
Hier werden Nachrichten über den Salafismus veröffentlicht.
Was sind Salafisten?
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(Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr)
Diese Seite richtet sich nicht gegen Muslime und den Islam.
Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren.
Es ist wichtig über Fanatiker aufzuklären, um den Frieden und die Freiheit zu sichern.
Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben,
egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.

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(Achtung: Youtube ist überschwemmt mit Videos, die salafistischen/islamistischen Einfluss besitzen.
Deshalb: Schaut euch die Accounts genau an!)

[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

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Donnerstag, 5. Dezember 2013

Your 2 hourly digest for Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee

Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee
Hier werden Nachrichten über den radikalen Salafismus veröffentlicht. Was sind Salafisten? (Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr) Diese Seite richtet sich nicht gegen Muslime und den Islam.Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren. Es ist wichtig über Fanatiker aufzuklären, um den Frieden und die Freiheit zu sichern. Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben, egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion. 
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Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 24 Themen
Dec 6th 2013, 04:59, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 04:45AM  

    Islam für Kinder
    Nasheed: Bismillah
    Dec 6th 2013, 04:17

    Download des Nasheed als pdf: BismiLLAH_Nasheed
    Dieses kleine Lied ist angelehnt an die Melodie „Wenn ich froh bin klatsch ich in die Hand".
    Man kann aber auch einen rhythmischen Sprechgesang daraus machen. Ob gesungen oder gesprochen: klatscht
    dazu im Takt mit den Kindern. InchaALLAH werden alle viel, viel Spaß haben!
    Erzieher: Was sag´ ich wenn ich morgens früh aufsteh´?
    Kinder! : BismiLLAH!
    Erzieher: Und hinterher in meine Kita geht?
    Kinder : BismiLLAH!
    Erzieher: Was sag´ ich wenn das Frühstück vor mir steht?
    Kinder : BismiLLAH!
    Alle : BismilLLAH, bismiLLAH, bismiLLAH!
    Erzieher: Was sag´ ich wenn ich in der Kita spiel?
    Kinder : BismiLLAH!
    Erzieher: Und einer meiner Freunde streiten will?
    Kinder : BismiLLAH!
    Erzieher: Ich vertrage mich, el-hamdouliLLAH.
    Kinder : BismiLLAH!
    Alle : BismiLLAH, bismiLLAH, bismiLLAH
    Erzieher: Was sage ich wenn ich nach hause geh`?
    Kinder : BismiLLAH!
    Erzieher: Und ich meine Familie wiederseh`?
    Kinder : BismiLLAH!
    Erzieher: Was sag´ ich wenn ich meine Mama drück´?
    Alle : BismiLLAH, bismiLLAH, bismiLLAH
    Erzieher: Was sage ich wenn Ferien sind?
    Kinder : BismiLLAH!
    Erzieher: Und in der ganzen Kita ist kein Kind?
    Kinder : BismiLLAH!
    Erzieher: Ich sag´: Wir sehen uns im nächsten Jahr!
    Kinder : BismiLLAH!
    Alle : InchaALLAH, inchaALLAH, inchaALLAH
    Die Kinder lernen dieses Lied sehr schnell, inchaALLAH und man kann es später in verschiedenen Varianten singen:
    Erzieher und Kinder tauschen die Rollen oder man bildet zwei Gruppen (z.B. Jungen-Mädchen).
    Nicht vergessen: Besprecht mit den Kindern, warum Muslime, vor allem was sie tun, „bismiLLAH" sagen
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 04:32AM  

    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Asia's rice crops face setbacks from adverse weather
    Dec 6th 2013, 04:23
    Asia's rice crops face setbacks from adverse weather
    Asia's rice crops face setbacks from adverse weather

    Asia's rice crops face setbacks from adverse weather, global production growth rate revised down, prices fall.Some markets to fare better than others – production gains in Bangladesh, India, Indonesia and Thailand [Scoop NZ]
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 04:32AM  

    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    After the death of Abu Talib, & all the good & services he provided to Islam and...
    Dec 6th 2013, 04:17
    After the death of Abu Talib, & all the good & services he provided to Islam and the Rasul, the Rasul (saw) kept making du'aa for him after his death. He stopped however, after Revelation came from Allah:

    "It is not (proper) for the Prophet and those who believe to ask Allah's Forgiveness for the Mushrikun (polytheists, idolaters, pagans, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah) even though they be of kin, after it has become clear to them that they are the dwellers of the Fire (because they died in a state of disbelief)."
    - Surah At-Tawba, 113

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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 04:19AM  

    Islamdawa für Schwesterns Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islamdawa für Schwesterns Facebook-Pinnwand
    A5Alhamdulillah wie sehr schön das Leben als Muslima ist
    Kein gesellschaftlich...
    Dec 6th 2013, 04:02
    A5Alhamdulillah wie sehr schön das Leben als Muslima ist
    Kein gesellschaftlicher Druck. Kein SchönheitsWahn. Kein Neid. Keine Sinnlosigkeit. Kein Umherirren. Kein Schmutz. Keine Falschheit. Keine Erniedrigung. Keine falsche Liebe. Allah hat uns erschaffen & daher hat Er alles perfekt nach unseren Bedürfnissen geregelt Gelobt sei Allah !!

    ~Perlen traut sich keiner anzufassen - Steine schmeißt man hin und her~
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 04:19AM  

    Islamdawa für Schwesterns Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islamdawa für Schwesterns Facebook-Pinnwand
    A5Alhamdulillah wie sehr schön das Leben als Muslima ist
    Kein gesellschaftlich...
    Dec 6th 2013, 04:02
    A5Alhamdulillah wie sehr schön das Leben als Muslima ist
    Kein gesellschaftlicher Druck. Kein SchönheitsWahn. Kein Neid. Keine Sinnlosigkeit. Kein Umherirren. Kein Schmutz. Keine Falschheit. Keine Erniedrigung. Keine falsche Liebe. Allah hat uns erschaffen & daher hat Er alles perfekt nach unseren Bedürfnissen geregelt Gelobt sei Allah !!

    ~Perlen traut sich keiner anzufassen - Steine schmeißt man hin und her~
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 03:46AM  

    Global Tawheeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Global Tawheeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Nelson Mandela Dies | The Islamic Perspective | Abu Abdullah Al-Britani
    Dec 6th 2013, 03:31
    Nelson Mandela Dies | The Islamic Perspective | Abu Abdullah Al-Britani
    Nelson Mandela Dies | The Islamic Perspective | Abu Abdullah Al-Britani
    Global Tawheed: Working to establish the right of Allah on earth. Follow us on: Twitter: facebook:
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 02:53AM  

    Abdul Adhim - Social Mention
    "Trotz der Attraktivität dieses Angebots ist es oft auch mehr oder weniger deutlicher sozialer Druck, mit dem Jugendliche zu einem dem Salafismus entsprechenden Verhalten verleitet werden. So berichten Sozialarbeiter und Lehrer immer wieder von Diskussionen unter Jugendlichen, in denen auf die Einhaltung vermeintlich verbindlicher islamischer Normen gedrängt wird. Dies betrifft das Drängen auf das Tragen des Kopftuchs, aber auch den Hinweis auf die Pflicht zum Fasten während des Ramadans oder den Appell, am Freitag zum Moscheebesuch zu erscheinen." Götz Nordbruch
    Dec 5th 2013, 19:40
 - Jugendkultur, Medien und politische Bildung in der Einwanderungsgesellschaft
    Dec 5th 2013, 19:32
    Përmbledhje e biografisë se Muhamed Tekiudin El-Hilali[1]   Prejardhja dhe vendlindja e tij.   Ai është dijetari i madh, muhadithi, gjuhëtari i njohur, shkrimtari i mrekullueshëm, poeti i madh, udhëtari maroken dhe shehu selefi dr. Muhamed El-Teki i njohur me emrin Muhamed Tekiudin dhe llagap Ebu Shekib (sepse djalit të tij të madh i kishte venë emrin e shokut te tij, prijësit Shekib Arsllan) i biri i Abdulkadirit, i biri i El-Taib, i biri i Ahmedit, i biri i Abdulkadirit, i biri i Muhamedit, i biri i Abdunurit, i biri i Abdulkadirit, i biri i Hilalit, i biri i Muhamedit, i biri i Hilalit, i biri Idrisit, i biri i Galibit, i biri i Muhamed El-Meki, i biri i Ismailit, i biri i Ahmedit, i biri i Muhamedit, i biri Ebul-Kasimit, i biri i Aliut, i biri i Abdulkaui, i biri i Abdurrahmanit, i biri i Idrisit, i biri i Ismailit, i biri i Sulejmanit, i biri i Musa El-Kadhim, i biri i Xhafer El-Sadik, i biri Muhamed El-Bakir, i biri i Ali Zeinul-Abidin, i biri i El-Husein, i biri i Aliut dhe Fatimes vajzës së profetit Muhamed (alejhi selam). Këtë prejardhje e ka pohuar Sulltani El-Hasen i parë kur erdhi ne Sixhilmasa në vitin 1311 sipas hixhretit.   Shehu ka lindur në vitin 1311 të hixhretit në fshatin El-Ferkh i cili njihet gjithashtu me emrin El-Feida El-Kadime disa kilometra larg El-Raisani e cila është prej krahinave të qytetit Sixhilmasa që sot njihet me emrin Tafilalet e cila bie në jug te mbretërisë Marokene. Ai u rrit në një familje të njohur për dije, ku babai dhe gjyshi i tij ishin dijetarët e atyre zonave.     Udhëtimet në kërkimin e dijes dhe shërbimet e tij në dave (thirrje).   E lexoi kuranin te babai i tij dhe e mësoi atë përmendësh kur ishte 12 vjeç, pastaj mësoi texhuidin te shehu dhe kënduesi Ahmed bin Salih, pastaj u lidh me shehun Muhamed Seidi bin Habibullah El-Tendegi El-Shenkiti dhe filloi mësimin përmendësh të "Mukhtesar Khalil (Përmbledhja e Halilit)"[2]. Lexoi tek ai rregullat e gjuhës arabe dhe fikhun Maliki derisa shehu e linte zëvendës kur nuk ishte i pranishëm. Pas vdekjes së shehut ai u drejtua për kërkimin e dijes atëherë nga dijetarët e Uexhdes dhe Fasit derisa u diplomua nga universiteti El-Kurraui'in.   Pastaj udhëtoi për në Kajro për të kërkuar dijen e hadithit ku takohet me disa shehë si shehu Abdudhahir Ebu El-Semh, shehu Rashid Rida, shehu Muhamed El-Ramali e të tjerë. Gjithashtu prezantoi në mësimet e nivelit të lartë në El-Ez'her dhe qëndroi në Egjipt afërsisht një vit duke thirrur në akiden e selefëve dhe duke luftuar shirkun dhe ateizmin. Pastaj pas haxhit u drejtua për në Indi për të plotësuar dëshirën e tij për dijen e hadithit dhe atje takohet me dijetarë të mëdhenj duke marrë e dhënë dije. Prej dijetarëve më të mëdhenj që takoi ishte muhadithi, dijetari i madh dhe shehu Abdurrahman bin Abdurrahim El-Mubarekfuri, autori i librit "Tuhfet-ul-Eh'uedhi Bisherh Xhami El-Termidhi (Dhurata e të Vendosurit në Shpjegim të Përmbledhjes së Termidhiut)" dhe mori prej tij dijen e hadithit e i dha licencë në hadith, gjë që e ka shënuar në një poezi ku nxit nxënësit e dijes të kapen pas hadithit e të përfitojnë prej këtij libri dhe kjo poezi është botuar në vëllimin e 4 sipas botimit indian. Gjithashtu ka qëndruar te shehu Muhamed bin Husein bin Muhsin El-Hadidi El-Ensari El-Jemani i cili kishte zbritur në Indi atë kohë dhe lexoi tek ai disa pjesë të gjashtë librave të sunetit duke e licencuar edhe ky gjithashtu.   Pastaj nga India u drejtua për në El-Zubejr (El-Basra) në Irak ku u takua me dijetarin Mauritanian selefi, shehun Muhamed El-Emin El-Shenkiti -ky nuk është autori i librit Ed'ua El-Bejan- ; përfitoi nga dija e tij dhe qëndroi në Irak tre vjet. Pastaj udhëtoi për në Arabinë Saudite duke kaluar nga Egjipti ku El-Seid Muhamed Rida i dha një porosi për te mbreti Abdulaziz Alu El-Su'ud ku shkruhej: "Muhamed Tekiudin El-Hilali është më i miri që vjen tek ju prej dijetarëve, prandaj shpresoj të përfitoni prej dijes së tij". Kështu ai qëndroi nën miqësinë e mbretit Abdulaziz disa muaj derisa u emërua përgjegjës i mësimeve në xhaminë e profetit dhe qëndruar atje dy vjet. Pastaj u zhvendos në xhaminë e Qabes dhe në institutin shkencor saudian në Mekë ku qëndroi atje 1 vit. Pastaj i erdhën letra nga Indonezia e India që e ftonin për të dhënë mësim në shkollat e tyre dhe ai i jep përparësi ftesës së Sulejman El-Nedeui duke shpresuar të ndiqte studimet universitare në Indi. Ai u bë kryetari i mësuesve të letërsisë arabe në fakultetin Neduet Al-Ulema në Leknehu në Indi ku qëndroi tre vjet dhe mësoi atje gjuhën angleze por nuk arriti të ndjekë mësimet universitare. Atje me sugjerimin e sheh Sulejman El-Nedeui dhe me ndihmën e nxënësit të tij Mesud Alim El-Nedeui nxori revistën El-Dija. Pastaj kthye në El-Zubejr (El-Basra) ku qëndroi tre vjet si mësues në shkollën El-Nexhat El-Ehlije të lartpërmendur.   Pastaj udhëtoi për në Gjenevë në Zvicër dhe qëndroi te shoku i tij prijësi i Bejanit Shekib Arsllan dhe deshi të studionte në një nga universitet e Anglisë por nuk pati mundësi. Atëherë prijësi Shekib Arsllan i shkroi një letër një shokut të tij në ministrinë e jashtme gjermane dhe i tha: Kam një djalë maroken shkrimtar që nuk ka hyrë në gjermani njeri si ai, do të studiojë në një nga universitetet, shpresoj ti gjeni atij një vend pune si mësues i letërsisë arabe me rrogë që ta ndihmojë në studime. Shumë shpejt erdhi përgjigjja e pranimit dhe kështu sheh El-Hilali udhëtoi për në Gjermani dhe u emërua mësues në universitetin e Bonit e filloi mësimin e gjuhës gjermane. Pas një viti u diplomua në të dhe u bë nxënës në universitet ndërkohë që ishte edhe mësues aty. Në atë kohë përktheu shumë nga gjuha gjermane në arabisht e anasjelltas dhe pas tre vjetësh në Bon u zhvendos për në universitetin e Berlinit si nxënës, mësues dhe përgjegjës i radios arabe. Në vitin 1940 paraqiti temën e doktoratës ku rrëzoi idetë e orientalistëve si Martin Harthmen, Karl Brokelman. Titulli i temës për mbrojtjen e doktoratës ishte "Përkthim i parathënies së librit El-Xhemahir minel-Xheuahir dhe analiza e tij" ku komisioni i provimit dhe i shqyrtimit i përbërë prej 10 dijetarëve ranë bashkërisht dakord që ti jepet atij grada doktor në letërsinë arabe.   Gjatë luftës së dytë botërore shehu udhëtoi për në Marok dhe në vitin 1947 udhëtoi për në Irak ku dha mësim në kolegjin El-Melike Alija në Bagdat deri në përmbysjen ushtarake të shtetit dhe u largua për në Marok në vitin 1959. Gjatë qëndrimit të tij në Marok -vendi i prejardhjes së tij- filloi thirrjen në teuhid, largimin nga shirku dhe ecjen sipas brezave të parë të mirë. Po në këtë vit 1959 u emërua mësues në universitetin e Muhamed El-Hamis në Ribat e pastaj në degën e saj në Fas. Në vitin 1968 mori një ftesë nga shehu i nderuar Abdul-Aziz bin Baz drejtor i universitetit islamik në El-Medine El-Muneura në atë kohë për të punuar mësues në universitet si përfaqësues i Marokut. Sheh El-Hilali e pranoi ftesën dhe qëndroi duke punuar atje deri në vitin 1974 ku e la universitetin dhe u kthye në qytetin e Miknasit në Marok për të qenë i lirë në thirrjen për tek Allahu. Filloi duke dhënë mësime nëpër xhami dhe duke bredhur të gjitha anët e Marokut për të përhapur thirrjen e të parëve tanë të mirë. Gjithashtu shkruante rregullisht në revistën El-Fet'h të Muhibudin El-Hatib dhe në revistën El-Menar të Muhamed Rashid Rida -Allahu i mëshiroftë të gjithë-.     Mësuesit   Sheh Muhamed Seidi bin Habibullah El-Shenkiti   Sheh Abdurrahman bin Abdurrahim El-Mubarekfuri   Sheh Muhamed bin El-Arabi El-Aleui   Sheh El-Fatimi El-Shuradi   Sheh Ahmed Sukeiraxh   Sheh Muhamed bin Husein bin Muhsin El-Hadidi El-Ensari El-Jemani   Sheh Muhamed El-Emin El-Shenkiti (jo autori i Ed'ua El-Bejan)   Sheh Rashid Rida   Sheh Muhamed bin Ibrahim   Disa dijetarë të Universitetit të El-Kurrauiin   Disa dijetarë të universitetit të El-Ez'her     Vdekja    Ditën e hënë më 25 Sheval të vitit 1407 sipas hixhretit apo 22 qershor 1987 i ndodhi një fatkeqësi e madhe ymetit mysliman që është e vështirë për lapsin ta përshkruajë, humbja e sheh Tekiudin El-Hilali -Allahu e mëshiroftë-. Kjo ndodhi në shtëpinë e tij në El-Dar El-Beida në Marok. Xhenazen e tij e kanë përcjellë një grup i madh njerëzish me në krye dijetarë, intelektualë dhe politikanë.   Profeti alejhi selam ka thënë: "Allahu nuk e largon dijen duke e hequr atë me forcë prej njerëzve, por e largon atë me vdekjen e dijetarëve, derisa kur nuk mbetet asnjë dijetar njerëzit u shkojnë pas injorantëve të cilët kur pyeten japin përgjigje pa dije duke humbur vetë dhe njerëzit" E transmeton Buhariu.   E lusim Allahun me bujarinë e tij ta mëshirojë shehun me mëshirë të madhe dhe ta fusë atë në xhenetin e tij të madh!   Tregon një njeri që ka pas ndenjur me sheh Muhamed Tekiudin El-Hilali -Allahu e mëshiroftë- dhe shehu e ka pas vizituar atë në shtëpinë e tij e që është El-Seid Abdulilah El-Sherkaui El-Ribati i cili rri në këtë kohë në Marok; se djali i xhaxhait të shehut që njihet në Marok si El-Hilali, i ka treguar atij:   Sheh Muhamed Tekiudin El-Hilali në ditët e fundit të jetës së tij ishte sëmurë i shtrirë në krevat, nuk kishte mundësi të merrte abdes dhe merrte tejemum. Ai -Allahu e mëshiroftë- nuk e shihte të lejueshme marrjen tejemum me gurë por merrte me dhe, prandaj në shtëpi kishte një qese që e mbushte me dhe për këtë arsye dhe kur i thoshin merr tejemum me gurë thoshte: Jo, se kështu ka vepruar profeti alejhi selam ( me dhe). Një ditë u thotë njerëzve të tij: Më sillni ujë për abdes. Merr abdes, fal dy rekate pastaj shtrihet në dyshek dhe u thotë atyre që kishte në shtëpi: Kush prej jush di të lexojë mirë Kuran? Njëri prej tyre i lexon suren Jasin dhe ai dëgjonte derisa e mbaroi. Pastaj ai i thotë: Ma përsërit edhe njëherë që nga fjala e Allahut: "A nuk e sheh njeriu se ne e kemi krijuar prej një pike lëngu e pastaj bëhet kundërshtar i hapur". Lexuesi e përsërit leximin derisa mbaron ajetin: "Na mori ne një shembull duke harruar krijimin e tij dhe tha: Kush i ringjall kockat e brejtura"   Shehu e ngre gishtin lart nga qielli sikur po thoshte: Allahu është ai që i ringjall kockat e brejtura. Në atë kohë i del shpirti që Allahu e mëshiroftë atë me mëshirë të madhe dhe na dhëntë neve dhe juve përfundim të mirë! Amin!     Kanë thënë për të:     Muhamed Rrashid Rida:   Sheh Muhamed Rashid Rida i ka shkruar një letër mbretit Abdulaziz Alu El-Su'ud -Allahu i mëshiroftë të dy- ku i ka thënë:   "Muhamed Tekiudin El-Hilali nga Maroku është më i miri që ka ardhur te ju prej ulemave të rajonit dhe shpresoj të përfitoni prej tij!"     Muhibudin El-Hatib   El-Hilali është prej më të mirëve prej nesh për të cilët dëshmon lindja dhe perëndimi për meritat e tyre, arabët dhe joarabët, myslimanët dhe jomyslimanët. Në El-Hixhaz është dritë në flamur për famën dhe meritat që ka. Në Indi është ulur në podiumin e mësuesit në universitet më të mira të saj. Në Irak është i njohur për këmbënguljen e tij në shërbim të ymetit dhe kujdesin e tij në të mirën e tij. Tani ai është në Gjermani dhe ka konsideratë të madhe te administrata e universitetit të Bonit ku jep mësim. Mësuesi El-Hilali është personalitet ndërkombëtar, largpamës dhe njohës i mirë i lindjes dhe perëndimit.     Abdul-Hamid bin Badis   "Maroku ka një bir dijetari të sjellshëm me prejardhje nga Beni Hilal të cilin e ka lindur perëndimi i largët. Ai është dijetari i madh Muhamed Tekiudin El-Hilali, mësues në Indi. Ky mësues ka famë të madhe si dijetar e reformator në lindje dhe artikuj tringëllues në gazeta."     Hamad El-Ensari   "Në të vërtetë nuk jam takuar me njeri që të ketë dije të madhe në shumë fusha si Dr. El-Hilali. Kam kaluar 45 vjet deri tani dhe nuk kam parë si ai.   Ka pas njohur disa gjuhë: Hebraisht, gjermanisht, anglisht, spanjisht dhe shto këtu edhe arabishten që sikur të kishte jetuar në kohën El-Esmai do të kishte dëshmuar se është imami i arabishtes. Ka jetuar në Irak një farë kohe pas largimit nga El-Medine, është martuar atje dhe ka qenë poet që dallohej për cilësi të rralla……Ai është shehu im dhe kam përfituar shumë prej tij. Ka qenë selefi në akide dhe sikur ta lexosh librin e tij për teuhidin do të thoshe se nuk e njeh njeri teuhidin e Kuranit si ai."     Sheh Ibn Baz   Sheh Ibn Baz -Allahu e mëshiroftë- ka thënë në librin e tij të shënimeve (Tuhfet El-Ih'uan) që e ka shënuar pasi e ka marr vesh vdekjen e tij dhe ka shkruar: Vdiq shehu dhe dijetari i madh Dr. Muhamed Tekiudin bin Abdul-Kadir El-Hilali El-Haseni në El-Dar El-Beida në Marok ditën martë më, 27 Sheval të vitit 1407 të hixhretit, Allahu e mëshiroftë atë me mëshirë të madhe dhe ia shumëfishoftë të mirat!   Ka lindur në muajin Muharrem të vitit 1311 të hixhretit. Kështu më ka treguar vetë ai gojazi në El-Medine dhe i bie të ketë jetuar 97 vjet pa dy muaj e ca ditë.   Ai ka qenë dijetar me merita duke dhënë mundin e tij në thirrjen për tek Allahu i madhëruar kudo që ka qenë. Ka shëtitur në shumë vende dhe ka thirrur për tek Allahu i madhëruar në Evropë një farë kohe, në Indi dhe në gadishullin arabik.   Ka dhënë mësim në universitetin islamik në El-Medine El-Muneuara dhe është autor i disa librave si "El-Hedijeh El-Hadieh Lil-Tarikah El-Tixhanieh" (Dhurata Udhëzuese për Sektin Tixhani), se në fillim të jetës së tij ka qenë tixhani pastaj pasi e shpëtoi Allahu prej tij shkroi kundër tyre dhe ua zbuloi të metat. Prej librave të tij të fundit është "Sebil El-Rashad" (Rruga e Arsyes).   Ka lënë 2 djem dhe 2 ose 3 vajza të cilëve Allahu u dhëntë sukses dhe ua rregulloftë gjendjen! Xhenazen ia ka falur një grup i madh njerëzish dhe është varrosur në varrezën e El-Dar El-Beida. Lus Allahun të na bashkojë me të në shtëpinë e bujarisë dhe t'jua zëvendësojë atë myslimanëve me të tjerë të mirë!     Muhamed Nasirudin El-Albani   Sheh Muhamed Nasirudin El-Albani e ka pas konsideruar si një prej pesë vetave që nuk ka parë si ata në dije dhe në studime: Ibn Baz, Tekiudin El-Hilali, Abdurrahman El-Mubarekfuri, Bedi'udin El-Sindi dhe El-Shenkiti -Allahu i mëshiroftë të gjithë!-     Librat e tij   Librat e sheh Tekiudin El-Hilali janë të shumta dhe mbledhja e tyre nuk është e lehtë se janë shkruar në periudha kohore të ndryshme dhe në vende të ndryshme dhe po


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 02:53AM  

    dawa-news - Social Mention
    Tamaam Musalmano Ko Ittalaa Di Jaati Hai Ke Computer, Laptop, Wagairah Ki Mash'hoor-O-Ma'aroof Company 📵 APPLE Ne Android Market Me Malaa'oonKhabees Mirza Gulam Ahmad Qadiyani Ke Tarjuma Wala Quran Shareef Upload Kar Diya Hai Jis Mein Is Malaa'oon Ko NABI Mana Gaya Hai Hamari Tamam Bhai-Behano Se PurZor.Guzarish (Appeal) Hai Ki Facebook aur watsap K zariye Poori Duniya Mein Ye Maaloomat (News) Failaa De. Aur Jaha Tak Mumkin Ho Sake Is Company Ka Boycott Ka Ailaan Karen NOTE: - Mirza Gulam Ahmad Qadiyani Wo Khabees Hai Jis Ne NABI Hone Ka Dawa Kiya Tha Aur Tamaam NABIYON Ka Inkaar Aur Unki Shaan Me GUSTAKHI Ki Thi.. (MaazALLAH)
    Dec 6th 2013, 02:22
    There is news circulating that CASURECO 3 will be having a press conference at 9 am (PST) today to announce which areas will resume having electricity. Apparently not all areas ay migkakuryente na. Business disctrict daw po ang priority.
    Dec 5th 2013, 23:41
    "Hoy Sean Guinoo! Garo baga nalilibang ka kakabasa igdi ay. Last ko kayang tanda ika ang News Editor?Managing Editor kang ThePillars. Or baka lingaw ka kang dapat mong ginigibo sige ka lang basang kalibugan igdi? Pakarayi daw nonoy. 50 pesos baga ang publication fee. Anong ta sige kang palakpalak igdi? Kala man pati nindo kung sirisay kamong mauurag mayo man ngni kamong nai pupublish maray rahay na issue. Read. Know. React pa naman ang motto nindo dyan. Mayo man anything to Read, so what is there to know? Ika lang garo ang ma React igdi." - GiveUsBackThePillars, College of Arts and Sciences, AB LAPA KA! 2 and quarters from now
    Dec 5th 2013, 20:32
    [EXCITING NEWS] The AlMaghrib Family just got BIGGER, ma sha Allah tabarak Allah! At this year's IlmFest in Michigan & South Florida (this weekend), TWO new instructors will be announced! Can you guess who they are from br Boonaa's tips?
    Dec 5th 2013, 20:14
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 02:51AM  

    Dawah Vidéos Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Dawah Vidéos Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Salam Alaykum est-ce qu'il y a des boutiques islamique a auxerre ou aux alentour...
    Dec 6th 2013, 02:32
    Salam Alaykum est-ce qu'il y a des boutiques islamique a auxerre ou aux alentours pour les hijab car une soeur désire le porter
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 02:45AM  

    Brotherhood In Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Brotherhood In Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Dec 6th 2013, 02:21
    Filipino Technician Tests Mosque Audio With Amazing Voice!
    Our brother, a Filipino audio technician tested a mosque microphone revealing a pleasant surprise on Wednesday. He set up the sound test inside the mosque with a beautiful recitation of the opening verses of Sura Yusuf. Puts to shame those who are racist and mistreat expats. HIT: ✦LIKE✦ ✦SHARE✦ Join: Brotherhood In Islam Download your free e-book: A Collection of Sayings on Brotherhood in Islam
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 05 02:28PM  

    Sei nicht traurig; Allah ist mit den Geduldigen.s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Sei nicht traurig; Allah ist mit den Geduldigen.s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Das trockene Auge kommt vom harten Herz. Das harte Herz kommt von vielen Sündige...
    Dec 5th 2013, 14:00
    Das trockene Auge kommt vom harten Herz. Das harte Herz kommt von vielen Sündigen. Das Sündigen kommt von vergessen des Todes. Das vergessen des Todes kommt von der liebe zur Dunja. Die Liebe zur Dunja ist der Beginn jeden Übels!
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 05 01:46PM  

    Ideal Muslims Facebook-Pinnwand
    Ideal Muslims Facebook-Pinnwand
    "When all the ingredients are present, and you've been working hard to make some...
    Dec 5th 2013, 12:54
    "When all the ingredients are present, and you've been working hard to make something happen, and it doesn't happen, then remember, the decision of Allah wasn't there."
    Allah decides, not us!
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Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 20 Themen
Dec 6th 2013, 03:30, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 03:21AM  

    Islamisten | Islamismus | in Deutschland und Europa
    Islamisten und Islamismus in Deutschland und Europa. Salafisten und Salafismus. Was sind Salafisten? Was ist Salafismus? Was ist Islamismus? Was sind Islamisten?
    Your 8 hourly digest for Salafismus in Facebook ; Salafisten Islam Koran Moschee
    Dec 6th 2013, 03:04
    Salafismus in Facebook ; Salafisten Islam Koran Moschee Hier werden Nachrichten über den radikalen Salafismus veröffentlicht. Was sind Salafisten? (Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr) Diese Seite richtet sich nicht gegen Muslime und den Islam.Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren. Es ist wichtig über Fanatiker aufzuklären, um den Frieden und die Freiheit zu sichern. Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben, egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion. Fun with Brazilian Portuguese
    Learn the tips and tricks to speak colloquial Portuguese in a natural and confident manner. Enroll today for just $69! From our sponsors Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 21 Themen Dec 6th 2013, 02:28, by Nahsaka Lasbhan Übersicht über die heutigen Themen Gruppe: No Democracys Facebook-Pinnwand: David Cameron accepted an all-expenses paid trip to apartheid South Africa while... [1 Aktualisierung] 99 Names of Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand: by Armin [1 Aktualisierung] Understand IslaMs Facebook-Pinnwand: What Babri Masjid says on December,6,every year *****************************... [1 Aktualisierung] Understand IslaMs Facebook-Pinnwand: Asalam o Alykum warehmatulah wabrkathu please share [1 Aktualisierung] Understand IslaMs Facebook-Pinnwand: Please share [2 Aktualisierungen] Uploads by AbdulMalikLovesAllah: Die Gruppe des Unheils (Al Madakhila) - Abu Abdullah [1 Aktualisierung] Ich Liebe Muslimes Facebook-Pinnwand: [1 Aktualisierung] Die wahre Religions Facebook-Pinnwand: [1 Aktualisierung] domeus - Neues von Neue mp3 zu verschiedene Themen [1 Aktualisierung] domeus - Neues von Abu AL-Hussain - Sûra 15 Al-Hiǧr (Die Auswanderung) [1 Aktualisierung] domeus - Neues von Der Bock zum Gärtner [1 Aktualisierung] domeus - Neues von Abdul Adhim – Die Läuterung der Seele (Teil 1 -14) [1 Aktualisierung] New Subscription Videos for taylinlove21: Gegen wen kämpft man in Syrien - Abu Abdullah [1 Aktualisierung] New Subscription Videos for taylinlove21: Die Gruppe des Unheils (Al Madakhila) - Abu Abdullah [1 Aktualisierung] Islam & Liebe - für die Ewigkeits Facebook-Pinnwand: .../-Rümeysa Ba [1 Aktualisierung] Bei uns wird Liebe: ALLAH genannts Facebook-Pinnwand: Yâ Allah, lass mich den lieben den auch Du liebst & der auch dich liebt. Amin.... [1 Aktualisierung] Bei uns wird Liebe: ALLAH genannts Facebook-Pinnwand: Jeder Anfang hat ein : Bismillahrrahmanirrahim. Jedes Ende hat ein : Elhamdulill... [1 Aktualisierung] Wahrє Liebє ist nur bєi dir Allah (!)s Facebook-Pinnwand: Du bist Stolzer Araber, Kurde oder Türke ? .....liebe Geschwister im Deen,So... [1 Aktualisierung] MUSLIME IN AUGSBURGs Facebook-Pinnwand: Eines Nachts betrat Umar ibn Abdul-Aziz (rahimahullah) eine Moschee während es s... [1 Aktualisierung] Einladung zum Paradies Facebook-Pinnwand: Ein Wort voll Güte und Milde ist besser als eine unfreundliche Gabe.(2. Sure 264) [1 Aktualisierung] Ansaar International e.V.s Facebook-Pinnwand: Der erste Monat eurer Patenschaften hat begonnen - möge Allah euch Jannatul Fird... [4 Aktualisierungen] No Democracys Facebook-Pinnwand: David Cameron accepted an all-expenses paid trip to apartheid South Africa while... Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 02:27AM

    No Democracys Facebook-Pinnwand

    No Democracys Facebook-Pinnwand

    David Cameron accepted an all-expenses paid trip to apartheid South Africa while...
    Dec 6th 2013, 01:59

    David Cameron accepted an all-expenses paid trip to apartheid South Africa while Nelson Mandela was still in prison, an updated biography of the Tory leader reveals today.
    The trip by Mr Cameron in 1989, when he was a rising star of the Conservative Research Department, was a chance for him to "see for himself" and was funded by a firm that lobbied against the imposition of sanctions on the apartheid regime.
    Critics described it as a "sanctions-busting jolly" that raised questions about the character of the man who, after a week when the Government's credibility on the economy hit a new low, is now on course to be prime minister in a little more than a year's time.
    Mr Cameron will portray himself as prime minister-in-waiting today when he addresses his party's spring conference in Cheltenham with a promise to introduce a "government of thrift".
    The trip is revealed for the first time in a newly updated edition of Cameron: The Rise of the New Conservative, by James Hanning, the deputy editor of The Independent on Sunday, and Francis Elliott, the deputy political editor of The Times.
    Mr Cameron's office insisted the visit by the 23-year-old future leader was a "fact-finding mission" that took place 20 years ago, and the Thatcher government was opposed to sanctions against South Africa at the time.
    He met union leaders and black opposition politicians, including the head of the left-wing Pan Africanist Congress (PAC) during the trip, a spokesman said. The trip was organised and funded by Strategy Network International (SNI), created in 1985 specifically to lobby against the imposition of sanctions on South Africa.
    Yet when asked by the authors if Mr Cameron wrote a memo or had to report back to the office about his trip, Alistair Cooke – in 1989 his boss at Central Office – said it was "simply a jolly", adding: "It was all terribly relaxed, just a little treat, a perk of the job. The Botha regime was attempting to make itself look less horrible, but I don't regard it as having been of the faintest political consequence."
    In 2006, shortly after becoming Tory leader, Mr Cameron tried to make amends for his party's record on South Africa by visiting Nelson Mandela, by then President, at the same time as suggesting the party's policy from the 1980s was from another era that he did not belong to. He said at the time: "The mistakes my party made in the past with respect to relations with the African National Congress and sanctions on South Africa make it all the more important to listen now.
    "The fact that there is so much to celebrate in the new South Africa is not in spite of Mandela and the ANC; it is because of them – and we Conservatives should say so clearly today."
    But what was not known, and which sheds new light on the 2006 meeting with Mr Mandela, was that Mr Cameron himself paid an official visit to the country under the apartheid regime. Civil servants and advisers were told not to go on such trips, the book reveals.
    Peter Hain, the former Cabinet minister and prominent anti-apartheid campaigner, said last night: "David Cameron asks us to judge a leader's character – well, Gordon Brown at this time was active in the anti-apartheid movement, while Cameron was enjoying a sanctions-busting jolly. That is a measure of character.
    "This just exposes his hypocrisy because he has tried to present himself as a progressive Conservative, but just on the eve of the apartheid downfall, and Nelson Mandela's release from prison, when negotiations were taking place about a transfer of power, here he was being wined and dined on a sanctions-busting visit.
    "This is the real Conservative Party, shown by the fact that his colleagues who used to wear 'Hang Nelson Mandela' badges at university are now sitting on the benches around him. Their leader at the time Margaret Thatcher described Mandela as a terrorist."
    A spokeswoman for Mr Cameron said: "Yes, he did go to South Africa. He met with anti-apartheid campaigners, he met opposition politicians when he was out there, including Zeth Mothopeng, the head of the PAC.
    "It was a fact-finding mission that happened 20 years ago. He met union leaders and was shown around mines. The position of the Conservative Party at that time was against sanctions."
    The trip was offered to the Conservative Research Department by Derek Laud, who was employed by SNI and was later a Big Brother

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    99 Names of Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand: by Armin Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 02:23AM

    99 Names of Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand

    99 Names of Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand

    by Armin
    Dec 6th 2013, 02:04

    by Armin

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    Understand IslaMs Facebook-Pinnwand: What Babri Masjid says on December,6,every year *****************************... Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 02:22AM

    Understand IslaMs Facebook-Pinnwand

    Understand IslaMs Facebook-Pinnwand

    What Babri Masjid says on December,6,every year

    Dec 6th 2013, 02:00

    What Babri Masjid says on December,6,every year


    Listen to me Oh the people of the world!,

    Razed to the ground ,but I shall remain;

    In the living memories of all the humans ,

    Who have some conscience, and are sane.

    My physical form may have disappeared,

    But my history has broadened my domain;

    I have occupied a place, none can forget,

    My shameless foes have nothing to gain.

    My agony will shake heavens and earth,

    Wait for the time, you will realize my pain;

    Those who are happy with their misdeeds,

    Will soon find me as a dangerous terrain.

    Law and justice will weep over their fate,

    When my long story will strike their brain;

    Like a ghost I will chase my tormentors,

    Through every house, road,street and lane.



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    Understand IslaMs Facebook-Pinnwand: Asalam o Alykum warehmatulah wabrkathu please share Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 02:22AM

    Understand IslaMs Facebook-Pinnwand

    Understand IslaMs Facebook-Pinnwand

    Asalam o Alykum warehmatulah wabrkathu
    please share
    Dec 6th 2013, 02:17

    Asalam o Alykum warehmatulah wabrkathu
    please share

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    Understand IslaMs Facebook-Pinnwand: Please share Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 02:22AM

    Understand IslaMs Facebook-Pinnwand

    Understand IslaMs Facebook-Pinnwand

    Please share
    Dec 6th 2013, 02:21

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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 02:22AM

    Understand IslaMs Facebook-Pinnwand

    Understand IslaMs Facebook-Pinnwand

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    Dec 6th 2013, 02:19

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    Uploads by AbdulMalikLovesAllah: Die Gruppe des Unheils (Al Madakhila) - Abu Abdullah Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 02:21AM

    Uploads by AbdulMalikLovesAllah

    Die Gruppe des Unheils (Al Madakhila) - Abu Abdullah
    Dec 6th 2013, 01:52

    Die Gruppe des Unheils (Al Madakhila) - Abu Abdullah

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    Nonprofits & Activism

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    Ich Liebe Muslimes Facebook-Pinnwand: Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 02:14AM

    Ich Liebe Muslimes Facebook-Pinnwand

    Ich Liebe Muslimes Facebook-Pinnwand

    Dec 6th 2013, 01:40

    Erster Muslim Astronaut im Weltall beim Gebet


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 03:15AM  

    Sunnah Beards Facebook-Pinnwand
    Sunnah Beards Facebook-Pinnwand
    Dec 6th 2013, 02:21
    Filipino Technician Tests Mosque Audio With Amazing Voice!
    Our brother, a Filipino audio technician tested a mosque microphone revealing a pleasant surprise on Wednesday. He set up the sound test inside the mosque with a beautiful recitation of the opening verses of Sura Yusuf. Puts to shame those who are racist and mistreat expats. HIT: ✦LIKE✦ ✦SHARE✦ Join: Brotherhood In Islam Download your free e-book: A Collection of Sayings on Brotherhood in Islam
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 03:04AM  

    dawah news - Social Mention
    Ultimately he died a disbeliever. #Mandela #Unfortunate May Allah be happy with us when he takes our souls.
    Dec 5th 2013, 23:19
    People can be lazy in their thinking (This is a problem I face ALWAYS). How can you identify whether someone is lazy? When a muslim looks at 9 different news stories which get reported at different times of the year reporting an incident of the same nature, and the person can only think of one angle to comment on that news story. We should be in the practice of thinking of innovative ways to communicate different points on the same issue. So for an example when you see non muslim sex offenders being reported on the news, rather than saying "imagine if this was a muslim, it would have been on the front page". You could perhaps make an ideological point on how due to the ethos of this western society on sex and the view of women, it endangers women from walking the streets, and in fact in their homes which should be a place where you are at the most secure location. While Islam would be able to give that security and safety to women which capitalism is FAILING to provide. By organising men and women's instinct so that they may be able to attain fulfilment without encroaching on someone else's right. As well as placing 5 deterrents within the society, the last of which is stoning the culprit to death for committing the act of rape, so that it protects women and keeps them safe. This is only an example to illustrate a point. I make dua that Allah helps us with our efforts in the dawah and may Allah free us from laziness. Ameen thumma ameen By Altafkeer Fe Al-Islam
    Dec 5th 2013, 22:47
    Harbinder Khatkar, 37, attacked women over nine hours in Derby from midnight on February 1, including two in their own home.
    #CAIR: U.S. Muslim Group Calls Nelson Mandela's Death a Loss for All Humanity (WASHINGTON, D.C., 12/5/13) - The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation's largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, today said that the death of Nelson Mandela is a loss for all humanity and that the South African leader will remain an example to those fighting for human rights. In a statement reacting to news of Mandela's death, CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad said: "Throughout his life, Nelson Mandela served as an example of strength in adversity to all those fighting for freedom and justice. His legacy of uncompromising perseverance in the face of bigotry and injustice will live on for generations to come. "He was a unique historic figure. From his jail cell, he demonstrated vision and courage, and taught the world the true meaning of steadfastness. Outside his cell, he demonstrated statesmanship, reconciliation and pragmatism. "As the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: 'For every day on which the sun rises, there is a (reward) for the one who establishes justice among people.'" CAIR cited the famous Mandela quote: "I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die." CAIR is America's largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding. Become a Fan of CAIR on Facebook Subscribe to CAIR's E-Mail List Subscribe to CAIR's Twitter Feed Subscribe to CAIR's YouTube Channel - END – CONTACT: CAIR National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper, 202-744-7726, E-Mail:
    Dec 5th 2013, 22:21
    MISSION STATEMENT It is our position that shariah law imposes second class status on women and is incompatible with the standards of liberal Western societies and the basic principles of human rights that include equality under the law and the protection of individual freedoms. The shariah code mandates the complete authority of men over women, including the control of their movement, education, marital options, clothing, bodies, place of residence and all other aspects of their existence. Further, it calls for the beating, punishment, and murder of women who don't comply with shariah requirements. In our efforts to stem the encroachment of shariah in the West, we are focusing on the following objectives: Education of the American public about the inherent human rights violations and the attempt to undermine or replace U.S. law and American statutes with Islamic shariah Publicizing of important issues related to sharia requirements such as honor killings, forced marriages, child marriage, polygamy, female genital mutilation, violence against women, etc. Alerting policy makers and legislators to potential human rights and equal rights violations and working toward the development of possible remedies and legal actions Building coalitions with like-minded organizations to develop policy initiatives and interventions for victims of shariah. IMPORTANT TERMS Shariah: an all-encompassing and in-transmutable system of Islamic jurisprudence, found in the Koran and the Sunnah, that covers all aspect of life, including daily routines, hygiene, familial roles and responsibilities, social order and conduct, directives on relationships with Muslims and non-Muslims, religious obligations, financial dealings and many other facets of living. Ird: the sexual purity of a woman that confers honor to her husband, family and community. Ird is based on the traditional standards of behavior set forth in the shariah code and includes subservience to male relatives, modest dress which could include veiling and the covering of the body, and restricted movement outside of the home. The loss of a woman's ird confers shame upon her family and can result in ostracism by the community, economic damage, political consequences and the loss of self esteem. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zina: the Koranic word for sexual relations outside of marriage. Under shariah law, Zina is punished by lashings, imprisonment or stoning to death. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FGM: female genital mutilation refers to the partial or complete removal of the female genitalia for religious and cultural reasons. It is practiced to preserve a female's chastity and dampen her sexual desire. FGM is permitted in the Koran but required by the Shafi'i, one of the four schools of shariah law within Sunni Islam. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Honor Killing: a murder, usually of a female, committed to restore the social and political standing of a family or community when it is believed that the victim has violated traditional behavioral expectations. Such violations can include improper covering of the body, appearing in public without a male relative chaperone, talking to an unrelated male, or exhibiting independence in thought and action. An honor killing can also be based on hearsay or gossip that is perceived as damaging to a woman's relatives. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Forced Marriage: a marriage that is conducted without the consent of one or both parties in which duress is a factor. Such duress can include violence or physical intimidation, psychological abuse, blackmailing, kidnapping, or threats of imprisonment or institutional confinement. ============================================================= SLAVERY IN ISLAM Islam permits the taking of slaves as "booty" or as a reward for waging jihad. Slavery became a Muslim tradition at the time that Mohammed moved to Medina and amassed sufficient power for the enslavement of non-Muslims. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slavery is an accepted part of Islamic society and is never viewed in a negative way in the Koran, Sira or Hadith. In fact, it is a God-given right for Muslims to have slaves. [6:7] Allah has given more of His gifts of material things to some rather than others. In the same manner, those who have more do not give an equal share to their slaves so that they would share equally. Would they then deny the favors of Allah. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Although Islam has sustained slavery for 1400 years, a Muslim may never be enslaved. Only non-believers or kafirs may be enslaved and may be eligible for freedom upon conversion to Islam at the discretion of the slave owner. Slavery is viewed as a moral good in Islam as it transforms a kafir into a believer. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slaves have no means for legal action in Islam and their rights are based solely on the good will of their master. If a slave flees his master, this is view as a sin against Allah. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slaves have few civil or legal rights. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The following are rules pertaining to slavery from the Shariah: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Muslim men may have sex with female slaves at any time and it is not possible to "rape" a slave. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) Slaves have the same status as animals and it is permissible to whip them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3) No Muslim can be put to death for murdering a slave. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) A slave's testimony is inadmissible in court. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5) Slaves can be forced to marry whomever their master chooses and may not choose their marriage mate. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6) Christians and Jews who do not pay the jizya or protection tax can be enslaved. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In his book, Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters, historian Robert Davis estimates that North African Muslims abducted and enslaved more than 1 million white Christian Europeans from the coastal towns from Sicily to Cornwall between 1530 and 1780. Muslim slavers also seized people from Britain, Ireland, Iceland and even American seaman on ships in the Atlantic. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In a recent case of Muslim slavery in the United States, Sarah Khonaizan and her husband Homaidan Al-Turki were arrested for forced labor, sexual abuse and harboring an alien for enslaving an Indonesian housekeeper in their home in Colorado . The couple reportedly brought the housekeeper to Colorado from Saudi Arabia to care for their five children and to cook and clean for the family. The Indonesian woman slept on the basement floor, was paid less than $2 per day and was the victim of rape. Al-Turki and his defense attorney complained that they were being persecuted for their beliefs and stated, "The state has criminalized these basic Muslim behaviors. Attacking traditional Muslim behaviors was the focal point of the prosecution." Al-Turki received letters of support from the local Muslim community and from his academic colleagues at the University of Colorado. This case continues to arouse strong feelings in Saudi Arabia where there is great sympathy and support for Al-Turki. On March 26, 2008, a high level Saudi official brought up the case in a meeting with Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff. He urged Americans to review the case and mentioned the strong support for Al-Turki in Saudi Arabia. ================================================================ Favorite Websites (FOR FUTURE VIEWING TO BE INFORMED) MGP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Answering Muslims American Islamic Forum for Democracy Art Against Radical Islam Cox & Forkum Dangers of Allah Debate it Out Honest Reporting Infidel Task Force Islam in Europe Investigative Project on Terror Jihad Watch Logan's Warning Money Jihad Muslims Against Sharia Pierre Rehov Principles of a Free Society Radarsite Shariah Finance Watch Stop Stoning The West, Islam, and Sharia Translating Jihad UN Watch Un:Dhimmi Vlad Tepes Weasel Zippers ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELIGION OF PEACE Thousands of Deadly Islamic Terror Attacks Since 9/11 IMPORTANT NOTE Click on the title of each story in order to go to the original news story. Women Against Shariah does not claim copyright on any of the stories. This site should be considered a repository of news stories relating to Islamic matters. We aim to put all relevant news on this site so our viewers can locate these important stories in one place. Thank you. ================================================================ ABOUT US Women Against Shariah The mission of Women Against Shariah is to prevent and outlaw the imposition of shariah law in the United States for both Muslim and American women as either a parallel legal system or a replacement for existing laws. Additionally, we hope to empower women worldwide to resist shariah. =============================================================== View my complete profile BLOG ARCHIVE LABELS Militant Islam (3235) Terror (2024) Jihad (1604) United States (1113) human rights abuses (1039) Oppression (978) Violence (835) Oppression of Women (812) Pakistan (782) Creeping Shariah (763) Persecution of Christians (745) Islam (704) UK (684) Shariah (683) Egypt (560) Al-Qaeda (493) Antisemitism (489) Iran (480) Women in Islam (423) Israel (402) Muslim Demands (396) Child Abuse (387) Iraq (326) Saudi Arabia (313) Afghanistan (311) Taliban (310) Censorship (307) Syria (303) Islamism (300) Arab Spring (282) Religious Fanaticism (271) Murder (269) Hamas (266) Islamic civil war (264) Honor Killing (235) Turkey (184) Christianity (167) Muslim Brotherhood (166) Protests (164) France (163) Somalians (160) India (158) Indonesia (151) Suicide Bombings (146) Muslims (141) Palestinians (139) Libya (134) Rape (132) EU (125) Nigeria (123) CAIR (122) Arab Antisemitism (113) Muhammad (113) Al Shabaab (112) Foreign Policy (110) Gaza (110) Canada (109) Homosexual Persecution (109) Mobs (109) Palestinian Authority (109) Yemen (109) War on Terror (108) Quran (103) Child Rape (101) Dhimmitude (101)


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 03:07AM  

    Abu Walaa - Social Mention
    #إعتقال عبدالرحمن سمير بـ #طنطا ؟ حد عنده معلومات زيادة؟
    Dec 6th 2013, 03:05
    7 pesan Nabi Muhammad SAW yang diwasiatkan kepada Abu Dzar Al Ghifari : 1. Cintailah dan dekatlah dengan orang-orang miskin. 2. Lihatlah orang yang berada dibawahmu dan jangan melihat orang yang berada diatasmu. 3. Sambunglah silaturrahmi kepada orang-orang meskipun mereka berlaku kasar padamu. 4. Perbanyaklah ucapan Laa haulaa walaa quwwata illaa billaah (tidak ada daya dan upaya kecuali dengan pertolongan Allah). 5. Katakanlah kebenaran meskipun pahit. 6. Jangan takut terhadap celaan orang dalam berdakwah menegakkan agama Allah. 7. Janganlah meminta-minta sesuatupun kepada manusia. Semoga sebagai umat Islam kita mampu menjalankan ke 7 wasiat tersebut agar senantiasa bersinar cahaya hati bagi sesama..Amiin..! @ aina smg
    Dec 6th 2013, 01:48
    لدي من الخيار اثنان . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . اكلت واحده و سبتلكو التانيه
    Dec 6th 2013, 01:06
    Turunnya Ayat Kursi & Keistimewaannya Ayat Kursi diturunkan pada suatu malam setelah Rasulullah SAW hijrah dari kota Makkah ke Madinah. Ayat Kursi ini diantarkan oleh beribu-ribu Malaikat. Kenapa sampai diantarkan beribu-ribu Malaikat? Karena Ayat ini adalah Ayat yang paling mulia didalam Al-Qur'an sehingga para Malaikat pun ikut mengiringi atas perintah Allah SWT. Mengingat keagungan Ayat Kursi ini, sampai-sampai Iblis dan Setanpun gempar karena menganggap Ayat ini sebagai penghalang bagi mereka dalam usahanya menggoda dan menjerumuskan manusia. Maka Rasulullah SAW segera memerintahkan Zaid bin Tsabit (juru tulis) untuk segera mencatat dan menyebarkannya seluruh ummat. Agar bisa diamalkan dalam kehidupan nyata mengingat betapa besarnya keistimewaan-ke istimewaan ayat ini. "ALLAAHU LAA ILAAHA ILLAA HUWAL HAYYUL QAYYUUMU. LAA TA'KHUDZUHU SINATUN WALAA NAUMU. LAHU MAA FIS SAMAAWAATI WAMAA FIL ARDHI. MAN DZAL LADZII YASYFA'U 'INDAHU ILLAA BI IDZNIHI. YA'LAMU MA BAINA AIDIIHIM WAMAA KHALFAHUM WALAA YUHIITHUUNA BISYAI IN MIN 'ILMIHI ILLAA BI MAASYAA'. WASI'A KURSIYYUHUS SAMAAWAATI WAL ARDHA. WALAA YA UUDUHU HIFDHUHUMAA WAHUWAL 'ALIYYUL 'ADHIIM." Artinya : "Allah, tidak ada Tuhan melainkan Dia yang Maha Kekal. Lagi terus menerus mengurus makhluk-Nya. Tidak pernah ngantuk dan tidak pernah tidur. Kepunyaan-Nya apa yang ada di langit dan di bumi. Siapakah yang dapat memberi syafa'at di sisi Allah tanpa seizin-Nya? Allah mengetahui apa-apa yang ada di depan mereka dan di belakang mereka. Dan mereka tidak mengetahui apa-apa dari ilmu Allah melainkan apa yang dikehendaki-Nya . Kursi Allah meliputi langit dan bumi, dan Allah tidak merasa berat memelihara keduanya. Dan Allah Maha Tinggi lagi Maha Besar." (Q.S. Al-Baqarah 255) Ayat Kursi adalah Ayat yang paling mulia didalam Al-Qur'an sebagaimana disebut dalam Hadits Rasulullah SAW : "Dari Ubay bin Ka'ab, bahwa Rasulullah SAW pernah bertanya kepadanya : "Ayat apakah yang paling agung di dalam Kitabullah (Al-Qur'an)?" "Allah dan Rasul-Nya lebih mengetahui." sahut Ubay bin Ka'ab. Maka Rasulullah SAW terus mengulang- ulang pertanyaan tersebut. Dan akhirnya Ubay bin Ka'ab menjawab,"Ayat Kursi." Kemudian Rasulullah SAW bersabda,"Engka u akan dilelahkan oleh ilmu wahai Abu Mundzir (sebutan Rasulullah kepada Ubay). Demi Dzat yang jiwaku ada di tangan-Nya, sesungguhnya Ayat Kursi itu mempunyai satu lidah dan dua bibir yang selalu mensucikan Al-Malik (Allah) di sisi tiang 'Arsy." (HR. Ahmad) BEBERAPA KEISTIMEWAAN AYAT KURSI Rasulullah SAW Bersabda : "Barangsiapa yang membaca Ayat Kursi menjelang tidur, maka Allah SWT akan mengirim (mengutus) Malaikat untuk menjaganya sampai pagi. Dan setan tidak akan mendekatinya (mengganggu) sampai pagi hari." (H.R. Bukhari) Dalam Hadits lain Rasulullah SAW juga Bersabda : "Barangsiapa membaca Ayat Kursi setiap selesai Shalat Wajib, maka tak ada penghalang baginya untuk masuk surga selain kematian." (HR. Thabrani – Nasa'i) SUBHANALLAH… Mari kita amalkan ayat kursi, dengan mengagungkan nama ALLAH, sucikan nama-Nya, dan mementingkan ibadah kepada ALLAH diatas segala aktivitas kita, yang senantiasa takut kepada-Nya terhadap dosa kecil maupun dosa besar. Mudah2n ALLAH senantiasa membimbing kita dalam keadaan iman dan ketakwaan kepada-Nya, dan semoga semua amal ibadah kita, diterima oleh ALLAH SWT. Aamiinn…
    Dec 6th 2013, 01:05
    #NelsonMandela "Every soul will taste death, and you will only be given your [full] compensation on the Day of Resurrection."(Quran 3:185) When a famous non Muslim dies you really get to see the Muslims who have understood and implemented walaa' wal baraa' Maybe it's just me but I can't have any love for a person who denies His Lord or associates partners with Him. The Prophet (saw) was asked what is the greatest sin? To which he (saw) replied: To associate partners with Allaah even though He created him. "It is not for the Prophet and those who have believed to ask forgiveness for the polytheists, even if they were relatives, after it has become clear to them that they are companions of Hellfire." (Quran 9:113)
    Dec 6th 2013, 00:18
    [[MENJAWAB ADZAN IN SYA' ALLAH KELAK MASUK SURGA]] بِسْــــــــــــــــــــــمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيْ Adzan adalah sebuah panggilan untuk kita supaya segera melaksanakan ibadah shalat . Apabila kita sedang mendengarkan suara adzan ,maka sebaiknya kita segera menghentikan segala aktifitas kita sambil menunggu adzan selesai . Dan kita hendaknya mengucapakan sebagaimana suara adzan tersebut kecuali pada bacaan '' Hayya alash sh alaa '' dan '' Hayya alal falaa ,maka mengucapkan : لاَ حَوْلَ وَلاَ قُوَّةَ إِلاَّ بِاللهِ '' La haula walaa quwwata illa billah " Rasulullah shallahu alaihiwasalam bersabda : " Apabila muadzin mengucapkan, "Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar," lalu salah seorang dari kalian menjawab, 'Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar', kemudian muadzin mengucapkan, 'Asyhadu Anla Ilaha Illallah,' dia menjawab,' 'Asyhadu Anla Ilaha Illallah', kemudian muadzin mengucapkan, 'Asyhadu Anna Muhammadar Rosulullah,' dia menjawab,' 'Asyhadu Anna Muhammadar Rosulullah', kemudian muadzin mengucapkan, 'Hayya Alash Sholah.' dia menjawab 'La Haula Wala Quwwata Illa Billah,' kemudian muadzin mengucapkan,'Hayya Alal Falah,' dia menjawab, 'La Haula Wala Quwwata Illa Billah,' kemudian muadzin mengucapkan,'Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar,' dia menjawab, 'Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar,' kemudian muadzin mengucapkan, 'La Ilaha Illallah,' dia menjawab ,'La Ilaha Illallah,' dan semua itu dari hatinya, niscaya dia masuk surga" (HR.Muslim) Nabi Muhammad bersabda : إِذَا سَمِعْتُمْ النِّدَاءَ فَقُولُوا مِثْلَ مَا يَقُولُ الْمُؤَذِّنُ "Apabila kalian mendengar azan, maka jawablah dengan seperti apa yang diucapkan muazzin." (HR. Al-Bukhari -Muslim) Kemudian setelah adzan selesai hendaknya kita membaca doa dibawah ini , sesuai dengan sabda Rasulullah saw yang berjanji akan memberikan syafaat kepada siapa yang sesudah adzan membaca doa yang didalamnya mengandung permohonan agar nabi Muhammad saw ditempatkan di al-Wasilah (derajat yang tertinggi di surga), sabda beliau: "Apabila kalian mendengar muadzin, maka ucapkanlah seperti yang dia ucapkan, kemudian bersholawatlah kepadaku, karena barang siapa bersholawat kepadaku satu kali niscaya Allah bersholawat kepadanya sepuluh kali. Kemudian memohonlah al-Wasilah (kedudukan tertinggi) kepada Allah untukku, karena itu adalah kedudukan di surga yang tidak layak kecuali untuk seorang hamba dari hamba-hamba Allah, dan aku berharap aku adalah hamba tersebut, barang siapa memohon al-Wasilah untukku niscaya dia (berhak) mendapatkan syafaat" (HR. Muslim 2/327) DOA SETELAH ADZAN اَللَّهُمَّ رَبَّ هَذِهِ الدَّعْوَةِ التَّامَّةِ، وَالصَّلاَةِ الْقَائِمَةِ، آتِ مُحَمَّدًا الْوَسِيْلَةَ وَالْفَضِيْلَةَ، وَابْعَثْهُ مَقَامًا مَحْمُوْدًا الَّذِيْ وَعَدْتَهُ،إِنَّكَ لاَ تُخْلِفُ الْمِيْعَادَ Allaahumma rabba haadzihid da'watid taammah, wasshalaatil qaa imah, Aati Muhammadanil wassilah .Wal fadhilata Wab'atshu maqaamam'mahmuudalladzii wa'adtah .innaka laa tukhliful mii-aad . . Artinya : Ya Allah, Tuhan Pemilik panggilan yang sempurna (adzan) ini dan shalat (wajib) yang didirikan. Berilah Al-Wasilah (derajat di Surga, yang tidak akan diberikan selain kepada Nabi dan fadhilah kepada Muhammad. Dan bangkitkan beliau sehingga bisa menempati maqam terpuji yang telah Engkau janjikan. Sesungguhnya Engkau tidak menyalahi janji WAKTU ANTARA ADZAN - IQOMAH MUSTAJAB Berdoa untuk diri sendiri /orang lain antara adzan dan iqamah sangat dianjurkan , sebab doa antara adzan dan iqamah adalah waktu dikabulkan /mustajab (HR At Tirmidzi , Abu Dawud - Ahmad ) Untuk saudaraku yang belum hafal bacaan doa setelah adzan, Yuk kita niatkan segera menghafal. Tidak panjang dan mudah dihafalkan , In sya' Allah. Semoga syafaat Rasulullah saw dan rahmat Allah SWT kelak terbuka untuk kita . Aamiin yaa Robbal'alamin
    Dec 6th 2013, 00:17
    صلوا على سيدنا محمد
    Dec 6th 2013, 00:08
    #PENTINGNYA DOA KETIKA HENDAK BEPERGIAN KELUAR RUMAH# Dari Anas bin Malik radhiyallahu 'anhu bahwa Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam bersabda, إِذَا خَرَجَ الرَّجُلُ مِنْ بَيْتِهِ فَقَالَ: "بِسْمِ اللَّهِ تَوَكَّلْتُ عَلَى اللَّهِ، لاَ حَوْلَ وَلاَ قُوَّةَ إِلاَّ بِاللَّهِ" قَالَ: « يُقَالُ حِينَئِذٍ: هُدِيتَ وَكُفِيتَ وَوُقِيتَ. فَتَتَنَحَّى لَهُ الشَّيَاطِينُ، فَيَقُولُ لَهُ شَيْطَانٌ آخَرُ: كَيْفَ لَكَ بِرَجُلٍ قَدْ هُدِىَ وَكُفِىَ وَوُقِىَ "Jika seseorang keluar dari rumahnya lalu membaca (zikir): Bismillahi tawakkaltu 'alallahi, walaa haula wala quwwata illa billah (Dengan nama Allah, aku berserah diri kepada-Nya, dan tidak ada daya dan kekuatan kecuali dengan pertolongan-Nya), maka malaikat akan berkata kepadanya: "(sungguh) kamu telah diberi petunjuk (oleh Allah Ta'ala), dicukupkan (dalam segala keperluanmu) dan dijaga (dari semua keburukan)", sehingga setan-setanpun tidak bisa mendekatinya, dan setan yang lain berkata kepada temannya: Bagaimana (mungkin) kamu bisa (mencelakakan) seorang yang telah diberi petunjuk, dicukupkan dan dijaga (oleh Allah Ta'ala)?"[ HR Abu Dawud (no. 5095), at-Tirmidzi (no. 3426) dan Ibnu Hibban (no. 822), dinyatakan shahih oleh imam at-Tirmidzi, Ibnu Hibban dan syaikh al-Albani.]
    Dec 6th 2013, 00:01
    الرجاء الدعم .. بعتذر على التاغ
    Dec 5th 2013, 23:54
    في ظل حالة الاستعصاء التي تعيشها الثورة السورية ومحاولات تشتتها حول أهداف سياسية بعيدة عن أهدافها، نعلن تشكيل تجمع صقور الأمويين الذي يضم مجموعة من الألوية والكتائب والوحدات الخاصة المتمركزة في قطاعات متعددة من دمشق وريفها، للعمل في إطار عسكري بعيداً عن التجاذبات السياسية، ومن خلال الأعمال الهجومية...
    جمعة مباركة صلو على افضل خلق الله اللهم صل على سيدينا وحبيبنا وامامنا محمد وعلى اله واصحابه وسلم
    Dec 5th 2013, 23:53
    يا جماعة وربنا ما عندي غير الاكوووونت ده اي اكونت تاني مش بتااااعي زي ده كدة نصااااااااااااااااااب واديلوا بلوك اللهم بلغت اللهم فاشهد
    Dec 5th 2013, 23:52
    ALLAH reserves the right to decide who is forgiven or not - who goes to heaven or not and I hope that Nelson Mandela is one of those people. AAMEEN. ^ Go ahead Haram Police - watcha got?! :p
    Dec 5th 2013, 23:49
    ممكن دعم لهل البنوتين Poshee Nd-elegant Ward Ward Safy
    Dec 5th 2013, 23:05
    Nelson Mandela has returned to his Creator. The Prophet (SAW) praised Mut`im b. Adi because he was a man who stood up for what was right, and helped the downtrodden Muslim community at a time when the Quraysh was guilty of the height of injustice. It is my opinion that if there was one man in our time who truly embodied that spirit of Mut`ims struggle, it was Nelson Mandela. Of the rewards that Allah gives a person in this life is respect and fame, and it is very likely that the genuine love all felt towards him was a result of his sincere efforts to help the weak and oppressed of his nation, and fight the unjust, tyrannical, inhumane and un-Islamic notion of white supremacy and Apartheid. Another benefit that we as Muslims can derive from Nelson Mandela's life is that truth shall always win in the end. For much of his life, Mandela was labelled a terrorist (even by the US and UK). Eventually, he won the Nobel prize and became his country's president. 'Terrorists' are relative, and when one is fighting for the truth, in a legitimate and Islamic manner, eventually his cause shall be victorious, even if the opposers of truth despise it. May Allah guide us all to truth, humility and sincere action. - Yasir Qadhi
    Dec 5th 2013, 22:42
    B7bik ;P
    Dec 5th 2013, 22:26
    kOn kOn jaging aur kya karing :) #xohail
    Dec 5th 2013, 22:23
    plzz All my #friends Ɲøŭr : janntnii Defonhaa 3la { BBM } ;$ pin : 7457BD01 :*
    Dec 5th 2013, 22:08
    _ بـنـِات الـ مـشِ حـِطـانـيِ كـِلـَوز تـحـطـنـيِ بـقـَي و تـمـِ و آنـآ هحطهآآ و نتأأبع بــعـض ..!! ? ;) ♥
    Dec 5th 2013, 22:06
    I think it's the end !!!


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 06 02:58AM  

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    Nelson Mandela Dies
    Dec 6th 2013, 02:29
    Nelson Mandela Dies
    Global Tawheed: Working to establish the right of Allah on earth. Follow us on: Twitter: facebook:

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