiapa yang tidak percayakan Taghut, dan ia pula beriman kepada Allah, maka sesungguhnya ia berpegang kepada simpulan (tali agama) yang teguh, yang tidak akan putus. Dan (ingatlah), Allah Maha Mendengar, lagi Maha Mengetahui" [ Al Baqarah 2 : 256 ] The choice is in our hands. Allah dah terangkan dengan jelas. Semoga Allah merahmati kita sentiasa :)
    Dec 6th 2013, 08:50
    Patung Jesus dikhabarkan kekal berdiri selepas dihentam Taufan Haiyan by : Hilal Asyraf(Official) Pasca Taufan di Acheh dahulu, fenomena masjid kekal teguh tak tersentuh dek taufan hangat dibicarakan di Malaysia, sebagai tanda keagungan Allah SWT, dikait juga bahawa ianya adalah dalil bagaimana benarnya Islam, hinggakan bencana yang menimpa tidak menyentuh masjidnya. Baru-baru ini, di Filipina, berlaku taufan yang dahsyat. Namun usai itu semua, ada cerita yang menggemparkan. Patung Jesus tegak berdiri walaupun taufan yang membelasah tempat itu dasyat sekali. Maka bergemalah pula bahawa itulah bukti kebenaran Kristian. Bahkan ada muslim yang seakan tergugah. "Bagaimana? Patung Jesus itu kekal berdiri selepas dibantai taufan. Apakah agama mereka benar?" Fenomena keajaiban-keajaiban menjadi dalil kepada kebenaran sesuatu agama ini menarik perhatian saya. Tidak mahu saya masuk kepada perbahasan agama mana yang lebih benar, saya sebagai seorang muslim ingin memberikan pandangan melalui perspektif saya berkenaan fenomena tersebut. Beriman Dengan Keajaiban Ummat Islam di Malaysia, daripada kalangan rumpun melayu terutamanya, saya lihat sangat takjub dengan perkara-perkara berunsur keajaiban. Jika ada kaktus berbentuk tulisan lafzul jalalah(Allah), maka ia akan dianggap dalil bahawa itulah dianya bukti benarnya Islam. Apabila di langit ada awan yang membentuk nama Rasulullah(Muhammad), atau nama Allah itu sendiri, pastinya akan dihebohkan, bahkan ada page-page FB yang menarik like dengan memaparkan gambar-gambar sebegini. Apatah lagi gambar pokok ruku' dan sujud, semuanya dibesar-besarkan sebagai tanda kebesaran Allah, bukti bahawa benarnya Islam. Begitulah apabila berlakunya peristiwa bangunan seperti masjid kekal selepas taufan. Ianya juga diangkat sebagai dalil betapa benarnya Islam. Namun saya melihat beriman dengan cara begini, ada masalahnya. Masalahnya apabila berlaku seperti apa yang berlaku – Patung Jesus kekal selepas taufan. Maka apakah agama Kristian itu agama yang benar dengan dalil sedemikian? Bagaimana agaknya, jika orang-orang agama lain berjumpa dengan awan yang memaparkan logo/simbol agama mereka, bertemu dengan pokok berbentuk seperti orang agama mereka sedang beribadah dan sebagainya? Apakah itu automatik bermakna agama mereka menjadi benar? Sembang Seorang Rakan Seorang sahabat pernah bersembang dengan saya, berkenaan cerita yang didengarinya daripada kawannya yang berlainan agama. Di mana patung sembahan kawannya itu, pada satu hari diceritakan telah bergerak dan berbicara, tidak lama kemudian membatu semula. Ia menggemparkan, dan kemudian kawan saya berkata: "Bagaimana? Apakah mungkin agama mereka benar?" Di sinilah masalahnya apabila kebenaran agama disangkutkan pada keajaiban supernatural. Keimanan menjadi rapuh apabila datang keajaiban yang serupa daripada agama lain. Dalil kebenaran agama mustahil serapuh itu. Saya jawab kepada kawan saya: "Di manakah masalahnya? Biarlah patung itu bergerak hidup macam manusia sekalipun, tetaplah itu bukan dalil benarnya sesuatu agama." Itu pendapat dan pegangan saya. Termasuklah agama Islam pun. Islam dalilnya bukan lafzul jalalah pada awan, bukan nama Rasulullah pada pokok kaktus, bukan juga pada pokok yang ruku' dan sujud. Saya berpendapat, bukan itu dalilnya. Beriman kepada perkara yang supernatural inilah yang membuatkan manusia mudah tersesat mempercayai perkara-perkara khurafat, seterusnya menyembah makhluk Allah yang lainnya, kerana dirasakan pada sesuatu yang berlaku padanya ciri supernatural itu, adalah dalil akan kekuasaannya, keesaanNya. Maha suci Allah yang mengutuskan Rasul-RasulNya dengan mukjizat, tetapi para RasulNya adalah yang sering berkata: "Dan sesungguhnya Kami telah mengutus dalam kalangan tiap-tiap umat seorang Rasul (dengan memerintahkannya menyeru mereka): Hendaklah kamu menyembah Allah dan jauhilah Taghut. Maka di antara mereka (yang menerima seruan Rasul itu), ada yang diberi hidayah petunjuk oIeh Allah dan ada pula yang berhak ditimpa kesesatan. Oleh itu mengembaralah kamu di bumi, kemudian lihatlah bagaimana buruknya kesudahan umat-umat yang mendustakan Rasul-rasulnya." Surah An-Nahl ayat 36. Hendaklah diingat juga, betapa Dajjal nanti di akhir waktu kelak, mempunyai kekuasaan supernatural juga. Itu tidak menjadikannya Tuhan. Orang yang mudah mempercayai supernatural itu ialah bukti ketuhanan, maka mudahlah nanti tumpas kepada fitnah Dajjal di akhir zaman. Dalil Kebenaran Agama Agama yang benar ialah agama yang diturunkan sendiri oleh Tuhan, dan Tuhan mengiktiraf kesohihan agama tersebut. Bagaimana hendak kita 'detect' agama itu diturunkan sendiri oleh Tuhan Semesta Alam? Dengan kita mengkaji kitab suci yang ada. Balik kepada 'sumber' agama itu sendiri, dan kita kaji. Kesempurnaan sumber itulah yang menjadi dalil bahawa sumber itu datang daripada Tuhan. Kerana Tuhan sifatnya sempurna. Tuhan Semesta Alam, kalau ada kecacatan, takkan stabil lah alam ini. Sebab itu apabila kita mempelajari ilmu Pembandingan Agama, kita bukan menyenaraikan keajaiban-keajaiban, kejadian supernatural yang berlaku di dalam agama masing-masing. Tetapi kita membandingkan kitab-kitabnya. Kita merujuk kembali sumber agama itu sendiri. Bagaimana sumber agama itu terbentuk, siapa yang mengumpulkan/menulisnya, bagaimana pula struktur kitab itu, apakah ada fakta yang bercanggah dan sebagainya. Kerana itu di dalam Al-Quran, Allah mencabar beberapa kali agar manusia mencipta sesuatu yang sama tarafnya dengan Al-Quran. "Katakanlah wahai Muhammad, sesungguhnya jika sekalian manusia dan jin berhimpun dengan tujuan hendak membuat dan mendatangkan sebanding dengan Al Quran ini, mereka tidak akan dapat membuat dan mendatangkan yang sebanding dengannya, walaupun mereka bantu-membantu sesama sendiri." Surah Al-Israa' ayat 88. "Bukan itu sahaja kata-kata mereka bahkan mereka menuduh dengan mengatakan, Muhammad yang mereka-reka Al Quran itu, katakanlah wahai Muhammad, jika demikian tuduhan kamu, maka cubalah buat serta datangkan sepuluh surah rekaan yang sebanding dengan Al Quran itu, dan panggilah siapa sahaja yang kamu sanggup memanggilnya, yang lain dari Allah, jika betul kamu orang-orang yang benar." Surah Al-Hud ayat 13. "Dan kalau kamu ada menaruh syak tentang Al Quran yang Kami turunkan iaitu Al Quran kepada hamba Kami Nabi Muhammad, maka cubalah buat dan datangkanlah satu surah yang sebanding dengan Al Quran itu, dan panggillah orang-orang yang kamu percaya boleh menolong kamu selain dari Allah, jika betul kamu orang-orang yang benar." Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 23. "Orang-orang kafir tidak mengakui hakikat yang demikian itu bahkan mereka mengatakan, dialah Muhammad yang mengada-adakan Al Quran menurut rekaannya, katakanlah wahai Muhammad, kalau demikian, datangkanlah satu surah yang sebanding dengan Al Quran itu, dan panggillah siapa sahaja yang kamu dapat memanggilnya, yang lain dari Allah untuk membantu kamu, jika betul kamu orang-orang yang benar." Surah Yunus ayat 38. Berkali-kali diulang cabaran itu, menandakan betapa di sanalah dalil yang terkukuh, akan kebenaran agama ini. Jika kita teliti Kitab karangan almarhum Dr Sheikh Fadhl Hassan Abbas yang bertajuk – I'jaz Al-Quran – kita akan dapat melihat ketelitian yang tak tertanding di dalam Al-Quran. Di sanalah wujudnya 'kebenaran'. Indahnya Allah SWT, Al-Quran itu ayat pertamanya yang turun ialah: "Bacalah, dengan nama Tuhanmu Yang Menciptakan." Surah Al-'Alaq ayat 1. Pertama menuntut bahawa kefahaman yang jelas ialah kunci kepada terbongkahnya kebenaran terhadap Tuhan yang menciptakan sekalian alam, dan ayat itu ialah permulaan kepada semua wahyu selepasnya seakan, kedua – memberikan petunjuk bahawa di dalam wahyu-wahyu inilah terdapat dalil kebenaranNya. Penutup: Maka Sepatutnya Kita Dalami Dalil Itu Apapun, saya tidak menafikan Allah SWT memang berkuasa menjadikan apa sahaja. Bukanlah saya hendak menyatakan langsung bahawa kalimah Allah di langit bukan sebahagian daripada kekuasaanNya. Dialah yang mengawal dunia ini, seluruh alam ini di dalam kekuasaanNya. Tetapi saya sekadar mengingatkan diri saya dan rakan-rakan, bahawa bukan itu dalilnya yang patut dipegang. Kerana tidak mustahil awan akan berbentuk seperti simbol agama lain, tidak mustahil juga untuk gereja atau patung agama lain tidak musnah selepas bencana. Baliklah kepada dalil yang sebenar-benarnya. Iaitu Al-Quran. Saya masih teringat, berkait supernatural ini, iaitu berkenaan penantian Malam Al-Qadr. Ummat Islam percaya bahawa malam itu lebih baik dari 1000 bulan. Namun di Malaysia, kepercayaan itu diiringi dengan kisah bahawa pada malam itu akan berlakulah fenomena supernatural seperti pokok sujud dan sebagainya. Akhirnya ramai ternanti-nanti malam Al-Qadr dengan mencari-cari petanda supernatural itu. Akibatnya, mereka tidak pun mengisi malam-malam akhir Ramadhan dengan ibadah sebagaimana dianjurkan oleh agama. Sia-sia bukan? Begitulah juga apabila disibukkan kita dengan mengangkat bahawa yang supernatural itu ialah dalil benarnya agama. Akhirnya kita sendiri tidak mempraktikkan agama sebagaimana yang Islam anjurkan. Kita sendiri tidak menyantuni Al-Quran dan hadith, yang mana telah Rasulullah SAW janjikan bahawa yang berpegang dengan keduanya, tidak akan sesat buat selamanya. Muhasabah.
    Dec 6th 2013, 07:30
    ONENESS OF GOD (MAFHOOM-E-TAUHEED) Arshad Ali 07-12-2013. TAUHEED-E-RABOOBIAT. [7:54] Saheeh International Indeed, your Lord is Allah, who created the heavens and earth in six days and then established Himself above the Throne. He covers the night with the day, [another night] chasing it rapidly; and [He created] the sun, the moon, and the stars, subjected by His command. Unquestionably, His is the creation and the command; blessed is Allah, Lord of the worlds. [24:42] Saheeh International And to Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and to Allah is the destination. [10:31] Saheeh International Say, "Who provides for you from the heaven and the earth? Or who controls hearing and sight and who brings the living out of the dead and brings the dead out of the living and who arranges [every] matter?" They will say, "Allah," so say, "Then will you not fear Him?" Allah is creator, the real king and sovereign of all the heavens and earths and whatsoever is in between. His command prevails over all the things. He is unique, one to be worshipped, he gives life, death, bounties of life, means of livelihood, gives rain, grows greenery, crops and trees and manages the events of life of his each and every creation. TAUHEED-E-ULOOHIAT. [51:56] Saheeh International And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me. [4:36] Saheeh International Worship Allah and associate nothing with Him, And We sent not before you any messenger except that We revealed to him that, "There is no deity except Me, so worship Me." [21:25] Saheeh International And We sent not before you any messenger except that We revealed to him that, "There is no deity except Me, so worship Me." All prayers are particularized to ALLAH alone, e.g. prayers, fasting, pilgrimage, faith from the inner heart that all is being done by ALLAH alone, sacrifice only for ALLAH, slaughtering and distributing food for charity or to needy for the sake of ALLAH alone, fear of him alone, hope from him, and LOVE for him surpassing all the other loves. TAUHEED ASMAA-O-SIFAAT. [42:11] Saheeh International. There is nothing like unto Him, and He is the Hearing, the Seeing. [7:180] Saheeh International.And to Allah belong the best names, so invoke Him by them. And leave [the company of] those who practice deviation concerning His names. They will be recompensed for what they have been doing. It means all the attributes of ALLAH, qualities of ALLAH in its completeness and names of Allah have the complete meaning in its entirety which have been told by him or through his messenger, the last Prophet. Attributes of ALLAH does not belong to any of his subjects including his messengers, neither the qualities of GOD can be changed or altered or attributed to someone else nor his qualities can be denied. PILLARS OF ISLAM According to saying of our beloved prophet MOHAMMAD peace be upon him, "" There are five pillars of Islam, witnessing that there is no God except ALLAH, and Mohammad peace be upon him is his messenger, building habit of praying, giving Zakat( compulsory charity according to one's wealth including all kinds), pilgrimage to Macca, and fasting during the month of Ramadan. Without believing that God is one, no prayer is acceptable. Believing in oneness of GOS is the source to real peace and the right path. [6:82] Saheeh International.They who believe and do not mix their belief with injustice - those will have security, and they are [rightly] guided. Believing in oneness of god is the only way to get to paradise and disbelievers will enter hellfire after death. Oneness of GOD is the way to solve all difficulties one may face in this life or hereafter. Purpose of creation of man and jennies is only to worship GOD. [51:56] Saheeh International. And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me. There is no deity except god. [3:18] Saheeh International. Allah witnesses that there is no deity except Him, and [so do] the angels and those of knowledge - [that He is] maintaining [creation] in justice. There is no deity except Him, the Exalted in Might, the Wise. [47:19] Saheeh International. So know, [O Muhammad], that


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Dec 6th 2013, 10:22, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 10:16AM  

    dawah-news - Social Mention
    Our Teachers Dr. BILAL PHILIPS Dr Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips was born in 1947 in a Christian family in Jamaica and grew up in Canada. One of his grandfathers was a bible scholar. While graduating in biochemistry he got fascinated with communism and visited China. On return to Canada, he joined a communist party. But after knowing the communists from inside he reverted to Islaam from communism in early 70's. He then went to Madeenah to pursue Islamic education. He completed a BA in Islamic Studies in Madeenah, and an MA in Islamic Theology in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and a Ph. D in Islamic Theology in the early 90′s from the University of Wales, UK. One of the most notable moments of his life was his parents' conversion to Islaam in their 70s after he gave them Dawah patiently for years, Alhamdulillaah He is the father of 20 Muslim children and has a black belt in Tai Kwon Do and is currently learning Tai Chi. He has written, translated and commented on over 50 published books on various Islamic topics. He has also edited and published the 56-book Eemaan reading series for children and presented Islamic programs for many years on Riyadh Channel 2 TV, Sharjah TV for 10 years, as well as Peace TV, Huda TV, Islam Channel, UK, and the Deen Show, Chicago, USA. Most recently, Dr. Bilal was appointed the Director of PERF (Professional Education and Research Foundation) and Supervising Director of Preston International College ( and Al-Fajr International School (, Chennai, India. He is the Founder and Dean of Islamic Online University (, the world's first online university offering completely tution free Bachelor of Arts in Islamic Studies and completely free Islamic Studies diploma courses on two separate virtual campuses. Shaykh YUSUF ESTES Shaykh Yusuf Estes was born and raised in a very strong Christian home in Texas. In 1991 he tried to convert a Muslim from Egypt, but he found the true facts about real Islam and reverted to Islaam, Alhamdulillaah. Sh. Yusuf Estes' conversion story is very interesting and inspiring. Please click HERE to read it in his own words He has helped thousands of New Muslims and answered many harsh attacks against Muslims and clarified misconceptions about Islaam through his simple humor and easy English. He is also called the "Funny Shaikh" for his approach. Sh. Yusuf served as Delegate to United Nations Peace Summit for Religious Leaders, U.S. Federal chaplain from 1994 until 2000. His live shows are broadcasted on TV channels around the world every day. He has over 2,000 websites for Islam and is very actively involved in Dawah activities on internet. Sh Yusuf Estes is the founder and operator of GUIDE US TV! SHAYKH JAMAAL ZARABOZO Shaykh Jamaal Zarabozo comes from a Spanish Catholic family, who were "non-practicing" Catholics. He had never gone to church during his childhood. His first visit to a church was when one of his school friends invited him and he was baptized for the first time in that church and he felt the need to look around to see what he was getting into. Then he started studying Christianity, its history etc and in no time decided that he did not want to be a Christian. He then started studying Judaism, Hinduism, Budhism and Islaam. The idea of Tawheed appealed to him first – as it does to most of the reverts to Islaam and he realized that it was one of the main problems he had with Christianity. The combination of the idea of Tawheed and the preservation of the text of the Qur'an were the aspects that affected him the most. He believed that if a Prophet was sent and needed to be followed then we have to be able to say what that Prophet brought. Except Islaam there is no religion on this earth which has its revealed divine books preserved. This lead him to embrace Islaam at the age of 16. Today, he is an internationally known writer and speaker who has lectured in North America, Europe, Australia and the Middle East. Shaikh Jamal Zarabozo is a rare breed – a self-taught scholar of Islam who has achieved a profound command of the original sciences of our religion. He is the author, translator, and co-author of many books including • Commentary on the Forty Hadith of Al-Nawawi (3 Vol. Set) • How to Approach and Understand the Quran • A Guide for the New Muslim • The Fiqh of Marriage in the Light of the Quran and Sunnah • The Friday Prayer SHAYKH YASSIR FAZAGA Shaykh Yassir Fazaga is an inspiring, multi-lingual speaker sought-after from USA through Canada to the Middle and Far East. He was born in Eritrea in Northeast Africa and moved to the United States at the age of 15. He has a Bachelors Degree in Islamic Studies from Imam Saud University, Institute of Islamic and Arabic Sciences in Virginia in addition to his Masters Degree in Psychotherapy from the California State University of Long Beach. At present, Shaikh Yassir is undertaking his Masters in Theology at Loyola Marymount University. He serves as the Imam (Religious Leader) of the Orange County Islamic Foundation (OCIF) in Mission Viejo, California. He is involved as a therapist at FACES, where he helps families with different challenges in life which include: domestic violence issues, communication problems, marital matters, generational gap, difficult teens, some mental and personality disorders, divorce, grief, and single parenting among others. Yassir Fazaga has taught the Arabic language and Islamic Sciences for the past eight years and has taught Islamic courses on Scriptural Exegesis, and Islamic financial contracts for American Open University. Shaykh Yassir Fazaga has done numerous interviews about Islam on television news stations and radio stations around the globe. He speaks on Islam and related topics for conferences, churches, high schools, colleges and universities. He also participates on behalf of foundation in many outreach and interfaith events. Shaykh Yassir Fazaga has this charismatic ability to instantly connect with audiences, through his lucid wit and profound wisdom, his timely humor and the warmth that his presence exudes. Shaykh Yassir currently lives in Mission Viejo, CA with his wife and twin boys – Ibrahim and Zayed. He enjoys playing volleyball on Sundays and riding his bike. SHAYKH WALEED BASYOUNI Shaykh Waleed Basyouni is the Vice President of AlMaghrib Institute and the Head of our Aqeedah and Adab Department. Students know him well for his sincere care for
    Dec 6th 2013, 09:48
    Don't have an account? Home About Us About You Our Teachers How it Works Registration Support Contact Us FAQ Our Teachers Dr. BILAL PHILIPS Dr Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips was born in 1947 in a Christian family in Jamaica and grew up in Canada. One of his grandfathers was a bible scholar. While graduating in biochemistry he got fascinated with communism and visited China. On return to Canada, he joined a communist party. But after knowing the communists from inside he reverted to Islaam from communism in early 70's. He then went to Madeenah to pursue Islamic education. He completed a BA in Islamic Studies in Madeenah, and an MA in Islamic Theology in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and a Ph. D in Islamic Theology in the early 90′s from the University of Wales, UK. One of the most notable moments of his life was his parents' conversion to Islaam in their 70s after he gave them Dawah patiently for years, Alhamdulillaah He is the father of 20 Muslim children and has a black belt in Tai Kwon Do and is currently learning Tai Chi. He has written, translated and commented on over 50 published books on various Islamic topics. He has also edited and published the 56-book Eemaan reading series for children and presented Islamic programs for many years on Riyadh Channel 2 TV, Sharjah TV for 10 years, as well as Peace TV, Huda TV, Islam Channel, UK, and the Deen Show, Chicago, USA. Most recently, Dr. Bilal was appointed the Director of PERF (Professional Education and Research Foundation) and Supervising Director of Preston International College ( and Al-Fajr International School (, Chennai, India. He is the Founder and Dean of Islamic Online University (, the world's first online university offering completely tution free Bachelor of Arts in Islamic Studies and completely free Islamic Studies diploma courses on two separate virtual campuses. Shaykh YUSUF ESTES Shaykh Yusuf Estes was born and raised in a very strong Christian home in Texas. In 1991 he tried to convert a Muslim from Egypt, but he found the true facts about real Islam and reverted to Islaam, Alhamdulillaah. Sh. Yusuf Estes' conversion story is very interesting and inspiring. Please click HERE to read it in his own words He has helped thousands of New Muslims and answered many harsh attacks against Muslims and clarified misconceptions about Islaam through his simple humor and easy English. He is also called the "Funny Shaikh" for his approach. Sh. Yusuf served as Delegate to United Nations Peace Summit for Religious Leaders, U.S. Federal chaplain from 1994 until 2000. His live shows are broadcasted on TV channels around the world every day. He has over 2,000 websites for Islam and is very actively involved in Dawah activities on internet. Sh Yusuf Estes is the founder and operator of GUIDE US TV! SHAYKH JAMAAL ZARABOZO Shaykh Jamaal Zarabozo comes from a Spanish Catholic family, who were "non-practicing" Catholics. He had never gone to church during his childhood. His first visit to a church was when one of his school friends invited him and he was baptized for the first time in that church and he felt the need to look around to see what he was getting into. Then he started studying Christianity, its history etc and in no time decided that he did not want to be a Christian. He then started studying Judaism, Hinduism, Budhism and Islaam. The idea of Tawheed appealed to him first – as it does to most of the reverts to Islaam and he realized that it was one of the main problems he had with Christianity. The combination of the idea of Tawheed and the preservation of the text of the Qur'an were the aspects that affected him the most. He believed that if a Prophet was sent and needed to be followed then we have to be able to say what that Prophet brought. Except Islaam there is no religion on this earth which has its revealed divine books preserved. This lead him to embrace Islaam at the age of 16. Today, he is an internationally known writer and speaker who has lectured in North America, Europe, Australia and the Middle East. Shaikh Jamal Zarabozo is a rare breed – a self-taught scholar of Islam who has achieved a profound command of the original sciences of our religion. He is the author, translator, and co-author of many books including • Commentary on the Forty Hadith of Al-Nawawi (3 Vol. Set) • How to Approach and Understand the Quran • A Guide for the New Muslim • The Fiqh of Marriage in the Light of the Quran and Sunnah • The Friday Prayer SHAYKH YASSIR FAZAGA Shaykh Yassir Fazaga is an inspiring, multi-lingual speaker sought-after from USA through Canada to the Middle and Far East. He was born in Eritrea in Northeast Africa and moved to the United States at the age of 15. He has a Bachelors Degree in Islamic Studies from Imam Saud University, Institute of Islamic and Arabic Sciences in Virginia in addition to his Masters Degree in Psychotherapy from the California State University of Long Beach. At present, Shaikh Yassir is undertaking his Masters in Theology at Loyola Marymount University. He serves as the Imam (Religious Leader) of the Orange County Islamic Foundation (OCIF) in Mission Viejo, California. He is involved as a therapist at FACES, where he helps families with different challenges in life which include: domestic violence issues, communication problems, marital matters, generational gap, difficult teens, some mental and personality disorders, divorce, grief, and single parenting among others. Yassir Fazaga has taught the Arabic language and Islamic Sciences for the past eight years and has taught Islamic courses on Scriptural Exegesis, and Islamic financial contracts for American Open University. Shaykh Yassir Fazaga has done numerous interviews about Islam on television news stations and radio stations around the globe. He speaks on Islam and related topics for conferences, churches, high schools, colleges and universities. He also participates on behalf of foundation in many outreach and interfaith events. Shaykh Yassir Fazaga has this charismatic ability to instantly connect with audiences, through his lucid wit and profound wisdom, his timely humor and the warmth that his presence exudes. Shaykh Yassir currently lives in Mission Viejo, CA with his wife and twin boys – Ibrahim and Zayed. He enjoys playing volleyball on Sundays and riding his bike. SHAYKH WALEED BASYOUNI Shaykh Waleed Basyouni is the Vice President of AlMaghrib Institute and the Head of our Aqeedah and Adab Department. Students know him well for his sincere care for
    Dec 6th 2013, 09:45
    Library Picks 1
    Dec 6th 2013, 08:25
    Occupy Central? It has been one of the hot topics in Hong Kong recently. Controversies and discussion are here and there. What are our opinions and understanding? While it [&#8230;]
    Upcoming Activity--- Library Visit
    Dec 6th 2013, 07:33
    Dear students,MST Library is organising a visit to the Ping Shan Tin Shui Wai Public Library on 23/12/2013. Poster and details are already sent to your class. Interested [&#8230;]
    Compassion for the Creations of Allah - Animals in Islam
    Dec 6th 2013, 07:04
    Make Donations Our Dawah Projects Here: - Share - Subscribe (Official Links Below)---------------------------------------------------------------------------Official YouTube Channel: Facebook Page
    Welcome To Gsm My Tel
    Dec 6th 2013, 05:26
    Hi, Thanks For Join Our Blog
    "we lost a brother of faith. rest in peace Mr Mandela. May Lord have mercy upon your soul like you had mercy upon your ememies."
    Dec 6th 2013, 05:07
    The TV is a S-H-A-Y-T-A-A-N By: Abu Muhammad al-Magribi Transcribed by: Umm Hasna Firdous Bint Jabir Transcription: Any Muslim with any Iman within them, and with their Aqeedah and their Manhaj try to understand that the TV is a Shatian. That the TV is behind all evils. TV is behind the destruction of families. The reason behind this talk is to remind the Muslim Brothers and sisters so they can follow the reminder when it comes to them. This is not to make them apply this to their intellect and if they do so, they will say that it doesn't apply to them.. I am aware of the TV, Like many people say they have a TV o­nly for the CNN. Some brothers or the sisters they claim that they have the TV o­nly for the News. Some brothers they say have the TV o­nly for the Travel Show. Somebody may say what does that Travel Show have to do with


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 10:16AM  

    salafist - Social Mention
    Julie Hall A little remembered fact I'm sure Nelson would like us all to remember at his passing: Mandela renamed himself Gaddafi out of gratitude for his support whilst in prison. After his release from prison, Nelson Mandela defied Western sanctions and went overland to thank Gaddafi for his moral and financial support during the long struggle against apartheid. It is necessary that the members the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization, who participated in the rape of Libya and the assassination of Moammar Gaddafi, including all the war planners, the secret service operatives, the private army mercenaries, the soldiers, sailors and airmen, who bombed, strafed and murdered Libyans, plus all the Salafist Wahhabi fanatics and their enablers, especially the 'royal' Ibn Saud family of Saudi Arabia and the Emir of Qatar, as well as all the traitors in the Libyan camp, look at this photo and see the strong love and respect between these two great men.
    Dec 6th 2013, 10:06
    Lebanese salafist sheikh cancels protest
    Dec 6th 2013, 09:55
    Justin Salhani Dec. 5 (UPI) -- A planned protest in Lebanon's northern city of Tripoli was cancelled Friday in attempts to avert problems between militants and the Lebanese Army.
    I know everyone is posting only good things about Mandela and someone will probably say I'm being disrespectful but I also believe it's worth knowing the truth about the guy: Nelson Mandela: * one-time head of a party that was racially-exclusivist for 74 years - from 1912 until it finally opened all ranks to all races as late as 1986 * an arch opportunist with flexible "ethics": an anti-communist black nationalist who became a communist who became a neoliberal supporter of the murderous Indonesian neo-Fascist, Saudi Salafist and Nigerian military dictatorships - all depending on where the blood-money that funded him and the ANC came from * a multimillionaire living in SA's most obscene parasitic enclave of Houghton who barely had to earn a cent after his release * a neoliberal who dismantled the nominally socialist apartheid state and sold off national assets to private interests, and who imlemented the GEAR austerity programme * a man under whose regime, the war on the poor continued with forced evictions, the dismantling of the shacks of the poor, water and electricity cut-offs * a man whose regime enforced a new form of race classification - one that entirely "disappeared" the indigenous Bushmen * the commander-in-chief of an armed SANDF force that illegitimately invaded Lesotho in 1998 to crush a pro-democratic mutiny yet which did nothing to support the beleaguered pro-democracy movement in Swaziland * a man whose regime settled right-wing farmers in Mozambique by dispossessing the indigenous peasantry * a man whose regime did nothing to break up the banking cartels and corporate monopolies in South Africa - instead merely integrating a tiny black elite into them. thanks for this info Feyd Saif'ulisaan
    Dec 6th 2013, 09:54
    Lebanese salafist sheikh cancels protest
    Dec 6th 2013, 09:47
    UPI - Found 29 minutes agoSalafist cleric Dai al-Islam al-Shahhal said the protest would be cancelled to avoid fighting the army. Lebanese Soldier Killed in Clashes With Sunni Militants - New York Times 1 killed, 10 injured in renewed clashes in Lebanon's Tripoli - CHINAdaily Lebanese soldier killed in clashes with Sunni militants - Reuters via Yahoo! Lebanese soldier killed in clashes with Sunni militants - Reuters Canada Explore All Yahoo! News
    In een dreigfilmpje waarschuwt Abu Abdullah Al-Britani van Sharia4UK ons land voor islamitische vergeldingsacties indien Sharia4Belgium-kopstuk Fouad Belkacem niet wordt vrijgelaten. Hij roept alle Europese moslims op zich op 6 december te richten tot de Belgische ambassades om er de vrijlating op te eisen van Fouad Belkacem. "Zo niet volgen er islamitische vergeldingsacties," waarschuwt de salafist. En hij gaat nóg verder. "Er komt een generatie die meer zal doen dan spreken, want hun stem wordt niet gehoord. Daag moslims niet uit. We komen u vernietigen." Zie filmpje.
    Dec 6th 2013, 09:18
    Global Tawheed: Working to establish the right of Allah on earth. Follow us on: Twitter: facebook:
    Salafist cleric Dai al-Islam al #Shahhal to #LBCI: Today's sit-in that was scheduled to be held in #Tripoli suspended pending developments #Lebanon
    Dec 6th 2013, 08:59
    Tripoli's Salafist sheikh calls off sit-in
    Dec 6th 2013, 08:34
    - - - - , .
    MTV: Salafist cleric Dai al-Islam al-Shahhal canceled the sit-in that he had called for in Tripoli.
    Dec 6th 2013, 08:34
    Iran News Brief head lines Iran's top diplomat, who only last month brokered a groundbreaking nuclear deal with the world powers, is now traveling the Persian Gulf region, trying to mend ties with Arab neighbors, Sunni nations that harbor deep suspicions of Shiite Iran. – New York Times Iran wants U.S. companies such as Chevron Corp. and ConocoPhillips to develop its oil and gas fields, the country's oil minister said Wednesday, signaling the Islamic Republic's readiness to court American business interests amid a thaw in relations with the West. – Wall Street Journal (subscription required) When it comes to U.S. sanctions on Iran, no detail is too small to overlook these days. Since February, publicly traded companies have filed nearly 500 disclosure forms about their business ties to Iran. The disclosures included hotel bills, Costco memberships and a few dollars collected for ATM transaction fees. – Washington Post The Obama administration encountered bipartisan skepticism Wednesday as it sought to sell Congress on its nuclear deal with Iran and ward off new sanctions. - Politico House Republicans are considering various legislative options that would either tacitly or explicitly rip the Obama administration's nuclear deal with Iran. – The Hill A hawkish US House Republican says the United States should use tactical nuclear weapons to destroy Iranian nuclear facilities if war with the Islamic republic becomes necessary. – Defense News A visit to Tehran by President Obama is no longer impossible, according to experts and former officials. While an Obama trip there in the next three years remains a long shot, neither the White House nor Iran's new president will categorically rule it out. – The Hill's Global Affairs U.S. sanctions against Iran "have utterly failed," said Mohammad Javad Zarif, the nation's top diplomat. – The Hill's Global Affairs U.S. lawmakers in the House of Representatives said on Wednesday they are concerned about Iran's ability to continue enriching uranium under the interim agreement on Tehran's disputed nuclear program, an issue they are likely to press as global powers attempt to reach a final agreement. - Reuters A top U.S. diplomat suggested on Wednesday the United States may press Iran to agree to dismantle part of its Arak nuclear reactor in a comprehensive agreement to rein in Tehran's atomic program. - Reuters Vali Nasr writes: It is better for the United States to keep open its trial run at compromise, in hopes that Iran will be convinced — six months from now — that a permanent, verifiable nuclear deal is the only way to secure a prosperous future. – New York Times KT McFarland writes: There is an expression in the Pentagon, "let's run it up the flagpole and see if anyone salutes" That's what President Obama has just done with the Iran interim nuclear agreement. It's not clear year whether the president's confidence in the Iranian leadership is justified. – Fox News Syria Scores of jihadist fighters from Europe who streamed to Syria to join Islamic extremist rebels have begun returning home, where some are suspected of plotting terror attacks, according to U.S. and European intelligence and security officials. – Wall Street Journal (subscription required) The United Nations official in charge of coordinating the disposal of Syria's chemical weapons arsenal provided new details on Wednesday about the plan to eliminate them, saying the most dangerous materials would be sealed by trained Syrians and sent overland to the country's Mediterranean port of Latakia, where ships would take them to a second, unspecified foreign port. – New York Times Islamic militant groups battling alongside Syrian rebels to oust President Bashar Assad could play a crucial role in bringing the country's civil war to an end, according to Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel. – DEFCON Hill Kyrgyz authorities tell RFE/RL that their investigation revealed the six were recruited by Russian-speaking Salafist jihadists -- Sunni Muslim militants -- after their arrival in Moscow, and were sent to Syria via Turkey. But the recruiters, thought to be from Russia's North Caucasus region, are just one branch of an international network used by Al-Qaeda to bring fighters into Syria -- not just from Central Asia, but from across the world. – Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty As the U.S. awaits a formal international request to help destroy the Syrian material, which includes mustard gas, sarin, and VX, here's a detailed look at what that operation could involve. – Global Security Newswire International authorities could enlist a Danish transport ship to move hundreds of tons of chemical-warfare assets from Syria to a U.S. vessel equipped to destroy the materials, the London Guardian reported on Wednesday. – Global Security Newswire The United Nations and the global chemical weapons watchdog are awaiting approval from a country to use its port to load Syria's most deadly chemicals onto a U.S. ship for destruction offshore, the head of the mission said on Wednesday. - Reuters The United States sees value in getting to know Islamist militias in Syria, in order to better understand their intentions in the civil war there and their possible links with al Qaeda, the top U.S. military officer said on Wednesday. - Reuters Rockets fired into a government-controlled district of Aleppo killed at least 17 people in the northern Syrian city on Wednesday, state media and a monitoring group said. - Reuters
    Dec 6th 2013, 08:16
    oh gawd. here we go.
    Dec 6th 2013, 06:39
    "A little remembered fact I'm sure Nelson would like us all to remember at his passing: Mandela renamed himself Gaddafi out of gratitude for his support whilst in prison. After his release from prison, Nelson Mandela defied Western sanctions and went overland to thank Gaddafi for his moral and financial support during the long struggle against apartheid. It is necessary that the members the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization, who participated in the rape of Libya and the assassination of Moammar Gaddafi, including all the war planners, the secret service operatives, the private army mercenaries, the soldiers, sailors and airmen, who bombed, strafed and murdered Libyans, plus all the Salafist Wahhabi fanatics and their enablers, especially the 'royal' Ibn Saud family of Saudi Arabia and the Emir of Qatar, as well as all the traitors in the Libyan camp, look at this photo and see the strong love and respect between these two great men."
    Dec 6th 2013, 05:07
    "Demokrasi adalah fabrikasi Amerika, (jadi, untuk menghadapi gerakan Pan-Salafist) Rusia tidak perlu mematuhi hukum Amerika...." RUSIA (Pro Syiah) VS SALAFY ANYWAY BUSWAY PERNYATAANNYA KEREN.......
    Dec 6th 2013, 03:40
    Dec 6th 2013, 03:10
    A little remembered fact I'm sure Nelson would like us all to remember at his passing: Mandela renamed himself Gaddafi out of gratitude for his support whilst in prison. After his release from prison, Nelson Mandela defied Western sanctions and went overland to thank Gaddafi for his moral and financial support during the long struggle against apartheid. It is necessary that the members the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization, who participated in the rape of Libya and the assassination of Moammar Gaddafi, including all the war planners, the secret service operatives, the private army mercenaries, the soldiers, sailors and airmen, who bombed, strafed and murdered Libyans, plus all the Salafist Wahhabi fanatics and their enablers, especially the 'royal' Ibn Saud family of Saudi Arabia and the Emir of Qatar, as well as all the traitors in the Libyan camp, look at this photo and see the strong love and respect between these two great men.
    Dec 6th 2013, 02:13
    Looks like a dramatic escalation in Tripoli, Lebanon, with the Sunni rage turning against the army *** Speaking to The Daily Star, a senior Army source said that the security situation in the city deteriorated after the Army arrested a prominent figure from Baba al-Tabbaneh. "The Army will not retreat but there are fears of what might happen [Friday] because there are indicators that things are moving toward escalation in the city," said the source, who requested to remain anonymous. "If attacks against the army are politically motivated, it means we have entered a very difficult phase whose repercussions we cannot predict," the source said. He added that things would become clear in the coming hours, with either gunmen withdrawing from the streets or matters heading to escalation. Otherwise, the source continued, Tripoli's religious figures would attack the Army during Friday sermons, "and here lies the problem." ..... Tripoli-based Salafist Sheikh Dai al-Islam al-Shahhal released a statement late Thursday saying that the aim of the Army's plan was to target the Sunni sect. "We can clearly say that the goal is to deal a blow to Sunnis under the pretext of pursuing a wanted person here and there," Shahhal said. " Sunnis are not a scapegoats," Shahhal added. Gunmen in Bab al-Tabbaneh are demanding that Ali Eid, head of Jabal Mohsen's Arab Democratic Party, be brought to justice Eid is suspected of smuggling out of Lebanon one of the alleged perpetrators of the car bomb attacks that targeted two mosques in Tripoli in August. ..... The skirmishes began when a Lebanese Army unit stepped in to rescue members of an Al-Jadeed television crew after they were assaulted by gunmen in Bab al-Tabbaneh. The Army said the unit came under fire from gunmen positioned in the Sheikh building in the neighborhood, leaving five soldiers and two officers wounded. Protesters clashed with the Army as they tried


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 10:14AM  

    New Subscription Videos for taylinlove21
    Dec 6th 2013, 09:52
    BismAllah al Rahman al Rahim! Liebe Schwestern und Brüder,
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 10:14AM  

    Die wahre Religions Facebook-Pinnwand
    Die wahre Religions Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islamische Betrachtungsweise zu Weihnachten und Silvester
    Anlässlich der bevorst...
    Dec 6th 2013, 09:13
    Islamische Betrachtungsweise zu Weihnachten und Silvester
    Anlässlich der bevorstehenden nichtmuslimischen Feste Weihnachten und Silvester und der vorweihnachtlichen Aktivitäten in Deutschland möchten wir auf die islamische Sichtweise hinsichtlich der Beteiligung an diesen Aktionen, des Mitfeierns und Gratulierens hinweisen.

    Auszüge aus:

    "Zusammenfassung über die islamische Beurteilung von Festen und Feierlichkeiten" – erstellt von Muhammad S. Al-Almany (Der komplette Artikel hier)

    Das Feiern von zeitlich regelmäßig wiederkehrenden Festen/ Feierlichkeiten (A3iaad/أعياد) ist für Muslime auf die zwei islamischen Feste 3iid al-Adhaa und 3iidal-Fitr beschränkt.

    Sie dürfen außer diesen beiden Festen keine weiteren zeitlich regelmäßig wiederkehrenden Feste einführen oder an ihnen teilnehmen.
    Dies geht u.a. aus folgender Überlieferung von Anas ibn Maalik (Allahs Wohlgefallen auf ihm) hervor:


    Als der Gesandte Allahs (Ehre und Heil auf ihm) nach Madiinah kam, hatten die Bewohner Madiinahs zwei Tage (im Jahr), an denen sie Spielen nachgingen. Da fragte der Gesandte Allahs (Ehre und Heil auf ihm): „Was sind diese beiden Tage?" Sie antworteten: „In der vorislamischen Zeit der Unwissenheit pflegten wir an ihnen zu spielen." Da sagte der Gesandte Allahs (Ehre und Heil auf ihm): „Wahrlich, Allah hat sie euch gegen besseres ausgetauscht: den Tag von al-Adhaa und den Tag von a-Fitr."

    (Authentisch überliefert bei Abi Dawuud, An-Nasaay und Ahmad).

    Die Gelehrten wiesen darauf hin, dass der vom Propheten (Ehre und Heil auf ihm) genannte „Austausch" das Verbot anderer „Tage" außer den beiden islamischen Festen bedeutet.

    Die Teilnahme an Festen und Feierlichkeiten, die nicht zu den islamischen Festen gehören, ist den Muslimen aufgrund der folgenden Aspekte untersagt:

    - Die zuvor genannte Einschränkung zeitlich regelmäßig wiederkehrender Feste für Muslime auf 3iid al – Adhaa und 3iid al-Fitr, wenn die jeweilige Festlichkeit in regelmäßigen zeitlichen Abständen wiederkehrt.

    - Das Verbot, sich den Nicht-Muslimen anzugleichen oder ähnlich zu machen in für sie charakteristischen Merkmalen ihrer Kultur wie z.B. in Religion,Tradition und Brauchtum, Kleidung, Sprache usw. Die Beweise für dieses Verbot sind zahlreich in Qur'an und Sunnah. Jedoch dürfte die folgende Aussage unseres Propheten (Ehre und Heil auf ihm) genügen:

    Der Gesandte Allahs (Ehre und Heil auf ihm) sagte:
    „Wer sich einem Volk angleicht/ ähnlich macht, der gehört (dann) dadurch zu ihnen (zu diesem Volk)." (Richtig überliefert bei Abi Dawuud)

    - Das Verbot, das Falsche (Al-Baatil/ الباطل ) zu bestätigen oder zu ihm zu ermuntern, was eine Teilnahme, Gratulation u.ä. impliziert.

    Allah der Erhabene sagt über die Gläubigen (ungefähre Bedeutung auf Deutsch):

    „Und diejenigen, die das Falsche/Lügnerische nicht bezeugen (und ihm nicht beiwohnen), und wenn sie an sinnlosem Treiben vorbeigehen, gehen sie in Würde vorbei." (Qur'an 25:72)

    Einige Tafsiir-Gelehrte der Sahaabah, der Taabi3iin und andere haben darauf hingewiesen, dass mit dem „nicht-bezeugen des Falschen" und dem „nicht-beiwohnen" desselben in diesem Vers des Qur'an u.a. die Feste und Feierlichkeiten der Nicht-Muslime gemeint sind.

    Diese Aussage zu diesem Vers ist überliefert von Ibn 3Abbaas, Ad-Dhahaak, 3Ikrimah, Ibn Siriin, Mujaahid und Rabii3 ibn Anas.4

    - Das Verbot, sich an einem Platz aufzuhalten, an dem sich Allahs Regelungen und Gesetzen wiedersetzt wird, d.h. an dem Sünden begangen werden, ohne diese zu unterbinden. Dazu gibt es eine Anzahl von Beweisen in Qur'an und Sunnah.

    Allah der Erhabene sagt (ungefähre Bedeutung auf Deutsch):

    „Und kooperiert miteinander bei Gottgefälligkeit und Gottesfurcht. Und kooperiert nicht in Sünde und feindseligem Vorgehen, und fürchtet Allah! Allah ist streng im Bestrafen." (Qur'an 5:2)

    Der Gesandte Allahs (Ehre und Heil auf ihm sagte):
    „Wer von euch etwas Unrechtes sieht, so soll er es mit seiner Hand ändern. Und wenn er dazu nicht imstande ist, mit seiner Zunge. Und wenn er (auch) dazu nicht imstande ist, mit seinem Herzen, und dies ist die geringste Glaubensstärke (der geringste Iimaan)." (Überliefert in Sahiih Muslim)

    Die Gelehrten haben darauf hingewiesen, dass zum „Ändern mit dem Herzen" gehört, sich von diesem Ort zu entfernen.

    Aus dem zuvor genannten geht hervor, dass das Ausrichten von zeitlich regelmäßig wiederkehrenden Feierlichkeiten außer 3iid al-Adhhaa und 3iid al-Fitr sowie das Ausrichten von Festen und Feierlichkeiten, die denen der Nicht-Muslime gleichen oder die von Allah verbotene Dinge beinhalten, für Muslime verboten (muharram/ محرّم ) ist.

    Dazu gehören u.a. religiöse Feste und Feierlichkeiten, das Begehen bestimmter „Tage" wie z.B. Geburtstage, Gedenktage, Vatertag, Muttertag, Tag der Arbeit, Nationalfeiertag, internationaler „irgendwas-Tag" aber auch jährliche Sommerfeste, Abschlussfeste, Stadtteilfeste usw…

    Auch ist deren Bestätigung und die Gratulation zu diesen verboten (muharram).

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    An die Islamischen Gemeinschaften in Deutschland
    Posted by Lawyers Of Truth on 5. Dezember 2013.

    Tags: Gratulieren zu Weihnachten ist für Muslime nicht erlaubt, gratulieren zum Neuen Jahr für Muslime verboten, Islamische Betrachtungsweise zu Weihnachten und Silvester, Silvester feiern für muslime nicht erlaubt, weihnachten dürfen muslime nicht mitfeiern

    Categories: Deutschland, Islam, Muslime

    7 Responses

    Warum hat dann der Zentralrat der Muslime in Deutschland letzes Weihnachten den Christen gratuliert??

    by ummsafia on Dez 5, 2013 at 05:57
    Viele konvertierte leben noch bei den christlichen Eltern. Die können nicht so einfach für diese paar Tage aus dem Haus rausgehen.

    So wie ich das verstanden habe, haben diese Konvertierten einen Grund. Nur sollen die sich nicht im Wohnzimmer oder zusammen am selben Tisch essen.

    by Katze Layla on Dez 5, 2013 at 08:11
    Wenn Konvertiten bei ihren nichtmuslimischen Eltern leben, sollten sie sich in der Zeit von Festen wie Silvester u.ä. räumlich zurück ziehen und etwas distanzieren. Sollte recht unproblematisch sein die Feste zu meiden.

    by Gast on Dez 5, 2013 at 08:39
    Gehört jetzt nicht hier her aber, diese seite ist gut ich hätte sie gern al s mobile app …

    by Xyxy on Dez 5, 2013 at 10:10
    Einfach in einem anderem Zimmer gehen und GTA V zocken… und dazu eine fette Pizza und kalte Cola.

    by Katze Layla on Dez 5, 2013 at 11:43
    Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatu,

    Schwester wir folgen nicht dem Zentralrat der Muslime sondern dem Quran Allahs (ta3ala) und der Sunnah seines Gesandten (salla Allahu 3alaihi wa salam) und all diese Feierlichkeiten sind weder aus Quran noch aus der Sunnah

    by UkthfiiAllah!. on Dez 5, 2013 at 13:13
    Was das gratulieren angeht, so gratulieren wir den Menschen nicht zu etwas verbotenem noch unterstutzen oder fördern wir sie darin in irgend einer Weise.

    Diese Menschen (möge Allah ta3ala sie rechtleiten) feiern den angeblichen Geburtstag des Sohn Gottes wal3iadhubillah und dazu kann man bzw.sollte man als Muslim nich gratulieren.

    wa alaikum salam wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatu

    by UkthfiiAllah!. on Dez 5, 2013 at 13:20
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 10:14AM  

    ‎قناة الحافظ‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    ‎قناة الحافظ‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    ليكن شعارنا في كل صباح ومِا عِندَ الله خيرٌ وابقى :)
    Dec 6th 2013, 09:23
    ‫ليكن شعارنا في كل صباح ومِا عِندَ الله خيرٌ وابقى :)‬
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 10:13AM  

    Gegen den Militärputsch in Ägyptens Facebook-Pinnwand
    Gegen den Militärputsch in Ägyptens Facebook-Pinnwand
    Nelson Mandela, ein großartiger Mensch und Kämpfer für Freiheit, Gerechtigkeit,...
    Dec 6th 2013, 09:28
    Nelson Mandela, ein großartiger Mensch und Kämpfer für Freiheit, Gerechtigkeit, Toleranz und Humanität hat unsere Welt verlassen. Auf seinem Wege machen wir weiter und setzen uns für Feriheit, Gerechtigkeit und Leben in Würde in Ägypten ein. #Gegen_den_Militärputsch_in_Ägypten
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 10:10AM  

    scharia - Social Mention
    EIN SEHR SEHR WICHTIGES THEMA WAS UNS ALLE BETRIFFT!!! Das Sprechen ohne Beweise!!! Leider hat sich die Angewohnheit verbreitet,islamisches Wissen ohne Beweise weiterzugeben.Jedem ist es sicher schon mal passiert,das man ohne authentische Quelle gesagt hat, "Der Imam hat gesagt..." , "Mein Mann hat gesagt...".Der Islam jedoch besteht aus dem Koran und aus der Sunnah des Propheten (sallah Allahu aleihi wa salam).Wir dürfen kein islamisches Urteil (Fatwa) ohne Beweis geben, auch keine Antwort "einfach mal so". Denn wie schwerwiegend ist es über Allah subhana wa tahla oder über Seinen Gesandten (sallah Allahu aleihi wa salam) zu lügen! [3:94] "Und diejenigen, die danach eine Lüge gegen Allah erdichten, sind die Ungerechten." [6:21] Und wer ist ungerechter als derjenige, der eine Lüge gegen Allah ersinnt oder Seine Verse für Lüge erklärt? Wahrlich, die Ungerechten erlangen keinen Erfolg. [10:17] "Wer ist wohl ungerechter als jener, der eine Lüge gegen Allah erdichtet oder Seine Zeichen für Lügen erklärt? Wahrlich, die Verbrecher haben keinen Erfolg." [18:15]"{...}Warum bringen sie dann keinen klaren Beweis dafür? Und wer verübt einen größeren Frevel, als der, der eine Lüge gegen Allah erdichtet?" [7:37] "Wer ist wohl frevelhafter als der, der eine Lüge gegen Allah erdichtet oder Seine Zeichen der Lüge bezichtigt?{...} "{...}Wisst ihr es denn besser als Allah?" "{...}Oder sagt ihr etwa über Allah,was ihr nicht wisst?"[2:80] Ali (radiya Allahu anhu) berichtete: Der Gesandte Allahs,Allahs Segen und Heil auf ihm,sagte:lügt nicht über mich;denn wer über mich lügt,der geht ins Höllenfeuer! (Der Imam Ibn Hadschar schließt in seinem Kommentar noch folgende Bedeutung ein:Belügt mich nicht,bezichtigt mich nicht der Lüge und verbreitet keine Lüge über mich.)Sahih Muslim "Über mich zu lügen ist nicht wie über irgendjemanden zu lügen.Jemand,der über mich Lügen erzählt wird seinen Platz in der Hölle einnehmen."Buchari 1229 (der Hadith ist mutawatir) Einige Gelehrte sind sogar der Ansicht,dass jemand,der absichtlich eine Lüge über den Gesandten (sallah Allahu aleihi wa salam) erzählt,zum Kafir wird,andere sagen,dass es "nur" eine der großen Sünden (Kabir) ist.Dies ist unter anderem abhängig vom Inhalt des Erzählten. Oder wie ernsthaft ist die Angelegenheit,etwas zu behaupten und einer folgt dieser Aussage und praktiziert den Islam falsch und gibt das falsch Gelernte sogar noch weiter!(Eine Tatsache,die über die Jahrhunderte zu vielen Irrtümer und falschen Praktiken geführt hat) Um zu sagen,was halal und was haram ist,bezieht wir uns auf das Wort Allah,die Sunnah,die Aussagen der Sahaba und Schüler der Sahaba,also den ersten Generationen des Islam,und dem Idschtihad (der Urteilsfindung) der Gelehrten,die sich dabei auch auf die eben genannten Quellen der Scharia berufen. Es ist auch nicht erlaubt,eine Aussage oder Fatwa zu geben,die auf blindem Folgen von Meinungen (ohne Beweise) beruht,denn der Nachahmer ist kein Alim und darf daher keine Fatwa geben.Ibn Batta sagte zum Beispiel,dass man solch eine Fatwa nicht weitergeben darf,die man gehört hat,sondern nur für sich selber verwenden soll. Man darf generell keine Meinungen weitergeben,wenn man deren beweise nicht kennt.Und selbst wenn man deren Beweise kennt,sollte man sich damit zurückhalten,weil man die Argumente und Beweise anderer Meinungen nicht kennt und somit nicht sicher abwägen kann,was nun wirklich den Quellen des Islam am ehesten entspricht. Wenn wir in den uns bekannten Texten keinen Hinweis finden,so müssen wir uns an vertrauenswürdige Gelehrte wenden,deren Meinungen wir wegen den Beweisen befolgen,nicht weil wir uns emotional an sie gebunden fühlen. [16:43]"{...}frage jene,die wissen,wenn ihr es nicht wisst." Diese Gelehrten sind als einzige dazu fähig,Idschtihad zu machen,oder Analogieschlüsse zu ziehen,denn sie beachten allgemeine Grundsätze der Scharia,sehen,was gut und was schlecht ist,und beachten Notwendigkeiten,Ausnahmen usw. Natürlich ist es meist einfacher und schneller zu sagen"das ist so und so",aber warum bringt man nicht den Beweis dazu,wenn man es doch angeblich weiss! Wissen wir etwas wirklich ,dann müssen wir dazu auch den Beweis kennen,andernfalls wissen wir es nicht und müssten uns erst einmal selber informieren,bevor wir andere dazu verleiten,das Unsichere zu praktizieren. [Surat Al-An'am Aya 116] "Und wenn du der Mehrzahl derer folgst,die auf der Erde sind,führen sie dich vom Wege Allahs ab in die Irre.Sie gehen nur Vermutungen nach und raten nur (statt Sicheres zu wissen)." [6:144]{...}?"" Wer ist also ungerechter als der, welcher eine Lüge gegen Allah ersinnt, um die Leute ohne Wissen irrezuführen? {...} [10:36]"Die meisten von ihnen gehen nur Vermutungen nach.Und Vermutungen helfen hinsichtlich der Wahrheit nichts.Allah weiss Bescheid über das,was sie tun." Der Islam besteht aus Beweisen,denn ohne Beweise kann sich jeder selber seinen "eigenen kleinen Islam" zusammenschustern und davon profitieren auch die verschiedenen Gruppen und Sekten inner_ und außerhalb des Islam. [31:6] Und unter den Menschen gibt es solche, die leeres Gerede vorziehen, um (Menschen) ohne Wissen von Allahs Weg hinweg in die Irre zu führen, und um damit Spott zu treiben. Solchen (Menschen) harrt eine schmähliche Strafe. [24:11] Diejenigen, welche die große Lüge vorbrachten, bilden eine Gruppe von euch. Glaubt nicht, dies sei übel für euch; im Gegenteil, es gereicht euch zum Guten. Jedem von ihnen soll die Sünde, die er begangen hat, (vergolten werden); und der von ihnen, der den Hauptanteil daran verschuldete, soll eine schwere Strafe erleiden. Als Abschluss: Bitte sprecht (bzw. schreibt) nie ohne Beweis.Behauptet nicht einfach etwas,sondern bemüht Euch,vorher Wissen zu haben.Dabei sollte man die allgemeinen Grundlagen des islamsichen Rechts beachten,dass alles erlaubt ist,außer es wurde durch einen Text verboten also derjenige,der sagt,dass etwas verboten ist,der muss auch den Beweis bringen,nicht umgekehrt.Anders allerdings in Angelegenheiten wie der Aquida (Glaubensthema)(und des Bereiches der sog. Ibadat,wie Gebet,Fasten etc.)hier darf nichts ohne Beweis geglaubt oder praktiziert werden,denn in diesem Bereich kann man nicht mit Logik argumentieren (z.B ob es logisch ist vier oder fünf Raka zu beten). Bedenkt und macht Euch bewußt ,dass Ihr dafür verantwortlich seid,was Ihr über Allah subhana wa tahla und den Gesandten (sallah Allahu aleihi wa salam) behauptet und dafür,dass jemand Eure Antwort akzeptiert und danach handelt. Der Tag der Auferstehung ist die Wahrheit,alhamdulilah,und wir werden dafür bestraft werden,wenn wir Menschen wissentlich Irregeleitet haben" Wer etwas unwissend behauptet,sollte besser schweigen,das ist sicherer für ihn.Wer etwas wissentlich weitergibt,sollte auch selber wissen,dass Allah subhana wa tahla nicht nur barmherzig ist,sondern auch hart im Strafen! Und an diesem Tage wird jeder über jedes einzelne Wort,das er je gesprochen hat Rechenschaft ablegen müssen. Gepriesen sei Er,der Gerechte.Erhaben sei Er über das ,was wir an Lügen über ihn sagen. Alles was ich an Falschem und Schlechtem geschrieben habe kommt von mir und meinen Shaitan,meinem Nafs und alles Gute und Richtige darin kommt von Allah subhanahu ala w ata ala . Ich bitte Ihn,meine Taten zu akzeptieren und uns recht zu leiten. ALLAHUMMA AMIN !!!
    Dec 6th 2013, 09:36
    Es wird zeit etwas zu ändern, daher habe ich beschlossen Mitglied der NPD zu werden. Dann zeige ich denen mal " Maria anstatt Scharia" die kreativität der NPD ist echt lachhaft!!
    Dec 6th 2013, 09:07
    Dec 6th 2013, 08:48
    Über das Bartwachsen lassen   Die Botschaft des Quran, dass Allah über Seinen Gesandten Muhammed (sallallahu alaihi veselam) verkünden ließ, ist beständig bis zum Jüngsten Tag. Die Scharia ändert sich nicht aufgrund Ort, Zeit oder Leute. Anordnungen bleiben Anordnungen, Verbote bleiben Verbote und Erlaubtes bleibt Erlaubtes. Das alle Propheten, und mit ihnen die Gläubigen, das Bartwachsen sehr wichtig nahmen, erkennt man an der Ayat „ sagt: o Sohn meiner Mutter, greife nicht nach meinem Bart, noch nach meinen Kopf" (Sure 20: 94). Nach dem islamischen Verständnis ist die Verpflichtung zum Barttragen keine neue Verordnung die der Prophet Muhammed (sallallahu alaihi veselam) verkündete, sondern eine Bestätigung der früheren Propheten. Da die Propheten auch jeweils als Vorbild für ihr Volk dienten, war das Barttragen auch ein Verpflichtung für die früheren Ummah.   So ist bekannt dass:   Nuh einen schönen Bart hatte, Ibrahim einen weißen Bart hatte, Ishaq wenig Bart hatte, Yaqub seinem Vater Ishaq im Barttragen ähnelte, Isa einen schwarzen Bart trug Muhammed hatte einen großen und üppigen Bart. Als er starb waren auf seinem Kopf und in seinem Bart nicht einmal zwanzig weiße Haare. (Allahs Frieden und Segen auf Seine Propheten)   Im Quran findet man keinen Beleg für das Barttragen. Doch wie bekannt ist, erläutern, erklären, ergänzen oder ersetzen einige Hadithe den Quran. So wird von einigen Sahaba überliefert:   Abu Huraira (radiallahu an) überlieferte, dass der Gesandte Allahs (sallallahu alaihi veselam) sagte: Zur Fitrah gehören fünf Dinge: die Beschneidung, das Abrasieren der Schamhaare, das Kürzen des Schnurrbartes, das Wachsenlassen des Bartes, das Benutzen des Miswak. (Muslim)   Ibn Umar Khattab (radiallahu an) überliefert, dass der Gesandte Allahs (sallallahu alaihi veselam) sagte: Unterscheidet euch von den Muschrikin, lasst den Bart wachsen und schneidet den Schnurrbart kurz. (Tirmidhi)   Abu Huraira (radiallahu an) überliefert, dass der Gesandte Allahs (sallallahu alaihi veselam) sagte: Schneidet den Schnurrbart kurz, lasst den Bart wachsen und unterscheidet euch von den Nichtmuslimen. (Muslim)   Ibn Abi Schaybah überlieferte von Cabir (radiallahu an) dass er sagte: Er wurde uns (von Muhammed (sallallahu alaihi veselam)) befohlen, dass wir die Bärte wachsen lassen und die Schnurrbärte kürzen sollen. (Musannaf von Schaybah)   Von ibn Abi Schaybah wird Überliefert, dass einest ein Mucusi (Feueranbeter) zum Gesandten (sallallahu alaihi veselam) mit rasiertem Bart und langem Schnurrbart kam. Da fragte ihn der Gesandte Allahs (sallallahu alaihi veselam) Weshalb er so seinen Schnurrbart wachsen lasse? Der Macusi sagte: Dies ist unser Glauben! Worauf der Gesandte sagte: in unserem Din muss man den Schnurrbart kürzen und den Bart wachsen lassen. (Musannaf von Schaybah)   Diese sind die klarsten Hadithe die sich mit dem Bartwachsen befassen.   Über die Anordnung des Propheten heißt es im Quran: mögen sich die, die sich seinen Befehlen widersetzen (die des Propheten) (davor) hüten, dass sie nicht Drangsal befalle oder eine schmerzliche Strafe treffe. (Sure 24:63)   ...und es ziemt sich nicht für einen gläubigen Mann oder eine lälubige Frau, dass sie – wenn Allah und Sein Gesandter eine Angelegenheit beschlossen haben – eine andere Wahl in ihrer Angelegenheit treffen. Und der, der Allah und Seinem Gesandten nicht gehorcht, geht wahrlich in offenkundiger Weise irre. (Sure 33:36)   ..noch spricht er aus Begierde. Vielmehr ist es reine Wahy, die (ihm) eingegeben wird. (Sure 53:3-4)   Allah Selber sagt uns, dass wir auch der Sunna folge zu leisten haben.   Im Muwatta von Imam Malik heißt es: Aufgrund dieses Hadith ist es verboten, den Bart zurasieren und zu stutzen, so wie es andere Glaubensgemeinschaften machen. Von Ibn Abbas wird überliefert dass der Gesandte Muhammed (sallallahu alaihi veselam) seinen Schnurrbart kürzte und erwähnte dabei, dies war die Praxis vom Propheten Ibrahim (alaihi selam).   Abu Bakr (radiallahu an) sagte in seiner Funktion als Kalif: Es gibt nichts, was der Gesandte (sallallahu alaihi veselam) getan hat, und ich ihm nicht in dieser (Handlung) gefolgt bin. Denn ich fürchtete mich, wenn ich etwas von seiner (sallallahu alaihi veselam) Praxis ausgelassen hätte, dass ich vom rechten Weg abgekommen wäre.   Von den ersten vier Kalifen wissen wir dass Abu Bakr und Umar (radiallahu anhum) einen dichten Bart hatten. Uthman hatte einen sehr lange Bart und Ali (radiallahu anhum) hatten einen üppigen Bart, welcher den Raum zwischen Gesicht und Schultern beiderseits bedeckte.   Gerade in der heutigen Zeit muss man eingestehen, dass die Bartrasur eine Nachahmung der Nichtmuslime ist und somit eine Abweichung von den Anweisungen des Gesandten. Jene, die das Nachahmung der Nichtmuslime praktizieren, sündigen. Gerade das Rasieren des Bartes ist eine äußerliche Nachahmung, bei der der Muslim öffentlich bekundet, sich nicht an die Anweisungen des Propheten Muhammed zu halten. Was wiederum den Anschein erweckt, das der Muslim sich lieber zu den Nichtmuslimen hingezogen fühlt, als zu den Mumin.   Wenn ein Muslim der früheren Zeit gedemütigt werden sollte, so veranlasste der Qadi (Richter), das dem Mann der Bart abrasiert, auf ein Maultier gesetzt und durch die Straßen geführt wurde.   Imam Ghzali sagte in seinem Werk „Ihya ulumid-Din": Mit dem Bart unterscheiden sich die Männer von den Frauen. Mit dem Rasieren des Bartes werden die Frauen nachgeahmt, deren Bartlosigkeit im Gesicht eine typische Eigenschaft ist. Im Barte gibt es bestimmte Vorteile und Nutzen für die Leute. Er ist die Zierde des männlichen Gesichtes und der Grund, weswegen die Leute ihm gegenüber Respekt erweisen. Allah lässt durch verschiedene Wege den Mumin Wissen zu kommen. Eine Art der Wissensübermittlung geschieht über den Bart. Wer Wissen demnach Wissen von Allah haben möchte, der lasse den Bart über eine Faustlänge wachsen. Allah der Erhabene sagt: ...und ER gestaltet euch und machte eure Gestalt schön...(Sure 64:3). Allah hat den Manne mit den Bart Ausgezeichnet. Wer nun sein Bart abrasiert, der ist mit Allahs Schöpfung nicht einverstanden.   Alle vier Meshab stimmen darüber ein, dass man den Bart nicht abrasieren darf. Ebenfalls besteht Einigkeit darin, dass man erst dann den Bart kürzen darf, wenn man ihn mit seiner Faust voll umgreifen kann.   In einer Überlieferung über Umar Khattab heißt es, das er bei der Hadsch und bei der Umrah sein Bart kürzte, was über die Faustlänge herausragte.   Als Imam Ahmad über das kürzen des Bartes gefragt wurde sagte er: Ibn Umar nahm vom Barte, was über seine Faustlänge hinausragte.   Wahrlich, ihr habt an dem Gesandten Allahs ein schönes Vorbild für jeden, der auf Allah und den letzten Tag hofft und Allahs häufig gedenkt. (Sure 33:21)   Es gibt zwei Arten von Vorbildern: Ein schönes und ein hässliches!   Das schöne Vorbild ist das Folgen des Gesandten Allahs auf dem Weg, wie Allah es von ihn verlangte auf dem Streben Allahs Wohlgefallen zu erlangen. Ein hässliches Vorbild ist, dass man sich dem Gesandten Allahs widersetzt, andere folgt und dadurch meint, Allahs Wohlgefallen zu erlangen.   __________________________________ Ist der Bart im Islam Pflicht??   "Kürzt euren Schnurrbart und lasst eure Bärte wachsen - unterscheidet euch von den Mushrikuun (Polytheisten)"    (Ahmad,2,229).   "Kürzt eure Schnurrbärte und lasst eure Bärte (wachsen), unterscheidet euch von den Zoroastriern"(Muslim 260).   "Unterscheidet euch von den Mushrikuun, und lasst eure Bärte (wachsen) und kürzt eure Schnurrbärte" (al-Bukhari Nr. 5892; Muslim Nr. 259)   Wer den Bart ganz abrasiert ist nach dem islamischen Urteil ein Fasiq (Sünder/ Übeltäter), weil er die Hadithe ignoriert, das Bart-Wachsenlassen vorschreiben.    Bartrasieren gilt als "Abändern der Schöpfung ALLAHs" (subhanahu ala wa ta ala) (wie


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 10:10AM  

    islamismus - Social Mention
    Die Türkei anno domini 2013. Ein Bericht des Deutschlandfunks: "In Zukunft soll es getrennte Vorlesungen für Männer und Frauen geben. Wer sich gegen die Bevormundung wehrt, bekommt es mit der Polizei zu tun." In Deutschland leben zunehmend viele, die diese reaktionäre Politik befürworten. Die Anzahl dürfte bei ca. 2 Mio Menschen liegen mit deutlich zunehmender Tendenz. Und absurder Weise hat die leider erfolgreiche Politik der linken Deutschlandabschaffer dazu geführt, dass diese rückwärtsgewandte, religiös motivierte Einstellung nicht einmal erwähnt und einem öffentlichen Diskurs zugeführt werden darf. Zudem sitzen nun nicht nur in den Stadträten und Landesparlamenten sondern auch im Deutschen Bundestag Abgeordnete die diese Politik der Türkei so wollen. Und da selbst Journalisten nicht danach fragen (dürfen), gibt es nicht einmal eine ausweichende Antwort.
    Dec 6th 2013, 08:09
    Die konservative Regierung unter Ministerpräsident Erdogan mischt sich auch ins Leben der Studenten ein. In Zukunft soll es getrennte Vorlesungen für Männer und Frauen geben. Wer sich gegen die Bevormundung wehrt, bekommt es mit der Polizei zu tun.
    At his trial in 1964, Nelson #Mandela closed his statement from the dock saying, "I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die." We will not likely see the likes of Nelson Mandela again. So it falls to us as best we can to forward the example that he set: to make decisions guided not by hate, but by love; to never discount the difference that one person can make; to strive for a future that is worthy of his sacrifice. For now, let us pause and give thanks for the fact that Nelson Mandela lived -- a man who took history in his hands, and bent the arc of the moral universe toward justice. May God Bless his memory and keep him in peace.
    Dec 5th 2013, 23:21
    To be Free
    Islamismus nach Nato-Bomben und Dank dem Ober-Moslem Hussein Obama Nachdem der Westen den Diktator Gaddafi vertrieben hat, wird Libyen zur islamistischen Republik. Die EU bildet die Soldaten aus. Die Politik der globalen Einmischung bringt giftige …
    Dec 5th 2013, 20:50
    Im Verlauf dieses Jahres haben sich in Tunesien die Attacken salafistisch-jihadistischer Gruppen gehäuft, zunächst in Grenzregionen, dann auch im Innern des Landes und in den Städten. In der vorvergangenen Woche begann die Armee nach Angaben aus Regierungskreisen Bergregionen nahe der algerischen Grenze mit schwerer Artillerie zu bombadieren. Die jihadistischen Angriffe tragen zu den politischen Spannungen zwischen der islamistischen Partei al-Nahda und der eher säkularen Opposition bei. Über die Entwicklung des Jihadismus in Tunesien seit dem Sturz des autoritären Präsidenten Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali sprach die Jungle World mit Alaya Allani, Professor für zeitgenössische Geschichte an der Universität von Manouba und international bekannter Forscher über den Islamismus im Maghreb.
    Dec 5th 2013, 20:47
    Bernd Beier: Alaya Allani im Gespräch über Jihadismus in Tunesien
    "Trotz der Attraktivität dieses Angebots ist es oft auch mehr oder weniger deutlicher sozialer Druck, mit dem Jugendliche zu einem dem Salafismus entsprechenden Verhalten verleitet werden. So berichten Sozialarbeiter und Lehrer immer wieder von Diskussionen unter Jugendlichen, in denen auf die Einhaltung vermeintlich verbindlicher islamischer Normen gedrängt wird. Dies betrifft das Drängen auf das Tragen des Kopftuchs, aber auch den Hinweis auf die Pflicht zum Fasten während des Ramadans oder den Appell, am Freitag zum Moscheebesuch zu erscheinen." Götz Nordbruch
    Dec 5th 2013, 19:40
 - Jugendkultur, Medien und politische Bildung in der Einwanderungsgesellschaft
    WIR BRAUCHEN EURE UNTERSTÜTZUNG - AKTIV GEGEN JEDEN RASSISMUS!! Am Samstag den 07.12. hat die NPD wieder eine Demo in Leipzig Schönefeld angemeldet. Wie schon vor ein paar Wochen sollen die geteilten Meinungen zur rassistischen Mobilmachung genutzt, sowie auf dem Rücken unschuldig, hilfloser Menschen Stimmung gegen etablierte Kräfte in Lokalpolitik und Gesellschaft gemacht werden. BITTE TEILT DIESE INFORMATIONEN UND ERSCHEINT SAMSTAG ZAHLREICH!! #PROMOSCHEE #GEGEN #NPD
    Dec 5th 2013, 18:04
    Über die Entwicklung des Jihadismus in Tunesien sprach die Jungle World mit Alaya Allani, Professor für zeitgenössische Geschichte an der Universität von Manouba und international bekannter Forscher über den Islamismus im Maghreb.
    Dec 5th 2013, 15:04
    Bernd Beier: Alaya Allani im Gespräch über Jihadismus in Tunesien
    Allein die Existenz der Prostitution werfe einen dunklen Schatten auf das Verhältnis der Geschlechter. Jede Frau sei dadurch für jeden Mann potenziell käuflich. Das eigentlich Bemerkenswerte an der Offensive der Feministin Schwarzer ist also ihr Sexualitätsbegriff. Denn dieser zeigte sich in den vergangenen Wochen als im Kern nicht nur anachronistisch, sondern geradezu frauenfeindlich .. Mit anderen Worten: Die Feministin Alice Schwarzer, deren wichtigste Unterstützung schon seit geraumer Zeit aus dem konservativen Lager kommt, egal ob es um "Islamismus" geht oder eben um "Frauenkauf", macht Politik mit einer Ideologie, die man auch ganz einfach patriarchalisch nennen kann. -- Meredith Haaf
    Dec 5th 2013, 13:45
    Alice Schwarzer kämpft gegen Prostitution. Dabei nutzt die Feministin Alice Schwarzer frauenfeindliche Begriffe von Sexualität.
    "Hey Mr. Nazi, komm auf meine Party, ich stell dir meine Freunde vor …"
    Dec 5th 2013, 12:55
    Kommunisten haben in den letzten 80 Jahren (seit Bestehen und Machtergreifung um den Globus) geschätzte 100 Millionen Menschen auf dem Gewissen. Jedes Land, welches heute kommunistisch regiert wird, ist eine Diktatur (China, Kuba, Nordkorea etc). Eines der Hauptthemen (siehe Link) scheint der Kampf gegen den Zionismus zu sein, also der Kampf um Juden (in Israel). Inwieweit kann ein bekennender Kommunist ein vollwertiger Humanist sein? Reicht es aus "gegen Nazis" zu sein, wenn man selbst einer Ideologie anhängt, die nicht weniger Leid unter die Menschen brachte? Ein Thema, wovor sich offizielle humanistische Vereine gerne drücken und nicht darüber reden wollen. Was ist eure Meinung dazu?
    Dec 4th 2013, 23:29
    sozialistisches magazin
    Dec 4th 2013, 18:11
    Der türkische Präsident Abdullah Gül ist besorgt: Falls die europäischen Staaten weiterhin darin versagten, Toleranz gegenüber anderen Kulturen und Religionen zu üben, werde das zu neuen humanitären Tragödien, wenn nicht gar zu Massentötungen von Menschen führen.
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 10:10AM  

    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    Wer la illaha ill Allah verstanden hat und im Herzen trägt ist auf dem richtige...
    Dec 6th 2013, 09:44
    Wer la illaha ill Allah verstanden hat und im Herzen trägt ist auf dem richtigen Weg in shaa Allah
    Denn nur la illaha ill Allah wird uns vereinen ....

    ( M.L )
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 10:10AM  

    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    Wer la illaha ill Allah verstanden hat und im Herzen trägt ist auf dem richtige...
    Dec 6th 2013, 09:44
    Wer la illaha ill Allah verstanden hat und im Herzen trägt ist auf dem richtigen Weg in shaa Allah
    Denn nur la illaha ill Allah wird uns vereinen ....

    ( M.L )
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Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 21 Themen
Dec 6th 2013, 10:08, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 10:07AM  

    street dawah - Social Mention
    Nigeria Street Dawah TO THE CHRISTIANS, WHY PROPHET MUHAMMAD (saw) HAS TO BE A RAPIST!!! Christians scholars and the bibles writters have always tried to paint all the prophets of God in black colour. They keep tarnishing the images of all prophets and portray them in bad light all because they want to show that JESUS is superior to all of them. If you read about prophets of God in the bible, you will always wonder why God keeps sending evil men as prophets. You wonder why Christian scholars narrate only the bad stories of the prophet as if they did not have any good stories. If moses is not commiting genocide and raping, samson will be commiting suicide killing several thousands with himself as a revenge for plucking his eyes. If David is not snatching the wife of his follower Solomon will be practicing dark magic or worshipping Idols. If Abraham is not commiting illegal sexual intercourse with his housemaid Noah will be having sex with his own daughters. If Aron is not building an idol for people to worship Noah will be planting dangerous weeds and drinking alcohol to stupor or Samson sleeping with a prostitute! Quran on the other Hand gives a Good accounts of All the prophets of God and when mistakes are made by some, Allah will always tell us how they repented and He forgave them. To a christian, All the prophets of God apart from Jesus are EVIL MEN! to a muslim, all God's prophets including Jesus are GOOD men and deserve our honours and respect. That is why We muslims should not be surprised when they call our prophet rapist, murderer and all other bad names. It is what they have been doing and Allah has confirmed it in the quran. "There is nothing they say of you except what they have said against the prophets before you...(Quran 41:43). No single prophet of God is a righteous person or pious according to christianity. The integrity of all the prominent prophets are totally damaged by the bible accounts of the various immoralities. Then since some are not mentioned by Name, christian scholars and bible writters have ensured that those not mentioned are also not spared from the malicious fang and character assasination. They were simply collectively described as "ARMED ROBBERS". "I am the gate for the sheep. All who ever came before me were # thieves and # robbers, but the sheep did not hear them." (John 10:7-8). From above, Jesus accuses all the prophets before him including his Grand parents Isaac, Abraham, Moses etc of being thieves and rubbers. As a muslim reads the account of All the prophets of GOD in the Quran, He will feel like "OMG! We can never move close to the piety of these people" On the other hand, when. Christian reads about God's prophet in his bible, He will feel like "I my self cannot be this morally bankrupt" So, where a muslims says "These people really excelled in piety" A christian will easily say: "These people really fucked up big time" John 10:7-10 Is the bible verse that condemned all the prophets of Allah as evil men, Name it; IBRAHIM! MUSA! AYUB! ISMAIL! ISIAK! SHUAIB! NOAH! SALIH! YAHYA! IMRAN! etc. To a christian, they are all Evil people! Subhana Lah!!! So, since Prophet Muhammad does not have such evil record in their Bible, they must fabricate some evil accusation against him at all cost! They cannot just afford to let anyone escape their fang of Hatred. Hence they call him rapist(as they accuse moses), murderer(as in moses and samson) , pedophile(as in Joseph and Isaac) Imagine what impression we would have had about these noble personalities if Allah did not send Quran to us! If He did not send prophet Muhammad to come and clear them of these evil allegations.May be we would have been sending curse on them instead of blessings(Al-hamdulilah, Alhamdulilah). As christians say Jesus is God that came down in flesh, I ask them these Questions; (1)Why did your god send armed robbers as prophets? (2)Why did He allow armed robbers to lead mankind if He truly cares for mankind (3)Did He not know they were robbers before sending them? In verse 10, he said the former prophets only came to steal, kill and destroy! (4)Why is he painting them black now when He was acknowledged in the OT that He was the one that ordered them to kill, rape, steal and destroy? Is He not the mastermind? Is it not wise for the Christians to beware of the god they are following apart from Allah?! is he not evil and very cunning? If their god has failed to produce a single pious and righteous man among his prophets, How can the ordinary christians ever be righteous or pious?
    Dec 6th 2013, 08:21
    Everyone needs to support hood dawah. Whats good now days why are brothers ignoring the deen of the master of the universe. Instead they are smoking weed, drinking alcohol, having sex, selling drugs, fighting, and some even go to the extent of doing magic which is shirk. And sisters y'all my sisters why you doing haram wit men why u not respecting yourself. Why are you going into traps when that is the most dangerous place you can be in. Why are dressing naked when Allah gave you that beauty you supposed to be hiding it. I don't like to judge but I'm just calling it how i see it. So this is happening all in the name of chasing the street life. Everyone wants to be the person everyone looks up to in terms of money power and status. But the reality is these people who do all these bad things need dawah that's what hood dawah is for. Now I got salafi brothers coming up to me asking whats up with hood dawah ur making the deen gangster and this is not the way of the salaf. Okay well I think maybe you brothers got it misunderstood. Yes I'm salafi and hood dawah is salafi and will always be upon the manhaj asSalafi inshallah. But the dawah isn't hood its dawah to the hood. Hence the term hood dawah. So keep my in your mouths cuz I know it tastes good. As for the rest of my beloved brothers and sisters. Support hood dawah by like and sharing the vids to keep the dawah moving. Big things are gunna b dropping for hood dawah so b on the look out.
    Dec 6th 2013, 08:16
    Dec 6th 2013, 06:37
    Nigeria Street Dawah wrote: AS MUCH AS WE LOVE MANDELA! The death of Nelson Mandela is indeed a great loss to the world, the GREATEST loss is his death as non-Muslim. You pray for the surviving family of a dead non-muslim. Pray to Allah to guide them to islam. It is HARAM to say or write RIP over the death of a non-muslim. Fear Allah and know that you must love him and obey his commandments more than any of his creatures.
    Dec 6th 2013, 06:36
    The TV is a S-H-A-Y-T-A-A-N By: Abu Muhammad al-Magribi Transcribed by: Umm Hasna Firdous Bint Jabir Transcription: Any Muslim with any Iman within them, and with their Aqeedah and their Manhaj try to understand that the TV is a Shatian. That the TV is behind all evils. TV is behind the destruction of families. The reason behind this talk is to remind the Muslim Brothers and sisters so they can follow the reminder when it comes to them. This is not to make them apply this to their intellect and if they do so, they will say that it doesn't apply to them.. I am aware of the TV, Like many people say they have a TV o­nly for the CNN. Some brothers or the sisters they claim that they have the TV o­nly for the News. Some brothers they say have the TV o­nly for the Travel Show. Somebody may say what does that Travel Show have to do with the Muslim, or the Salafee? Look how twisted .. sometimes we may be and how Shaitan puts us to sleep. So we find excuses against ourselves. That brother he may say: "Yeah, I am watching the Travel Show". What does that have to do with your life? From a channel to another, SubhanaAllah they may be watching Bay Watch, Wrestling, Ophrah ….. then what? They are not o­nly the o­nes watching, not adults o­nly, but the kids are also watching. When the command of Allah and His messenger came to you, u must apply it. In Surah Ahzab : 36 "It is not befitting for any believing men or women that when Allah and His Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) decreed upon a matter that they will have a choice in regard to the decision and whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) indeed he is in a clear mistaken error." There are a lot of evils he is going to mention about the TV. o­ne of the evils is enough to make TV haram, not the 20. The brother has selected 20 and the 20 are the many many evils of the TV. But his is o­nly a selection. o­ne of the reasons I mention is enough for any o­ne who has Iman who has understood the ayah, and he still has the TV, he will put the TV in the trash. If you look at the arrows o­n the remote, they are faded, because the thumbs have been o­n it.
    Dec 6th 2013, 04:50
    Event on 7/12/2013....Few Days are left for the exciting and full of learning new skills; Workshops with role plays.. how to deal with people questions about Islam and other faiths . **Interactive sessions** , you will spend time with experienced speakers in the field of dawah and comparative religions as well as **Christian, Jewish, Hindu and Sikh reverts will tell their stories why they chose Islam.** Book your place now, spaces are limited. ========== Time: 09.30am – 17.00pm Location: Muslim World League, 46 Goodge street, London, W1T 4LU For more Info, please contact us on E: Tel: 020 7636 7010 Mob:078 4668 1114 Facebook:Wamyuk Cost Fees: £15 (employed)/ £10 (unemployed) **Including Lunch and refreshments.** Please do forward the message to your contacts. Thank you.
    Dec 6th 2013, 01:02
    PLEASE WATCH AND SHARE: SIKH EXPOSES FANATICAL MUSLIM AND FALSE MIRACLES OF ISLAM (UNCENSORED) Sikh was minding his own business when a Muslim Dawah Table conjurer from the high street walks over and begins to ask questions about Sikhism. It was supposed to be a simple Question and Answering session, however what ensued was the Muslim trying and FAILING MISERABLY TO CRITIQUE THE SIKH FAITH. This Muslim tries to do this everywhere, but he made a big mistake approaching this Sikh. Firstly, the Muslim Dawah conjurer attempts and fails to justify that the Quran is a miracle. He used the "10 words with 40 rhetorical devices" weak argument which is quickly broken down and exposed as a false and pathetic test for Islams Quran and (false) works. Secondly, the Sikh highlights that Sikhism does not for a second attempt to be superior, but instead encourages every faith to make their own divine connection. Just this humble statement alone corrects the Muslim's false supremacy and brings his argument for Islams point scoring crashing down. THE DISTURBING PART, but not at all suprising is how at 45:32 the MUSLIM BECOMES ANGRY after losing the argument and childishly and helplessly repeats that Allah states that no one will be able to pass the test (10 words 40 rhetorical meanings) in the Quran and then VIOLENTLY QUOTES that men (INFIDELS) AND STONES WILL BE FUEL FOR HELL FIRES. This is atypical of Muslims who cannot actually contemplate truth even when revealed in front of them and instead are programmed to repeat the Qurans contradictory statements until they are blue in the face. This test was proven as false in seconds yet he carries on for a whole hour! This repetitive denial of facts by the Muslim is due to one factor which is prevalent among all Muslims: ITS THE FEAR OF ALLAHS HELL FIRES which is so deep that logical criticism of the Quran is denied and what's left is a BRAINWASHED MUSLIM who would rather die than take a different view. IN FACT THE MUSLIM CLINGS TO HIS FALSE MIRACLES OF ISLAM SO TIGHTLY HE STATED HE WOULD RATHER HAVE SOMEONE SLIT HIS THROAT OR SHOOT HIM IN THE HEAD. How disturbing, but Muslim behaviour. It doesn't take too long for the Muslims VIOLENT DEFENCE of Islam to come out, even in a intellectual debate, which in a Muslim majority nation would manifest itself in direct punishment for all those questioning Islam, including that Sikh. THE MUSLIM EVEN ASKED THE SIKH TO SLIT HIS THROAT BECAUSE HE LIKE ANY MUSLIM WOULD BE HAPPY TO BE A MARTYR AND GO TO PARADISE! AND THESE ARE THE GUYS THAT ARE ALLOWED TO SPREAD ISLAM ON THE STREETS OF ENGLAND! At the end of the video he states the reason why he spreads Islam is because he doesn't want people to go to hell for not believing as Muhammad stated. Hence the Muslim never actually took in any points, but merely repeats the same already falsely proven argument, which he tries to justify with Muhammads prophecy of hell fire for all non believers questioning and refusing to submit to Islam. The Sikh quickly highlights that Sikhs disagree with this, but even still the video leaves me with one, but ever glaring and heart wrenching fact: Muslims will never change even if you prove their Qurans practices as false, because Muslims are just too brainwashed. It could change in a second if Muslims began to think critically, but the fear of Allahs hell fire is so deep, that Muslims remain conforming and repeating the same fallacies 1434 Years later, predictably designed by Muhammad to build up to world conflict which the Muslims call Judgement Day. Not on our watch. NSE. Admin R. EDL SIKH DIVISION. WGJKK WGJKF.
    Dec 6th 2013, 00:16
    Basics of Sikhi organised the Urban Turban Sikhi Awareness event in Hounslow. Imran Ibn Mansur Khan (AKA Dawah Man) from Islam Hounslow approached us for a s...
    I will be delivering a dawah training course in Harrow next week in shaa Allah, keep posted for details which should be up shortly :)
    Dec 5th 2013, 22:28
    Street Dawah Berlin-Kreuzberg
    Dec 5th 2013, 21:21
    Event on 7/12/2013....Few Days are left for the exciting and full of learning new skills; Workshops with role plays.. how to deal with people questions about Islam and other faiths . **Interactive sessions** , you will spend time with experienced speakers in the field of dawah and comparative religions as well as **Christian, Jewish, Hindu and Sikh reverts will tell their stories why they chose Islam.** Book your place now, spaces are limited. ========== Time: 09.30am – 17.00pm Location: Muslim World League, 46 Goodge street, London, W1T 4LU For more Info, please contact us on E: Tel: 020 7636 7010 Mob:078 4668 1114 Facebook:Wamyuk Cost Fees: £15 (employed)/ £10 (unemployed) **Including Lunch and refreshments.** Please do forward the message to your contacts. Thank you.
    Dec 5th 2013, 20:59
    (US Admin) A Muslim 'dawah man' approaches Sikh on the same high street on Saturday. The sikhs were there for an 'urban turban' campaign. The Muslims there doing dawah, this dawah man can't control himself and approaches Sikh and tries to outsmart him, but ends up looking like a complete fool.


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 09:59AM  

    Hijabi Blogs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Hijabi Blogs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Weil ja heute Nikolaustag ist, was zum Lesen für euch.
    Dec 6th 2013, 09:08
    Weil ja heute Nikolaustag ist, was zum Lesen für euch.
    „Muslimische Kinder sollten nicht turnen, wenn der Nikolaus kommt" - DTJ ONLINE
    Der Nikolaus kann christlichen und muslimischen Kindern nach Überzeugung des Theologen Biesinger helfen, einander besser zu verstehen.
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Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen
Dec 6th 2013, 09:32, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 09:28AM  

    Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    I cringe when I see a gang of talafi sisters shouting about Abu khadeejah down t...
    Dec 6th 2013, 09:15
    I cringe when I see a gang of talafi sisters shouting about Abu khadeejah down the street with cans of red bull. Makes me think no wonder divorce rate is high amongst talafi community.
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 09:21AM  

    Weg zum Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Weg zum Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Ob ihr eine Sache offenkundig tut oder sie verbergt, wahrlich, Allah kennt alle...
    Dec 6th 2013, 09:13
    Ob ihr eine Sache offenkundig tut oder sie verbergt, wahrlich, Allah kennt alle Dinge
    Al Ahzab(54
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 09:21AM  

    Weg zum Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Weg zum Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    ""O mein Herr, Du hast mir nun die Herrschaft verliehen und mich die Deutung der...
    Dec 6th 2013, 09:19
    ""O mein Herr, Du hast mir nun die Herrschaft verliehen und mich die Deutung der Träume gelehrt. O Schöpfer der Himmel und der Erde, Du bist mein Beschützer in dieser Welt und im Jenseits. Laß mich als (Dir) ergeben sterben und vereine mich mit den Rechtschaffenen.
    Surah Yusuf 101

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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 08:53AM  

    dawa-news - Social Mention
    রাজধানীর কল্যাণপুর এলাকায় শিবিরের বোমা তৈরির কারখানার সন্ধান পেয়েছে পুলিশ। গোপন সংবাদের ভিত্তিতে আজ শুক্রবার সকাল সাড়ে ৯টার দিকে এক অভিযান চালিয়ে কল্যাণপুরের একটি বাসায় অবস্থিত ওই বোমা কারখানা থেকে ২টি পেট্রলবোমা, ১১টি ককটেল, বহু জিহাদি বই, বিপুল পরিমাণ বোমা তৈরির সরঞ্জাম, বোমা তৈরি ও হামলার নির্দেশিকাসহ ১০ সক্রিয় শিবিরকর্মীকে আটক করেছে পুলিশ। মিরপুর মডেল থানার ওসি সালাউদ্দিন খান কালের কণ্ঠকে জানান, গোপন সংবাদের ভিত্তিতে ওই আস্তানায় অভিযান চালানো হয়। কল্যাণপুরের শহীদ মিনার রোডের ১৫ নম্বর বাড়ির একটি মেসে নিজেদের শক্ত ঘাঁটি গড়ে তোলে শিবিরকর্মীরা। এখানে পেট্রলবোমা, ককটেল, জিহাদি বই, বোমা তৈরির সরঞ্জাম, বোমা তৈরির নির্দেশিকা পাওয়া যায়। এখানে কিভাবে বোমা হামলা করতে হয় সে সম্পর্কে কর্মীদের প্রশিক্ষণের ব্যবস্থা রয়েছে। কার্যত এটি শিবিরের বোমা বানানোর কারখানা। এখান থেকে ১০ শিবিরকর্মীকে আটক করা হয়েছে। ওসি আরো বলেন, এই আস্তানাটিকে শিবিরের সদস্যরা নিজেদের ভাষায় 'শিবির থানা' বলে পরিচয় দেয়। এখন আটকৃতদের জিজ্ঞাসাবাদ করা হচ্ছে। এরা সবাই শিবিরের সক্রিয় সদস্য এবং বিভিন্ন নাশকতার সঙ্গে জড়িত। গত বুধবার বিকেল ৪টার দিকে অবরোধ চলাকালে কল্যাণপুরের ইবনে সিনা ডায়াগনস্টিক সেন্টারের সামনে পুলিশের একটি রিক্যুইজিশন গাড়িতে পেট্রলবোমা মেরে আগুন ধরিয়ে দেয় দুর্বৃত্তরা। ওই ঘটনার তদন্ত করতে গিয়েই এই আস্তানার সন্ধান পায় পুলিশ। ওই গাড়ি পোড়ানোর সাথে আটককৃতরা জড়িত বলে প্রাথমিক জিজ্ঞাসাবাদে স্বীকার করে তারা, জানান ওসি
    Dec 6th 2013, 07:27
    MMU2013 ndo twaaga mwaka ivi kistyle siku za kuhesabu kwa ivo tenga leo lazma kumbuka #kenya@50 n u win 1000bob...PATAMU SANA HAPA...ooooh mama
    Dec 6th 2013, 06:32
    6 in 1 एक आदमी अपनी बीबी से सचमुच बहुत प्यार करता था ,उसके चार बच्चे थे लेकिन उसे हरदम ये वहम खाये जाता था कि चौथा बच्चा उसका नहीं है क्यूंकि उसकी शक्ल बाकी के तीनों बच्चों से नहीं मिलती थी, वो चौथा बच्चा उस आदमी की आँख कि किरकिरी बना हुआ था , वो आदमी उसे जब तब हिराकत की नजरों से देखता जितना दुत्कार सकता उतना दुत्कारता और बाकी के तीनों बच्चों से बेहद प्यार करता , लेकिन उपरवाले को कुछ और ही मंजूर था ...आदमी इसी वहम के कारण मरणासन्न अवस्था में पहुँच गया , फिर एक दिन अपनी पत्नी को बुलाकर बड़े प्यार से बोला :- " जानू , तुम तो जानती हो , मैंने तुम्हे इतना प्यार किया है की बस पूछो मत,... कभी भी तुम्हारा दिल नहीं दुखाया , किन्तु जब मैं आज मरने वाला हूँ , क्या एक बात मुझे बताओगी ?? पत्नी की आँखों में आंसू भर आये बोली :- " प्रिये , मैं भी मरने वाले से झूठ नहीं बोलूंगी ,पर पहले एक बात मेरी भी सुन लीजिये , मेरे दिल पर बस यही बोझ है कि आप जिस बच्चे से इतनी घृणा करते हैं न सिर्फ वही आपकी खुद की संतान है ............. 2 Pota - Daadi aapne kon-kon se desh ghume hai. Dadi - Beta Pakistan Hindustan, Waziristan aur Afghanistan. Pota - ab aap kaha ghumne jaogi?? Piche se Dada bola - Kabristaan 3 2 advices to Boys... . . . . . . . . Never laugh at your G.F's choices- You are one of them... . . Never be proud of your choices - Your G.F. is one of them 4 Breaking news... . . . . . . . . . Rajnikanth ko ek chiti ne kat liya.. Pure tamilnadu ki chitiya lapata hai... 5 India mein sirf 1% ladkiya hi Cricket, Tennis, Hockey, Badminton Jaise Khel Khelti hai !!! Baaki 99% Ladkiya, PATNI BANN KAR PATI ki Zindagi se Khelti hai. Heart Touching, But True 6 Log Kehte Hai Ki Pyar Ek Aisi Bimari Hai . . . Jis Ki Koi Dawa Nahi Hoti . . . . Mgr Such To Ye H Ki Bewafai Ek Aisi Dawa Hai . . . Jis Se Ye Bimari Dubara Nahi Hoti . . its true or not..??
    Dec 6th 2013, 05:42
    "we lost a brother of faith. rest in peace Mr Mandela. May Lord have mercy upon your soul like you had mercy upon your ememies."
    Dec 6th 2013, 05:07
    wat is this... ,rip NELXON ??? mtatoka analogue lini ????
    Dec 6th 2013, 04:58
    Update: Ipig-connect na po ngowan pa sana ka National Grid Corporation a kuryente sa CASURECO III. Pero a CASURECO III a migdesisyon kun mga onong lugar sana sa Rinconada a i-si-switch on ka kooperatiba. Paki-advice na sana po kun siton lugra ninyo agko na kuryente.
    Dec 6th 2013, 03:12
    Meri Chut mai Pta nhi ku Blood Nikal rha hai btao kya kru Bahot Jalan bhi ho rhi hai :-/ #POojA
    Dec 6th 2013, 02:17
    দার্জিলিং: পাহাড়চূড়ায় সাদা মেঘের শহর
    Dec 6th 2013, 02:14
    Largest News Agency From Bangladesh
    Update: According to Cong. Sal Fortuno, there will be partial restoration of power in Rinconada starting at 12nn today. Only areas which are clear with SMEC, meaning those without debts. More updates to follow.
    Dec 6th 2013, 00:34
    Yok Böyle Birşey Liseli Kıza Tecavüz Ettiler ( 18)
    Dec 5th 2013, 20:29

    h Chizi fresh mmoja kapelekwa mathare... Dokta kamuuliza, 'wajiskiaje?' akajibu: 'kila siku naota nyani wakicheza futbol.' Dokta akamjibu: 'ntakupa dawa leo hautaota tena.' Chizi akadai, 'heri unipe kesho ju leo wanacheza fainali.' wat do u thnk the dokta said?
    Dec 5th 2013, 19:21
    Media Bill the Best For Kenya......Defend what you report to Me...As a listner thats the only reason I will be glued to my tv wenever.....Gagging, oppressive, dictatorial, whatever you call it, I call it Responsibility in Media....On a Larger Spectrum...Even Cord endosed this Bill!!
    Dec 5th 2013, 19:00
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 08:37AM  

    Islamischer Zentralrat Schweiz (IZRS)s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islamischer Zentralrat Schweiz (IZRS)s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Intellektueller Braindrain dieser Umma
    Unsere Umma verfügt über einige kluge Na...
    Dec 6th 2013, 08:07
    Intellektueller Braindrain dieser Umma

    Unsere Umma verfügt über einige kluge Nachdenker, zahlreiche Umdenker aber kaum über Vordenker. Gibt es deren welche, so ist ihr Denken und Handeln auf einen nationalen oder ethnischen Kontext reduziert. Überschreiten sie Trennendes und vollziehen den Denksprung ins Abstraktere, nennen sie sich schon bald Philosophen und verlieren den praktischen Anschluss an die alltägliche Realität der einzelnen Glieder unserer Umma. Noch mehr, sie lassen sich vom Licht ihrer intellektuellen Erleuchtung blenden, auf dass sie den geraden, oft trivialen Weg vor sich nicht mehr sehen und einige Kühne unter ihnen glauben, die Gebote des göttlichen Gesetzes seien für sie ausser Kraft gesetzt. Ein Teufelskreis, in der Wirtschaft würde man von 'Braindrain' sprechen - muss das sein?

    Was bleibt zurück. Eine Herde mit viel instinktivem Wissen, jedoch ohne Hirten... es denkt... Jumu'a mubaarak!
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Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 21 Themen
Dec 6th 2013, 09:17, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 09:12AM  

    Die wahre Religions Facebook-Pinnwand
    Die wahre Religions Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islamische Betrachtungsweise zu Weihnachten und Silvester
    Anlässlich der bevorst...
    Dec 6th 2013, 09:12
    Islamische Betrachtungsweise zu Weihnachten und Silvester
    Anlässlich der bevorstehenden nichtmuslimischen Feste Weihnachten und Silvester und der vorweihnachtlichen Aktivitäten in Deutschland möchten wir auf die islamische Sichtweise hinsichtlich der Beteiligung an diesen Aktionen, des Mitfeierns und Gratulierens hinweisen.

    Auszüge aus:

    "Zusammenfassung über die islamische Beurteilung von Festen und Feierlichkeiten" – erstellt von Muhammad S. Al-Almany (Der komplette Artikel hier)

    Das Feiern von zeitlich regelmäßig wiederkehrenden Festen/ Feierlichkeiten (A3iaad/أعياد) ist für Muslime auf die zwei islamischen Feste 3iid al-Adhaa und 3iidal-Fitr beschränkt.

    Sie dürfen außer diesen beiden Festen keine weiteren zeitlich regelmäßig wiederkehrenden Feste einführen oder an ihnen teilnehmen.
    Dies geht u.a. aus folgender Überlieferung von Anas ibn Maalik (Allahs Wohlgefallen auf ihm) hervor:


    Als der Gesandte Allahs (Ehre und Heil auf ihm) nach Madiinah kam, hatten die Bewohner Madiinahs zwei Tage (im Jahr), an denen sie Spielen nachgingen. Da fragte der Gesandte Allahs (Ehre und Heil auf ihm): „Was sind diese beiden Tage?" Sie antworteten: „In der vorislamischen Zeit der Unwissenheit pflegten wir an ihnen zu spielen." Da sagte der Gesandte Allahs (Ehre und Heil auf ihm): „Wahrlich, Allah hat sie euch gegen besseres ausgetauscht: den Tag von al-Adhaa und den Tag von a-Fitr."

    (Authentisch überliefert bei Abi Dawuud, An-Nasaay und Ahmad).

    Die Gelehrten wiesen darauf hin, dass der vom Propheten (Ehre und Heil auf ihm) genannte „Austausch" das Verbot anderer „Tage" außer den beiden islamischen Festen bedeutet.

    Die Teilnahme an Festen und Feierlichkeiten, die nicht zu den islamischen Festen gehören, ist den Muslimen aufgrund der folgenden Aspekte untersagt:

    - Die zuvor genannte Einschränkung zeitlich regelmäßig wiederkehrender Feste für Muslime auf 3iid al – Adhaa und 3iid al-Fitr, wenn die jeweilige Festlichkeit in regelmäßigen zeitlichen Abständen wiederkehrt.

    - Das Verbot, sich den Nicht-Muslimen anzugleichen oder ähnlich zu machen in für sie charakteristischen Merkmalen ihrer Kultur wie z.B. in Religion,Tradition und Brauchtum, Kleidung, Sprache usw. Die Beweise für dieses Verbot sind zahlreich in Qur'an und Sunnah. Jedoch dürfte die folgende Aussage unseres Propheten (Ehre und Heil auf ihm) genügen:

    Der Gesandte Allahs (Ehre und Heil auf ihm) sagte:
    „Wer sich einem Volk angleicht/ ähnlich macht, der gehört (dann) dadurch zu ihnen (zu diesem Volk)." (Richtig überliefert bei Abi Dawuud)

    - Das Verbot, das Falsche (Al-Baatil/ الباطل ) zu bestätigen oder zu ihm zu ermuntern, was eine Teilnahme, Gratulation u.ä. impliziert.

    Allah der Erhabene sagt über die Gläubigen (ungefähre Bedeutung auf Deutsch):

    „Und diejenigen, die das Falsche/Lügnerische nicht bezeugen (und ihm nicht beiwohnen), und wenn sie an sinnlosem Treiben vorbeigehen, gehen sie in Würde vorbei." (Qur'an 25:72)

    Einige Tafsiir-Gelehrte der Sahaabah, der Taabi3iin und andere haben darauf hingewiesen, dass mit dem „nicht-bezeugen des Falschen" und dem „nicht-beiwohnen" desselben in diesem Vers des Qur'an u.a. die Feste und Feierlichkeiten der Nicht-Muslime gemeint sind.

    Diese Aussage zu diesem Vers ist überliefert von Ibn 3Abbaas, Ad-Dhahaak, 3Ikrimah, Ibn Siriin, Mujaahid und Rabii3 ibn Anas.4

    - Das Verbot, sich an einem Platz aufzuhalten, an dem sich Allahs Regelungen und Gesetzen wiedersetzt wird, d.h. an dem Sünden begangen werden, ohne diese zu unterbinden. Dazu gibt es eine Anzahl von Beweisen in Qur'an und Sunnah.

    Allah der Erhabene sagt (ungefähre Bedeutung auf Deutsch):

    „Und kooperiert miteinander bei Gottgefälligkeit und Gottesfurcht. Und kooperiert nicht in Sünde und feindseligem Vorgehen, und fürchtet Allah! Allah ist streng im Bestrafen." (Qur'an 5:2)

    Der Gesandte Allahs (Ehre und Heil auf ihm sagte):
    „Wer von euch etwas Unrechtes sieht, so soll er es mit seiner Hand ändern. Und wenn er dazu nicht imstande ist, mit seiner Zunge. Und wenn er (auch) dazu nicht imstande ist, mit seinem Herzen, und dies ist die geringste Glaubensstärke (der geringste Iimaan)." (Überliefert in Sahiih Muslim)

    Die Gelehrten haben darauf hingewiesen, dass zum „Ändern mit dem Herzen" gehört, sich von diesem Ort zu entfernen.

    Aus dem zuvor genannten geht hervor, dass das Ausrichten von zeitlich regelmäßig wiederkehrenden Feierlichkeiten außer 3iid al-Adhhaa und 3iid al-Fitr sowie das Ausrichten von Festen und Feierlichkeiten, die denen der Nicht-Muslime gleichen oder die von Allah verbotene Dinge beinhalten, für Muslime verboten (muharram/ محرّم ) ist.

    Dazu gehören u.a. religiöse Feste und Feierlichkeiten, das Begehen bestimmter „Tage" wie z.B. Geburtstage, Gedenktage, Vatertag, Muttertag, Tag der Arbeit, Nationalfeiertag, internationaler „irgendwas-Tag" aber auch jährliche Sommerfeste, Abschlussfeste, Stadtteilfeste usw…

    Auch ist deren Bestätigung und die Gratulation zu diesen verboten (muharram).

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    Posted by Lawyers Of Truth on 5. Dezember 2013.

    Tags: Gratulieren zu Weihnachten ist für Muslime nicht erlaubt, gratulieren zum Neuen Jahr für Muslime verboten, Islamische Betrachtungsweise zu Weihnachten und Silvester, Silvester feiern für muslime nicht erlaubt, weihnachten dürfen muslime nicht mitfeiern

    Categories: Deutschland, Islam, Muslime

    7 Responses

    Warum hat dann der Zentralrat der Muslime in Deutschland letzes Weihnachten den Christen gratuliert??

    by ummsafia on Dez 5, 2013 at 05:57
    Viele konvertierte leben noch bei den christlichen Eltern. Die können nicht so einfach für diese paar Tage aus dem Haus rausgehen.

    So wie ich das verstanden habe, haben diese Konvertierten einen Grund. Nur sollen die sich nicht im Wohnzimmer oder zusammen am selben Tisch essen.

    by Katze Layla on Dez 5, 2013 at 08:11
    Wenn Konvertiten bei ihren nichtmuslimischen Eltern leben, sollten sie sich in der Zeit von Festen wie Silvester u.ä. räumlich zurück ziehen und etwas distanzieren. Sollte recht unproblematisch sein die Feste zu meiden.

    by Gast on Dez 5, 2013 at 08:39
    Gehört jetzt nicht hier her aber, diese seite ist gut ich hätte sie gern al s mobile app …

    by Xyxy on Dez 5, 2013 at 10:10
    Einfach in einem anderem Zimmer gehen und GTA V zocken… und dazu eine fette Pizza und kalte Cola.

    by Katze Layla on Dez 5, 2013 at 11:43
    Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatu,

    Schwester wir folgen nicht dem Zentralrat der Muslime sondern dem Quran Allahs (ta3ala) und der Sunnah seines Gesandten (salla Allahu 3alaihi wa salam) und all diese Feierlichkeiten sind weder aus Quran noch aus der Sunnah

    by UkthfiiAllah!. on Dez 5, 2013 at 13:13
    Was das gratulieren angeht, so gratulieren wir den Menschen nicht zu etwas verbotenem noch unterstutzen oder fördern wir sie darin in irgend einer Weise.

    Diese Menschen (möge Allah ta3ala sie rechtleiten) feiern den angeblichen Geburtstag des Sohn Gottes wal3iadhubillah und dazu kann man bzw.sollte man als Muslim nich gratulieren.

    wa alaikum salam wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatu

    by UkthfiiAllah!. on Dez 5, 2013 at 13:20
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 09:11AM  

    Islamunterrichts Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islamunterrichts Facebook-Pinnwand
    Von Al-Zahri wird überliefert, dass er Imam Ali Zain-ul-Abidin (a.)
    einmal fra...
    Dec 6th 2013, 08:54
    Von Al-Zahri wird überliefert, dass er Imam Ali Zain-ul-Abidin (a.)
    einmal fragte:

    "Was ist die beste Tat?"

    Darauf antwortete der Imam (a.):

    "Das Ankommen und das Aufbrechen."

    Hierauf fragte er weiter: "Und was ist das Ankommen und das Aufbrechen?"

    Der Imam (a.) sagte:

    "Den Qur'an zu öffnen und ihn vollständig zu lesen; und immer wenn man an seinem Anfang ankommt, bricht man erneut wieder zu seinem Ende auf."

    aus: "'Uddat-ud-da'i", S.119.

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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 09:11AM  

    Islamunterrichts Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islamunterrichts Facebook-Pinnwand
    Von Al-Zahri wird überliefert, dass er Imam Ali Zain-ul-Abidin (a.)
    einmal fra...
    Dec 6th 2013, 08:54
    Von Al-Zahri wird überliefert, dass er Imam Ali Zain-ul-Abidin (a.)
    einmal fragte:

    "Was ist die beste Tat?"

    Darauf antwortete der Imam (a.):

    "Das Ankommen und das Aufbrechen."

    Hierauf fragte er weiter: "Und was ist das Ankommen und das Aufbrechen?"

    Der Imam (a.) sagte:

    "Den Qur'an zu öffnen und ihn vollständig zu lesen; und immer wenn man an seinem Anfang ankommt, bricht man erneut wieder zu seinem Ende auf."

    aus: "'Uddat-ud-da'i", S.119.

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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 09:10AM  

    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    Die Lage der Muslime, sie vertrauen auf Herrscher die mit Kufr regieren und erwa...
    Dec 6th 2013, 08:11
    Die Lage der Muslime, sie vertrauen auf Herrscher die mit Kufr regieren und erwarten ihre Hilfe, wobei sie uns schon immer hinter das Licht führen wollen, mit ihren Pseudonym Parolen, dass sie so stolze und tugendhafte Muslime sind.

    Sie scheren sich ein Dreck um uns, außer es kommt ihren Interessen zu gute und den Interessen ihrer Herren, den Kufar. H.N
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 09:10AM  

    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    Die Lage der Muslime, sie vertrauen auf Herrscher die mit Kufr regieren und erwa...
    Dec 6th 2013, 08:11
    Die Lage der Muslime, sie vertrauen auf Herrscher die mit Kufr regieren und erwarten ihre Hilfe, wobei sie uns schon immer hinter das Licht führen wollen, mit ihren Pseudonym Parolen, dass sie so stolze und tugendhafte Muslime sind.

    Sie scheren sich ein Dreck um uns, außer es kommt ihren Interessen zu gute und den Interessen ihrer Herren, den Kufar. H.N
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 09:10AM  

    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    Nelson Mandela, der gegen die Apartheid ankämpfte und Südafrika ein n...
    Dec 6th 2013, 08:58
    Nelson Mandela, der gegen die Apartheid ankämpfte und Südafrika ein neues Antlitz verlieh, ist tot. Der 95-Jährige starb in der Nacht auf Freitag nach langer Krankheit.(


    Welches Antlitz. Wenn damit gemeint wird das Südafrika Vorreiter hinsichtlich Kriminalität und exzessive Vergewaltigungen von Frauen , ja dann muss man tatsächlich zustimmen. Die Lage Südafrikas gehört zu den elendsten dieser Welt. Rassismus und Ungleichberechtigung aller art sind in diesem Land anzutreffen. Das zeigt das egal wie edle auch die Absichten einer einzigen Person sind, man so eine Gesellschaft nicht verändern kann. Eine Gesellschaft besteht aus Personen, Idee, Methode und einem System welches angewendet wird. Hätte das Mandela gewusst oder geahnt, hätte er sich die 27 Jahre Gefängnis sicherlich ersparen wollen. Aber so ist es mit den meisten Ungläubigen, entweder verstehen sie es kurz vor ihrem Tode oder gar nicht.
    Daher möge Allah(t) unseren Geschwister segnen und uns vor den Plänen der Ungläubigen beschützen.

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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 09:10AM  

    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    Nelson Mandela, der gegen die Apartheid ankämpfte und Südafrika ein n...
    Dec 6th 2013, 08:58
    Nelson Mandela, der gegen die Apartheid ankämpfte und Südafrika ein neues Antlitz verlieh, ist tot. Der 95-Jährige starb in der Nacht auf Freitag nach langer Krankheit.(


    Welches Antlitz. Wenn damit gemeint wird das Südafrika Vorreiter hinsichtlich Kriminalität und exzessive Vergewaltigungen von Frauen , ja dann muss man tatsächlich zustimmen. Die Lage Südafrikas gehört zu den elendsten dieser Welt. Rassismus und Ungleichberechtigung aller art sind in diesem Land anzutreffen. Das zeigt das egal wie edle auch die Absichten einer einzigen Person sind, man so eine Gesellschaft nicht verändern kann. Eine Gesellschaft besteht aus Personen, Idee, Methode und einem System welches angewendet wird. Hätte das Mandela gewusst oder geahnt, hätte er sich die 27 Jahre Gefängnis sicherlich ersparen wollen. Aber so ist es mit den meisten Ungläubigen, entweder verstehen sie es kurz vor ihrem Tode oder gar nicht.
    Daher möge Allah(t) unseren Geschwister segnen und uns vor den Plänen der Ungläubigen beschützen.

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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 09:10AM  

    Wahrє Liebє ist nur bєi dir Allah (!)s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Wahrє Liebє ist nur bєi dir Allah (!)s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Selam aleykum wa rahmatullahi wa berakathu liebe Geschwister im Deen In shaa All...
    Dec 6th 2013, 08:17
    Selam aleykum wa rahmatullahi wa berakathu liebe Geschwister im Deen In shaa Allah geht es euch gut ❤️

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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 08:59AM  

    Hijabi Blogs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Hijabi Blogs Facebook-Pinnwand
    In der kommenden Woche werden in Darmstadt fleißig Plätzchen gebacken, die an ei...
    Dec 6th 2013, 08:44
    In der kommenden Woche werden in Darmstadt fleißig Plätzchen gebacken, die an einem Stand in der Stadt verkauft werden sollen. Der Erlös geht insha'Allah nach Syrien, um den Geschwistern dort unter die Arme zu greifen.

    Wo wird bei euch für Syrien gesammelt, gebacken, gebastelt usw? Schreibt es hier in die Kommentare und ich erstelle dann gerne eine Liste, damit euch so viele Geschwister wie möglich unterstützen.

    Alle Infos zu Darmstadt teile ich insha'Allah an diesem WE für alle, die mitmachen wollen.
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Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen
Dec 6th 2013, 08:38, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 08:34AM  

    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    When the Prophet's uncle Abu Talib was on his death bed the Prophet صلى...
    Dec 6th 2013, 08:02

    When the Prophet's uncle Abu Talib was on his death bed the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم pleaded with him to pronounce the testimony of faith. His uncle was very supportive of him when he was alive and provided him a high level or protection. The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said: I shall ask Allah to forgive you unless He prohibits me to do so. He eventually died but upon polytheism. Thereafter Allah (swt) revealed:

    "It is not for the Prophet and those who have believed to ask forgiveness for the polytheists, even if they were relatives, after it has become clear to them that they are companions of Hellfire." (9:113)

    Saying R.I.P (Rest in peace) is not simply a statement of a reality since we do not know what the state of the deceased is unless we are informed by revelation, rather it is a form of supplication where a person wishes or asks God to make the person rest in peace.

    It is therefore not permissable for a believer to mention R.I.P after hearing the death of someone who died in a state other than Islam.

    Some people might find my words distasteful or extreme, especially after the death of Mandela, however it's important that we do not allow our emotions to contravene our faith and it's rulings.

    A believer always connects his thoughts and emotions to the afterlife, and so when he views the worldly life he looks through the lens of the afterlife and realises that true success lies in the success in the Afterlife. There is no true success unless that success leads to success with Allah. Anything less is only transient and will only have its benefit last for as long as the earth remains, which are only passing moments that will soon pass us by.

    "Say, [O Muhammad], "Shall we [believers] inform you of the greatest losers as to [their] deeds? [They are] those whose effort is lost in worldly life, while they think that they are doing well in work." Those are the ones who disbelieve in the verses of their Lord and in [their] meeting Him, so their deeds have become worthless; and We will not assign to them on the Day of Resurrection any importance." (18:103-105)

    "And We will regard what they have done of deeds and make them as dust dispersed" (25:23)

    The biggest lesson we can learn from Mandela's life is that no much how much good you may do and achieve in this life, it will be to no avail if you choose not to believe in the greatest good; to dedicate your life to your creator and spend your life in submission to him.

    There can be no doubt though that he was a man that stood up against racism and apartheid and played a part in bringing and end to great tyranny and he is to be acknowledged for that.

    May Allah guide us all to the straight path and make our good deeds count when we really need it.


    By brother Alomgir Ali
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 08:34AM  

    Wake Up Ya Ahlul Sunnahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Wake Up Ya Ahlul Sunnahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Assad regime is using one of many ways to kill the Muslims of Syria , the one he...
    Dec 6th 2013, 07:40
    Assad regime is using one of many ways to kill the Muslims of Syria , the one hes using in rural Damascus is Starvation or submission, subhanallah.. many of our children babies elderly are dying by starvation everyday in rural Damascus , look a their iman/faith subhanallah they rather die of starvation than to submit to the Assad regime .
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 08:33AM  

    Milli - Görüs | Islamisten und slamismus? Informationen und News ...
    Milli - Görüs | Islamisten und slamismus? Informationen und News ...
    Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 14 Themen
    Dec 6th 2013, 08:33
    Übersicht über die heutigen Themen Gruppe: Ansar Fanpages Facebook-Pinnwand: Hahahahah :))) [1 Aktualisierung] Islamische Bücher Yunus Acuns Facebook-Pinnwand: "cemaatin oy orani 1%"(Zaman Gazetesi yazarı Ahmet Turan Alkan)hadi simdi da... [1 Aktualisierung] Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee: Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 20 Themen [3 Aktualisierungen] Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee: Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 24 Themen [2 Aktualisierungen] Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee: Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 21 Themen [3 Aktualisierungen] Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee: Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 13 Themen [1 Aktualisierung] Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee: Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 22 Themen [4 Aktualisierungen] Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee: Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen [4 Aktualisierungen] Salafismus in Youtube Deutschland und Europa Salafisten & Salafismus Islam Koran Moschee: Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 23 Themen [1 Aktualisierung] Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee: Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 12 Themen [1 Aktualisierung] Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee: Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 19 Themen [1 Aktualisierung] IGMG Students Facebook-Pinnwand: Bir kaç hafta önce sözünü verdiğimiz Irfan Evleri'mizin yeni logosunu hizmetiniz... [1 Aktualisierung] TV5 Habers Facebook-Pinnwand: Nelson Mandela vefat etti [1 Aktualisierung] Salafisten in Deutschland und Europa: NEWS Übersicht für - 10 Nachrichten in 10 Themen [1 Aktualisierung] Ansar Fanpages Facebook-Pinnwand: Hahahahah :))) Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 08:31AM

    Ansar Fanpages Facebook-Pinnwand

    Ansar Fanpages Facebook-Pinnwand

    Hahahahah :)))
    Dec 6th 2013, 08:00

    Hahahahah :)))

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    Islamische Bücher Yunus Acuns Facebook-Pinnwand: "cemaatin oy orani 1%"(Zaman Gazetesi yazarı Ahmet Turan Alkan)hadi simdi da... Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 08:28AM

    Islamische Bücher Yunus Acuns Facebook-Pinnwand

    Islamische Bücher Yunus Acuns Facebook-Pinnwand

    "cemaatin oy orani 1%"

    (Zaman Gazetesi yazarı Ahmet Turan Alkan)

    hadi simdi da...
    Dec 6th 2013, 07:59

    "cemaatin oy orani 1%"

    (Zaman Gazetesi yazarı Ahmet Turan Alkan)

    hadi simdi dagilin nurcu kuzum ;)

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    Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee: Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 20 Themen Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 01:13AM

    Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee

    Hier werden Nachrichten über den radikalen Salafismus veröffentlicht. Was sind Salafisten? (Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr) Diese Seite richtet sich nicht gegen Muslime und den Islam.Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren. Es ist wichtig über Fanatiker aufzuklären, um den Frieden und die Freiheit zu sichern. Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben, egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.

    Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 20 Themen
    Dec 5th 2013, 23:41

    Übersicht über die heutigen Themen Gruppe: Mein Herz Für Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand: Unser größter Reichtum auf Erden ist der °•.★ISLAM★.•°Alhamdulil... [1 Aktualisierung] Generation La ilaha illallahs Facebook-Pinnwand: Subhanallah. Nelson Mandela ist gestorben und viele Muslime wünschen ihm den Fr... [1 Aktualisierung] Wake Up Ya Ahlul Sunnahs Facebook-Pinnwand: Hating people because they look different because of their color or how their fa... [1 Aktualisierung] SuppenSoldats Facebook-Pinnwand: R.I.P. Nelson Mandela... [1 Aktualisierung] We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand: #Bangladesh: Politics in Democracy is about Holding on to Power at All Costs! N... [1 Aktualisierung] ‎Al Risalah • الرسالة‎s Facebook-Pinnwand: [1 Aktualisierung] No Democracys Facebook-Pinnwand: A brief history of #Pakistan [1 Aktualisierung] No Democracys Facebook-Pinnwand: "When the kuffar have their foot over your neck and you are talking about #islam... [1 Aktualisierung] Scheiß auf NY~ I love Istanbul *___*s Facebook-Pinnwand: :D HaHa ~Mery' [1 Aktualisierung] Islam Ist Allah Zu Dienens Facebook-Pinnwand: So eben verbreitet sich die Nachricht das Nelson Mandela gestorben ist [1 Aktualisierung] Ich Liebe Syrers Facebook-Pinnwand: R.I.P. Nelson Mandela Er war ein wundervoller Mensch #saly [1 Aktualisierung] I Love Afghans Facebook-Pinnwand: [1 Aktualisierung] I Love Afghans Facebook-Pinnwand: Bitte anonym Posten Hey ich bin unglaublich in einen jungen verliebt der trink... [1 Aktualisierung] I Love Afghans Facebook-Pinnwand: R.I.P. NELSON MANDELA Er war Afrikas Freiheitsheld und Südafrikas erster schwa... [1 Aktualisierung] SUPERMUSLIMs Facebook-Pinnwand: Einblick in die neue Grafik von SUPERMUSLIM Staffel II - Reloaded. Der Hoca -... [1 Aktualisierung] La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand: Subhanallah ich sehe immer wieder wie sich muslime gegenseitig beleidigen wegen... [2 Aktualisierungen] La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand: "Sag: Wenn ihr Allah liebt, dann folgt mir. So liebt euch Allah und vergibt euch... [2 Aktualisierungen] La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand: Denkt an Allah soviel ihr könnt denn es beruhigt unsere Herzen. "Wahrlich, im... [2 Aktualisierungen] La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand: Aus der Sahabazeit geht hervor, dass die Kalifenwahl von jenen Personen geleitet... [2 Aktualisierungen] La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand: Für die Aufstellung eines Kalifen dürfen alle Muslime sich beteiligen. Sogar die... [2 Aktualisierungen] Mein Herz Für Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand: Unser größter Reichtum auf Erden ist der °•.★ISLAM★.•°Alhamdulil... Blogtrottr <> Dec 05 11:39PM

    Mein Herz Für Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand

    Mein Herz Für Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand

    Unser größter Reichtum auf Erden ist der


    Dec 5th 2013, 23:01

    Unser größter Reichtum auf Erden ist der


    Alhamdulillah ya rabb ♥♡♥

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    Generation La ilaha illallahs Facebook-Pinnwand: Subhanallah. Nelson Mandela ist gestorben und viele Muslime wünschen ihm den Fr... Blogtrottr <> Dec 05 11:40PM

    Generation La ilaha illallahs Facebook-Pinnwand

    Generation La ilaha illallahs Facebook-Pinnwand

    Nelson Mandela ist gestorben und viele Muslime wünschen ihm den Fr...
    Dec 5th 2013, 23:05

    Nelson Mandela ist gestorben und viele Muslime wünschen ihm den Frieden (janna), obwohl es absolut Haram ist einem Kafir den Frieden zu wünschen.
    Möge Allah taala uns rechtleiten. Amin.

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    Wake Up Ya Ahlul Sunnahs Facebook-Pinnwand: Hating people because they look different because of their color or how their fa... Blogtrottr <> Dec 05 11:38PM

    Wake Up Ya Ahlul Sunnahs Facebook-Pinnwand

    Wake Up Ya Ahlul Sunnahs Facebook-Pinnwand

    Hating people because they look different because of their color or how their fa...
    Dec 5th 2013, 23:29

    Hating people because they look different because of their color or how their face or body looks like or what disability they have is just plain evil and ignorance , esp if a Muslim does that , for it is Allah swt that created us all , so who are we to judge on how ppl look like subhanallah , we are just the creations of the Creator.

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    SuppenSoldats Facebook-Pinnwand: R.I.P. Nelson Mandela... Blogtrottr <> Dec 05 11:38PM

    SuppenSoldats Facebook-Pinnwand

    SuppenSoldats Facebook-Pinnwand

    R.I.P. Nelson Mandela...
    Dec 5th 2013, 22:47

    R.I.P. Nelson Mandela...

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    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand: #Bangladesh: Politics in Democracy is about Holding on to Power at All Costs! N... Blogtrottr <> Dec 05 11:37PM

    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand

    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand

    #Bangladesh: Politics in Democracy is about Holding on to Power at All Costs!

    Dec 5th 2013, 22:39

    #Bangladesh: Politics in Democracy is about Holding on to Power at All Costs!

    On November 25, 2013, the Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) in Bangladesh announced the schedule for the 10th parliamentary elections, setting January 5, 2014 as the polling day. Immediately after the announcement of the schedule, BNP-led opposition declared a 48-hour countrywide road-rail-waterway blockade in protest, which was later extended to 71 hours. BNP wants the next general election to be held under a non-party government but Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has already formed an election-time cabinet which includes only her ruling alliance partners. Ruling Awami League says that nothing in the world can stop the scheduled election while opposition says that they will resist the unilateral election at any cost.

    Today, Muslims killing Muslims or putting them on fire in broad daylight has become a regular phenomenon in Bangladesh. The non-Muslims are also targeted to get political mileage. Politics has turned into killing people and then blaming each other for the murders. The opposition parties are trying to get people's sympathy by saying that the ruling party men and plain clothed police have hurled crude bombs directly at innocent passer-by, while the government blames the opposition men for burning people alive by throwing petrol bombs. BNP-led 18-party alliance had enforced a series of 60-hour and 84-hour general strikes in the last week of October and in the first and second week of November. After a 'successful' first round countrywide blockade, 18-party alliance announced second round 72-hour blockade from November 30. In the last one month, nearly hundred people died due to violence during these political programs.

    While the people are being killed and property damaged, the future of Bangladesh is being settled in Washington. On November 20, the Subcommittee on Asia and Pacific of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs of the U.S. Congress had a hearing on the political impasse in Bangladesh. Steve Chabot, chairman of the subcommittee, visited Bangladesh few weeks ago. Witnesses in the hearing testified that the ruling coalition is responsible for causing the political crisis by abolishing the provision for an election-time caretaker government through amendment to the constitution. While discussing the future, they were in agreement that the ruling party is heading for election without the participation of opposition parties. A common aspect of proposed solutions put forward in the hearing was deferral of the election for at least three months, though they differed on modalities.

    On the same day, the New York Times ran an editorial, saying, '... Bangladesh could face pressure, including perhaps sanctions, from the international community.' Interestingly, Begum Khaleda Zia, the BNP chief, wrote an article in the Washington Times on January 30, 2013, where she urged the U.S. to help. She said, 'It is time for the world, led by America, to act and ensure that democracy is saved in Bangladesh' and she proposed 'the Western powers should consider targeted travel and other sanctions...' to be imposed on Hasina and her entourage.

    Both BNP and Awami League have been


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 08:28AM  

    Scheiß auf NY~ I love Istanbul *___*s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Scheiß auf NY~ I love Istanbul *___*s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Eines Tages müssen wir Alle uns vor dem Herren (ALLAH) stellen und sagen warum w...
    Dec 6th 2013, 08:21
    Eines Tages müssen wir Alle uns vor dem Herren (ALLAH) stellen und sagen warum wir dies und das gemacht haben!!!

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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 08:28AM  

    Islamische Bücher Yunus Acuns Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islamische Bücher Yunus Acuns Facebook-Pinnwand
    "cemaatin oy orani 1%"
    (Zaman Gazetesi yazarı Ahmet Turan Alkan)
    hadi simdi da...
    Dec 6th 2013, 07:59
    "cemaatin oy orani 1%"

    (Zaman Gazetesi yazarı Ahmet Turan Alkan)

    hadi simdi dagilin nurcu kuzum ;)
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 08:26AM  

    Jannet al Firdaws Facebook-Pinnwand
    Jannet al Firdaws Facebook-Pinnwand
    ***Vater & Tochter***
    Allahs Gesandter hat gesagt:
    "… und wer drei Töchter...
    Dec 6th 2013, 08:00
    ***Vater & Tochter***

    Allahs Gesandter hat gesagt:
    "… und wer drei Töchter aufgezogen hat oder ihres gleichen von (seinen) Schwestern und ihnen gute Erziehung gegeben hat, sie mit Güte behandelt hat, bis sich Allah ihrer annimmt, für den hat Allah das Paradies bestimmt."

    Ein Mann fragte:
    Allahs Gesandter, und bei zweien?" Er antwortet: "Und (auch) bei zweien", sodass (der Mann) sagte: "Und bei einer?" Er antwortete: "Und auch bei einer. Und wem Allah die beiden Meistgeliebten nimmt, für den ist ebenfalls das Paradies bestimmt. "Jemand fragte: "Allahs Gesandter, was sind die beiden Meistgeliebten?"
    Er antwortete: "Die Augen."

    (Ibn Abbas; Mischkat)
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Dec 6th 2013, 08:23, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 08:22AM  

    ‎ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    ‎ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    قوات النظام تجدد القصف بالدبابات على مدينة النبك في جبال القلمون بريف دمشق.
    Dec 6th 2013, 07:23
    ‫قوات النظام تجدد القصف بالدبابات على مدينة النبك في جبال القلمون بريف دمشق.

    آدمن قلب دمشق

    #النبك #القلمون #دمشق‬
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 08:10AM  

    Die wahre Religions Facebook-Pinnwand
    Die wahre Religions Facebook-Pinnwand
    أرسلت صورا لبعض الأشخاص المقيمين في ألمانيا ورابط صفحتكم ورابط موقعكم لتعريفهم ب...
    Dec 6th 2013, 07:23
    ‫أرسلت صورا لبعض الأشخاص المقيمين في ألمانيا ورابط صفحتكم ورابط موقعكم لتعريفهم بهذا المشروع (مشروع اقرأ) وقد وصلتني رسالة من إحدى الأخوات تسأل متى تذهبون إلى مدينة "أشافنبورغ" ؟

    الرسالة كما يلي:
    Alaikum salam Schwester vielen Dank Gibt es eine Möglichkeit dass ein lies! Team mal nach Aschaffenburg kommt ? Wir haben keine Brüder gefunden die das machen wollen und als Mädchen Wollen wir das nicht machen.

    فهل لديكم فريق هناك في هذه المدينة؟ ما ردكم بارك الله فيكم؟‬
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 08:10AM  

    Dua Times Facebook-Pinnwand
    Dua Times Facebook-Pinnwand
    "Rufe zum Pfad deines Herrn mit Weisheit und schöner Ermahnung..." (16:125)
    Dec 6th 2013, 08:02
    "Rufe zum Pfad deines Herrn mit Weisheit und schöner Ermahnung..." (16:125)

    in diesem Sinne JUMA MUBARAKA und eine lehrreiche Khutba wünsch ich euch! :D
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 08:09AM  

    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    [....▬▬▬•TEILEN !! TEILEN !! TEILEN !!•▬▬▬.......
    Dec 6th 2013, 08:00
    [....▬▬▬•TEILEN !! TEILEN !! TEILEN !!•▬▬▬....]
    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - original
    Diese Seite dient der Verbreitung des Wissens und dem Entwickeln eines islamischen Bewusstseins.
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 08:09AM  

    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    [....▬▬▬•TEILEN !! TEILEN !! TEILEN !!•▬▬▬.......
    Dec 6th 2013, 08:00
    [....▬▬▬•TEILEN !! TEILEN !! TEILEN !!•▬▬▬....]
    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - original
    Diese Seite dient der Verbreitung des Wissens und dem Entwickeln eines islamischen Bewusstseins.
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 08:09AM  

    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    "Der Weg beginnt immer mit Prüfungen und Versuchungen, dann kommt eine Periode d...
    Dec 6th 2013, 07:33
    "Der Weg beginnt immer mit Prüfungen und Versuchungen, dann kommt eine Periode der Geduld und des Vetrauens auf Allah und am Ende ist Erleuchtung, Rechtleitung und der Sieg."

    Ibn al Qayyim al Jawziyya rahimahullah

    ( M.L )
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 08:09AM  

    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    "Der Weg beginnt immer mit Prüfungen und Versuchungen, dann kommt eine Periode d...
    Dec 6th 2013, 07:33
    "Der Weg beginnt immer mit Prüfungen und Versuchungen, dann kommt eine Periode der Geduld und des Vetrauens auf Allah und am Ende ist Erleuchtung, Rechtleitung und der Sieg."

    Ibn al Qayyim al Jawziyya rahimahullah

    ( M.L )
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 08:09AM  

    Im Herzen grüner Vogels Facebook-Pinnwand
    Im Herzen grüner Vogels Facebook-Pinnwand
    Ist es nicht eine Schande?
    "Ist es nicht eine Schande?
    Während ihr Männer seid...
    Dec 6th 2013, 07:53
    Ist es nicht eine Schande?

    "Ist es nicht eine Schande?
    Während ihr Männer seid, schämt ihr euch nicht? Während der Feind von Osten und Westen das Land belagert, die Ehre mit Füßen getreten wird, das Blut fließt und die Besitztümer geplündert werden - wie vereinbart ihr es in solch einer Zeit mit eurer Männlichkeit Zuhause mit den Frauen zu bleiben? Wo ist euer Eifer, eure Männlichkeit und euer Heldentum geblieben? Was ist mit eurem Widerstand, eurem Stolz und eurer Ehre? Ist das was ihr tut vereinbar mit eurer Männlichkeit? Die Kinder gehen morgens in die Schule und du auch. Sie kehren Heim und essen ihre Mahlzeit und du auch. Sie verbringen zusammen die Nächte vor dem Fernseher und du auch. Welcher Unterschied besteht somit zwischen dir und deinen Kindern und deiner Ehefrau?
    Der Erhabene hat genau diese Leute erwähnt und sie ermahnt: "Sie sind damit zufrieden, bei den Zurückbleibenden zu sein..." (at Tauba, 87) "

    (ungefähre Übersetzung eines Zitats von Sheikh Abdullah Azzam, rahimahullah
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 08:07AM  

    Im a Muslim & Im Prouds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Im a Muslim & Im Prouds Facebook-Pinnwand
    "O you who have believed, when [the adhan] is called for the prayer on the day o...
    Dec 6th 2013, 08:00
    "O you who have believed, when [the adhan] is called for the prayer on the day of Jumu'ah [Friday], then proceed to the remembrance of Allah and leave trade. That is better for you, if you only knew."

    (Al Qur'an, 62: 09)
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 08:04AM  

    MuslimAktiv Erziehungsberatungs Facebook-Pinnwand
    MuslimAktiv Erziehungsberatungs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Imrân Ibn Husayn (r) berichtete:
    Allâhs Gesandter hat gesagt:
    "Anstand* bringt...
    Dec 6th 2013, 07:06
    Imrân Ibn Husayn (r) berichtete:

    Allâhs Gesandter hat gesagt:
    "Anstand* bringt nur Gutes."

    * hayâ' (arab.): Anstand, Bescheidenheit, Schamhaftigkeit

    (Bukhârî und Muslim)
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 08:02AM  

    Bei uns wird Liebe: ALLAH genannts Facebook-Pinnwand
    Bei uns wird Liebe: ALLAH genannts Facebook-Pinnwand
    Schwester du möchtest einen anständigen Muslim !
    Fragst du dich eingentlich ob...
    Dec 6th 2013, 07:39
    Schwester du möchtest einen anständigen Muslim !
    Fragst du dich eingentlich ob du auch ein anständiger Muslim, sodass du ihm würdig bist ?

    Werdet selber in shaa Allah erst so wie ihr euch euren Partner vorstellt (:

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Dec 6th 2013, 07:43, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 07:41AM  

    Wörter FÜR DIE Seele- zum Nachdenkens Facebook-Pinnwand
    Wörter FÜR DIE Seele- zum Nachdenkens Facebook-Pinnwand
    La ilaha ila Allah:
    Sie verleugneten Unsere Zeichen. Wir sandten daher brausend...
    Dec 6th 2013, 07:06
    La ilaha ila Allah:

    Sie verleugneten Unsere Zeichen. Wir sandten daher brausenden Sturm an unheilvollen Tagen über sie, damit Wir sie die entehrende Strafe im diesseitigen Leben auskosten lassen. Die peinvolle Strafe im Jenseits ist bei weitem schmachvoller. Ihnen wird niemand beistehen... Quran (Sure 41 Ver 15,16)

    Aufgrund des starken Windes und den Sturmwarnungen ist ein Dua zu empfehlen:

    ( Allahumma inni as°aluka khayraha; wa a3udhu bika min sharriha)

    O Allah, ich bitte Dich um sein Gutes, und ich suche Zuflucht bei Dir vor seinem Übel.
    Linda Al Arabiyas Fotos
    La ilaha ila Allah:

    Sie verleugneten Unsere Zeichen. Wir sandten daher brausenden Sturm an unheilvollen Tagen über sie, damit Wir sie die entehrende Strafe im diesseitigen Leben auskosten lassen. Die peinvolle Strafe im Jenseits ist bei weitem schmachvoller. Ihnen wird niemand beistehen... Quran (Sure 41 Ver 15,16)

    Aufgrund des starken Windes und den Sturmwarnungen ist ein Dua zu empfehlen:

    ( Allahumma inni as°aluka khayraha; wa a3udhu bika min sharriha)

    O Allah, ich bitte Dich um sein Gutes, und ich suche Zuflucht bei Dir vor seinem Übel.
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 07:33AM  

    Islam - nichts als die Wahrheits Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islam - nichts als die Wahrheits Facebook-Pinnwand
    Ich möchte meinem Sohn einen Namen geben. Was sind die islamischen Richtl...
    Dec 6th 2013, 07:12
    Ich möchte meinem Sohn einen Namen geben. Was sind die islamischen Richtlinien

    Alles Lob gebührt Allâh.
    Zweifellos ist die Angelegenheit der Namensgebung eines der wichtigsten Dinge im Leben
    der Menschen, weil der Name einer Person ein Titel ist, der etwas über ihn aussagt, und
    notwendig ist, um mit ihm zu kommunizieren. Er ist ein Schmuck und ein Symbol für die
    Person, mit dem er in dieser Welt und im Jenseits gerufen wird. Dies ist bezeichnend für
    die Religion, zu der er gehört, und lässt ihn spüren, dass er einer der Anhänger dieser
    Religion ist. Er gibt anderen Leuten einen Eindruck von ihm, und in ihrer Sicht ist er
    ähnlich wie ein Kleidungsstück - wenn es zu lang oder zu kurz ist, scheint es nicht in

    Das Grundprinzip bezüglich Namen ist, dass sie erlaubt sind, aber es gibt einige Sachen,
    die gemäß der Sharî'ah verboten sind und bei der Wahl eines Namens vermieden werden
    müssen. Diese schließen Folgende ein:

    • Dienerschaft zu oder Anbetung von etwas anderem als Allâh, einschließlich
    Propheten und Engel. Es ist keinesfalls erlaubt, jemand anderem als Allâh zu
    dienen oder irgendjemand oder etwas anderes als Allâh anzubeten. Unter den
    Namen, die Dienerschaft zu oder Anbetung von etwas anderem als Allâh
    ausdrücken, sind 'Abd al-Rasûl ("Diener des Gesandten"), 'Abd al-Nabi ("Diener
    des Propheten") und 'Abd Al-Amîr (Diener des Prinzen) und andere Namen, die
    Anbetung oder Ergebenheit zu etwas anderem als Allâh beinhalten. Diejenige
    Person, die solch einen Namen hat, muss ihn ändern. Der großartige Sahâbi 'Abd
    al-Rahmân ibn 'Af (möge Allâh mit ihm zufrieden sein) sagte: Mein Name war 'Abd
    'Amr – oder gemäß eines Berichts: 'Abd al-Ka'bah – und als ich Muslim wurde,
    nannte mich der Gesandte Allâhs (Frieden und Segen Allâhs seien auf ihm) 'Abd
    al-Rahmân. (Berichtet von al-Hâkim, 3/306. Al-Dhahabi stimmte mit ihm

    • Namen von Allâh, die sich nur für Ihn ziemen, möge Er verherrlicht sein, wie al-
    Khâliq (der Schöpfer), al-Râziq (der Versorger), al-Rabb (der Herr), al-Rahmân
    (der Barmherzige) usw., welches Namen sind, die sich nur für Allâh ziemen;
    Namen, die Attribute beschreiben, die nur Allâh gehören, wie Malik al-Mulûk
    (König der Könige), al-Qâhir (der Unterdrücker) usw. Es ist harâm, Leute mit
    diesen Namen zu benennen, und sie müssen geändert werden. Allâh sagt
    (ungefähre Bedeutung): „Kennst du etwa einen, der Ihm gleich wäre?"
    [Maryam 19:65].

    • Namen, die ausschließlich den Kuffâr gehören und von niemand anderem
    verwendet werden, wie 'Abd al-Masîh ("Diener des Messias"), Butrous (Peter),
    Jurjus (Georg), und andere Namen, die Religionen des Kufr kennzeichnen.

    • Namen von Götzen und falschen Göttern, die statt Allâh angebetet werden, wie
    jemanden nach einem Teufel zu benennen und so weiter.
    Es ist nicht erlaubt, Leute nach obengenannten Namen zu benennen; in der Tat ist es
    harâm, dies zu tun, und jeder, der solch einen Namen hat, muss ihn ändern.

    • Es ist makrûh (verpönt), Namen zu verwenden, die unangenehme Bedeutungen
    haben, entweder weil die Bedeutung hässlich ist, oder weil es andere dazu
    bewegen würde, sich über die Person lustig zu machen. Solche Namen gehen
    auch gegen die Lehren des Propheten (Frieden und Segen Allâhs seien auf ihm)
    der uns befahl, schöne Namen zu vergeben. Einige Beispiele solcher
    (unangenehmer) Namen sind Harb ("Krieg"), Rashâsh (Niesel- oder Sprühregen),
    und Hiyâm – was der Name einer Krankheit ist, an der Kamele leiden – und
    andere Namen, die hässliche oder unangenehme Bedeutungen haben.

    • Es ist makrûh, Namen zu verwenden, die verführerische oder aufreizende
    Bedeutungen haben. Dies geschieht sehr viel, wenn es zur Namensgebung von
    Mädchen kommt, wo manche Namen vergeben werden, die eine sexuelle oder
    aufreizende Bedeutung haben.

    • Es ist makrûh, jemanden absichtlich nach unmoralischen Leuten wie Sänger und
    Schauspieler/Schauspielerinnen usw. zu benennen. Wenn sie gute Namen haben,
    ist es erlaubt, jene Namen zu verwenden, aber es muss wegen der Bedeutung des
    Namens sein und nicht wegen des Wunsches, jene Leute zu imitieren.

    • Es ist makrûh, Namen zu vergeben, die Bedeutungen haben, die sich auf Sünden
    beziehen, wie Sâriq ("Dieb") oder Zâlim ("Straftäter"); oder die Namen von
    Pharaos oder Sündern, wie Fir'awn (Pharao), Hâmân (der Name des Ministers des
    Pharaos) und Qârûn zu vergeben.

    • Es ist makrûh, die Namen von Tieren zu verwenden, die für ihre unerwünschten
    Eigenschaften bekannt sind, wie al-Himâr (Esel), al-Kalb (Hund), al-Qird (Affe)

    • Es ist makrûh, irgendeinen Namen zu verwenden, der den Wörtern "al-Dîn" oder
    "al-Islam" hinzugefügt wird (d.h. Namen, die in der Idâfah – Genitiv-Wortfügung
    – mit diesen Wörtern auftreten), wie Nûr al-Dîn ("Licht der Religion"), Shams al-
    Dîn ("Sonne der Religion"), Nûr al-Islam ("Licht des Islam"), Shams al-Islam
    ("Sonne des Islam") usw., weil diese Namen einer Person mehr geben, als sie
    verdient. Die Gelehrten der Salaf mochten es nicht, dass ihnen Spitznamen dieser
    Art gegeben wurden. Imâm al-Nawawi (möge Allâh barmherzig mit ihm sein)
    mochte seinen Spitznamen Muhiy al-Dîn ("Wiederhersteller der Religion") nicht;
    Sheikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (möge Allâh barmherzig mit ihm sein) mochte
    seinen Spitznamen Taqiy al-Dîn ("Gottesfürchtiger der Religion") ebenfalls nicht,
    und er pflegte zu sagen: „Aber meine Familie gab mir diesen Spitznamen und er
    wurde bekannt."

    • Es ist makrûh, irgendein Wort zum Namen Allâhs hinzuzufügen, außer dem Wort
    'Abd (Diener), wie in 'Abd-Allâh (Abdullâh). Einige Beispiele hierfür sind Hasab-
    Allâh, Rahmat-Allâh (die Gnade Allâhs) usw. Es ist ebenso makrûh, Wörter zum
    Wort al-Rasûl (der Gesandte) hinzuzufügen.

    • Es ist makrûh, die Namen von Engeln zu verwenden, oder Leute nach den Namen
    von Surat im Qur'ân zu benennen, wie Ta-Ha, Yâ-Sîn usw. Diese Namen sind al-
    Hurûf al-Muqatta'ah (Buchstaben, die am Anfang einiger Surat erscheinen; ihre
    Bedeutung ist nur Allâh bekannt – Übersetzer), sie sind keine Namen des
    Propheten (Frieden und Segen Allâhs seien auf ihm). Siehe Tuhfat al-Mawdûd von
    Ibn al-Qayyim (möge Allâh barmherzig mit ihm sein), S. 109.
    Diese Namen sind makrûh, und es ist makrûh, sie jemandem zu geben. Aber wenn einer
    Person solch ein Name von seiner Familie gegeben wurde, und er ausgewachsen ist und
    es für ihn schwierig ist, ihn zu ändern, muss er es nicht tun.

    Es gibt fünf Kategorien von guten Namen:

    • Die erste (beste) Kategorie sind die Namen 'Abd-Allâh und 'Abd al-Rahmân. Es
    wurde berichtet, dass der Prophet (Frieden und Segen Allâhs seien auf ihm)
    sagte: „Die beliebtesten Namen bei Allâh sind 'Abd-Allâh und 'Abd al-Rahmân."
    (Berichtet von Muslim in seinem Sahîh, 1398).
    • Die zweite Kategorie sind alle Namen, die Dienerschaft zu und Anbetung von Allâh
    ausdrücken, wie 'Abd al-Azîz, 'Abd al-Rahîm, 'Abd al-Malik, 'Abd al-Ilâh, 'Abd al-
    Salâm usw.

    • Die dritte Kategorie sind die Namen von Propheten und Gesandten – möge der
    Frieden und Segen Allâhs auf ihnen sein. Zweifellos ist der beste und großartigste
    unter ihnen unser Prophet Muhammad (Frieden und Segen Allâhs seien auf ihm);
    der Name Ahmad ist auch einer seiner Namen. Als Nächstes kommen die Namen
    der "Standhaften Gesandten" [vgl. Al-Ahqâf 46:35], nämlich Ibrâhîm, Mûsa, 'Îsa
    und Nûh (möge der Frieden und Segen Allâhs auf ihnen sein), dann die restlichen
    Propheten - möge der Frieden und Segen Allâhs auf ihnen sein.

    • Die vierte Kategorie sind die Namen von rechtschaffenen Dienern Allâhs, vor allem
    die Gefährten unseres edlen Propheten. Es ist mustahabb, ihre Namen zu
    verwenden, um ihrem Beispiel zu folgen und zu hoffen, einen höheren Status zu

    • Die fünfte Kategorie ist jeder andere gute Name, der eine ordentliche und
    angenehme Bedeutung hat.

    Es ist gut, mehreren Sachen Aufmerksamkeit zu schenken, wenn wir unseren Kindern
    Namen geben, einschließlich der folgenden:
    1. Das Erkennen der Tatsache, dass dieser Name ein Leben lang bei der Person
    bleiben wird, und er ihm einige Peinlichkeiten oder Probleme verursachen könnte,
    welche wiederum ihn dazu veranlassen könnten, gegenüber seinem Vater, seiner
    Mutter, oder wer auch immer ihm diesen Namen gab, Groll zu hegen.

    2. Wenn wir uns Namen anschauen, um einen auszuwählen, sollten wir ihn aus
    mehreren Perspektiven betrachten. Wir sollten uns den Namen selbst ansehen,
    und auch darüber nachdenken, wie er klingen wird, wenn diese Person ein Kind,
    ein Jugendlicher, ein Erwachsener, ein alter Mann und ein Vater ist, und wie es zu
    seinem Vater passen wird, "Abu" (Vater von) So und so genannt zu werden, und
    wie es zu seinem Sohn passen wird, Sohn von So und so genannt zu werden, usw.

    3. Die Auswahl des Namens ist das Recht des Vaters, weil er derjenige ist, nach dem
    das Kind benannt wird (Sohn von, oder Tochter von…). Aber es ist für den Vater
    mustahabb, die Mutter in diese Entscheidung mit einzubeziehen und sie nach ihrer
    Meinung bezüglich dessen zu fragen, ob sie denkt, dass der Name gut ist, damit
    sie glücklich ist.

    4. Das Kind muss nach seinem Vater benannt werden, selbst wenn der Vater
    gestorben oder geschieden ist usw., selbst wenn er sich nicht um das Kind
    kümmert oder es gar nicht sieht. Es ist absolut harâm, ein Kind nach
    irgendjemand anderem als seinem Vater zu benennen, außer in einem Fall,
    welcher ist, wenn das Kind als Ergebnis des Ehebruchs geboren ist (Allâh
    bewahre). In diesem Fall muss das Kind nach seiner Mutter benannt werden und
    es ist nicht erlaubt, es nach seinem Vater zu benennen.
    Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid
    Quelle: (Frage Nr. 7180)
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 07:18AM  

    Abu Abdullah - Social Mention
    Pak cricket team to spend the day practicing in Sharjah today
    Dec 6th 2013, 08:42
    Pak cricket team to spend the day practicing in Sharjah today Sharjah: Pakistan cricket group arrived a day in front of its one T20 match against Afghanistan and later [&#8230;]
    Hukum MLM Pemasaran berjenjang (bahasa Inggris: multi level marketing atau MLM ) adalah sistem penjualan yang memanfaatkan konsumen sebagai tenaga penyalur secara langsung. Harga barang yang ditawarkan di tingkat konsumen adalah harga produksi ditambah komisi yang menjadi hak konsumen karena secara tidak langsung telah membantu kelancaran distribusi. Ada beberapa fatwa ulama yang penulis sarikan yang menjelaskan mengenai hukum MLM yang sebenarnya. Ada sebagian ulama yang memberikan penjelasan syarat-syarat dan gambaran bagaimana MLM bisa masuk kategori halal. Pertama: Fatwa Al Lajnah Ad Daimah (Komisi Fatwa di Kerajaan Saudi Arabia) tentang MLM yang Terlarang Dalam fatwa Al Lajnah Ad Daimah no. 22935 tertanggal 14/3/1425 H menerangkan mengenai MLM yang terlarang terhimpun berbagai permasalahan berikut: 1. Di dalamnya terdapat bentuk riba fadhl dan riba nasi-ah . Anggota diperintahkan membayar sejumlah uang yang jumlahnya sedikit lantas mengharapkan timbal balik lebih besar, ini berarti menukar sejumlah uang dengan uang yang berlebih. Ini jelas adalah bentuk riba yang diharamkan berdasarkan nash dan ijma' . Karena sebenarnya yang terjadi adalah tukar menukar uang. Dan bukan maksud sebenarnya adalah untuk menjadi anggota (seperti dalam syarikat) sehingga tidak berpengaruh dalam hukum. 2. Di dalamnya terdapat bentuk ghoror (spekulasi tinggi atau untung-untungan) yang diharamkan syari'at. Karena anggota tidak mengetahui apakah ia bisa menarik anggota yang lain ataukah tidak. Pemasaran berjenjang atau sistem piramida jika berlangsung, suatu saat akan mencapai titik akhir. Anggota baru tidaklah mengetahui apakah ketika menjadi bagian dari sistem, ia berada di level tertinggi sehingga bisa mendapat untung besar atau ia berada di level terendah sehingga bisa rugi besar. Kenyataan yang ada, anggota sistem MLM kebanyakan merugi kecuali sedikit saja yang berada di level atas sehingga beruntung besar. Jadi umumnya, sistem ini mendatangkan kerugian dan inilah hakekat ghoror. Ghoror adalah ada kemungkinan rugi besar atau untung besar. Padahal Nabi shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam telah melarang dari jual beli ghoror sebagaimana disebutkan oleh Muslim dalam kitab shahihnya. 3. Di dalam MLM terdapat bentuk memakan harta orang lain dengan cara yang batil. Karena yang sebenarnya untung adalah perusahaan (syarikat) dan anggota telah ditentukan untuk mengelabui yang lain. Ini jelas diharamkan karena Allah Ta'ala berfirman, ﻳَﺎ ﺃَﻳُّﻬَﺎ ﺍﻟَّﺬِﻳﻦَ ﺁَﻣَﻨُﻮﺍ ﻟَﺎ ﺗَﺄْﻛُﻠُﻮﺍ ﺃَﻣْﻮَﺍﻟَﻜُﻢْ ﺑَﻴْﻨَﻜُﻢْ ﺑِﺎﻟْﺒَﺎﻃِﻞِ ﺇِﻟَّﺎ ﺃَﻥْ ﺗَﻜُﻮﻥَ ﺗِﺠَﺎﺭَﺓً ﻋَﻦْ ﺗَﺮَﺍﺽٍ ﻣِﻨْﻜُﻢْ " Hai orang-orang yang beriman, janganlah kamu saling memakan harta sesamamu dengan jalan yang batil, kecuali dengan jalan perniagaan yang berlaku saling ridho di antara kamu" (QS. An Nisa': 29). 4. Di dalam muamalah ini terdapat penipuan dan pengelabuan terhadap manusia. Karena orang-orang mengira bahwa dengan menjadi anggota nantinya mereka akan mendapatkan untung yang besar. Padahal sebenarnya hal itu tidak tercapai. Ini adalah bentuk penipuan yang diharamkan dalam syari'at. Dan Nabi shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam bersabda, ﻣَﻦْ ﻏَﺶَّ ﻓَﻠَﻴْﺲَ ﻣِﻨِّﻰ " Barangsiapa menipu maka dia bukan dari golonganku ." (HR. Muslim dalam shahihnya). Begitu pula Nabi shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam bersabda, ﺍﻟْﺒَﻴِّﻌَﺎﻥِ ﺑِﺎﻟْﺨِﻴَﺎﺭِ ﻣَﺎ ﻟَﻢْ ﻳَﺘَﻔَﺮَّﻗَﺎ ﻓَﺈِﻥْ ﺻَﺪَﻗَﺎ ﻭَﺑَﻴَّﻨَﺎ ﺑُﻮﺭِﻙَ ﻟَﻬُﻤَﺎ ﻓِﻰ ﺑَﻴْﻌِﻬِﻤَﺎ ﻭَﺇِﻥْ ﻛَﺬَﺑَﺎ ﻭَﻛَﺘَﻤَﺎ ﻣُﺤِﻘَﺖْ ﺑَﺮَﻛَﺔُ ﺑَﻴْﻌِﻬِﻤَﺎ " Orang yang bertransaksi jual beli masing-masing memilki hak khiyar (membatalkan atau melanjutkan transaksi) selama keduanya belum berpisah. Jika keduanya jujur dan terbuka, maka keduanya akan mendapatkan keberkahan dalam jual beli, tapi jika keduanya berdusta dan tidak terbuka, maka keberkahan jual beli antara keduanya akan hilang " (Muttafaqun 'alaih). [Beda Makelar dan MLM] Adapun pendapat bahwa transaksi ini tergolong samsaroh (makelar), maka itu tidak benar. Karena samsaroh adalah transaksi di mana pihak pertama mendapatkan imbalan atas usahanya mempertemukan barang (dengan pembelinya). Adapun MLM, anggotanya-lah yang mengeluarkan biaya untuk memasarkan produk tersebut. Hakekat sebenarnya dari samsaroh adalah memasarkan produk. Berbeda dengan maksud MLM yang ingin mencari komisi. Karena itu, orang yang bergabung dalam MLM memasarkan kepada orang yang akan memasarkan dan seterusnya. Berbeda dengan samsaroh , di mana pihak perantara benar-benar memasarkan kepada calon pembeli barang. Perbedaan di antara dua transaksi ini adalah jelas. [Beda Hibah dan Komisi MLM] Adapun pendapat bahwa komisi-komisi tersebut masuk dalam kategori hibah (hadiah), maka ini tidak benar. Andaikata pendapat itu diterima, maka tidak semua bentuk hibah itu boleh menurut syari'at. Sebagaimana hibah yang terkait dengan suatu pinjaman utang termasuk dalam riba. Karena itu, Abdullah bin Salam berkata kepada Abu Burdah radhiyallahu 'anhuma, ﺇِﻧَّﻚَ ﺑِﺄَﺭْﺽٍ ﺍﻟﺮِّﺑَﺎ ﺑِﻬَﺎ ﻓَﺎﺵٍ ، ﺇِﺫَﺍ ﻛَﺎﻥَ ﻟَﻚَ ﻋَﻠَﻰ ﺭَﺟُﻞٍ ﺣَﻖٌّ ﻓَﺄَﻫْﺪَﻯ ﺇِﻟَﻴْﻚَ ﺣِﻤْﻞَ ﺗِﺒْﻦٍ ، ﺃَﻭْ ﺣِﻤْﻞَ ﺷَﻌِﻴﺮٍ ﺃَﻭْ ﺣِﻤْﻞَ ﻗَﺖٍّ ، ﻓَﻼَ ﺗَﺄْﺧُﺬْﻩُ ، ﻓَﺈِﻧَّﻪُ ﺭِﺑًﺎ " Sesungguhnya engkau berada di suatu tempat yang riba begitu merajalela. Jika engkau memiliki hak pada seseorang kemudian dia menghadiahkan kepadamu sepikul jerami, sepikul gandum atau sepikul tumbuhan, maka hadiah itu adalah riba." (HR. Bukhari dalam kitab shahihnya). Dan hukum hibah dilihat dari sebab terwujudnya hibah tersebut. Karena itu beliau 'alaihish shalatu wa sallam bersabda kepada pekerjanya yang datang lalu berkata, " Ini untuk kalian, dan ini dihadiahkan kepada saya ." Beliau 'alaihish shalatu wa sallam bersabda, "Bagaimana seandainya jika engkau tetap duduk di rumah ayahmu atau ibumu, lalu engkau menunggu apakah engkau mendapatkan hadiah (uang tips) atau tidak? " (Muttafaqun 'Alaih) Komisi MLM sebenarnya hanyalah diperoleh karena bergabung dalam sistem pemasaran MLM. Apapun namanya, baik itu hadiah, hibah atau selainnya, maka hal tersebut sama sekali tidak mengubah hakikat dan hukumnya. [Fatwa selengkapnya silakan lihat di sini] Kedua: Syaikh Dr. 'Abdullah bin Nashir As Sulmi menerangkan mengenai syarat MLM yang halal Syaikh 'Abdullah As Sulmi memberikan tiga syarat MLM bisa dikatakan halal: Pertama, orang yang ingin memasarkan produk tidak diharuskan untuk membeli produk tersebut. Kedua, harga produk yang dipasarkan dengan sistem MLM tidak boleh lebih mahal dari pada harga wajar untuk produk sejenis. Hanya ada dua pilihan harga semisal dengan harga produk sejenis atau malah lebih murah. Ketiga, orang yang ingin memasarkan produk tersebut tidak disyaratkan harus membayar sejumlah uang tertentu untuk menjadi anggota. Jika tiga syarat ini bisa dipenuhi maka sistem MLM yang diterapkan adalah sistem yang tidak melanggar syariat. Namun bisa dipastikan bahwa tiga syarat ini tidak mungkin bisa direalisasikan oleh perusahaan yang menggunakan MLM sebagai sistem marketingnya. Jika demikian maka sistem marketing ini terlarang karena merupakan upaya untuk memakan harta orang lain dengan cara cara yang tidak bisa dibenarkan. [Fatwa Syaikh 'Abdullah As Sulmi di Youtube] Ketiga: Penjelasan Syaikh Sholih Al Munajjid tentang MLM dengan keanggotaan gratis dan tidak dipersyaratkan membeli produknya Syaikh Sholih Al Munajjid pernah menerangkan mengenai sistem pemasaran berjenjang dengan keanggotaan gratis dan tidak dipersyaratkan membeli produknya. Beliau menerangkan bahwa sistem semacam ini termasuk samsaroh (makelar: memasarkan produk orang lain) yang mubah karena berbeda dengan MLM berbentuk piramida atau berjenjang dilihat dari beberapa alasan: 1. Orang yang ingin memasarkan produk tidak disyaratkan membeli barang tersebut atau menyerahkan sejumlah uang untuk menjadi anggota. 2. Barang yang dijual benar-benar dijual karena orang yang membeli itu tertarik, bukan karena ia ingin menjadi anggota MLM. 3. Orang yang menawarkan produk mendapatkan upah atau bonus tanpa diberikan syarat yang menghalangi ia untuk mendapatkannya. 4. Orang yang memasarkan produk mendapatkan upah atau bonus dengan kadar yang sudah ditentukan. Seperti misalnya, jika seseorang berhasil menjual produk, maka ia akan mendapatkan 40.000. Ini jika yang memasarkan produk satu orang. Jika yang memasarkan lebih dari satu, semisal Zaid menunjukkan pada Muhammad, lalu Muhammad menunjukkan pada Sa'ad, lalu Sa'ad akhirnya membeli; maka masing- masing mereka tadi mendapatkan bonus yang sama atau berbeda-beda sesuai kesepakatan. [Lihat Fatwa Al Islam Sual wal Jawab no. 170594 ] Wallahu waliyyut taufiq. @ KSU, Riyadh, KSA, 14 Rajab 1433 H Penulis : Muhammad Abduh Tuasikal Artikel Muslim.Or.Id
    Dec 6th 2013, 07:17
    Bilal bin Rabbah al-Habshiy, `Ubaydah `Amir bin al-Jarrah, Abu Salamah bin `Abd al-Asad al-Makhzumi, al-Arqam bin Abi al-Arqam al-Makhzumi, `Uthman bin Maz`un dan 2 beradiknya, iaitu Qudamah dan `Abdullah, `Ubaydah bin al-Harith bin al-Muttalib bin `Abd Manaf, Sa`id bin Zayd al-`Adawi dan isterinya Fatimah binti al-Khattab (adik perempuan `Umar bin al-Khattab), Khabbab bin al-Aratt, `Abdullah bin Mas`ud al-Hudhaliy dan ramai lagi. Golongan yang terawal memeluk Islam ini digelar sebagai al-Sabiqun al-Awwalun. Dikatakan bilangan mereka melebihi 40 orang. Walau bagaimanapun, bilangan mereka dipersilihi di kalangan para ulama. Antara perintah awal yang diturunkan ialah perintah mendirikan solat. Pada permulaan Islam, ALLAH mewajibkan solat 2 rakaat pada waktu pagi dan 2 rakaat pada waktu petang. Sepanjang tempoh rahsia ini, terbentuk persaudaraan akrab di kalangan orang yang memeluk Islam. Setelah hampir 3 tahun, orang-orang Quraisy Makkah mula mengetahui dakwah sulit itu. Walaupun pada awalnya mereka tidak mempedulikan, namun mereka tetap menghantar orang untuk mengintip untuk mengetahui hasil dakwah Nabi Muhammad sallAllahu `alaihi wasallam.
    Dec 6th 2013, 07:16
    The home associated with Hublot offers released it's brand new F1 Full Energy Abu Dhabi view
    Dec 6th 2013, 07:16
    The actual uniqueness emerges inside a restricted release associated with two hundred and fifty separately figures items. The brand new Franck Muller replica watches uk is placed inside [&#8230;]
    The home associated with Hublot offers released it's brand new F1 Full Energy Abu Dhabi view
    Dec 6th 2013, 07:16
    The actual uniqueness emerges inside a restricted release associated with two hundred and fifty separately figures items. The brand new Franck Muller replica watches uk is placed inside [&#8230;]
    [Road to JICMI 2013] Globe yang tak Sekadar Mainan Anda di rumah memiliki globe (bola dunia)? Untuk apa? Saat ini banyak pengasong menjual globe murah buatan Cina di beberapa perempatan Jakarta. Sebagian memang didesain untuk dapat dipajang di meja kelas. Sebagian lain untuk dipakai main lempar bola di kolam renang. Tahukah Anda bahwa sekitar 1000 tahun yang lalu, globe adalah sebuah masterpiece. Hingga saat itu belum semua ilmuwan sepakat bahwa bumi itu bulat. Tetapi Abu Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Idris asy Syarif atau dikenal sebagai Al-Idrisi (1100 M – 1165 M) percaya, dan dialah pencipta pertama peta dunia dalam bentuk globe seperti yang kita kenal sekarang! Sebenarnyalah, al-Idrisi mampu melakukan itu karena sejumlah politisi dan ilmuwan telah membukakan jalan. Berabad sebelumnya, Khalifah Harun Ar-Rasyid dan Al-Makmun mendorong para ilmuwan Muslim untuk menerjemahkan buku-buku ilmiah kuno dari Yunani ke dalam bahasa Arab. Beberapa naskah penting Yunani yang diterjemahkan adalah: Almagest dan Geographia. Khalifah Al- Makmun (813 M - 833 M) memerintahkan para geografer Muslim untuk mengembangkan geodesi, yaitu teknik mengukur jarak di atas bumi. Umat Islam pun akhirnya bahkan mampu menghitung volume dan keliling bumi. Lalu Al-Makmun memerintahkan untuk menciptakan peta bumi yang besar. Musa Al-Khawarizmi bersama 70 geografer lainnya akhirnya mampu menyelesaikan tugas ini pada tahun 830 M. Kemudian Khawarizmi juga menulis kitab geografi yang berjudul "Surah Al-Ard" (tentang geomorfologi), sebuah koreksi terhadap karya Ptolemaeus. Kitab itu menjadi landasan ilmiah bagi geografer Muslim klasik. Pada abad yang sama, Al-Kindi juga menulis sebuah kitab berjudul "Keterangan tentang Bumi yang Berpenghuni". Ilmu geografi pun makin berkembang. Di awal abad-10 M, Abu Zayd Al-Balkhi mendirikan akademi survei dan pemetaan di Baghdad. Di abad-11 M, Abu Ubaid Al-Bakri menulis kitab "Mu'jam Al-Ista'jam" (Eksiklopedi Geografi) dan "Al-Masalik wa Al-Mamalik" (Jalan dan Kerajaan). Al-Idrisi lahir pada tahun 1100 di Ceuta Spanyol. Pada usia muda dia sudah gemar bepergian ke tempat-tempat yang jauh, ke Eropa, Asia dan Afrika, untuk mengumpulkan sendiri data dan fakta geografi. Walhasil, pada usia di bawah 30 tahun, dia sudah menulis kitab geografi berjudul "Nuzhat al Mushtaq fi Ikhtiraq al-Afat" (Tempat Orang yang Rindu Menembus Cakrawala). Kitab ini begitu berpengaruh di Barat sehingga diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Latin, "Geographia Nubiensis". Kemasyhuran dan kompetensi al-Idrisi didengar oleh Raja Roger II dari Sicilia (1129 M – 1140 M). Ia mengundang dan memfasilitasi al-Idrisi untuk membuat peta dunia paling baru saat itu. Al-Idrisi menyanggupi namun mengajukan syarat bahwa dalam peta itu ia ingin memasukkan data wilayah Sicilia yang pernah 200 tahun berada di bawah kekuasaan kaum Muslim sebelum Raja Roger berkuasa. Raja Roger setuju. Peta pesanan Raja itupun diwujudkan oleh al-Idrisi dalam bentuk globe dari perak seberat 40 kg yang secara cermat memuat pegunungan, sungai-sungai, kota-kota besar, dataran subur dan dataran gersang, lengkap dengan informasi tinggi di beberapa titik. Karya ini dilengkapi sebuah buku berjudul "Kitab Al-Rujari" (Roger's Book) sebagai bentuk penghormatan ke Raja Roger. Kitab ini diakui dunia sebagai bentuk deskripsi paling teliti dan cerrmat tentang peta dunia pada abad pertengahan. Bahkan buku tersebut menjelaskan keberadaan sebuah pulau yang terletak sangat jauh dan terpencil, seperti sebuah pulau es (mungkin Islandia), di mana perjalanan mencapai pulau itu sangat sulit karena dipenuhi kabut dan lautan yang sering dilewati bongkahan-bongkahan es berbahaya yang hanyut. Ia juga menggambarkan tentang "Laut Gelap" yang kemudian dinamai Atlantik. Al-Idrisi menyebut penduduk asli yang mendiami pulau di laut tersebut sebagai penduduk Inggris. Peta dan globe buatan al-Idrisi, sekalipun di beberapa area masih kosong (karena saat itu belum ada informasi tentang keberadaan benua Amerika atau Australia), namun secara umum sudah memberikan gambaran yang akurat kepada


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 07:19AM  

    PierreVogel.des Facebook-Pinnwand
    PierreVogel.des Facebook-Pinnwand
    Hasan al-Basri wurde gefragt: "Wer wird am Tage der Auferstehung mehr als alle a...
    Dec 6th 2013, 06:22
    Hasan al-Basri wurde gefragt: "Wer wird am Tage der Auferstehung mehr als alle anderen weinen?" Er antwortete: „Ein Mann, dem Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala Seine Gnade erwiesen hat, und er diese für den Ungehorsam gegen Allah benutzt hat."
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 06:52AM  

    Weisheitsperlens Facebook-Pinnwand
    Weisheitsperlens Facebook-Pinnwand
    "Allah machte die Glückseligkeit in Seinem Gedenken. Wer zu denjenigen, die Alla...
    Dec 6th 2013, 06:26
    "Allah machte die Glückseligkeit in Seinem Gedenken. Wer zu denjenigen, die Allahs gedenken, gehört, dem wird Allah die Dunkelheit seines Herzens entfernen und den Rost auf seinem Herzen entfernen. Fortan ist er glücklich im Hinblick auf sich selbst und auf seiner Familie und seinen Kindern." Sh. Muhammad al Mukhtar ash Shinqiti حفظه الله.
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 06:48AM  

    Islam in Österreich, Deutschland & Schweiz Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islam in Österreich, Deutschland & Schweiz Facebook-Pinnwand
    "Wir wissen nur zu gut, dass unsere Freiheit unvollständig ohne die Freiheit der...
    Dec 6th 2013, 06:21
    "Wir wissen nur zu gut, dass unsere Freiheit unvollständig ohne die Freiheit der Palästinenser ist."

    ― Nelson Mandela

    Islam in Österreich, Deutschland & Schweiz
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 06:36AM  

    Generation La ilaha illallahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Generation La ilaha illallahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Der edle Koran 4:143
    dazwischen hin und her schwankend - weder zu diesen noch z...
    Dec 6th 2013, 06:30
    Der edle Koran 4:143

    dazwischen hin und her schwankend - weder zu diesen noch zu jenen (gehörend). Und wen Allah in die Irre gehen läßt, für den wirst du keinen Weg finden.
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 06:28AM  

    Jannet al Firdaws Facebook-Pinnwand
    Jannet al Firdaws Facebook-Pinnwand
    Jumu'a Mubarak ihr wundervollen Geschöpfe Allahs ta'ala.
    Wir, das Team von ***J...
    Dec 6th 2013, 06:00
    Jumu'a Mubarak ihr wundervollen Geschöpfe Allahs ta'ala.
    Wir, das Team von ***Jannet al Firdaws*** wünschen euch einen schönen Start ins Wochenende...!!!
    Möge ALLAH subhanaa wa ta'ala EUCH das ewige Paradies geben & mit EUCH mehr als zufrieden sein..!!
    Allahuma Amin, Amin thumma Amiiinnn
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 06:27AM  

    Scheiß auf NY~ I love Istanbul *___*s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Scheiß auf NY~ I love Istanbul *___*s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Günaydin (:
    Ich schreibe heute Deutscharbeit :/
    An alle die eine Arbeit oderso...
    Dec 6th 2013, 06:09
    Günaydin (:
    Ich schreibe heute Deutscharbeit :/
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Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 18 Themen
Dec 6th 2013, 07:32, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 07:28AM  

    Scheiß auf NY~ I love Istanbul *___*s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Scheiß auf NY~ I love Istanbul *___*s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Paul Walker wurde vergessen , jetzt lesen wir zwei Tage das Nelson Mandela Gesto...
    Dec 6th 2013, 06:57
    Paul Walker wurde vergessen , jetzt lesen wir zwei Tage das Nelson Mandela Gestorben ist...Beide sollen in Frieden Ruhen , Möge Gott ihnen das Paradies zeigen, aber davor hat niemand über die Menschen gesprochen..Warum jetzt ??? .. Ich bitte euch..!

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Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 24 Themen
Dec 6th 2013, 07:18, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 07:16AM  

    media crash news - Social Mention
    #RipMADIBA The tale Nelson Mandela, who became one of the world's most beloved statesmen and a colossus of the 20th century when he emerged from 27 years in prison to negotiate an end to white minority rule in South Africa, has died. He was 95. South African president Jacob Zuma made the announcement at a news conference late Thursday, saying, "We've lost our greatest son." Mandela's death closed the final chapter in South Africa's struggle to cast off apartheid, leaving the world with indelible memories of a man of astonishing grace and good humor. Rock concerts celebrated his birthday. Hollywood stars glorified him on screen. And his regal bearing, graying hair and raspy voice made him instantly recognizable across the globe. President Barack Obama said the world lost an influential, courageous and "profoundly good" man with Mandela's death. Speaking from the White House, Obama said Mandela "no longer belongs to us. He belongs to the ages." "I am one of the countless millions who drew inspiration from Nelson Mandela's life," he continued. "And like so many around the globe, I cannot fully imagine my own life without the example that Nelson Mandela set." Obama met with Mandela's family earlier this year when he visited South Africa. But he did not meet with the ailing leader, who was hospitalized throughout the U.S. president's visit. As South Africa's first black president, the ex-boxer, lawyer and prisoner No. 46664 paved the way to racial reconciliation with well-chosen gestures of forgiveness. He lunched with the prosecutor who sent him to jail, sang the apartheid-era Afrikaans anthem at his inauguration, and traveled hundreds of miles to have tea with the widow of Hendrik Verwoerd, the prime minister at the time he was imprisoned. Sport was a major part of Mandela's public life. His most memorable gesture came when he strode onto the field before the 1995 Rugby World Cup final in Johannesburg. When he came on the field in South African colors to congratulate the victorious South African team, he brought the overwhelmingly white crowd of 63,000 to its feet, chanting "Nelson! Nelson! Nelson!" For he had marched headlong into a bastion of white Afrikanerdom — the temple of South African rugby — and made its followers feel they belonged in the new South Africa. Mandela also helped seal his country's bid to become the first in Africa to host a World Cup. Tragically, he kept a low profile during the 2010 World Cup after his great-granddaughter was killed in an automobile accident following a concert to kick off the opening night of the event. After much anticipation and speculation that he would remain absent as his family continued to mourn the 13-year-old Zenani Mandela, he attended the World Cup's closing ceremonies amid a thunderous mix of vuvuzelas and roars from the crowd. "Sport has the power to change the world," Mandela once said. "…It has the power to inspire. It has the power to unite people in a way that little else does. It speaks to youth in a language they understand. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair. It is more powerful than government in breaking down racial barriers." At the same time, Mandela was himself uneasy with the idea of being an icon and he did not escape criticism as an individual and a politician, though much of it was muted by his status as a unassailable symbol of decency and principle. As president, he failed to craft a lasting formula for overcoming South Africa's biggest post-apartheid problems, including one of the world's widest gaps between rich and poor. In his writings, he pondered the heavy cost to his family of his decision to devote himself to the struggle against apartheid. He had been convicted of treason and sentenced to life imprisonment in 1964 for leading a campaign of sabotage against the government, and sent to the notorious Robben Island prison. It was forbidden to quote him or publish his photo, yet he and other jailed members of his banned African National Congress were able to smuggle out messages of guidance to the anti-apartheid crusade. As time passed — the "long, lonely, wasted years," as he termed them — international awareness of apartheid grew more acute. By the time Mandela turned 70 he was the world's most famous political prisoner. Such were his mental reserves, though, that he turned down conditional offers of freedom from his apartheid jailers and even found a way to benefit from confinement. "People tend to measure themselves by external accomplishments, but jail allows a person to focus on internal ones; such as honesty, sincerity, simplicity, humility, generosity and an absence of variety," Mandela says in one of the many quotations displayed at the Apartheid Museum in Johannesburg. "You learn to look into yourself." Thousands died, were tortured and were imprisoned in the decades long struggle against apartheid, so that when Mandela emerged from prison in 1990, smiling and waving to the crowds, the image became an international icon of freedom to rival the fall of the Berlin Wall. South Africa's white rulers had portrayed Mandela as the spearhead of a communist revolution and insisted that black majority rule would usher in the chaos and bloodshed that had beset many other African countries as they shook off colonial rule. Yet since apartheid ended, South Africa has held four parliamentary elections and elected three presidents, always peacefully, setting an example on a continent where democracy is still new and fragile. Its democracy has flaws, and the African National Congress has struggled to deliver on promises. It is a front-runner ahead of 2014 elections, but corruption scandals and other missteps have undercut some of the promise of earlier years. "We have confounded the prophets of doom and achieved a bloodless revolution. We have restored the dignity of every South African," Mandela said shortly before stepping down as president in 1999 at age 80. Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was born July 18, 1918, the son of a tribal chief in Transkei, one of the future "Bantustans," independent republics set up by the apartheid regime to cement the separation of whites and blacks. Mandela's royal upbringing gave him a dignified bearing that became his hallmark. Many South Africans of all races would later call him by his clan name, Madiba, as a token of affection and respect. Growing up at a time when virtually all of Africa was under European colonial rule, Mandela attended Methodist schools before being admitted to the black University of Fort Hare in 1938. He was expelled two years later for his role in a student strike. He moved to Johannesburg and worked as a policeman at a gold mine, boxed as an amateur heavyweight and studied law. His first wife, nurse Evelyn Mase, bore him four children. A daughter died in infancy, a son was killed in a car crash in 1970 and another son died of AIDS in 2005. The couple divorced in 1957, and Evelyn died in 2004. Mandela began his rise through the anti- apartheid movement in 1944, when he helped form the ANC Youth League. He organized a campaign in 1952 to encourage defiance of laws that segregated schools, marriage, housing and job opportunities. The government retaliated by barring him from attending gatherings and leaving Johannesburg, the first of many "banning" orders he was to endure. After a two-day nationwide strike was crushed by police, he and a small group of ANC colleagues decided on military action and Mandela pushed to form the movement's guerrilla wing, Umkhonto we Sizwe, or Spear of the Nation. He was arrested in 1962 and sentenced to five years' hard labor for leaving the country illegally and inciting blacks to strike. A year later, police uncovered the ANC's underground headquarters on a farm near Johannesburg and seized documents outlining plans for a guerrilla campaign. At a time when African colonies were one by one becoming independent states, Mandela and seven co-defendants were sentenced to life in prison. "I do not deny that I planned sabotage," he told the court. "I did not plan it in a spirit of recklessness, nor because I have any love of violence. I planned it as a result of a calm and sober assessment of the political situation that had arisen after years of tyranny, exploitation and oppression of my people by whites." The ANC's armed wing was later involved in a series of high-profile bombings that killed civilians, and many in the white minority viewed the imprisoned Mandela as a terrorist. Up until 2008, when President George W. Bush rescinded the order, he could not visit the U.S. without a waiver from the secretary of state certifying he was not a terrorist. From the late 1960s South Africa gradually became an international pariah, expelled from the U.N., banned from the Olympics. In 1973 Mandela refused a government offer of release on condition he agree to confine himself to his native Transkei. In 1982 he and other top ANC inmates were moved off Robben Island to a mainland prison. Three years later Mandela was again offered freedom, and again he refused unless segregation laws were scrapped and the government negotiated with the ANC. In 1989, F.W. de Klerk became president. This Afrikaner recognized the end was near for white-ruled South Africa. Mandela, for his part, continued, even in his last weeks in prison, to advocate nationalizing banks, mines and monopoly industries — a stance that frightened the white business community. But talks were already underway, with Mandela being spirited out of prison to meet a white Cabinet minister. On Feb. 11, 1990, inmate No. 46664, who had once been refused permission to leave prison for his mother's funeral, went free and walked hand-in-hand with Winnie, his wife. Blacks across the country erupted in joy — as did many whites. Mandela took charge of the ANC, shared the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize with de Klerk and was elected president by a landslide in South Africa's first all-race election the following year. At his inauguration, he stood hand on heart, saluted by white generals as he sang along to two anthems: the apartheid-era Afrikaans "Die Stem," ("The Voice") and the African "Nkosi Sikelel'iAfrika" ("Lord Bless Africa"). To black South Africans expecting a speedy new deal, Mandela pleaded for patience. The millions denied proper housing, schools and health care under apartheid had expected the revolution to deliver quick fixes, but Mandela recognized he had to embrace free market policies to keep white-dominated big business on his side and attract foreign investment. For all his saintly image, Mandela had an autocratic streak. When black journalists mildly criticized his government, he painted them as stooges of the whites who owned the media. Whites with complaints were dismissed as pining for their old privileges. He denounced Bush as a warmonger and the U.S. having "committed unspeakable atrocities in the world." When asked about his closeness to Fidel Castro and Moammar Gadhafi despite human rights violations in the countries they ruled, Mandela explained that he wouldn't forsake supporters of the anti-apartheid struggle. With his fellow Nobelist, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, he set up the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, which allowed human rights offenders of all races to admit their crimes publicly in return for lenient treatment. It proved to be a kind of national therapy that would become a model for other countries emerging from prolonged strife. He increasingly left the governing to deputy president Thabo Mbeki, who took over when Mandela's term ended in June 1999 and he declined to seek another — a rarity among African presidents. "I must step down while there are one or two people who admire me," Mandela joked at the time. When he retired, he said he was going to stand on a street with a sign that said: "Unemployed, no job. New wife and large family to support." His marriage to Winnie had fallen apart after his release and he was now married to Graca Machel, the widowed former first lady of neighboring Mozambique. He is survived by Machel, his daughter Makaziwe by his first marriage, and daughters Zindzi and Zenani by his second.
    Dec 6th 2013, 07:15
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 07:15AM  

    abu z project - Social Mention
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 07:13AM  

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    La ilaha ila Allah:
    Sie verleugneten Unsere Zeichen. Wir sandten daher brause...
    Dec 6th 2013, 06:55
    La ilaha ila Allah:

    Sie verleugneten Unsere Zeichen. Wir sandten daher brausenden Sturm an unheilvollen Tagen über sie, damit Wir sie die entehrende Strafe im diesseitigen Leben auskosten lassen. Die peinvolle Strafe im Jenseits ist bei weitem schmachvoller. Ihnen wird niemand beistehen... Quran (Sure 41 Ver 15,16)

    Aufgrund des starken Windes und den Sturmwarnungen ist ein Dua zu empfehlen:

    ( Allahumma inni as°aluka khayraha; wa a3udhu bika min sharriha)

    O Allah, ich bitte Dich um sein Gutes, und ich suche Zuflucht bei Dir vor seinem Übel.
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 07:12AM  

    al-ansar - Social Mention
    InshaAllah, ust Abdullah khairi akan brceramah dmasjid al ansar cgkt lada. ...NANTIKAN KEMUNCULANNYA! !!!!
    Dec 6th 2013, 06:48
    Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri (May Allah be pleased with him) reported that: Certain people of the Ansar asked the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) and he gave them; then they again asked him and he gave them until all what he possessed was exhausted. Then the Prophet (PBUH) said, "Whatever wealth I have, I will not withhold from you. Whosoever would be chaste and modest; Allah will keep him chaste and modest and whosoever would seek self-sufficiency, Allah will make him self-sufficient; and whosoever would be patient, Allah will give him patience, and no one is granted a gift better and more comprehensive than patience". [Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
    Dec 6th 2013, 06:44
    From the Al-Ansar h.k-kirbi.!!!
    Dec 6th 2013, 06:39
    Hotunan da suka shafi fadakarwa da tunatarwa a musulunci
    Heavy weaponry destroyed, scores of terrorists eliminated, including Saudi colonel Provinces, Army units continued to smash terrorist groups' dens and gatherings in intensified operations carried out in various areas across the countryside during which heavy weaponry carried in cars were destroyed and a large number of terrorists were eliminated, including group's leaders and foreigners. Arab terrorists killed in Damascus Countryside A series of concentrated operations were carried out against terrorists' gatherings in different areas in Damascus countryside in which the army units killed non-Syrian terrorists, including Jordanians and Somalis. SANA reporter quoted an official source as saying that army units destroyed several terrorists' dens in Rima farms and the eastern and northern farms of al-Nabek city, killing all terrorists inside them. Ahmad Harro and Abdul-Mawla al-Ghazal were identified among the dead. An army unit chased fleeing members of terrorist groups and killed many of them in the farms of Qara city, which has recently been brought under the army's control. Jordanian terrorist Tarek al- Ereiji, leader of a terrorist groups was among the dead, in addition to a number of his group's members. The source told the reporter that a number of terrorists were also killed in the farms of al-Abbadeh, including Mahrous Ward from the so-called "Ansar al-Shariah Battalion" and another one nicknamed Abo Ali, who is the leader of the os-called "Saif al-Islam Battalion". Army units clashed with terrorist groups in the farms of Deir Salman and the surrounding of al-Qarieh al-Shamiyeh. The clashes resulted in the killing of Khalid Barakat and scores of other terrorists. Other units of the armed forces destroyed an armed terrorist group's den that contained an amount of weapons and ammunition in Alieh farms in Douma area. A number of the terrorists, some of them are of Arab nationalities, were killed in the operation, including Sami Abdullah Ahmad from Somalia. Members of an armed terrorist group were killed in al-Rihan town, including Jamal al-Masri and Hisham al-Hanash. Meanwhile, Zamalka-Erbin axis witnessed a number of operations that resulted in the killing of several terrorists in Erbin town, including Rajab Obeid, while Ahmad Hreir was identified among the dead in Zamalka town. An army unit clashed with an armed terrorist group near al-Corniche area, killing most of its members. In the southern countryside of Damascus, a unit of the armed forces killed a number of terrorists and destroyed their weapons and equipment in Yelda town. Terrorists Eido Ghandour and Walid Ali were among the dead. Clashes erupted between army units and terrorist groups to the east of al-Sayyeda Zainab shrine and the bakery roundabouts in Daraya city in which 3 terrorists were killed and others were injured. Another army unit ambushed members of an armed terrorist group in the eastern mountains in al-Zabadani city, killing many of them, in addition to destroying their weapons and ammunition. Among those were Shaher Khaito and Bilal Awad. Three terrorists were killed by an army unit near al-Hassan Mosque in al-Qaboun neighborhood in the city of Damascus. Army kills terrorists including foreigners in Lattakia, Saudi colonel among the killed Units of the armed forces killed a number of terrorists, injured others in the village of al-Wadi in Rabi'a, in Lattakia countryside and destroyed terrorists' cars loaded with rockets, RPG launchers, machineguns, a military source told SANA. Terrorists Ahmad al-Tabji, nicknamed Abu Omar, Amer al-Hamzawi, nicknamed Abu Hatim al-Yamani, Abdul-Rahim Damerji, nicknamed Abu Youssef al-Homsi and Ahmad al-Sabih, nicknamed Abu Omar al-Idelbi, the source added. Another army unit killed 12 terrorists and injured others in the village of Zahiyeh, among them Mahmoud Mustafa al-Sweid, nicknamed Abu Mustafa al-Homsi, leader of the so-called Ahrar al-Sham Battalions and Jaber Mahmoud, nicknamed Abu Ahmad al-Bakistani, in addition to destroying 6 cars equipped with heavy machineguns and a car loaded with ammunition. A number of terrorists were eliminated in the villages of al-Khadraa and al-Rihaniyeh, among them Abdul-Elah al-Haiyani and Samer Kalash. Two cars loaded with locally-made rockets, ammunition and a car loaded with mortar rounds, were destroyed. Units of the armed forces eliminated a big number of terrorists, among them Ahmad Kalouh, Samer Bash Mili, Mohammad Nassan, Amer Qarali, Abdel-Rahim Mousa, Mazen al-Asafiri, Hassan al-Boushi and Egyptian terrorist Mohammad Ashouri. The army also destroyed locally-made rockets. The source said that other army units killed a number of terrorists in the village of Kastal Ido, among them terrorists Abo al-Kassem al-Tunissi, Abu Azzam al-Marakishi , Mohammad al-Sayyed Omar, Riyad al-Qasem, Mohammad Hamed and Mua'taz al-Rashed. The army also destroyed a number of cars loaded with rockets, launchers and devices. 18 terrorists were eliminated, others were injured and a car loaded with launchers, 3 cars equipped with heavy machineguns were also destroyed in al-Aliya village, The source added, asserting that terrorist Abu Mahmoud al-Jesri and Turkish terrorist Osman Nor-Eddin, in addition to 3 Danish snipers were identified among the dead. Units of the armed forces killed and injured a number of terrorists in the villages of Tirtiyah and Eyen al-Samour, among them Sulieman al-Hajji, Mahmoud Darwish, Ahmad al-Khaled, Mohammad al-khaled, abdul-Rahim Hamdo, Abu Sulieman al-Hritani affiliated to the so-called Ahrar al-Sham battalions. The source said that 46 terrorists, among them a Saudi connection colonel named Abu Daifallah al-Saudi and a French and two British terrorists, were killed. Terrorists' cars loaded with ammunition, Grad rockets and other cars equipped with various heavy machineguns in addition to a sophisticated communication car were destroyed. The source added that army units killed and injured terrorists in Salma and Rabi'a villages and destroyed a locally-made warehouse and a number of cars equipped with heavy machineguns. Terrorists Mohammad Hamdo, Ahmad Khaled al-Sheikh, Mohammad al-Sarraj, Ahmad al-Kishek, Abdul-Qader al-Hamandar, nicknamed Abu Zahran al-Halabi, Omar al-Hayyani, Abu Kamel al-Sudani, Abdel –Aziz al-Wahoud and Ramez Hamido, were identified among the dead. An army unit confronted armed terrorist groups' attempt to attack the village of Kherbet Solas, killing and injuring a number of terrorists, among them the leader of the attack Abu Omar al-Turkumani, from Turkey and his two assistants Abu Mohammad al-Omari and Abdel-Rahman al-Shami from Palestine and terrorist nicknamed Abu al-Aynain al-Maqdisi. Army foils terrorists' attack on al- Kindi hospital in Aleppo A military source said that all members of armed terrorist groups who were looting and attacking the citizens in al-Dbait street, the vegetables souk in al-Ashrafiyeh neighborhood, Salah-Eddin and Bustan al-Kasser neighborhoods and the old city of Aleppo, were eliminated and injured. The source told SANA that an army unit confronted an armed terrorist groups' attempt to attack al-Kindi Hospital and foiled terrorists' attempts to detonate two cars bomb in the area surrounding the hospital, killing and injuring scores of them. The source added that a big number of terrorists were killed and injured in an operations by the army against the terrorists' hideouts in Talet al-Ghali, al-Nakarin, Biyanon, al-Sheikh Said, Maqtaa al-Bakkarah, the area surrounding Aleppo central prison and al-Kastillo.
    Dec 6th 2013, 06:36
    INTIPATI KHUTBAH IMAM MASJIDIL HARAM DI PWTC 1. Ahlul Bayt dan para sahabat r.a adalah manusia yg PALING MULIA selepas Nabi sallallahu alihi wa ali wasallam 2. Kemuliaan para sahabat dinaskan dgn jelas dalam al-Quran (sprt dlm surah al-Fath yg bermaksud : Sesungguhnya Allah telah MEREDHAI mrk yang telah berbaiah (bersama Nabi) di bawah sepohon pokok) 3. Akidah Ahli Sunnah Wa Jamaah ialah mencintai Ahlu Bayt dan para sahabat. Beliau memetik sepotong hadis sahih "tanda keimanan seseorang ialah mencintai gol. Ansar, tanda kemunafikan seseorang ialah membenci gol. Ansar"(Allahu...minta dijauhkan dr tabiat MEMBENCI SAHABAT yg tlh diredhai Allah!) 4. Malaysia sebuah negara yg tertegak diatas kecintaan kepada Ahli Bayt, para sahabat dan prinsip Wasatiyyah. Ke'wasatiyah'an Malaysia begitu jelas tanpa perlukan kepada sebarang dalil (hmmmm...;) ) Imam Ghamidi juga membaca qunut pd rakaat kedua hanya semata2 utk mendoakan kesejahteraan utk mangsa2 banjir di Malaysia.
    Dec 6th 2013, 06:36
    MTAS ni semuanya tinggal berdekatan,cuma tempat menuntut ilmunya yang jauh.Kami semua kenal sejak tadika lagi.sekolah rendah,sekolah menengah,hinggalah ke peringkat sekarang Alhamdulilah,Allah pelihara persahabatan kami. Saja nak berkongsi, Masjid di tempat kami ni namanya Masjid Ar Raudhah Tg Karang. Tempat anda? #lamanyaintro~~~~
    Dec 6th 2013, 06:26
    Worst Photoshopped Selfie Fails =>
    Dec 6th 2013, 06:22
    because no one really notices how photoshopped this photo is bro?
    Legal rights of women in history From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (November 2007) This illustration, from a medieval translation of Euclid's Elements, (c. 1310), is noteworthy in showing a woman teaching geometry to male students The Legal rights of women refers to the social and human rights of women. One of the first women's rights declarations was the Declaration of Sentiments.[1] The dependent position of women in early law is proved by the evidence of most ancient systems. Part of a series on Women in Society Symbol venus.svg Society[show] Science and technology[show] Arts and humanities[show] Religion[show] Popular culture[show] v t e Contents [hide] 1 Mosaic law 2 Egyptian law 3 Roman law 4 Christian laws and influences on women's rights 5 Islamic law 5.1 Education 5.2 Employment 6 Scandinavia 7 British Isles 7.1 Ireland 7.2 England 7.3 Scotland 7.4 Wales 7.5 Edwardian Era laws 8 Spain and Aquitania 9 Hindu law 9.1 Atharvaveda 10 Sikh law 11 See also 12 Historical readings 13 References 14 External articles Mosaic law[edit] See also: Role of women in Judaism In the Mosaic law, for monetary matters, women's and men's rights were almost exactly equal. A woman was entitled to her own private property, including land, livestock, slaves, and servants. A woman had the right to inherit whatever anyone bequeathed to her as a death gift, and in the absence of sons would inherit everything. A woman could likewise bequeath her belongings to others as a death gift. Upon dying intestate, a woman would be inherited by her children if she had them, her husband if she was married, or her father if she were single. A woman could sue in court and did not need a male to represent her. In some situations, women actually had more rights than men. For example, captive women had to be ransomed prior to any male captives. Even though sons inherited property, they had a responsibility to support their mother and sisters from the estate, and had to ensure that both mother and sisters were taken care of prior to their being able to benefit from the inheritance, and if that wiped out the estate, the boys had to supplement their income from elsewhere. When it came to specific religious or sacramental activities, women had fewer opportunities or privileges than men. For example, in monetary or capital cases women could not serve as witnesses. A woman could not serve as a kohen in the Temple. A woman could not serve as queen, the monarch had to be male. A divorce could only be granted by the husband, upon which time she would receive the Ketubah and the return of significant portions of her dowry. The vow of an unmarried girl between the ages of 12 years and 12 years and six months might be nullified by her father and the vow of a wife which affected marital obligations may be annulled by her husband; the guilt or innocence of a wife accused of adultery might tested through the Sotah process, although this only was successful if the husband was innocent of adultery, and daughters could inherit only in the absence of sons. Egyptian law[edit] In Ancient Egypt, legally, a woman shared the same rights and status as a man – at least, theoretically. An Egyptian woman was entitled to her own private property, which could include land, livestock, slaves and servants, etc.[2] She had the right to inherit whatever anyone bequeathed to her, as well as bequeathing her belongings to others. She could divorce her husband (upon which all possessions belonging to her – including the dowry – were reverted to her sole ownership), and sue in court. Most notably, a woman could do these legal matters without a male to represent her. However, on the whole, men vastly outnumbered women in most trades, including government administrators; the average woman still centered her time around the home and family. A few women became pharaohs, and women held important positions in government and trade. Roman law[edit] For more details on this topic, see Women in ancient Rome. Bronze statuette of a young woman reading (latter 1st century) Freeborn women of ancient Rome were citizens who enjoyed legal privileges and protections that did not extend to non-citizens or slaves. Roman society, however, was patriarchal, and women could not vote, hold public office, or serve in the military.[3] A child's citizen status was determined by that of its mother. Both daughters and sons were subject to patria potestas, the power wielded by their father as head of household (paterfamilias). At the height of the Roman Empire (1st–2nd centuries), the legal standing of daughters differs little if at all from that of sons.[4] Girls had equal inheritance rights with boys if their father died without leaving a will.[5] In the earliest period of the Roman Republic, a bride passed from her father's control into the "hand" (manus) of her husband. She then became subject to her husband's potestas, though to a lesser degree than their children.[6] This archaic form of manus marriage was largely abandoned by the time of Julius Caesar, when a woman remained under her father's authority


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 07:09AM  

    Khilafah in Universes Facebook-Pinnwand
    Khilafah in Universes Facebook-Pinnwand
    Friday special
    103-4 Surat Al-Kahf (The Cave) -
    Say (O Muhammad Salla-Allahu...
    Dec 6th 2013, 06:49
    Friday special

    103-4 Surat Al-Kahf (The Cave) -

    Say (O Muhammad Salla-Allahu 'Alayhi wa Sallam): "Shall We tell you the greatest losers in respect of (their) deeds? "Those whose efforts have been wasted in this life while they thought that they were acquiring good by their deeds!

    أَسْتَغْفِرُ اللَّهَ الَّذِي لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا هُوَ الْحَيَّ الْقَيُّومَ وَأَتُوبِ إِلَيْهِ

    There are Saheeh Hadeeth from the Prophet (Salla-Allahu 'Alayhi wa Sallam) concerning the virtues of reciting Surah Al-Kahf during the day or night of Jumu'ah (Friday).

    Narrated by Abu Sa'eed Al-Khudri (Radia Allahu 'Anhu) that,


    Al-Daarimi, 3407. This Hadeeth was classed as Saheeh by Shaykh Al-Albany in Saheeh Al-Jaami, 6471


    Al-Hakim, 2/399; Al-Bayhaqee, 3/249

    Ibn Hajar said in Takhreej Al-Adhkaar that this is a hasan Hadeeth, and he said, this is the strongest report that has been narrated concerning reading Surah Al-Kahf.

    Fayd al-Qadeer, 6/198. It was classed as Saheeh by Shaykh al-Albany in Saheeh al-Jaami', 6470

    Narrated by Ibn 'Umar (Radia Allahu 'Anhu) that,

    The Prophet Muhammad (Salla-Allahu 'Alayhi wa Sallam) said:


    Al-Mundhiri said, this was narrated by Abu Bakr Ibn Mardawayh in his Tafseer, with an isnaad with which there was nothing wrong.

    Al-Targheeb wa'l-Tarheeb, 1/298
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 07:07AM  

    Abu Adam - Social Mention
    Dan Skinner, Adam Skinner, DaveJames - Its All Over
    Dec 6th 2013, 14:33
    Click this link to listen to my rendition (its best to have your sound around 50%) We had it all Every moment was painted in gold We were made And the world [&#8230;]
    Pak cricket team to spend the day practicing in Sharjah today
    Dec 6th 2013, 08:42
    Pak cricket team to spend the day practicing in Sharjah today Sharjah: Pakistan cricket group arrived a day in front of its one T20 match against Afghanistan and later [&#8230;]
    Mengenal Tentang Tabarruj? Apa dan Maknanya Bismillaahirrahmaanirrahiim.......... Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala menyinggung kata ini dalam firman-Nya dala Surat Al-Ahzab: 33 Wanita adalah makhluk yang kerap menjadi korban komoditi dan mode. Beragam kosmetik, parfum bermerek, hingga model pakaian yang lagi tren, dengan mudah menjajah tubuh mereka. Malangnya, dengan segala yang dikenakan itu, mereka tampil di jalan-jalan, mal-mal, atau ruang publik lainnya. Alhasil, bukan pesona yang mereka tebar tapi justru fitnah. Pernah dengar kata tabarruj? Apa sih maknanya? Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala menyinggung kata ini dalam firman-Nya: ﻭَﻻَ ﺗَﺒَﺮَّﺟْﻦَ ﺗَﺒَﺮُّﺝَ ﺍﻟْﺠَﺎﻫِﻠِﻴَّﺔِ ﺍْﻷُﻭﻟَﻰ "Janganlah kalian (wahai istri-istri Nabi) bertabarruj sebagaimana tabarruj orang-orang jahiliah yang awal." (Al-Ahzab: 33) ﻭَﺍﻟْﻘَﻮَﺍﻋِﺪُ ﻣِﻦَ ﺍﻟﻨِّﺴَﺎﺀِ ﺍﻟﻼَّﺗِﻲ ﻻَ ﻳَﺮْﺟُﻮْﻥَ ﻧِﻜَﺎﺣًﺎ ﻓَﻠَﻴْﺲَ ﻋَﻠَﻴْﻬِﻦَّ ﺟُﻨَﺎﺡٌ ﺃَﻥْ ﻳَﻀَﻌْﻦَ ﺛِﻴَﺎﺑَﻬُﻦَّ ﻏَﻴْﺮَ ﻣُﺘَﺒَﺮِّﺟَﺎﺕٍ ﺑِﺰِﻳْﻨَﺔٍ "Dan perempuan-perempuan tua yang terhenti dari haid dan mengandung, yang tidak memiliki keinginan untuk menikah lagi, maka tidak ada dosa bagi mereka untuk menanggalkan pakaian luar1 mereka dengan tidak bermaksud tabarruj dengan perhiasan yang dikenakan … ." (An-Nur: 60) Az-Zajjaj Abu Ishaq Ibrahim bin As-Sirri2 rahimahullahu berkata: "Tabarruj adalah menampakkan perhiasan dan segala yang dapat mengundang syahwat laki- laki." Adapun jahiliah yang awal, ada yang mengatakan masanya dari mulai Nabi Adam 'alaihissalam sampai zaman Nuh 'alaihissalam. Ada yang mengatakan dari zaman Nuh 'alaihissalam sampai zaman Idris 'alaihissalam. Ada pula yang berpendapat dari zaman 'Isa 'alaihissalam sampai zaman Nabi Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam. Pendapat yang lebih mendekati adalah dari zaman Isa 'alaihissalam sampai zamannya Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam, karena merekalah orang-orang jahiliah yang dikenal. Disebut jahiliah yang awal, karena mereka telah ada lebih dahulu sebelum umat Muhammad Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam. (Ma'anil Qur`an wa I'rabuha, 4/171) Al-Imam Ath-Thabari rahimahullahu juga menyebutkan hal ini dalam tafsirnya. (Jami'ul Bayan fi Ta`wilil Qur`an, 10/294) Mujahid rahimahullahu berkata: "Seorang wanita berjalan di hadapan orang- orang, itulah yang dinamakan tabarruj jahiliah." Qatadah rahimahullahu menambahkan bahwa wanita yang bertabarruj adalah wanita yang keluar rumah dengan berjalan lenggak-lenggok dan genit. (Tafsir Ath-Thabari, 10/294) Al-Imam Majdudin Abus Sa'adat Al-Mubarak bin Muhammad Al-Jazari atau yang lebih dikenal dengan Ibnul Atsir rahimahullahu menjelaskan makna tabarruj dari hadits: ﻛﺎَﻥَ ﻧَﺒِﻲُّ ﺍﻟﻠﻪِ ﺻَﻠَّﻰ ﺍﻟﻠﻪُ ﻋَﻠَﻴْﻪِ ﻭَﺳَﻠَّﻢَ ﻳَﻜْﺮَﻩُ ﻋَﺸْﺮَﺓَ ﺧِﻼَﻝٍِ … )ﻣِﻨْﻬَﺎ ( ﺍﻟﺘَّﺒَﺮُّﺝُ ﺑِﺎﻟﺰِّﻳْﻨَﺔِ ﻟِﻐَﻴْﺮِ ﻣَﺤَﻠِّﻬَﺎ … "Nabiyullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam membenci sepuluh perangai (perbuatan)… (kemudian disebutkan satu persatunya, di antaranya adalah:) tabarruj dengan perhiasan tidak pada tempatnya." (HR. Abu Dawud no. 4222. Namun hadits ini mungkar3 kata Asy- Syaikh Al-Albani rahimahullahu dalam Dha'if Sunan Abi Dawud) Ibnul Atsir rahimahullahu berkata: "Tabarruj adalah menampakkan perhiasan kepada laki-laki yang bukan mahram (ajnabi). Perbuatan seperti ini jelas tercela. Adapun menampakkan perhiasan kepada suami, tidaklah tercela. Inilah makna dari lafaz hadits, '(menampakkan perhiasan) tidak pada tempatnya'." (An-Nihayah fi Gharibil Hadits) Dengan keterangan di atas insya Allah menjadi jelas bagi kita apa yang dimaukan dengan tabarruj. Hukumnya pun tampak bagi kita, yakni seorang muslimah dilarang keluar rumah dengan tabarruj. Namun sangat disesalkan kenyataan yang kita dapatkan di sekitar kita. Berseliwerannya wanita dengan dandanan aduhai, ditambah wangi yang semerbak di jalan-jalan dan pusat keramaian, sudah dianggap sesuatu yang lazim di negeri ini. Bahkan kita akan dianggap aneh ketika mengingkarinya. Tidak usahlah kita membicarakan para wanita yang berpakaian "telanjang" di jalan-jalan, karena keadaan mereka sudah sangat parah, membuat orang yang takut kepada Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala dan hari akhir bergidik dan terus beristighfar. Cukup yang kita tuju para muslimah yang masih punya kesadaran berislam walaupun mungkin setipis kulit ari, hingga mereka menutup rambut mereka dengan kerudung dan membalut tubuh mereka dengan pakaian sampai mata kaki dengan berbagai model. Sangat disesalkan para muslimah yang berkerudung ini ikut berlomba-lomba memperindah penampilannya di depan umum dengan model 'busana muslimah' terkini dan kerudung 'gaul' yang penuh pernak-pernik, pendek, dan transparan. Sehingga, berbusana yang sejatinya bertujuan menutup aurat dan keindahan seorang muslimah di hadapan lelaki selain mahramnya, malah justru menonjolkan keindahan. Belum lagi wajah dan bibir yang dipoles warna-warni. Tangan yang dihiasi gelang, jari-jemari yang diperindah dengan cincin-cincin, dan parfum yang dioleskan ke tubuh dan pakaian. Semuanya dipersembahkan di hadapan umum, seolah si wanita berkata, "Lihatlah aku, pandangilah aku…". Wallahul musta'an… Semua ini jelas merupakan perbuatan tabarruj yang dilarang dalam Al-Qur`anul Karim. Namun betapa jauhnya manusia dari bimbingan Al-Qur`an!!! Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala melarang para wanita bertabarruj. Namun mereka justru bangga melakukannya, mungkin karena ketidaktahuan atau memang tidak mau tahu. Bisa jadi ada yang menganggap bahwa larangan tabarruj ini hanya ditujukan kepada istri-istri Nabi Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam karena mereka yang menjadi sasaran pembicaraan dalam ayat 33 dari surat Al- Ahzab di atas. Jawabannya sederhana saja. Bila wanita-wanita shalihah, wanita-wanita yang diberitakan nantinya akan tetap mendampingi Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam di surga, para Ummahatul Mukminin yang suci itu dilarang ber-tabarruj sementara mereka jauh sekali dari perbuatan demikian, apatah lagi wanita-wanita selain mereka yang hatinya dipenuhi syahwat dunia. Siapakah yang lebih suci, istri-istri Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam ataukah mereka? Bila istri- istri Rasul Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam yang merupakan cerminan shalihah bagi wanita- wanita yang bertakwa itu diperintah untuk menjaga diri, jangan sampai jatuh ke dalam fitnah4 dan membuat fitnah, apalagi wanita- wanita yang lain… Kalau ada yang menganggap larangan tabarruj itu hukumnya khusus bagi istri-istri Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam karena mereka adalah pendamping manusia pilihan, kekasih Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, sementara wanita- wanita selain mereka tidak memiliki keistimewaan demikian, maka kita tanyakan: Dari sisi mana penetapan hukum khusus tersebut, sementara alasan dilarangnya tabarruj karena akan menimbulkan fitnah bagi laki-laki? 5 Laki-laki yang memang diciptakan punya ketertarikan terhadap wanita, tentunya akan tergoda melihat si wanita keluar dengan keindahannya. Bila tidak ada iman yang menahannya dari kenistaan, niscaya ia akan berpikir macam-macam yang pada akhirnya akan menyeretnya dan menyeret si wanita pada kekejian. Bila tabarruj dilarang karena alasan seperti ini, lalu apa manfaatnya hukum larangan tersebut hanya khusus bagi para istri Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam? Apakah bisa diterima kalau dikatakan para istri Nabi Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam dilarang tabarruj karena mereka wanita mulia yang harus dijaga, tidak boleh menimbulkan fitnah, sementara wanita selain mereka tidak perlu dijaga dan kalaupun bertabarruj tidak akan membuat fitnah??? Di manakah orang-orang yang katanya berakal itu meletakkan pikirannya? Wallahul musta'an. Al-Imam Abu Bakr Ahmad bin 'Ali Ar-Razi Al- Jashshash6 rahimahullahu menyatakan bahwa beberapa perkara yang disebutkan dalam ayat ini (Al-Ahzab: 33) dan ayat-ayat sebelumnya merupakan pengajaran adab dari Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala terhadap istri-istri Nabi Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam sebagai penjagaan terhadap mereka dan seluruh wanitanya kaum mukminin juga dituju oleh ayat-ayat ini7. (Ahkamul Qur`an, 3/471) Surat An-Nur ayat 60 juga menunjukkan bahwa larangan tabarruj tidak hanya khusus bagi ummahatul mukminin, namun berlaku umum bagi seluruh mukminah. Bila wanita yang sudah tua dan sudah mengalami menopause saja dilarang tabarruj sebagaimana dalam ayat: ﻏَﻴْﺮَ ﻣُﺘَﺒَﺮِّﺟَﺎﺕٍ ﺑِﺰِﻳْﻨَﺔٍ "Dengan tidak bermaksud tabarruj dengan perhiasan yang dikenakan…" (An-Nur: 60) tentunya larangan kepada wanita yang masih muda lebih utama lagi. Wanita yang keluar rumah dengan tabarruj hendaknya berhati-hati dengan ancaman yang dinyatakan Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam dalam sabdanya berikut ini: ﺻِﻨْﻔَﺎﻥِ ﻣِﻦْ ﺃَﻫْﻞِ ﺍﻟﻨَّﺎﺭِ ﻟَﻢْ ﺃَﺭَﻫُﻤَﺎ ﺑَﻌْﺪُ، ﻗَﻮْﻡٌ ﻣَﻌَﻬُﻢْ ﺳِﻴَﺎﻁٌ ﻛَﺄَﺫْﻧَﺎﺏِ ﺍﻟْﺒَﻘَﺮِ ﻳَﻀْﺮِﺑُﻮْﻥَ ﺑِﻬَﺎ ﺍﻟﻨَّﺎﺱَ ﻭَﻧِﺴَﺎﺀٌ ﻛَﺎﺳِﻴَﺎﺕٌ ﻋَﺎﺭِﻳَﺎﺕٌ ﻣَﺎﺋِﻼَﺕٌ ﻣُﻤِﻴْﻼَﺕٌ ﺭُﺅُﻭْﺳُﻬُﻦَّ ﻛَﺄَﺳْﻨَﻤَﺔِ ﺍﻟْﺒُﺨْﺖِ ﺍﻟْﻤَﺎﺋِﻠَﺔِ ﻻَ ﻳَﺪْﺧُﻠْﻦَ ﺍﻟْﺠَﻨَّﺔَ ﻭَﻻَ ﻳَﺠِﺪْﻥَ ﺭِﻳْﺤَﻬَﺎ ﻭَﺇِﻥَّ ﺭِﻳْﺤَﻬَﺎ ﻟَﻴُﻮْﺟَﺪُ ﻣِﻦْ ﻣَﺴِﻴْﺮَﺓِ ﻛَﺬَﺍ ﻭَﻛَﺬَﺍ "Ada dua golongan dari penduduk neraka yang keduanya belum pernah aku lihat, pertama: satu kaum yang memiliki cemeti-cemeti seperti ekor sapi yang dengannya mereka memukul manusia. Kedua: para wanita yang berpakaian tapi telanjang, mereka menyimpangkan lagi menyelewengkan orang dari kebenaran. Kepala- kepala mereka seperti punuk unta yang miring/ condong. Mereka ini tidak akan masuk surga dan tidak akan mencium wanginya surga padahal wanginya surga sudah tercium dari jarak perjalanan sejauh ini dan itu." (HR. Muslim no. 5547) Kata Asy-Syaikh Ibnu 'Utsaimin rahimahullahu: "Nabi Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam mencirikan wanita ahlun nar itu dengan ( ﻛَﺎﺳِﻴَﺎﺕٌ) maksudnya mereka mengenakan pakaian, akan tetapi mereka itu (َﻋَﺎﺭِﻳَﺎﺕٌ ) "telanjang", karena pakaian yang mereka kenakan tidaklah menutupi aurat mereka dengan semestinya. Bisa jadi karena pakaian itu tipis, ketat, atau pendek. Mereka itu ﻣَﺎﺋِﻼَﺕٌ menyimpang dari jalan yang benar, ﻣُﻤِﻴْﻼَﺕٌ menyimpangkan orang lain dari kebenaran karena fitnah yang dimunculkan dari mereka. ﺭُﺅُﻭﺳُﻬُﻦَّ ﻛَﺄَﺳْﻨَﻤَﺔِ ﺍﻟْﺒُﺨْﺖِ ﺍﻟْﻤَﺎﺋِﻠَﺔِ "rambut/kepala mereka seperti punuk unta yang miring", karena rambut mereka ditinggikan hingga menyerupai punuk unta yang miring." (Taujihat lil Mu`minat Haulat Tabarruj was Sufur, hal. 18) Kedua golongan di atas belum ada di zaman Nabi Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam, namun sekarang telah kita dapatkan. Hal ini termasuk mukjizat Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam, di mana apa yang beliau kabarkan pasti terjadi. (Al-Minhaj, 14/336) Yang perlu diingat, tidaklah satu dosa diancam dengan keras melainkan menunjukkan bahwa dosa tersebut termasuk dosa besar. Sementara wanita yang keluar rumah dengan berpakaian namun hakikatnya telanjang, yang bertabarruj, berjalan berlenggak lenggok di hadapan kaum lelaki hingga menjatuhkan mereka ke dalam fitnah, dinyatakan tidak akan masuk surga dan tidak akan mencium bau surga. Nah, tersisalah pertanyaan: apakah dosa yang diancam seperti ini bisa dianggap remeh? Maka berhati-hatilah!!! 1 Maksudnya pakaian luar yang kalau dibuka tidak menampakkan aurat. 2 Wafat tahun 311 H. 3 Hadits mungkar termasuk dalam hadits yang lemah. 4 Yang dimaksud dengan fitnah di sini adalah sesuatu yang membawa kepada ujian, bala, dan adzab. 5 Terlebih lagi ada hadits yang berbunyi: ﻣَﺎ ﺗَﺮَﻛْﺖُ ﺑَﻌْﺪِﻱ ﻓِﺘْﻨَﺔً ﺃَﺿَﺮَّ ﻋَﻠَﻰ ﺍﻟﺮِّﺟَﺎﻝِ ﻣِﻦَ ﺍﻟﻨِّﺴَﺎﺀِ "Tidaklah aku tinggalkan setelahku fitnah yang lebih berbahaya bagi laki-laki daripada fitnahnya wanita." (HR. Al-Bukhari dan Muslim) 6 Wafat tahun 370 H. 7 Yakni ayat ini tidak berlaku secara khusus bagi istri-istri Nabi Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam namun juga berlaku bagi wanita muslimah lainnya. Walaupun konteks pembicaraannya memang ditujukan kepada istri-istri Nabi Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam, namun hukum yang disebutkan di dalam ayat berlaku umum. __________ Penulis : Al-Ustadzah Ummu Ishaq Al- Atsariyyah
    Dec 6th 2013, 07:06
    Photographic Highlights of the 2013 Baseball Season
    Dec 6th 2013, 07:06
    The last baseball season was filled with many highlights; so many that I wouldn't be able to name all of them if I tried. It wasn't ever a goal [&#8230;]
    Kesalahan-kesalahan Dalam Hal Pakaian Laki-Laki 1. Isbal. Isbal yaitu menurunkan atau memanjang-kan pakaian hingga di bawah mata kaki. Larangan isbal bersifat umum untuk seluruh jenis pakaian, baik celana panjang, sarung, gamis, mantel atau pakaian lainnya. Ironinya, larangan ini dianggap remeh oleh kebanyakan umat Islam, padahal dalam pandangan Allah ia merupakan masalah besar. Rasulullah ` bersabda: "Kain yang memanjang hingga di bawah mata kaki tempatnya di Neraka." (HR. Al-Bukhari, shahih). Ancaman bagi musbil (orang yang melakukan isbal ) dengan Neraka tersebut sifatnya adalah muthlak dan umum, baik dengan maksud takabur atau tidak. Jika isbal tersebut dilakukan dengan maksud takabur maka ancamannya lebih besar. Nabi Shallallahu 'alaihi wasalam bersabda: "Pada hari Kiamat, Allah tidak akan melihat kepada orang yang menyeret bajunya (musbil, ketika di dunia) karena takabur." (Muttafaq Alaih, shahih). Dan secara tegas Nabi Shallallahu 'alaihi wasalam melarang kita kaum laki-laki melakukan isbal. Beliau Shallallahu 'alaihi wasalam bersabda: "Dan tinggikanlah kainmu hingga separuh betis, jika engkau enggan maka hingga mata kaki. Dan jauhilah olehmu memanjangkan kain di bawah mata kaki, karena ia termasuk kesombongan, dan sungguh Allah tidak menyukai kesombongan." (HR. Abu Daud dan At-Tirmidzi dengan sanad shahih , At-Tirmidzi berkata, hadits ini hasan shahih). Hadits di atas memberi kata putus terhadap orang yang beralasan bahwa memanjangkan kain hingga di bawah mata kaki dibolehkan asal tidak karena sombong. Ini adalah alasan batil dan dicari-cari untuk pembenaran kebiasaan mereka yang menyalahi sunnah. Hadits di atas dengan tegas memasukkan perbuatan isbal sebagai sikap sombong,


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 07:01AM  

    Hoor al Ayns Facebook-Pinnwand
    Hoor al Ayns Facebook-Pinnwand
    Subhan Allah was man hier so liest .... Praktizierende brüder Haben alles geände...
    Dec 6th 2013, 06:24
    Subhan Allah was man hier so liest .... Praktizierende brüder Haben alles geändert außer ihre Ansprüche an ihre Partnerinnen wahl gleichen Ansprüche wie zu Zeiten ihrer jahiliya und wundern sich dann warum sie immer noch nicht verheiratet sind usw
    Im Islam geht's ums innere und die frömmigkeit der Frau !!!! Natürlich muss ein gefallen vorhanden sein das aber liegt nicht im hauptfokus!!!
    Sorry aber ekelhaft was man so teilweise mitbekommt verlangen eine Adriana Lima im niqab aber haben selbst nicht viel zum bieten :/
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 07:01AM  

    Muslim Defence League (MDL) - West Yorkshires Facebook-Pinnwand
    Muslim Defence League (MDL) - West Yorkshires Facebook-Pinnwand
    "We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Pale...
    Dec 6th 2013, 06:59
    "We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians."
    - Nelson Mandela

    الله أكبر

    Fajr Insha'Allah
    AssalamuAlaikum :)

    This Jummah don't forget:
    Surah al kahf, Salawaat & Durood
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Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 20 Themen
Dec 6th 2013, 06:20, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 06:18AM  

    LIONS of Tawhiids Facebook-Pinnwand
    LIONS of Tawhiids Facebook-Pinnwand
    The Jazā' of Allāh VS the Jazā' of the Taghūt
    Shaykh Abū Muhammad Al-Maqdisī
    Dec 6th 2013, 05:26
    The Jazā' of Allāh VS the Jazā' of the Taghūt

    Shaykh Abū Muhammad Al-Maqdisī

    At-Tibyān Publications

    "And that is why I tell the enemies of Allāh during their interrogations of me, and during their offers and threats which they sometimes give me, attempting to win me over to collaborate with them and work with them; [I tell them]: "It would be more realistic, and easier, if you were to collaborate with me – rather than me collaborating and working with you. For I consider you as enemies, and as Kuffār. And I declare you to be Kuffār, and I also declare anyone who assists you against the Muslims, as Kuffār also. So is it logical to think that I would work at a post, whose people I label as Kuffār? And is it logical that I would collaborate with my enemies?

    And even if I were to work with you – you could never pay me the payment which Allāh has promised me if I fulfill my obligations towards Him, firm in patience and sincerity. And if you were to work with me, and you became Helpers of the Dīn of Allāh – then your payment, if you are sincere, is a Paradise, the width of which is the Heavens and the Earth. So what is your government's salaries and wages worth, in front of a Paradise the width of which is the Heavens and the Earth?

    And if you were to work with me, you would be committing treason – according to your terminology – against your country. But this is something trivial, and is weightless in comparison to treason against Allāh and His Dīn. And the penalty sentenced by the country upon your treason, is nothing in front of the Torment of Allāh which I will go through if I were to betray His Dīn by working for you. Likewise, if you lose your country's salary and wage, this is nothing in comparison to losing a Paradise, the width of which is the Heavens and the Earth. And that is the evident loss. This is why you working with me is more realistic, and easier, than me working with you."

    Excerpted from:

    From the Fruits of Jihād - A Balanced View
    Eighteen: They Will Not Be Harmed By Those Who Oppose Them""
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 05:32AM  

    El - Hamdulillahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    El - Hamdulillahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Leider fällt bei uns die Schule nicht aus 󾍀 unterricht findet normal statt .. nu...
    Dec 6th 2013, 05:21
    Leider fällt bei uns die Schule nicht aus 󾍀 unterricht findet normal statt .. nur bei minderjährigen dürfen die Eltern entscheiden..

    El - Hamdulillah
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 05:25AM  

    Islamic Research Foundation / Dr.Zakir Naik / IRFs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islamic Research Foundation / Dr.Zakir Naik / IRFs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Reported by Abu Musa Al-Ashari (RA)
    The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "Alla...
    Dec 6th 2013, 04:45
    Reported by Abu Musa Al-Ashari (RA)

    The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "Allah the Exalted, will continue to stretch out His Hand in the night so that the sinners of the day may repent, and continue to stretch His Hand in the daytime so that the sinners of the night may repent, until the sun rises from the west."

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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 05:17AM  

    LIONS of Tawhiids Facebook-Pinnwand
    LIONS of Tawhiids Facebook-Pinnwand
    If loyalty was for country, the Prophet (saw) would
    have never left Makkah
    Dec 6th 2013, 05:10
    If loyalty was for country, the Prophet (saw) would
    have never left Makkah

    If loyalty was for tribe, he would never have fought
    the Quraish

    If loyalty was for family, he would not have
    disowned Abu Lahab

    Loyalty is for Islam.
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Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 24 Themen
Dec 6th 2013, 04:59, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 04:45AM  

    Islam für Kinder
    Nasheed: Bismillah
    Dec 6th 2013, 04:17

    Download des Nasheed als pdf: BismiLLAH_Nasheed
    Dieses kleine Lied ist angelehnt an die Melodie „Wenn ich froh bin klatsch ich in die Hand".
    Man kann aber auch einen rhythmischen Sprechgesang daraus machen. Ob gesungen oder gesprochen: klatscht
    dazu im Takt mit den Kindern. InchaALLAH werden alle viel, viel Spaß haben!
    Erzieher: Was sag´ ich wenn ich morgens früh aufsteh´?
    Kinder! : BismiLLAH!
    Erzieher: Und hinterher in meine Kita geht?
    Kinder : BismiLLAH!
    Erzieher: Was sag´ ich wenn das Frühstück vor mir steht?
    Kinder : BismiLLAH!
    Alle : BismilLLAH, bismiLLAH, bismiLLAH!
    Erzieher: Was sag´ ich wenn ich in der Kita spiel?
    Kinder : BismiLLAH!
    Erzieher: Und einer meiner Freunde streiten will?
    Kinder : BismiLLAH!
    Erzieher: Ich vertrage mich, el-hamdouliLLAH.
    Kinder : BismiLLAH!
    Alle : BismiLLAH, bismiLLAH, bismiLLAH
    Erzieher: Was sage ich wenn ich nach hause geh`?
    Kinder : BismiLLAH!
    Erzieher: Und ich meine Familie wiederseh`?
    Kinder : BismiLLAH!
    Erzieher: Was sag´ ich wenn ich meine Mama drück´?
    Alle : BismiLLAH, bismiLLAH, bismiLLAH
    Erzieher: Was sage ich wenn Ferien sind?
    Kinder : BismiLLAH!
    Erzieher: Und in der ganzen Kita ist kein Kind?
    Kinder : BismiLLAH!
    Erzieher: Ich sag´: Wir sehen uns im nächsten Jahr!
    Kinder : BismiLLAH!
    Alle : InchaALLAH, inchaALLAH, inchaALLAH
    Die Kinder lernen dieses Lied sehr schnell, inchaALLAH und man kann es später in verschiedenen Varianten singen:
    Erzieher und Kinder tauschen die Rollen oder man bildet zwei Gruppen (z.B. Jungen-Mädchen).
    Nicht vergessen: Besprecht mit den Kindern, warum Muslime, vor allem was sie tun, „bismiLLAH" sagen
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 04:32AM  

    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Asia's rice crops face setbacks from adverse weather
    Dec 6th 2013, 04:23
    Asia's rice crops face setbacks from adverse weather
    Asia's rice crops face setbacks from adverse weather

    Asia's rice crops face setbacks from adverse weather, global production growth rate revised down, prices fall.Some markets to fare better than others – production gains in Bangladesh, India, Indonesia and Thailand [Scoop NZ]
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 04:32AM  

    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    After the death of Abu Talib, & all the good & services he provided to Islam and...
    Dec 6th 2013, 04:17
    After the death of Abu Talib, & all the good & services he provided to Islam and the Rasul, the Rasul (saw) kept making du'aa for him after his death. He stopped however, after Revelation came from Allah:

    "It is not (proper) for the Prophet and those who believe to ask Allah's Forgiveness for the Mushrikun (polytheists, idolaters, pagans, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah) even though they be of kin, after it has become clear to them that they are the dwellers of the Fire (because they died in a state of disbelief)."
    - Surah At-Tawba, 113

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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 04:19AM  

    Islamdawa für Schwesterns Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islamdawa für Schwesterns Facebook-Pinnwand
    A5Alhamdulillah wie sehr schön das Leben als Muslima ist
    Kein gesellschaftlich...
    Dec 6th 2013, 04:02
    A5Alhamdulillah wie sehr schön das Leben als Muslima ist
    Kein gesellschaftlicher Druck. Kein SchönheitsWahn. Kein Neid. Keine Sinnlosigkeit. Kein Umherirren. Kein Schmutz. Keine Falschheit. Keine Erniedrigung. Keine falsche Liebe. Allah hat uns erschaffen & daher hat Er alles perfekt nach unseren Bedürfnissen geregelt Gelobt sei Allah !!

    ~Perlen traut sich keiner anzufassen - Steine schmeißt man hin und her~
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 04:19AM  

    Islamdawa für Schwesterns Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islamdawa für Schwesterns Facebook-Pinnwand
    A5Alhamdulillah wie sehr schön das Leben als Muslima ist
    Kein gesellschaftlich...
    Dec 6th 2013, 04:02
    A5Alhamdulillah wie sehr schön das Leben als Muslima ist
    Kein gesellschaftlicher Druck. Kein SchönheitsWahn. Kein Neid. Keine Sinnlosigkeit. Kein Umherirren. Kein Schmutz. Keine Falschheit. Keine Erniedrigung. Keine falsche Liebe. Allah hat uns erschaffen & daher hat Er alles perfekt nach unseren Bedürfnissen geregelt Gelobt sei Allah !!

    ~Perlen traut sich keiner anzufassen - Steine schmeißt man hin und her~
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 03:46AM  

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    Nelson Mandela Dies | The Islamic Perspective | Abu Abdullah Al-Britani
    Dec 6th 2013, 03:31
    Nelson Mandela Dies | The Islamic Perspective | Abu Abdullah Al-Britani
    Nelson Mandela Dies | The Islamic Perspective | Abu Abdullah Al-Britani
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 02:53AM  

    Abdul Adhim - Social Mention
    "Trotz der Attraktivität dieses Angebots ist es oft auch mehr oder weniger deutlicher sozialer Druck, mit dem Jugendliche zu einem dem Salafismus entsprechenden Verhalten verleitet werden. So berichten Sozialarbeiter und Lehrer immer wieder von Diskussionen unter Jugendlichen, in denen auf die Einhaltung vermeintlich verbindlicher islamischer Normen gedrängt wird. Dies betrifft das Drängen auf das Tragen des Kopftuchs, aber auch den Hinweis auf die Pflicht zum Fasten während des Ramadans oder den Appell, am Freitag zum Moscheebesuch zu erscheinen." Götz Nordbruch
    Dec 5th 2013, 19:40
 - Jugendkultur, Medien und politische Bildung in der Einwanderungsgesellschaft
    Dec 5th 2013, 19:32
    Përmbledhje e biografisë se Muhamed Tekiudin El-Hilali[1]   Prejardhja dhe vendlindja e tij.   Ai është dijetari i madh, muhadithi, gjuhëtari i njohur, shkrimtari i mrekullueshëm, poeti i madh, udhëtari maroken dhe shehu selefi dr. Muhamed El-Teki i njohur me emrin Muhamed Tekiudin dhe llagap Ebu Shekib (sepse djalit të tij të madh i kishte venë emrin e shokut te tij, prijësit Shekib Arsllan) i biri i Abdulkadirit, i biri i El-Taib, i biri i Ahmedit, i biri i Abdulkadirit, i biri i Muhamedit, i biri i Abdunurit, i biri i Abdulkadirit, i biri i Hilalit, i biri i Muhamedit, i biri i Hilalit, i biri Idrisit, i biri i Galibit, i biri i Muhamed El-Meki, i biri i Ismailit, i biri i Ahmedit, i biri i Muhamedit, i biri Ebul-Kasimit, i biri i Aliut, i biri i Abdulkaui, i biri i Abdurrahmanit, i biri i Idrisit, i biri i Ismailit, i biri i Sulejmanit, i biri i Musa El-Kadhim, i biri i Xhafer El-Sadik, i biri Muhamed El-Bakir, i biri i Ali Zeinul-Abidin, i biri i El-Husein, i biri i Aliut dhe Fatimes vajzës së profetit Muhamed (alejhi selam). Këtë prejardhje e ka pohuar Sulltani El-Hasen i parë kur erdhi ne Sixhilmasa në vitin 1311 sipas hixhretit.   Shehu ka lindur në vitin 1311 të hixhretit në fshatin El-Ferkh i cili njihet gjithashtu me emrin El-Feida El-Kadime disa kilometra larg El-Raisani e cila është prej krahinave të qytetit Sixhilmasa që sot njihet me emrin Tafilalet e cila bie në jug te mbretërisë Marokene. Ai u rrit në një familje të njohur për dije, ku babai dhe gjyshi i tij ishin dijetarët e atyre zonave.     Udhëtimet në kërkimin e dijes dhe shërbimet e tij në dave (thirrje).   E lexoi kuranin te babai i tij dhe e mësoi atë përmendësh kur ishte 12 vjeç, pastaj mësoi texhuidin te shehu dhe kënduesi Ahmed bin Salih, pastaj u lidh me shehun Muhamed Seidi bin Habibullah El-Tendegi El-Shenkiti dhe filloi mësimin përmendësh të "Mukhtesar Khalil (Përmbledhja e Halilit)"[2]. Lexoi tek ai rregullat e gjuhës arabe dhe fikhun Maliki derisa shehu e linte zëvendës kur nuk ishte i pranishëm. Pas vdekjes së shehut ai u drejtua për kërkimin e dijes atëherë nga dijetarët e Uexhdes dhe Fasit derisa u diplomua nga universiteti El-Kurraui'in.   Pastaj udhëtoi për në Kajro për të kërkuar dijen e hadithit ku takohet me disa shehë si shehu Abdudhahir Ebu El-Semh, shehu Rashid Rida, shehu Muhamed El-Ramali e të tjerë. Gjithashtu prezantoi në mësimet e nivelit të lartë në El-Ez'her dhe qëndroi në Egjipt afërsisht një vit duke thirrur në akiden e selefëve dhe duke luftuar shirkun dhe ateizmin. Pastaj pas haxhit u drejtua për në Indi për të plotësuar dëshirën e tij për dijen e hadithit dhe atje takohet me dijetarë të mëdhenj duke marrë e dhënë dije. Prej dijetarëve më të mëdhenj që takoi ishte muhadithi, dijetari i madh dhe shehu Abdurrahman bin Abdurrahim El-Mubarekfuri, autori i librit "Tuhfet-ul-Eh'uedhi Bisherh Xhami El-Termidhi (Dhurata e të Vendosurit në Shpjegim të Përmbledhjes së Termidhiut)" dhe mori prej tij dijen e hadithit e i dha licencë në hadith, gjë që e ka shënuar në një poezi ku nxit nxënësit e dijes të kapen pas hadithit e të përfitojnë prej këtij libri dhe kjo poezi është botuar në vëllimin e 4 sipas botimit indian. Gjithashtu ka qëndruar te shehu Muhamed bin Husein bin Muhsin El-Hadidi El-Ensari El-Jemani i cili kishte zbritur në Indi atë kohë dhe lexoi tek ai disa pjesë të gjashtë librave të sunetit duke e licencuar edhe ky gjithashtu.   Pastaj nga India u drejtua për në El-Zubejr (El-Basra) në Irak ku u takua me dijetarin Mauritanian selefi, shehun Muhamed El-Emin El-Shenkiti -ky nuk është autori i librit Ed'ua El-Bejan- ; përfitoi nga dija e tij dhe qëndroi në Irak tre vjet. Pastaj udhëtoi për në Arabinë Saudite duke kaluar nga Egjipti ku El-Seid Muhamed Rida i dha një porosi për te mbreti Abdulaziz Alu El-Su'ud ku shkruhej: "Muhamed Tekiudin El-Hilali është më i miri që vjen tek ju prej dijetarëve, prandaj shpresoj të përfitoni prej dijes së tij". Kështu ai qëndroi nën miqësinë e mbretit Abdulaziz disa muaj derisa u emërua përgjegjës i mësimeve në xhaminë e profetit dhe qëndruar atje dy vjet. Pastaj u zhvendos në xhaminë e Qabes dhe në institutin shkencor saudian në Mekë ku qëndroi atje 1 vit. Pastaj i erdhën letra nga Indonezia e India që e ftonin për të dhënë mësim në shkollat e tyre dhe ai i jep përparësi ftesës së Sulejman El-Nedeui duke shpresuar të ndiqte studimet universitare në Indi. Ai u bë kryetari i mësuesve të letërsisë arabe në fakultetin Neduet Al-Ulema në Leknehu në Indi ku qëndroi tre vjet dhe mësoi atje gjuhën angleze por nuk arriti të ndjekë mësimet universitare. Atje me sugjerimin e sheh Sulejman El-Nedeui dhe me ndihmën e nxënësit të tij Mesud Alim El-Nedeui nxori revistën El-Dija. Pastaj kthye në El-Zubejr (El-Basra) ku qëndroi tre vjet si mësues në shkollën El-Nexhat El-Ehlije të lartpërmendur.   Pastaj udhëtoi për në Gjenevë në Zvicër dhe qëndroi te shoku i tij prijësi i Bejanit Shekib Arsllan dhe deshi të studionte në një nga universitet e Anglisë por nuk pati mundësi. Atëherë prijësi Shekib Arsllan i shkroi një letër një shokut të tij në ministrinë e jashtme gjermane dhe i tha: Kam një djalë maroken shkrimtar që nuk ka hyrë në gjermani njeri si ai, do të studiojë në një nga universitetet, shpresoj ti gjeni atij një vend pune si mësues i letërsisë arabe me rrogë që ta ndihmojë në studime. Shumë shpejt erdhi përgjigjja e pranimit dhe kështu sheh El-Hilali udhëtoi për në Gjermani dhe u emërua mësues në universitetin e Bonit e filloi mësimin e gjuhës gjermane. Pas një viti u diplomua në të dhe u bë nxënës në universitet ndërkohë që ishte edhe mësues aty. Në atë kohë përktheu shumë nga gjuha gjermane në arabisht e anasjelltas dhe pas tre vjetësh në Bon u zhvendos për në universitetin e Berlinit si nxënës, mësues dhe përgjegjës i radios arabe. Në vitin 1940 paraqiti temën e doktoratës ku rrëzoi idetë e orientalistëve si Martin Harthmen, Karl Brokelman. Titulli i temës për mbrojtjen e doktoratës ishte "Përkthim i parathënies së librit El-Xhemahir minel-Xheuahir dhe analiza e tij" ku komisioni i provimit dhe i shqyrtimit i përbërë prej 10 dijetarëve ranë bashkërisht dakord që ti jepet atij grada doktor në letërsinë arabe.   Gjatë luftës së dytë botërore shehu udhëtoi për në Marok dhe në vitin 1947 udhëtoi për në Irak ku dha mësim në kolegjin El-Melike Alija në Bagdat deri në përmbysjen ushtarake të shtetit dhe u largua për në Marok në vitin 1959. Gjatë qëndrimit të tij në Marok -vendi i prejardhjes së tij- filloi thirrjen në teuhid, largimin nga shirku dhe ecjen sipas brezave të parë të mirë. Po në këtë vit 1959 u emërua mësues në universitetin e Muhamed El-Hamis në Ribat e pastaj në degën e saj në Fas. Në vitin 1968 mori një ftesë nga shehu i nderuar Abdul-Aziz bin Baz drejtor i universitetit islamik në El-Medine El-Muneura në atë kohë për të punuar mësues në universitet si përfaqësues i Marokut. Sheh El-Hilali e pranoi ftesën dhe qëndroi duke punuar atje deri në vitin 1974 ku e la universitetin dhe u kthye në qytetin e Miknasit në Marok për të qenë i lirë në thirrjen për tek Allahu. Filloi duke dhënë mësime nëpër xhami dhe duke bredhur të gjitha anët e Marokut për të përhapur thirrjen e të parëve tanë të mirë. Gjithashtu shkruante rregullisht në revistën El-Fet'h të Muhibudin El-Hatib dhe në revistën El-Menar të Muhamed Rashid Rida -Allahu i mëshiroftë të gjithë-.     Mësuesit   Sheh Muhamed Seidi bin Habibullah El-Shenkiti   Sheh Abdurrahman bin Abdurrahim El-Mubarekfuri   Sheh Muhamed bin El-Arabi El-Aleui   Sheh El-Fatimi El-Shuradi   Sheh Ahmed Sukeiraxh   Sheh Muhamed bin Husein bin Muhsin El-Hadidi El-Ensari El-Jemani   Sheh Muhamed El-Emin El-Shenkiti (jo autori i Ed'ua El-Bejan)   Sheh Rashid Rida   Sheh Muhamed bin Ibrahim   Disa dijetarë të Universitetit të El-Kurrauiin   Disa dijetarë të universitetit të El-Ez'her     Vdekja    Ditën e hënë më 25 Sheval të vitit 1407 sipas hixhretit apo 22 qershor 1987 i ndodhi një fatkeqësi e madhe ymetit mysliman që është e vështirë për lapsin ta përshkruajë, humbja e sheh Tekiudin El-Hilali -Allahu e mëshiroftë-. Kjo ndodhi në shtëpinë e tij në El-Dar El-Beida në Marok. Xhenazen e tij e kanë përcjellë një grup i madh njerëzish me në krye dijetarë, intelektualë dhe politikanë.   Profeti alejhi selam ka thënë: "Allahu nuk e largon dijen duke e hequr atë me forcë prej njerëzve, por e largon atë me vdekjen e dijetarëve, derisa kur nuk mbetet asnjë dijetar njerëzit u shkojnë pas injorantëve të cilët kur pyeten japin përgjigje pa dije duke humbur vetë dhe njerëzit" E transmeton Buhariu.   E lusim Allahun me bujarinë e tij ta mëshirojë shehun me mëshirë të madhe dhe ta fusë atë në xhenetin e tij të madh!   Tregon një njeri që ka pas ndenjur me sheh Muhamed Tekiudin El-Hilali -Allahu e mëshiroftë- dhe shehu e ka pas vizituar atë në shtëpinë e tij e që është El-Seid Abdulilah El-Sherkaui El-Ribati i cili rri në këtë kohë në Marok; se djali i xhaxhait të shehut që njihet në Marok si El-Hilali, i ka treguar atij:   Sheh Muhamed Tekiudin El-Hilali në ditët e fundit të jetës së tij ishte sëmurë i shtrirë në krevat, nuk kishte mundësi të merrte abdes dhe merrte tejemum. Ai -Allahu e mëshiroftë- nuk e shihte të lejueshme marrjen tejemum me gurë por merrte me dhe, prandaj në shtëpi kishte një qese që e mbushte me dhe për këtë arsye dhe kur i thoshin merr tejemum me gurë thoshte: Jo, se kështu ka vepruar profeti alejhi selam ( me dhe). Një ditë u thotë njerëzve të tij: Më sillni ujë për abdes. Merr abdes, fal dy rekate pastaj shtrihet në dyshek dhe u thotë atyre që kishte në shtëpi: Kush prej jush di të lexojë mirë Kuran? Njëri prej tyre i lexon suren Jasin dhe ai dëgjonte derisa e mbaroi. Pastaj ai i thotë: Ma përsërit edhe njëherë që nga fjala e Allahut: "A nuk e sheh njeriu se ne e kemi krijuar prej një pike lëngu e pastaj bëhet kundërshtar i hapur". Lexuesi e përsërit leximin derisa mbaron ajetin: "Na mori ne një shembull duke harruar krijimin e tij dhe tha: Kush i ringjall kockat e brejtura"   Shehu e ngre gishtin lart nga qielli sikur po thoshte: Allahu është ai që i ringjall kockat e brejtura. Në atë kohë i del shpirti që Allahu e mëshiroftë atë me mëshirë të madhe dhe na dhëntë neve dhe juve përfundim të mirë! Amin!     Kanë thënë për të:     Muhamed Rrashid Rida:   Sheh Muhamed Rashid Rida i ka shkruar një letër mbretit Abdulaziz Alu El-Su'ud -Allahu i mëshiroftë të dy- ku i ka thënë:   "Muhamed Tekiudin El-Hilali nga Maroku është më i miri që ka ardhur te ju prej ulemave të rajonit dhe shpresoj të përfitoni prej tij!"     Muhibudin El-Hatib   El-Hilali është prej më të mirëve prej nesh për të cilët dëshmon lindja dhe perëndimi për meritat e tyre, arabët dhe joarabët, myslimanët dhe jomyslimanët. Në El-Hixhaz është dritë në flamur për famën dhe meritat që ka. Në Indi është ulur në podiumin e mësuesit në universitet më të mira të saj. Në Irak është i njohur për këmbënguljen e tij në shërbim të ymetit dhe kujdesin e tij në të mirën e tij. Tani ai është në Gjermani dhe ka konsideratë të madhe te administrata e universitetit të Bonit ku jep mësim. Mësuesi El-Hilali është personalitet ndërkombëtar, largpamës dhe njohës i mirë i lindjes dhe perëndimit.     Abdul-Hamid bin Badis   "Maroku ka një bir dijetari të sjellshëm me prejardhje nga Beni Hilal të cilin e ka lindur perëndimi i largët. Ai është dijetari i madh Muhamed Tekiudin El-Hilali, mësues në Indi. Ky mësues ka famë të madhe si dijetar e reformator në lindje dhe artikuj tringëllues në gazeta."     Hamad El-Ensari   "Në të vërtetë nuk jam takuar me njeri që të ketë dije të madhe në shumë fusha si Dr. El-Hilali. Kam kaluar 45 vjet deri tani dhe nuk kam parë si ai.   Ka pas njohur disa gjuhë: Hebraisht, gjermanisht, anglisht, spanjisht dhe shto këtu edhe arabishten që sikur të kishte jetuar në kohën El-Esmai do të kishte dëshmuar se është imami i arabishtes. Ka jetuar në Irak një farë kohe pas largimit nga El-Medine, është martuar atje dhe ka qenë poet që dallohej për cilësi të rralla……Ai është shehu im dhe kam përfituar shumë prej tij. Ka qenë selefi në akide dhe sikur ta lexosh librin e tij për teuhidin do të thoshe se nuk e njeh njeri teuhidin e Kuranit si ai."     Sheh Ibn Baz   Sheh Ibn Baz -Allahu e mëshiroftë- ka thënë në librin e tij të shënimeve (Tuhfet El-Ih'uan) që e ka shënuar pasi e ka marr vesh vdekjen e tij dhe ka shkruar: Vdiq shehu dhe dijetari i madh Dr. Muhamed Tekiudin bin Abdul-Kadir El-Hilali El-Haseni në El-Dar El-Beida në Marok ditën martë më, 27 Sheval të vitit 1407 të hixhretit, Allahu e mëshiroftë atë me mëshirë të madhe dhe ia shumëfishoftë të mirat!   Ka lindur në muajin Muharrem të vitit 1311 të hixhretit. Kështu më ka treguar vetë ai gojazi në El-Medine dhe i bie të ketë jetuar 97 vjet pa dy muaj e ca ditë.   Ai ka qenë dijetar me merita duke dhënë mundin e tij në thirrjen për tek Allahu i madhëruar kudo që ka qenë. Ka shëtitur në shumë vende dhe ka thirrur për tek Allahu i madhëruar në Evropë një farë kohe, në Indi dhe në gadishullin arabik.   Ka dhënë mësim në universitetin islamik në El-Medine El-Muneuara dhe është autor i disa librave si "El-Hedijeh El-Hadieh Lil-Tarikah El-Tixhanieh" (Dhurata Udhëzuese për Sektin Tixhani), se në fillim të jetës së tij ka qenë tixhani pastaj pasi e shpëtoi Allahu prej tij shkroi kundër tyre dhe ua zbuloi të metat. Prej librave të tij të fundit është "Sebil El-Rashad" (Rruga e Arsyes).   Ka lënë 2 djem dhe 2 ose 3 vajza të cilëve Allahu u dhëntë sukses dhe ua rregulloftë gjendjen! Xhenazen ia ka falur një grup i madh njerëzish dhe është varrosur në varrezën e El-Dar El-Beida. Lus Allahun të na bashkojë me të në shtëpinë e bujarisë dhe t'jua zëvendësojë atë myslimanëve me të tjerë të mirë!     Muhamed Nasirudin El-Albani   Sheh Muhamed Nasirudin El-Albani e ka pas konsideruar si një prej pesë vetave që nuk ka parë si ata në dije dhe në studime: Ibn Baz, Tekiudin El-Hilali, Abdurrahman El-Mubarekfuri, Bedi'udin El-Sindi dhe El-Shenkiti -Allahu i mëshiroftë të gjithë!-     Librat e tij   Librat e sheh Tekiudin El-Hilali janë të shumta dhe mbledhja e tyre nuk është e lehtë se janë shkruar në periudha kohore të ndryshme dhe në vende të ndryshme dhe po


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 02:53AM  

    dawa-news - Social Mention
    Tamaam Musalmano Ko Ittalaa Di Jaati Hai Ke Computer, Laptop, Wagairah Ki Mash'hoor-O-Ma'aroof Company 📵 APPLE Ne Android Market Me Malaa'oonKhabees Mirza Gulam Ahmad Qadiyani Ke Tarjuma Wala Quran Shareef Upload Kar Diya Hai Jis Mein Is Malaa'oon Ko NABI Mana Gaya Hai Hamari Tamam Bhai-Behano Se PurZor.Guzarish (Appeal) Hai Ki Facebook aur watsap K zariye Poori Duniya Mein Ye Maaloomat (News) Failaa De. Aur Jaha Tak Mumkin Ho Sake Is Company Ka Boycott Ka Ailaan Karen NOTE: - Mirza Gulam Ahmad Qadiyani Wo Khabees Hai Jis Ne NABI Hone Ka Dawa Kiya Tha Aur Tamaam NABIYON Ka Inkaar Aur Unki Shaan Me GUSTAKHI Ki Thi.. (MaazALLAH)
    Dec 6th 2013, 02:22
    There is news circulating that CASURECO 3 will be having a press conference at 9 am (PST) today to announce which areas will resume having electricity. Apparently not all areas ay migkakuryente na. Business disctrict daw po ang priority.
    Dec 5th 2013, 23:41
    "Hoy Sean Guinoo! Garo baga nalilibang ka kakabasa igdi ay. Last ko kayang tanda ika ang News Editor?Managing Editor kang ThePillars. Or baka lingaw ka kang dapat mong ginigibo sige ka lang basang kalibugan igdi? Pakarayi daw nonoy. 50 pesos baga ang publication fee. Anong ta sige kang palakpalak igdi? Kala man pati nindo kung sirisay kamong mauurag mayo man ngni kamong nai pupublish maray rahay na issue. Read. Know. React pa naman ang motto nindo dyan. Mayo man anything to Read, so what is there to know? Ika lang garo ang ma React igdi." - GiveUsBackThePillars, College of Arts and Sciences, AB LAPA KA! 2 and quarters from now
    Dec 5th 2013, 20:32
    [EXCITING NEWS] The AlMaghrib Family just got BIGGER, ma sha Allah tabarak Allah! At this year's IlmFest in Michigan & South Florida (this weekend), TWO new instructors will be announced! Can you guess who they are from br Boonaa's tips?
    Dec 5th 2013, 20:14
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 02:51AM  

    Dawah Vidéos Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Dawah Vidéos Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Salam Alaykum est-ce qu'il y a des boutiques islamique a auxerre ou aux alentour...
    Dec 6th 2013, 02:32
    Salam Alaykum est-ce qu'il y a des boutiques islamique a auxerre ou aux alentours pour les hijab car une soeur désire le porter
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 02:45AM  

    Brotherhood In Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Brotherhood In Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Dec 6th 2013, 02:21
    Filipino Technician Tests Mosque Audio With Amazing Voice!
    Our brother, a Filipino audio technician tested a mosque microphone revealing a pleasant surprise on Wednesday. He set up the sound test inside the mosque with a beautiful recitation of the opening verses of Sura Yusuf. Puts to shame those who are racist and mistreat expats. HIT: ✦LIKE✦ ✦SHARE✦ Join: Brotherhood In Islam Download your free e-book: A Collection of Sayings on Brotherhood in Islam
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 05 02:28PM  

    Sei nicht traurig; Allah ist mit den Geduldigen.s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Sei nicht traurig; Allah ist mit den Geduldigen.s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Das trockene Auge kommt vom harten Herz. Das harte Herz kommt von vielen Sündige...
    Dec 5th 2013, 14:00
    Das trockene Auge kommt vom harten Herz. Das harte Herz kommt von vielen Sündigen. Das Sündigen kommt von vergessen des Todes. Das vergessen des Todes kommt von der liebe zur Dunja. Die Liebe zur Dunja ist der Beginn jeden Übels!
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 05 01:46PM  

    Ideal Muslims Facebook-Pinnwand
    Ideal Muslims Facebook-Pinnwand
    "When all the ingredients are present, and you've been working hard to make some...
    Dec 5th 2013, 12:54
    "When all the ingredients are present, and you've been working hard to make something happen, and it doesn't happen, then remember, the decision of Allah wasn't there."
    Allah decides, not us!
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Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 20 Themen
Dec 6th 2013, 03:30, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 03:21AM  

    Islamisten | Islamismus | in Deutschland und Europa
    Islamisten und Islamismus in Deutschland und Europa. Salafisten und Salafismus. Was sind Salafisten? Was ist Salafismus? Was ist Islamismus? Was sind Islamisten?
    Your 8 hourly digest for Salafismus in Facebook ; Salafisten Islam Koran Moschee
    Dec 6th 2013, 03:04
    Salafismus in Facebook ; Salafisten Islam Koran Moschee Hier werden Nachrichten über den radikalen Salafismus veröffentlicht. Was sind Salafisten? (Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr) Diese Seite richtet sich nicht gegen Muslime und den Islam.Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren. Es ist wichtig über Fanatiker aufzuklären, um den Frieden und die Freiheit zu sichern. Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben, egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion. Fun with Brazilian Portuguese
    Learn the tips and tricks to speak colloquial Portuguese in a natural and confident manner. Enroll today for just $69! From our sponsors Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 21 Themen Dec 6th 2013, 02:28, by Nahsaka Lasbhan Übersicht über die heutigen Themen Gruppe: No Democracys Facebook-Pinnwand: David Cameron accepted an all-expenses paid trip to apartheid South Africa while... [1 Aktualisierung] 99 Names of Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand: by Armin [1 Aktualisierung] Understand IslaMs Facebook-Pinnwand: What Babri Masjid says on December,6,every year *****************************... [1 Aktualisierung] Understand IslaMs Facebook-Pinnwand: Asalam o Alykum warehmatulah wabrkathu please share [1 Aktualisierung] Understand IslaMs Facebook-Pinnwand: Please share [2 Aktualisierungen] Uploads by AbdulMalikLovesAllah: Die Gruppe des Unheils (Al Madakhila) - Abu Abdullah [1 Aktualisierung] Ich Liebe Muslimes Facebook-Pinnwand: [1 Aktualisierung] Die wahre Religions Facebook-Pinnwand: [1 Aktualisierung] domeus - Neues von Neue mp3 zu verschiedene Themen [1 Aktualisierung] domeus - Neues von Abu AL-Hussain - Sûra 15 Al-Hiǧr (Die Auswanderung) [1 Aktualisierung] domeus - Neues von Der Bock zum Gärtner [1 Aktualisierung] domeus - Neues von Abdul Adhim – Die Läuterung der Seele (Teil 1 -14) [1 Aktualisierung] New Subscription Videos for taylinlove21: Gegen wen kämpft man in Syrien - Abu Abdullah [1 Aktualisierung] New Subscription Videos for taylinlove21: Die Gruppe des Unheils (Al Madakhila) - Abu Abdullah [1 Aktualisierung] Islam & Liebe - für die Ewigkeits Facebook-Pinnwand: .../-Rümeysa Ba [1 Aktualisierung] Bei uns wird Liebe: ALLAH genannts Facebook-Pinnwand: Yâ Allah, lass mich den lieben den auch Du liebst & der auch dich liebt. Amin.... [1 Aktualisierung] Bei uns wird Liebe: ALLAH genannts Facebook-Pinnwand: Jeder Anfang hat ein : Bismillahrrahmanirrahim. Jedes Ende hat ein : Elhamdulill... [1 Aktualisierung] Wahrє Liebє ist nur bєi dir Allah (!)s Facebook-Pinnwand: Du bist Stolzer Araber, Kurde oder Türke ? .....liebe Geschwister im Deen,So... [1 Aktualisierung] MUSLIME IN AUGSBURGs Facebook-Pinnwand: Eines Nachts betrat Umar ibn Abdul-Aziz (rahimahullah) eine Moschee während es s... [1 Aktualisierung] Einladung zum Paradies Facebook-Pinnwand: Ein Wort voll Güte und Milde ist besser als eine unfreundliche Gabe.(2. Sure 264) [1 Aktualisierung] Ansaar International e.V.s Facebook-Pinnwand: Der erste Monat eurer Patenschaften hat begonnen - möge Allah euch Jannatul Fird... [4 Aktualisierungen] No Democracys Facebook-Pinnwand: David Cameron accepted an all-expenses paid trip to apartheid South Africa while... Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 02:27AM

    No Democracys Facebook-Pinnwand

    No Democracys Facebook-Pinnwand

    David Cameron accepted an all-expenses paid trip to apartheid South Africa while...
    Dec 6th 2013, 01:59

    David Cameron accepted an all-expenses paid trip to apartheid South Africa while Nelson Mandela was still in prison, an updated biography of the Tory leader reveals today.
    The trip by Mr Cameron in 1989, when he was a rising star of the Conservative Research Department, was a chance for him to "see for himself" and was funded by a firm that lobbied against the imposition of sanctions on the apartheid regime.
    Critics described it as a "sanctions-busting jolly" that raised questions about the character of the man who, after a week when the Government's credibility on the economy hit a new low, is now on course to be prime minister in a little more than a year's time.
    Mr Cameron will portray himself as prime minister-in-waiting today when he addresses his party's spring conference in Cheltenham with a promise to introduce a "government of thrift".
    The trip is revealed for the first time in a newly updated edition of Cameron: The Rise of the New Conservative, by James Hanning, the deputy editor of The Independent on Sunday, and Francis Elliott, the deputy political editor of The Times.
    Mr Cameron's office insisted the visit by the 23-year-old future leader was a "fact-finding mission" that took place 20 years ago, and the Thatcher government was opposed to sanctions against South Africa at the time.
    He met union leaders and black opposition politicians, including the head of the left-wing Pan Africanist Congress (PAC) during the trip, a spokesman said. The trip was organised and funded by Strategy Network International (SNI), created in 1985 specifically to lobby against the imposition of sanctions on South Africa.
    Yet when asked by the authors if Mr Cameron wrote a memo or had to report back to the office about his trip, Alistair Cooke – in 1989 his boss at Central Office – said it was "simply a jolly", adding: "It was all terribly relaxed, just a little treat, a perk of the job. The Botha regime was attempting to make itself look less horrible, but I don't regard it as having been of the faintest political consequence."
    In 2006, shortly after becoming Tory leader, Mr Cameron tried to make amends for his party's record on South Africa by visiting Nelson Mandela, by then President, at the same time as suggesting the party's policy from the 1980s was from another era that he did not belong to. He said at the time: "The mistakes my party made in the past with respect to relations with the African National Congress and sanctions on South Africa make it all the more important to listen now.
    "The fact that there is so much to celebrate in the new South Africa is not in spite of Mandela and the ANC; it is because of them – and we Conservatives should say so clearly today."
    But what was not known, and which sheds new light on the 2006 meeting with Mr Mandela, was that Mr Cameron himself paid an official visit to the country under the apartheid regime. Civil servants and advisers were told not to go on such trips, the book reveals.
    Peter Hain, the former Cabinet minister and prominent anti-apartheid campaigner, said last night: "David Cameron asks us to judge a leader's character – well, Gordon Brown at this time was active in the anti-apartheid movement, while Cameron was enjoying a sanctions-busting jolly. That is a measure of character.
    "This just exposes his hypocrisy because he has tried to present himself as a progressive Conservative, but just on the eve of the apartheid downfall, and Nelson Mandela's release from prison, when negotiations were taking place about a transfer of power, here he was being wined and dined on a sanctions-busting visit.
    "This is the real Conservative Party, shown by the fact that his colleagues who used to wear 'Hang Nelson Mandela' badges at university are now sitting on the benches around him. Their leader at the time Margaret Thatcher described Mandela as a terrorist."
    A spokeswoman for Mr Cameron said: "Yes, he did go to South Africa. He met with anti-apartheid campaigners, he met opposition politicians when he was out there, including Zeth Mothopeng, the head of the PAC.
    "It was a fact-finding mission that happened 20 years ago. He met union leaders and was shown around mines. The position of the Conservative Party at that time was against sanctions."
    The trip was offered to the Conservative Research Department by Derek Laud, who was employed by SNI and was later a Big Brother

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    99 Names of Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand: by Armin Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 02:23AM

    99 Names of Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand

    99 Names of Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand

    by Armin
    Dec 6th 2013, 02:04

    by Armin

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    Understand IslaMs Facebook-Pinnwand: What Babri Masjid says on December,6,every year *****************************... Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 02:22AM

    Understand IslaMs Facebook-Pinnwand

    Understand IslaMs Facebook-Pinnwand

    What Babri Masjid says on December,6,every year

    Dec 6th 2013, 02:00

    What Babri Masjid says on December,6,every year


    Listen to me Oh the people of the world!,

    Razed to the ground ,but I shall remain;

    In the living memories of all the humans ,

    Who have some conscience, and are sane.

    My physical form may have disappeared,

    But my history has broadened my domain;

    I have occupied a place, none can forget,

    My shameless foes have nothing to gain.

    My agony will shake heavens and earth,

    Wait for the time, you will realize my pain;

    Those who are happy with their misdeeds,

    Will soon find me as a dangerous terrain.

    Law and justice will weep over their fate,

    When my long story will strike their brain;

    Like a ghost I will chase my tormentors,

    Through every house, road,street and lane.



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    Understand IslaMs Facebook-Pinnwand: Asalam o Alykum warehmatulah wabrkathu please share Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 02:22AM

    Understand IslaMs Facebook-Pinnwand

    Understand IslaMs Facebook-Pinnwand

    Asalam o Alykum warehmatulah wabrkathu
    please share
    Dec 6th 2013, 02:17

    Asalam o Alykum warehmatulah wabrkathu
    please share

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    Understand IslaMs Facebook-Pinnwand: Please share Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 02:22AM

    Understand IslaMs Facebook-Pinnwand

    Understand IslaMs Facebook-Pinnwand

    Please share
    Dec 6th 2013, 02:21

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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 02:22AM

    Understand IslaMs Facebook-Pinnwand

    Understand IslaMs Facebook-Pinnwand

    Please share
    Dec 6th 2013, 02:19

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    Uploads by AbdulMalikLovesAllah: Die Gruppe des Unheils (Al Madakhila) - Abu Abdullah Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 02:21AM

    Uploads by AbdulMalikLovesAllah

    Die Gruppe des Unheils (Al Madakhila) - Abu Abdullah
    Dec 6th 2013, 01:52

    Die Gruppe des Unheils (Al Madakhila) - Abu Abdullah

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    Nonprofits & Activism

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    Ich Liebe Muslimes Facebook-Pinnwand: Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 02:14AM

    Ich Liebe Muslimes Facebook-Pinnwand

    Ich Liebe Muslimes Facebook-Pinnwand

    Dec 6th 2013, 01:40

    Erster Muslim Astronaut im Weltall beim Gebet


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 03:15AM  

    Sunnah Beards Facebook-Pinnwand
    Sunnah Beards Facebook-Pinnwand
    Dec 6th 2013, 02:21
    Filipino Technician Tests Mosque Audio With Amazing Voice!
    Our brother, a Filipino audio technician tested a mosque microphone revealing a pleasant surprise on Wednesday. He set up the sound test inside the mosque with a beautiful recitation of the opening verses of Sura Yusuf. Puts to shame those who are racist and mistreat expats. HIT: ✦LIKE✦ ✦SHARE✦ Join: Brotherhood In Islam Download your free e-book: A Collection of Sayings on Brotherhood in Islam
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 03:04AM  

    dawah news - Social Mention
    Ultimately he died a disbeliever. #Mandela #Unfortunate May Allah be happy with us when he takes our souls.
    Dec 5th 2013, 23:19
    People can be lazy in their thinking (This is a problem I face ALWAYS). How can you identify whether someone is lazy? When a muslim looks at 9 different news stories which get reported at different times of the year reporting an incident of the same nature, and the person can only think of one angle to comment on that news story. We should be in the practice of thinking of innovative ways to communicate different points on the same issue. So for an example when you see non muslim sex offenders being reported on the news, rather than saying "imagine if this was a muslim, it would have been on the front page". You could perhaps make an ideological point on how due to the ethos of this western society on sex and the view of women, it endangers women from walking the streets, and in fact in their homes which should be a place where you are at the most secure location. While Islam would be able to give that security and safety to women which capitalism is FAILING to provide. By organising men and women's instinct so that they may be able to attain fulfilment without encroaching on someone else's right. As well as placing 5 deterrents within the society, the last of which is stoning the culprit to death for committing the act of rape, so that it protects women and keeps them safe. This is only an example to illustrate a point. I make dua that Allah helps us with our efforts in the dawah and may Allah free us from laziness. Ameen thumma ameen By Altafkeer Fe Al-Islam
    Dec 5th 2013, 22:47
    Harbinder Khatkar, 37, attacked women over nine hours in Derby from midnight on February 1, including two in their own home.
    #CAIR: U.S. Muslim Group Calls Nelson Mandela's Death a Loss for All Humanity (WASHINGTON, D.C., 12/5/13) - The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation's largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, today said that the death of Nelson Mandela is a loss for all humanity and that the South African leader will remain an example to those fighting for human rights. In a statement reacting to news of Mandela's death, CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad said: "Throughout his life, Nelson Mandela served as an example of strength in adversity to all those fighting for freedom and justice. His legacy of uncompromising perseverance in the face of bigotry and injustice will live on for generations to come. "He was a unique historic figure. From his jail cell, he demonstrated vision and courage, and taught the world the true meaning of steadfastness. Outside his cell, he demonstrated statesmanship, reconciliation and pragmatism. "As the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: 'For every day on which the sun rises, there is a (reward) for the one who establishes justice among people.'" CAIR cited the famous Mandela quote: "I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die." CAIR is America's largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding. Become a Fan of CAIR on Facebook Subscribe to CAIR's E-Mail List Subscribe to CAIR's Twitter Feed Subscribe to CAIR's YouTube Channel - END – CONTACT: CAIR National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper, 202-744-7726, E-Mail:
    Dec 5th 2013, 22:21
    MISSION STATEMENT It is our position that shariah law imposes second class status on women and is incompatible with the standards of liberal Western societies and the basic principles of human rights that include equality under the law and the protection of individual freedoms. The shariah code mandates the complete authority of men over women, including the control of their movement, education, marital options, clothing, bodies, place of residence and all other aspects of their existence. Further, it calls for the beating, punishment, and murder of women who don't comply with shariah requirements. In our efforts to stem the encroachment of shariah in the West, we are focusing on the following objectives: Education of the American public about the inherent human rights violations and the attempt to undermine or replace U.S. law and American statutes with Islamic shariah Publicizing of important issues related to sharia requirements such as honor killings, forced marriages, child marriage, polygamy, female genital mutilation, violence against women, etc. Alerting policy makers and legislators to potential human rights and equal rights violations and working toward the development of possible remedies and legal actions Building coalitions with like-minded organizations to develop policy initiatives and interventions for victims of shariah. IMPORTANT TERMS Shariah: an all-encompassing and in-transmutable system of Islamic jurisprudence, found in the Koran and the Sunnah, that covers all aspect of life, including daily routines, hygiene, familial roles and responsibilities, social order and conduct, directives on relationships with Muslims and non-Muslims, religious obligations, financial dealings and many other facets of living. Ird: the sexual purity of a woman that confers honor to her husband, family and community. Ird is based on the traditional standards of behavior set forth in the shariah code and includes subservience to male relatives, modest dress which could include veiling and the covering of the body, and restricted movement outside of the home. The loss of a woman's ird confers shame upon her family and can result in ostracism by the community, economic damage, political consequences and the loss of self esteem. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zina: the Koranic word for sexual relations outside of marriage. Under shariah law, Zina is punished by lashings, imprisonment or stoning to death. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FGM: female genital mutilation refers to the partial or complete removal of the female genitalia for religious and cultural reasons. It is practiced to preserve a female's chastity and dampen her sexual desire. FGM is permitted in the Koran but required by the Shafi'i, one of the four schools of shariah law within Sunni Islam. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Honor Killing: a murder, usually of a female, committed to restore the social and political standing of a family or community when it is believed that the victim has violated traditional behavioral expectations. Such violations can include improper covering of the body, appearing in public without a male relative chaperone, talking to an unrelated male, or exhibiting independence in thought and action. An honor killing can also be based on hearsay or gossip that is perceived as damaging to a woman's relatives. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Forced Marriage: a marriage that is conducted without the consent of one or both parties in which duress is a factor. Such duress can include violence or physical intimidation, psychological abuse, blackmailing, kidnapping, or threats of imprisonment or institutional confinement. ============================================================= SLAVERY IN ISLAM Islam permits the taking of slaves as "booty" or as a reward for waging jihad. Slavery became a Muslim tradition at the time that Mohammed moved to Medina and amassed sufficient power for the enslavement of non-Muslims. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slavery is an accepted part of Islamic society and is never viewed in a negative way in the Koran, Sira or Hadith. In fact, it is a God-given right for Muslims to have slaves. [6:7] Allah has given more of His gifts of material things to some rather than others. In the same manner, those who have more do not give an equal share to their slaves so that they would share equally. Would they then deny the favors of Allah. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Although Islam has sustained slavery for 1400 years, a Muslim may never be enslaved. Only non-believers or kafirs may be enslaved and may be eligible for freedom upon conversion to Islam at the discretion of the slave owner. Slavery is viewed as a moral good in Islam as it transforms a kafir into a believer. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slaves have no means for legal action in Islam and their rights are based solely on the good will of their master. If a slave flees his master, this is view as a sin against Allah. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slaves have few civil or legal rights. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The following are rules pertaining to slavery from the Shariah: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Muslim men may have sex with female slaves at any time and it is not possible to "rape" a slave. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) Slaves have the same status as animals and it is permissible to whip them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3) No Muslim can be put to death for murdering a slave. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) A slave's testimony is inadmissible in court. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5) Slaves can be forced to marry whomever their master chooses and may not choose their marriage mate. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6) Christians and Jews who do not pay the jizya or protection tax can be enslaved. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In his book, Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters, historian Robert Davis estimates that North African Muslims abducted and enslaved more than 1 million white Christian Europeans from the coastal towns from Sicily to Cornwall between 1530 and 1780. Muslim slavers also seized people from Britain, Ireland, Iceland and even American seaman on ships in the Atlantic. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In a recent case of Muslim slavery in the United States, Sarah Khonaizan and her husband Homaidan Al-Turki were arrested for forced labor, sexual abuse and harboring an alien for enslaving an Indonesian housekeeper in their home in Colorado . The couple reportedly brought the housekeeper to Colorado from Saudi Arabia to care for their five children and to cook and clean for the family. The Indonesian woman slept on the basement floor, was paid less than $2 per day and was the victim of rape. Al-Turki and his defense attorney complained that they were being persecuted for their beliefs and stated, "The state has criminalized these basic Muslim behaviors. Attacking traditional Muslim behaviors was the focal point of the prosecution." Al-Turki received letters of support from the local Muslim community and from his academic colleagues at the University of Colorado. This case continues to arouse strong feelings in Saudi Arabia where there is great sympathy and support for Al-Turki. On March 26, 2008, a high level Saudi official brought up the case in a meeting with Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff. He urged Americans to review the case and mentioned the strong support for Al-Turki in Saudi Arabia. ================================================================ Favorite Websites (FOR FUTURE VIEWING TO BE INFORMED) MGP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Answering Muslims American Islamic Forum for Democracy Art Against Radical Islam Cox & Forkum Dangers of Allah Debate it Out Honest Reporting Infidel Task Force Islam in Europe Investigative Project on Terror Jihad Watch Logan's Warning Money Jihad Muslims Against Sharia Pierre Rehov Principles of a Free Society Radarsite Shariah Finance Watch Stop Stoning The West, Islam, and Sharia Translating Jihad UN Watch Un:Dhimmi Vlad Tepes Weasel Zippers ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELIGION OF PEACE Thousands of Deadly Islamic Terror Attacks Since 9/11 IMPORTANT NOTE Click on the title of each story in order to go to the original news story. Women Against Shariah does not claim copyright on any of the stories. This site should be considered a repository of news stories relating to Islamic matters. We aim to put all relevant news on this site so our viewers can locate these important stories in one place. Thank you. ================================================================ ABOUT US Women Against Shariah The mission of Women Against Shariah is to prevent and outlaw the imposition of shariah law in the United States for both Muslim and American women as either a parallel legal system or a replacement for existing laws. Additionally, we hope to empower women worldwide to resist shariah. =============================================================== View my complete profile BLOG ARCHIVE LABELS Militant Islam (3235) Terror (2024) Jihad (1604) United States (1113) human rights abuses (1039) Oppression (978) Violence (835) Oppression of Women (812) Pakistan (782) Creeping Shariah (763) Persecution of Christians (745) Islam (704) UK (684) Shariah (683) Egypt (560) Al-Qaeda (493) Antisemitism (489) Iran (480) Women in Islam (423) Israel (402) Muslim Demands (396) Child Abuse (387) Iraq (326) Saudi Arabia (313) Afghanistan (311) Taliban (310) Censorship (307) Syria (303) Islamism (300) Arab Spring (282) Religious Fanaticism (271) Murder (269) Hamas (266) Islamic civil war (264) Honor Killing (235) Turkey (184) Christianity (167) Muslim Brotherhood (166) Protests (164) France (163) Somalians (160) India (158) Indonesia (151) Suicide Bombings (146) Muslims (141) Palestinians (139) Libya (134) Rape (132) EU (125) Nigeria (123) CAIR (122) Arab Antisemitism (113) Muhammad (113) Al Shabaab (112) Foreign Policy (110) Gaza (110) Canada (109) Homosexual Persecution (109) Mobs (109) Palestinian Authority (109) Yemen (109) War on Terror (108) Quran (103) Child Rape (101) Dhimmitude (101)


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 03:07AM  

    Abu Walaa - Social Mention
    #إعتقال عبدالرحمن سمير بـ #طنطا ؟ حد عنده معلومات زيادة؟
    Dec 6th 2013, 03:05
    7 pesan Nabi Muhammad SAW yang diwasiatkan kepada Abu Dzar Al Ghifari : 1. Cintailah dan dekatlah dengan orang-orang miskin. 2. Lihatlah orang yang berada dibawahmu dan jangan melihat orang yang berada diatasmu. 3. Sambunglah silaturrahmi kepada orang-orang meskipun mereka berlaku kasar padamu. 4. Perbanyaklah ucapan Laa haulaa walaa quwwata illaa billaah (tidak ada daya dan upaya kecuali dengan pertolongan Allah). 5. Katakanlah kebenaran meskipun pahit. 6. Jangan takut terhadap celaan orang dalam berdakwah menegakkan agama Allah. 7. Janganlah meminta-minta sesuatupun kepada manusia. Semoga sebagai umat Islam kita mampu menjalankan ke 7 wasiat tersebut agar senantiasa bersinar cahaya hati bagi sesama..Amiin..! @ aina smg
    Dec 6th 2013, 01:48
    لدي من الخيار اثنان . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . اكلت واحده و سبتلكو التانيه
    Dec 6th 2013, 01:06
    Turunnya Ayat Kursi & Keistimewaannya Ayat Kursi diturunkan pada suatu malam setelah Rasulullah SAW hijrah dari kota Makkah ke Madinah. Ayat Kursi ini diantarkan oleh beribu-ribu Malaikat. Kenapa sampai diantarkan beribu-ribu Malaikat? Karena Ayat ini adalah Ayat yang paling mulia didalam Al-Qur'an sehingga para Malaikat pun ikut mengiringi atas perintah Allah SWT. Mengingat keagungan Ayat Kursi ini, sampai-sampai Iblis dan Setanpun gempar karena menganggap Ayat ini sebagai penghalang bagi mereka dalam usahanya menggoda dan menjerumuskan manusia. Maka Rasulullah SAW segera memerintahkan Zaid bin Tsabit (juru tulis) untuk segera mencatat dan menyebarkannya seluruh ummat. Agar bisa diamalkan dalam kehidupan nyata mengingat betapa besarnya keistimewaan-ke istimewaan ayat ini. "ALLAAHU LAA ILAAHA ILLAA HUWAL HAYYUL QAYYUUMU. LAA TA'KHUDZUHU SINATUN WALAA NAUMU. LAHU MAA FIS SAMAAWAATI WAMAA FIL ARDHI. MAN DZAL LADZII YASYFA'U 'INDAHU ILLAA BI IDZNIHI. YA'LAMU MA BAINA AIDIIHIM WAMAA KHALFAHUM WALAA YUHIITHUUNA BISYAI IN MIN 'ILMIHI ILLAA BI MAASYAA'. WASI'A KURSIYYUHUS SAMAAWAATI WAL ARDHA. WALAA YA UUDUHU HIFDHUHUMAA WAHUWAL 'ALIYYUL 'ADHIIM." Artinya : "Allah, tidak ada Tuhan melainkan Dia yang Maha Kekal. Lagi terus menerus mengurus makhluk-Nya. Tidak pernah ngantuk dan tidak pernah tidur. Kepunyaan-Nya apa yang ada di langit dan di bumi. Siapakah yang dapat memberi syafa'at di sisi Allah tanpa seizin-Nya? Allah mengetahui apa-apa yang ada di depan mereka dan di belakang mereka. Dan mereka tidak mengetahui apa-apa dari ilmu Allah melainkan apa yang dikehendaki-Nya . Kursi Allah meliputi langit dan bumi, dan Allah tidak merasa berat memelihara keduanya. Dan Allah Maha Tinggi lagi Maha Besar." (Q.S. Al-Baqarah 255) Ayat Kursi adalah Ayat yang paling mulia didalam Al-Qur'an sebagaimana disebut dalam Hadits Rasulullah SAW : "Dari Ubay bin Ka'ab, bahwa Rasulullah SAW pernah bertanya kepadanya : "Ayat apakah yang paling agung di dalam Kitabullah (Al-Qur'an)?" "Allah dan Rasul-Nya lebih mengetahui." sahut Ubay bin Ka'ab. Maka Rasulullah SAW terus mengulang- ulang pertanyaan tersebut. Dan akhirnya Ubay bin Ka'ab menjawab,"Ayat Kursi." Kemudian Rasulullah SAW bersabda,"Engka u akan dilelahkan oleh ilmu wahai Abu Mundzir (sebutan Rasulullah kepada Ubay). Demi Dzat yang jiwaku ada di tangan-Nya, sesungguhnya Ayat Kursi itu mempunyai satu lidah dan dua bibir yang selalu mensucikan Al-Malik (Allah) di sisi tiang 'Arsy." (HR. Ahmad) BEBERAPA KEISTIMEWAAN AYAT KURSI Rasulullah SAW Bersabda : "Barangsiapa yang membaca Ayat Kursi menjelang tidur, maka Allah SWT akan mengirim (mengutus) Malaikat untuk menjaganya sampai pagi. Dan setan tidak akan mendekatinya (mengganggu) sampai pagi hari." (H.R. Bukhari) Dalam Hadits lain Rasulullah SAW juga Bersabda : "Barangsiapa membaca Ayat Kursi setiap selesai Shalat Wajib, maka tak ada penghalang baginya untuk masuk surga selain kematian." (HR. Thabrani – Nasa'i) SUBHANALLAH… Mari kita amalkan ayat kursi, dengan mengagungkan nama ALLAH, sucikan nama-Nya, dan mementingkan ibadah kepada ALLAH diatas segala aktivitas kita, yang senantiasa takut kepada-Nya terhadap dosa kecil maupun dosa besar. Mudah2n ALLAH senantiasa membimbing kita dalam keadaan iman dan ketakwaan kepada-Nya, dan semoga semua amal ibadah kita, diterima oleh ALLAH SWT. Aamiinn…
    Dec 6th 2013, 01:05
    #NelsonMandela "Every soul will taste death, and you will only be given your [full] compensation on the Day of Resurrection."(Quran 3:185) When a famous non Muslim dies you really get to see the Muslims who have understood and implemented walaa' wal baraa' Maybe it's just me but I can't have any love for a person who denies His Lord or associates partners with Him. The Prophet (saw) was asked what is the greatest sin? To which he (saw) replied: To associate partners with Allaah even though He created him. "It is not for the Prophet and those who have believed to ask forgiveness for the polytheists, even if they were relatives, after it has become clear to them that they are companions of Hellfire." (Quran 9:113)
    Dec 6th 2013, 00:18
    [[MENJAWAB ADZAN IN SYA' ALLAH KELAK MASUK SURGA]] بِسْــــــــــــــــــــــمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيْ Adzan adalah sebuah panggilan untuk kita supaya segera melaksanakan ibadah shalat . Apabila kita sedang mendengarkan suara adzan ,maka sebaiknya kita segera menghentikan segala aktifitas kita sambil menunggu adzan selesai . Dan kita hendaknya mengucapakan sebagaimana suara adzan tersebut kecuali pada bacaan '' Hayya alash sh alaa '' dan '' Hayya alal falaa ,maka mengucapkan : لاَ حَوْلَ وَلاَ قُوَّةَ إِلاَّ بِاللهِ '' La haula walaa quwwata illa billah " Rasulullah shallahu alaihiwasalam bersabda : " Apabila muadzin mengucapkan, "Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar," lalu salah seorang dari kalian menjawab, 'Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar', kemudian muadzin mengucapkan, 'Asyhadu Anla Ilaha Illallah,' dia menjawab,' 'Asyhadu Anla Ilaha Illallah', kemudian muadzin mengucapkan, 'Asyhadu Anna Muhammadar Rosulullah,' dia menjawab,' 'Asyhadu Anna Muhammadar Rosulullah', kemudian muadzin mengucapkan, 'Hayya Alash Sholah.' dia menjawab 'La Haula Wala Quwwata Illa Billah,' kemudian muadzin mengucapkan,'Hayya Alal Falah,' dia menjawab, 'La Haula Wala Quwwata Illa Billah,' kemudian muadzin mengucapkan,'Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar,' dia menjawab, 'Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar,' kemudian muadzin mengucapkan, 'La Ilaha Illallah,' dia menjawab ,'La Ilaha Illallah,' dan semua itu dari hatinya, niscaya dia masuk surga" (HR.Muslim) Nabi Muhammad bersabda : إِذَا سَمِعْتُمْ النِّدَاءَ فَقُولُوا مِثْلَ مَا يَقُولُ الْمُؤَذِّنُ "Apabila kalian mendengar azan, maka jawablah dengan seperti apa yang diucapkan muazzin." (HR. Al-Bukhari -Muslim) Kemudian setelah adzan selesai hendaknya kita membaca doa dibawah ini , sesuai dengan sabda Rasulullah saw yang berjanji akan memberikan syafaat kepada siapa yang sesudah adzan membaca doa yang didalamnya mengandung permohonan agar nabi Muhammad saw ditempatkan di al-Wasilah (derajat yang tertinggi di surga), sabda beliau: "Apabila kalian mendengar muadzin, maka ucapkanlah seperti yang dia ucapkan, kemudian bersholawatlah kepadaku, karena barang siapa bersholawat kepadaku satu kali niscaya Allah bersholawat kepadanya sepuluh kali. Kemudian memohonlah al-Wasilah (kedudukan tertinggi) kepada Allah untukku, karena itu adalah kedudukan di surga yang tidak layak kecuali untuk seorang hamba dari hamba-hamba Allah, dan aku berharap aku adalah hamba tersebut, barang siapa memohon al-Wasilah untukku niscaya dia (berhak) mendapatkan syafaat" (HR. Muslim 2/327) DOA SETELAH ADZAN اَللَّهُمَّ رَبَّ هَذِهِ الدَّعْوَةِ التَّامَّةِ، وَالصَّلاَةِ الْقَائِمَةِ، آتِ مُحَمَّدًا الْوَسِيْلَةَ وَالْفَضِيْلَةَ، وَابْعَثْهُ مَقَامًا مَحْمُوْدًا الَّذِيْ وَعَدْتَهُ،إِنَّكَ لاَ تُخْلِفُ الْمِيْعَادَ Allaahumma rabba haadzihid da'watid taammah, wasshalaatil qaa imah, Aati Muhammadanil wassilah .Wal fadhilata Wab'atshu maqaamam'mahmuudalladzii wa'adtah .innaka laa tukhliful mii-aad . . Artinya : Ya Allah, Tuhan Pemilik panggilan yang sempurna (adzan) ini dan shalat (wajib) yang didirikan. Berilah Al-Wasilah (derajat di Surga, yang tidak akan diberikan selain kepada Nabi dan fadhilah kepada Muhammad. Dan bangkitkan beliau sehingga bisa menempati maqam terpuji yang telah Engkau janjikan. Sesungguhnya Engkau tidak menyalahi janji WAKTU ANTARA ADZAN - IQOMAH MUSTAJAB Berdoa untuk diri sendiri /orang lain antara adzan dan iqamah sangat dianjurkan , sebab doa antara adzan dan iqamah adalah waktu dikabulkan /mustajab (HR At Tirmidzi , Abu Dawud - Ahmad ) Untuk saudaraku yang belum hafal bacaan doa setelah adzan, Yuk kita niatkan segera menghafal. Tidak panjang dan mudah dihafalkan , In sya' Allah. Semoga syafaat Rasulullah saw dan rahmat Allah SWT kelak terbuka untuk kita . Aamiin yaa Robbal'alamin
    Dec 6th 2013, 00:17
    صلوا على سيدنا محمد
    Dec 6th 2013, 00:08
    #PENTINGNYA DOA KETIKA HENDAK BEPERGIAN KELUAR RUMAH# Dari Anas bin Malik radhiyallahu 'anhu bahwa Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam bersabda, إِذَا خَرَجَ الرَّجُلُ مِنْ بَيْتِهِ فَقَالَ: "بِسْمِ اللَّهِ تَوَكَّلْتُ عَلَى اللَّهِ، لاَ حَوْلَ وَلاَ قُوَّةَ إِلاَّ بِاللَّهِ" قَالَ: « يُقَالُ حِينَئِذٍ: هُدِيتَ وَكُفِيتَ وَوُقِيتَ. فَتَتَنَحَّى لَهُ الشَّيَاطِينُ، فَيَقُولُ لَهُ شَيْطَانٌ آخَرُ: كَيْفَ لَكَ بِرَجُلٍ قَدْ هُدِىَ وَكُفِىَ وَوُقِىَ "Jika seseorang keluar dari rumahnya lalu membaca (zikir): Bismillahi tawakkaltu 'alallahi, walaa haula wala quwwata illa billah (Dengan nama Allah, aku berserah diri kepada-Nya, dan tidak ada daya dan kekuatan kecuali dengan pertolongan-Nya), maka malaikat akan berkata kepadanya: "(sungguh) kamu telah diberi petunjuk (oleh Allah Ta'ala), dicukupkan (dalam segala keperluanmu) dan dijaga (dari semua keburukan)", sehingga setan-setanpun tidak bisa mendekatinya, dan setan yang lain berkata kepada temannya: Bagaimana (mungkin) kamu bisa (mencelakakan) seorang yang telah diberi petunjuk, dicukupkan dan dijaga (oleh Allah Ta'ala)?"[ HR Abu Dawud (no. 5095), at-Tirmidzi (no. 3426) dan Ibnu Hibban (no. 822), dinyatakan shahih oleh imam at-Tirmidzi, Ibnu Hibban dan syaikh al-Albani.]
    Dec 6th 2013, 00:01
    الرجاء الدعم .. بعتذر على التاغ
    Dec 5th 2013, 23:54
    في ظل حالة الاستعصاء التي تعيشها الثورة السورية ومحاولات تشتتها حول أهداف سياسية بعيدة عن أهدافها، نعلن تشكيل تجمع صقور الأمويين الذي يضم مجموعة من الألوية والكتائب والوحدات الخاصة المتمركزة في قطاعات متعددة من دمشق وريفها، للعمل في إطار عسكري بعيداً عن التجاذبات السياسية، ومن خلال الأعمال الهجومية...
    جمعة مباركة صلو على افضل خلق الله اللهم صل على سيدينا وحبيبنا وامامنا محمد وعلى اله واصحابه وسلم
    Dec 5th 2013, 23:53
    يا جماعة وربنا ما عندي غير الاكوووونت ده اي اكونت تاني مش بتااااعي زي ده كدة نصااااااااااااااااااب واديلوا بلوك اللهم بلغت اللهم فاشهد
    Dec 5th 2013, 23:52
    ALLAH reserves the right to decide who is forgiven or not - who goes to heaven or not and I hope that Nelson Mandela is one of those people. AAMEEN. ^ Go ahead Haram Police - watcha got?! :p
    Dec 5th 2013, 23:49
    ممكن دعم لهل البنوتين Poshee Nd-elegant Ward Ward Safy
    Dec 5th 2013, 23:05
    Nelson Mandela has returned to his Creator. The Prophet (SAW) praised Mut`im b. Adi because he was a man who stood up for what was right, and helped the downtrodden Muslim community at a time when the Quraysh was guilty of the height of injustice. It is my opinion that if there was one man in our time who truly embodied that spirit of Mut`ims struggle, it was Nelson Mandela. Of the rewards that Allah gives a person in this life is respect and fame, and it is very likely that the genuine love all felt towards him was a result of his sincere efforts to help the weak and oppressed of his nation, and fight the unjust, tyrannical, inhumane and un-Islamic notion of white supremacy and Apartheid. Another benefit that we as Muslims can derive from Nelson Mandela's life is that truth shall always win in the end. For much of his life, Mandela was labelled a terrorist (even by the US and UK). Eventually, he won the Nobel prize and became his country's president. 'Terrorists' are relative, and when one is fighting for the truth, in a legitimate and Islamic manner, eventually his cause shall be victorious, even if the opposers of truth despise it. May Allah guide us all to truth, humility and sincere action. - Yasir Qadhi
    Dec 5th 2013, 22:42
    B7bik ;P
    Dec 5th 2013, 22:26
    kOn kOn jaging aur kya karing :) #xohail
    Dec 5th 2013, 22:23
    plzz All my #friends Ɲøŭr : janntnii Defonhaa 3la { BBM } ;$ pin : 7457BD01 :*
    Dec 5th 2013, 22:08
    _ بـنـِات الـ مـشِ حـِطـانـيِ كـِلـَوز تـحـطـنـيِ بـقـَي و تـمـِ و آنـآ هحطهآآ و نتأأبع بــعـض ..!! ? ;) ♥
    Dec 5th 2013, 22:06
    I think it's the end !!!


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 02:58AM  

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    Nelson Mandela Dies
    Dec 6th 2013, 02:29
    Nelson Mandela Dies
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